cover of episode Finding Mr Fox: 3. Highway 10

Finding Mr Fox: 3. Highway 10

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警方:佛得角位于重要的毒品走私航线"10号公路"上,每天都有许多船只抵达,其中一些船只携带毒品。近年来,佛得角海滩上出现越来越多的可卡因包裹,这是一种新的走私趋势。 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室:每年至少有50吨可卡因通过西非,其中大部分经由"10号公路",约三分之一在运输途中售出。 丹尼尔:在佛得角监狱的经历极其恶劣,最初30天被单独监禁,牢房狭小,没有阳光,生活条件恶劣。对船员罗德里戈和史蒂夫的不满,他们没有受到任何惩罚,也没有提供任何帮助。坚信自己无罪,只是误会被卷入案件。 罗德里戈:被困在佛得角,害怕和担忧。在佛得角监狱的经历:条件恶劣,有蟑螂。坚信自己无罪,只是误会被卷入案件。 法官:案件存在两种截然不同的说法,需要更多时间来考虑证据。最终裁定丹尼尔、罗德里戈和其他两名水手犯有国际贩毒罪,判处每人10年监禁。 辩护律师:案件中存在"福克斯"这个关键人物未被调查,这是案件中悬而未决的问题。 巴西侦探:关注点在于拥有游艇的英国人"福克斯",而不是水手们。 警方:佛得角位于重要的毒品走私航线"10号公路"上,每天都有许多船只抵达,其中一些船只携带毒品。近年来,佛得角海滩上出现越来越多的可卡因包裹,这是一种新的走私趋势,走私者会利用潮汐和洋流,并在毒品包裹上绑上GPS追踪器以便日后寻回。 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室:每年至少有50吨可卡因通过西非,其中大部分经由"10号公路",约三分之一在运输途中售出。这不仅是毒品过境的问题,留在佛得角的毒品也对当地社会造成了严重影响,导致监狱人满为患。 丹尼尔:在佛得角监狱的经历极其恶劣,最初30天被单独监禁,只能在狭小的牢房里活动,没有阳光,生活条件恶劣。对船员罗德里戈和史蒂夫的不满,他们没有受到任何惩罚,也没有提供任何帮助。坚信自己无罪,只是误会被卷入案件,他们从未听说过"丰收号",也没有参与游艇的翻新工作,只是在船只起航前才加入船员队伍。 罗德里戈:被困在佛得角,害怕和担忧。在佛得角监狱的经历:条件恶劣,有蟑螂,食物匮乏。在狱中,他得到了母亲的支持,这成为他度过难关的精神支柱。坚信自己无罪,只是误会被卷入案件。 法官:案件存在两种截然不同的说法,需要更多时间来考虑证据。最终裁定丹尼尔、罗德里戈和其他两名水手犯有国际贩毒罪,判处每人10年监禁,认为他们的行为反映出对法律秩序的漠视,以及对公共卫生和社区团结价值观的缺乏。 辩护律师:案件中存在"福克斯"这个关键人物未被调查,这是案件中悬而未决的问题,为什么没有追究福克斯的责任? 巴西侦探:关注点在于拥有游艇的英国人"福克斯",而不是水手们。他认为应该逮捕福克斯并让他出庭受审。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Cape Verde known as a 'motorway service station' for cocaine cartels?

Cape Verde lies at one end of the shortest sailing route from Latin America to Africa, known as Highway 10, making it a strategic stop for smugglers to refuel or swap boats before continuing to Europe.

What challenges do Cape Verdean police face in patrolling their waters?

With a collection of 10 islands and extensive coastline, the police must monitor a vast area for drug trafficking, often intercepting boats with suspicious activities.

How do drug traffickers use Cape Verde's geography to their advantage?

Traffickers study tides and currents, sometimes strapping GPS trackers to drug packages to recover them later, avoiding arrest while ensuring their cargo reaches its destination.

What was the living condition like for Daniel and Rodrigo in Cape Verde's prison?

Initially in solitary confinement in small cells with no sunlight, they later shared larger cells with up to 15 people, facing harsh conditions including limited food and infestations.

Why did Rodrigo and Steve not face immediate arrest with Daniel and the French captain?

Rodrigo and Steve were not on the boat during the raid, allowing them to return to their lodgings, though they faced restrictions such as weekly police check-ins and a ban on leaving Cape Verde.

What was the outcome of the trial for Daniel and Rodrigo?

Despite their insistence of innocence, the judge found all four sailors guilty of international drug trafficking, sentencing each to 10 years in prison.

Why is the absence of the main suspect, Fox, a significant issue in the case?

Fox, the British man who owned the yacht and employed the sailors, was never called to testify or pursued by the Cape Verde justice system, leaving a critical gap in the case against the sailors.

The episode introduces Highway 10, a key route for drug traffickers from Latin America to Africa, and follows the police as they patrol the waters off Cape Verde, a strategic stop for smugglers.
  • Highway 10 is a nickname for the 10th parallel, the shortest route across the Atlantic from South America to Africa.
  • Cape Verde is a crucial stop for smugglers to refuel or swap boats before continuing to Europe.
  • Police find 200 kilos of cocaine on a suspicious sailing boat, highlighting the ongoing battle against drug trafficking.

Shownotes Transcript

The sailors are imprisoned in a country known as a “motorway service station” for cocaine cartels. Among certain police forces and crime agencies, the shortest sailing route from Latin America to Africa is known as drug traffickers’ Highway 10. Cape Verde lies at one end of it.

The West African nation is used as a handy stop off point for smugglers to refuel or swap boats ahead of their journey on to Europe. For Daniel and Rodrigo though, it was somewhere to enjoy the beaches and the surf. But they can’t do that now they’re locked up in jail.

Colin and Yemesi learn more about the wider destructive impact of drug dealing and the international narcotics market, boarding a police boat as local cops patrol the ocean.