cover of episode A Few of Our Favorite (Wirecutter) Things

A Few of Our Favorite (Wirecutter) Things

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The Wirecutter Show

Alex Aciman
Annemarie Conte
Brent Butterworth
Christine Cyr-Clessette
Claire Wilcox
Dorie Chevlen
Elissa Sanci
Ingela Amundson
Jackie Reeve
Jon Chase
Julia Bush
Kathleen Squires
Katie Okamoto
Kyra Blackwell
共同主持《The Wirecutter Show》,提供日常产品的专家建议。
Lauren Dragan
Liam McCabe
Mel Plaut
Rosie Guerin
Zoe Vanderweide
Mel Plaut: Vornado空间加热器不仅温暖舒适,更重要的是化解了我和妻子关于室内温度的争吵,成为了维持家庭和谐的利器。它小巧便携,方便移动到任何需要取暖的地方,让每个人都能拥有舒适的温度,避免了不必要的争执。 这台加热器不仅实用,更像是一件能带来温暖和舒适的礼物,它改善了我们的家庭生活,让我们的生活更加和谐。 Ingela Amundson: Sterilite叠层洗衣篮虽然外观普通,但其强大的收纳功能彻底改变了我的洗衣系统。它巧妙地利用垂直空间,将原本散落在各处的衣物有序地收纳起来,使整个洗衣区域看起来更加整洁美观。 这种叠层设计不仅节省空间,更重要的是提升了效率,方便我们进行衣物的分类和整理,让洗衣过程更加轻松便捷。 Annemarie Conte: 我为丈夫购买的Garmin Forerunner 165手表,功能强大,非常适合跑步爱好者。它能够精准监测心率、速度和路线,并记录相关数据,帮助他更好地进行训练和提升跑步水平。 这款手表不仅实用,更是一份充满爱意的礼物,它不仅满足了丈夫的实际需求,更表达了我对他的关心和支持。 Jackie Reeve: 为女儿购买的Donner DUC-1演奏尤克里里琴,成功激发了她的音乐兴趣,让她重新拾起对音乐的热爱。这不仅让她在课余时间有了新的爱好,更让她在音乐的道路上不断进步。 这件礼物不仅让女儿开心,也让我看到了她对音乐的热情和天赋,这让我感到非常欣慰。 Brent Butterworth: JBL Go 4蓝牙音箱音质出众,防水防尘,非常适合旅行使用。它小巧便携,音质却丝毫不逊色于大型音箱,无论是在家中还是外出旅行,都能带来高品质的音乐享受。 这款音箱不仅音质好,而且经久耐用,防水防尘的设计也让它更加实用,是一款值得推荐的旅行伴侣。 Katie Okamoto: HAY Matin台灯设计简约时尚,灯光柔和温暖,为我的小公寓增添了一份温馨舒适的氛围。它不仅实用,更提升了我的生活品质,让我在忙碌的生活中也能感受到一份宁静与美好。 这款台灯不仅外观精美,而且实用性强,它为我的生活增添了一抹亮色,让我更加热爱我的小家。 Zoe Vanderweide: Harper Wilde Bliss三角文胸舒适透气,支撑性好,是我日常穿着的首选。它柔软亲肤,没有钢圈和填充物,穿着舒适无负担,而且支撑性也很好,能够满足日常穿着的需求。 这款文胸不仅舒适,而且款式时尚,它是我衣橱里的必备单品,让我在日常生活中也能感受到舒适与自信。 Liam McCabe: Gordon 20合一多功能工具小巧实用,价格合理,成为我日常生活中不可或缺的工具。它包含多种功能,能够满足日常生活中各种小工具的需求,而且价格也十分亲民。 这款多功能工具不仅实用,而且方便携带,它让我在日常生活中更加从容应对各种突发状况。 Elissa Sanci: Trtl旅行枕头虽然外观奇特,但却能有效改善飞机上的睡眠质量,让我在长途飞行中也能得到充分的休息。它独特的造型能够有效支撑颈部,缓解旅途疲劳,让我在旅途中也能保持舒适和放松。 这款旅行枕头虽然外观独特,但却实用性强,它让我在旅途中能够更好地休息,提升了我的旅行体验。 Alex Aciman: Comfort Colors 1717成人加重T恤面料柔软舒适,性价比高,成为我的衣橱新宠。它采用100%纯棉面料,柔软舒适,穿着体验极佳,而且价格也十分亲民。 这款T恤不仅舒适耐穿,而且款式百搭,它成为我衣橱里的必备单品,让我在日常生活中也能感受到舒适与时尚。 Kathleen Squires: 《纽约时报》高级定制生日纪念册是一份独具匠心的礼物,能够为寿星带来惊喜和感动。它不仅是一份礼物,更是一份珍贵的回忆,能够让寿星在未来的日子里重温美好的时光。 这份礼物不仅独特,而且充满心意,它让我在送礼时不再感到苦恼,也让收礼的人感到惊喜和感动。 Julia Bush: Adizero Adios Pro 3超级跑鞋提升了我的跑步速度和体验,让我对跑步这项运动更加热爱。它轻便舒适,能够有效提升跑步效率,让我在跑步过程中更加轻松自如。 这款跑鞋不仅提升了我的跑步速度,更重要的是提升了我的跑步体验,让我对跑步这项运动更加热爱。 Claire Wilcox: Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+防晒霜防水效果好,适合水上运动,有效保护我的皮肤免受紫外线的伤害。它质地轻薄,使用方便,而且防水效果也很好,能够有效保护我的皮肤免受紫外线的伤害。 这款防晒霜不仅防水效果好,而且使用方便,它成为我水上运动的必备品,有效保护我的皮肤健康。 Jon Chase: Channel Master FLATenna电视天线能够轻松接收免费的无线电视信号,解决了我在纽约市收看电视的难题。它安装方便,使用简单,能够轻松接收各种电视信号,让我在无需付费的情况下就能收看各种电视节目。 这款电视天线不仅实用,而且价格合理,它解决了我的实际问题,让我在日常生活中更加方便地收看电视节目。 Lauren Dragan: WhiteBark工作服全交叉后背围裙舒适耐用,方便实用,成为我烘焙时的得力助手。它采用透气面料,穿着舒适,而且有多个口袋,方便收纳各种工具和物品。 这款围裙不仅实用,而且美观大方,它成为我烘焙时的必备品,让我在烘焙过程中更加轻松自如。 Dorie Chevlen: Cuisinart圆形翻转比利时华夫饼机制作的华夫饼美味可口,让我在家就能轻松享用美味早餐。它操作简单,制作方便,能够制作出美味可口的华夫饼,让我在忙碌的早晨也能享受到美味的早餐。 这款华夫饼机不仅制作方便,而且清洁也十分简单,它成为我厨房里的新宠,让我在家就能轻松享用美味早餐。 Christine Cyr-Clessette: Technivorm Moccamaster咖啡机制作的咖啡口感极佳,如同精心制作的手冲咖啡,满足了全家人的咖啡需求。它操作简单,制作效率高,能够制作出美味的咖啡,满足了全家人的咖啡需求。 这款咖啡机不仅制作咖啡口感好,而且使用方便,它成为我们家庭生活中不可或缺的一部分,让我们的早晨更加美好。 Kyra Blackwell: Lilysilk 25 Momme牛津信封奢华枕套柔软舒适,能够有效保护头发,减少毛躁,提升睡眠质量。它柔软亲肤,能够有效减少头发摩擦,让我的头发在睡眠中得到充分的保护。 这款枕套不仅舒适,而且能够有效保护头发,它成为我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,让我在睡眠中更加舒适和放松。 Rosie Guerin: ViscoSoft 3英寸记忆海绵床垫垫提升了沙发床的舒适度,让我在客卧也能拥有舒适的睡眠体验。它柔软舒适,能够有效缓解身体压力,让我在睡眠中更加放松和舒适。 这款床垫垫不仅舒适,而且实用性强,它让我在客卧也能拥有舒适的睡眠体验,提升了我的生活品质。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Mel Plaut recommend the Vornado AVH10 space heater?

