Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Sermons by Tim Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC and NY Times best-selling auth


Total: 201

Have you in this modern world learned how to become happy and stay happy? I hope you don’t think tha

Jesus, in Matthew 18, uses a word for conversion that means to turn completely around and face in a

Christianity was originally never understood as a set of teachings that one took on. Christianity wa

Conversion is a radical change of life. And in its early days, Christianity grew through conversions

Christianity was born into a culture that was every bit as resistant and unsympathetic to its claims

The biggest problem people have in believing in God is probably the problem of evil and suffering. 

Christianity was born into a society hostile to its claims. And the claim that was most revolting to

The culture in which Christianity was born was every bit as skeptical of the claims of Christianity

It’s a simple fact that in the Greco-Roman world, the claims of Christianity were found every bit as

When the Jewish exiles got to Babylon, they found a huge city—hostile, big, brutal—and it was filled

We’re not at home. We live in a world that doesn’t sustain or support the deepest needs of our heart

In a culture where people really don’t know who they are and what life’s about—in a fragmented cultu

In a fragmented culture like ours, identity formation is a challenge. We decide our own goals and st

We live in a fragmented culture. There’s no consensus about the big questions of what’s right and wr

Jesus Christ says not just “I was resurrected,” but “I am the resurrection.” Present tense. He comes

We’ve been looking at the life of Jesus and we come now to the risen Jesus. At the end of the gospel

The night Jesus was betrayed has a theme: darkness, night. Right in the middle of the passage, Jesus

One of the great questions of history is, “Why in the world did the early Christians adopt the cross

The last week of Jesus’ life addresses not just our minds or our wills, but our hearts. We are to se

If you ask the question, “Why should a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ be passionately involv