The huge Amazon Alexa hit Word of the Day is now available as a podcast! Word of the Day teaches yo
Lapsus calami is a noun that refers to a slip of the pen. Our word of the day comes directly from a
Ken is a noun that refers to one’s range of knowledge. Our word of the day has its roots in the Germ
Pied is an adjective that means consisting of more than one color. Our word of the day has its origi
Ruritanian is an adjective that means filled with romantic adventure and intrigue. The 1894 novel, t
Dissilient is an adjective that means springing apart. Our word of the day combines the Latin prefix
Inspissate is a verb that means to thicken or congeal. The Latin word spissus (SPEE soos) means ‘thi
Caducous is an adjective that means easily detached and shed. The Latin word caducus (cah DOO coos)
Obtestation is a noun that refers to the act of protesting. The word obtest is a synonym of protest.
Ravelment is a noun that means confusion or entanglement. The word ravel is of middle English descen
Perambulate is a verb that means to travel around in a leisurely way. The Latin word ambulare (ohm b
Glottal is an adjective that means producing a sound from the glottis. The Greek word glottis refers
Osculate is a verb that means to kiss. The Latin word osculum (OH skew loom) means ‘little mouth’ or
Bumptious is an adjective that means self-assertive to annoying degree. It’s no coincidence that the
Selenography is a noun that refers to the mapping of the moon. In Greek mythology Selene is the godd
Banausic is an adjective that means serving utilitarian purposes only. Our word of the day comes fro
Pyrite is a noun that refers to a ‘fools’ gold’ or something that appears valuable but is worthless.
Scattergram is a noun that refers to a diagram used to compare two variables. Coming from two common
Guttle is a verb that means to eat or drink greedily or noisily. The word gut is of Old English desc
Deliquesce is a verb that means to melt away or become liquid. The Latin word liquere (luh KWARE ay)
Ultimo is an adjective that means of last month. Our word of the day comes directly from Latin, main