cover of episode Finding Mr Fox: 1. The adventure of a lifetime

Finding Mr Fox: 1. The adventure of a lifetime

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World Of Secrets

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Daniel Guerra
Daniel Guerra 和 Rodrigo 为了积累航海经验,参加了一次从巴西到欧洲的跨大西洋航行。在航行开始前,他们的船被警方搜查,寻找疑似藏匿的毒品,但最终未发现任何违禁物品。Daniel 的童年经历坎坷,被遗弃后被收养,18岁时患癌,这些经历让他更加珍惜生活,并追求冒险。这次航行对 Daniel 来说,不仅是积累航海经验的机会,更是实现他成为职业水手梦想的重要一步。Rodrigo 热爱航海,从小就学习航海,这次航行对他来说也是一次重要的学习和成长机会。Rodrigo 的父母对这次航行感到担忧,因为船的状况不好,并且对船主不太了解。在与船主会面后,Rodrigo 的父亲对船主有所改观,并对儿子的航行稍感放心。航行开始后,他们先沿着巴西海岸线航行到纳塔尔港,途中遭遇风暴。到达纳塔尔港后,他们更换了船长,新船长被戏称为“灾难船长”。离开纳塔尔港后,他们遭遇了发动机故障和船长失职,险些触礁,最终由船主出手相救。尽管经历了诸多困难,Daniel 仍然坚持完成这次航行。他们更换了船长和船员,最终准备再次启航。 Rodrigo 的父母对这次航行充满了担忧,他们担心船只的状况以及船主的可靠性。在看到船只破旧不堪以及船员的不足后,他们更加焦虑。然而,在与船主会面后,船主的友善和坦诚打消了部分疑虑,但对航行的安全仍然心存担忧。他们目送船只远航,并祈祷一切顺利。 船主Fox 给人留下了友善、谦逊的印象,航海技术精湛,但同时也暴露出一些缺陷,例如缺乏经验和对船只维护的不足。他的经历和性格塑造了他独特的处事方式,但同时也为航行的安全埋下了隐患。 灾难船长在航行中的表现令人失望,他的失职和缺乏经验险些导致船只触礁,最终被船主解雇。他的行为凸显了航海经验的重要性,以及在航行中选择可靠船长的必要性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the police raid the yacht?

They suspected the yacht was carrying cocaine.

What was the outcome of the police search?

They found no drugs and apologized.

Why did Daniel and Rodrigo need to cross the Atlantic?

To gain nautical miles required for their captain's qualifications.

How did Daniel and Rodrigo feel about the British yacht owner?

They found him trustworthy, honest, and kind.

What challenges did the crew face during their initial voyage?

A storm, engine failure, and a problematic captain.

How did the British yacht owner help the crew after the engine failure?

He skillfully sailed the boat back to the marina.

Why did the crew decide to continue the voyage despite the initial problems?

They didn't want to be seen as quitters and were close to their dream.

Who did the crew eventually hire as their new captain?

A professional Frenchman named Monsieur Thomas.

The chapter details the unexpected police raid on the yacht, the extensive search for drugs, and the eventual clearing of the crew.
  • Police raid the yacht early in the morning.
  • Multiple police units, including a sniffer dog, conduct a thorough search.
  • The search lasts for over six hours.
  • Despite the extensive search, no drugs are found.

Shownotes Transcript

Two Brazilian sailors prepare for a transatlantic voyage that will change their fortunes forever in ways they can’t imagine. Daniel and Rodrigo sign up for a life changing opportunity to crew a yacht from Brazil to Europe and gain the experience they both crave. But before they even set off, police and their sniffer dog raid the boat and spend hours searching for cocaine, which they think may have been hidden on board.