Timothy Keller
Timothy Keller 在这段讲道中探讨了人们对上帝存在的质疑,特别是关于邪恶和苦难的问题。他以使徒行传中保罗遭遇风暴的经历为例证,指出当时盛行的斯多葛学派和伊壁鸠鲁学派对苦难的解释都存在局限性。他认为,上帝的掌控与人类的选择并非相互排斥,而是存在着一种复杂的、悖论式的关系。他引用 Mark Sluka 的文章《血迹斑斑的铁轨》来阐述人们因无意义的苦难而对上帝产生质疑的普遍心态,并指出这种质疑源于人们对苦难的理解过于片面,而忽略了自身认知的局限性。Keller 进一步指出,面对苦难,人们需要的不是答案,而是与他们同在的爱与陪伴。他强调,唯有基督教宣称上帝与人同在,并通过耶稣基督的受难与牺牲证明了这一点。耶稣的受难并非对苦难的回避或简单接受,而是对苦难的彻底拥抱和转化。他借用 Marilyn McCord Adams 的观点,指出救赎不仅会消除苦难,还会将苦难纳入其中,使其转化为更大的喜乐。最终,Keller 总结道,面对邪恶和苦难,人们拥有的并非答案,而是耶稣基督及其救赎的福音,这才是真正的转化力量。 在整段讲道中,Keller 结合圣经故事、哲学观点和个人经历,层层递进地阐述了其观点。他强调,理解上帝与苦难的关系需要超越简单的二元对立思维,认识到其内在的复杂性和悖论性。他鼓励人们在面对苦难时,要寻求上帝的同在,并相信上帝的爱与救赎能够转化一切苦难,带来真正的平安与喜乐。他以自身牧师生涯的经历为例,说明人们在面对苦难时,更需要的是来自信仰的慰藉和支持,而不是抽象的理论解释。

Deep Dive

Tim Keller discusses how to engage with a society that is fragmented and skeptical of Christianity, emphasizing the need for courage and hope from the gospel.

Shownotes Transcript

The biggest problem people have in believing in God is probably the problem of evil and suffering. 

In the Greek imagination, the voyage was a metaphor for your life’s journey, and a storm was a metaphor for the evil and suffering and tragedies that come upon us. In this passage in Acts, Luke is in a boat, and he includes this account to teach us about the problems of evil and suffering.

Let’s take a look at what he teaches under three headings: 1) the paradox of the storm, 2) the product of the storm, and 3) the presence in the storm.

This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on November 2, 2003. Series: The Necessity of Belief. Scripture: Acts 27:15-32.

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