cover of episode The Apartheid Killer: 1. Edward’s ghost

The Apartheid Killer: 1. Edward’s ghost

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World Of Secrets

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ayanda Chalé
Isa Jacobson
Marlene Sunis
Raymond Sunis
@Ayanda Chalé @Charlie Northcote :本播客将调查南非种族隔离时期的一系列谋杀案,其中包括Edward Soenies的死亡,凶手至今逍遥法外,我们将努力寻找真相。 @Marlene Sunis :讲述了她哥哥Edward Soenies的生平,以及他作为单亲父亲的责任感和善良的品质,以及种族隔离制度下黑人所遭受的不公正待遇和暴力。 @Raymond Sunis :讲述了他对父亲Edward Soenies的记忆,以及父亲失踪后给他带来的巨大痛苦和创伤,以及多年来对父亲下落的寻找。 @Isa Jacobson :作为一名经验丰富的调查记者,她介绍了调查Edward Soenies死亡案件的过程,以及如何克服重重困难最终找到Edward Soenies的埋葬地点,并协助家人进行了遗体挖掘。 Ayanda Chalé和Charlie Northcote:对南非种族隔离制度下社会不公和暴力的控诉,以及对受害者家属的同情和支持。 Marlene Sunis:对种族隔离制度下黑人所遭受的不公正待遇和暴力的控诉,以及对哥哥Edward Soenies的深切怀念和对凶手的谴责。 Raymond Sunis:对父亲Edward Soenies的深切怀念,以及对凶手的愤怒和谴责,以及多年来对父亲下落寻找的艰辛历程。 Isa Jacobson:对南非司法系统低效和不作为的批评,以及对真相和正义的追求。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Who was Edward and how did he die? His body is exhumed in East London, South Africa. His heartbroken family has waited decades to find out what happened to him. Edward Soenies wasn’t the only one killed in East London after dark in apartheid South Africa in the 1980s. We have spent years investigating. Hosts Ayanda Charlie and Charlie Northcott begin to unravel what happened. They hear from investigative journalist, Isa Jacobsen and Edward’s sister and son, Marlene and Raymond.

Since this episode was recorded, it has been announced that Louis van Schoor died, on 25 July 2024. There will be more about this later in the series and you will hear interviews with him in future episodes.

Please note, this season of World of Secrets includes descriptions about death and violence, including torture, which some listeners may find distressing. It also contains very strong language.

Season 3 of World of Secrets is a collaboration with the BBC World Service investigations unit, Africa Eye. Here’s a link to the BBC Africa Eye film, which we recommend you watch after listening to this podcast:\_uLLh0 If you are in the UK, you can watch on BBC iPlayer:
