cover of episode The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam: 1. The fall

The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam: 1. The fall

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World Of Secrets

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#true crime#financial industry scandals#ambition and greed#history#personal experiences with death#death education#philosophical discussions on mortality#forensic investigation#historical political intrigue People
Jennifer Wells
Jim Richards
Kevin Waddell
Richard Behar
Roger Marjorie Banks
Suzanne Wilton
Yemi Siadigoke
@Yemi Siadigoke : 我介绍了关于60亿美元黄金骗局的首集播客,讲述了有史以来最大的金矿欺诈案。 @Suzanne Wilton : 我介绍了本集播客内容包含敏感信息,包括自杀和死亡的相关内容。我调查了Michael de Guzman的死亡事件,这个故事一直困扰着我。Michael de Guzman的死以及Bre-X公司及其百年难遇的黄金发现的疯狂历程仍然是一个谜。我讲述了人们为了致富而付出的代价,以及贪婪如何掩盖真相的故事。我要调查首席地质学家Michael de Guzman的死因。 @Jim Richards : 在印尼的采矿热潮期间,资金充裕,人们鼓励我们花更多的钱进行勘探。当时资金充裕,人们的生活方式放荡不羁。我在一家酒店看到大量妓女招揽男女顾客,这让我感到震惊。Michael de Guzman过着放荡不羁的生活,身边有很多女人。 @未知发言人 : 在1996年和1997年,Michael de Guzman拥有无限的财富,这与当时的雅加达环境非常契合。Michael de Guzman在每个地方都有很多女性朋友,他喜欢参加派对。Michael de Guzman沉迷于派对和女人,同时对下属要求严格。 @Jennifer Wells : John Felderhoff被认为具有发现金矿的直觉。“河行者”是指那些对土地有深刻了解,能够直觉地判断矿藏位置的人。我花了多年时间调查Bre-X事件。 @Roger Marjorie Banks : 在金矿河流中淘金是一种令人兴奋的体验。说服人们一个矿体值得开采需要意志力和说服力。John Felderhoff是一位知识渊博、性格谨慎的地质学家。在印尼开展采矿业务需要有印尼合作伙伴。理想的印尼合作伙伴是与苏哈托总统关系密切的人。在某些地区获得采矿许可证比其他地区更难。 @Kevin Waddell : Walsh带他的儿子来雅加达,可能是为了用儿子的信用卡支付费用。会议气氛紧张而正式。与会者都穿着正式服装。一位与苏哈托总统关系密切的商人参与了这次交易。Felderhoff指定de Guzman参与Busang项目。Felderhoff和de Guzman后来阻止了Waddell参与该项目。Busang项目的勘探结果非常乐观。 @Richard Behar : de Guzman整夜都在研究地质信息。de Guzman在梦中发现了黄金的位置。de Guzman和他的助手Cesar Puzpos都在营地。de Guzman根据自己的想法确定了钻探地点。Felderhoff告诉Walsh他们发现了一个巨大的金矿。

Deep Dive

This chapter details the mysterious death of Michael de Guzman, chief geologist of Bre-X, who fell from a helicopter in Indonesia. It explores his lavish lifestyle, his personality, and the circumstances surrounding his death, leaving the question of suicide or murder unanswered.
  • Michael de Guzman's death by falling from a helicopter.
  • His lavish and controversial lifestyle.
  • His personality: perfectionist, enigmatic, controlling.
  • The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear.

Shownotes Transcript

World of Secrets presents The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam. Bre-X geologist Michael de Guzman is the man of the hour. He’s responsible for one of the biggest gold discoveries in the world, deep in the Indonesian jungle. It’s a find that sends Bre-X stock prices soaring to stratospheric heights. So his apparent death — a dramatic fall from a helicopter flying to the gold site — sends shockwaves around the world. Did he jump? Was he pushed? But the days following his death will prove even more shocking.

Please note, this episode contains difficult subject matter, including references to suicide and death. The series has references to suicide and some graphic content.

This podcast was first published in May 2024.