Mel Plaut recommended the Vornado AVH10 space heater because it has been a lifesaver during cold weather and even helped reduce arguments with her wife about house temperature preferences. Her wife loves it so much that she carries it around the house, making it a marriage saver.

What makes the Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket a game-changer for Ingela Amundson?

The Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket transformed Ingela Amundson's laundry system by allowing her to use vertical space efficiently. It replaced a messy system of IKEA plastic bags, making laundry storage tidier and more organized.

Why did Annemarie Conte choose the Garmin Forerunner 165 watch for her husband?

Annemarie Conte chose the Garmin Forerunner 165 watch for her husband because he is an ultra-marathoner and needed a reliable replacement for his old watch. It offers features like heart rate monitoring, speed tracking, and route mapping, making it perfect for runners.

How did the Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele impact Jackie Reeve’s daughter?

The Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele reignited Jackie Reeve’s daughter’s love for music. After joining an afterschool ukulele club, her daughter became so enthusiastic that she returned to private guitar lessons, combining both instruments.

What makes the JBL Go 4 Bluetooth speaker stand out for Brent Butterworth?

Brent Butterworth loves the JBL Go 4 Bluetooth speaker for its excellent sound quality, portability, and durability. It’s IPX7 rated, making it waterproof and dustproof, and he even uses it in the shower daily. It impressed audiophiles at a luncheon, despite its small size.

Why does Katie Okamoto love the HAY Matin Table Lamp?

Katie Okamoto loves the HAY Matin Table Lamp for its minimalist yet warm design, featuring a folded paper lampshade and slender brass base. It transformed her small apartment, making the space feel more personal and inviting.

What makes the Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette Zoe Vanderweide’s favorite?

Zoe Vanderweide loves the Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette for its comfort, support, and design. It’s a smooth, stretchy pullover style with adjustable straps, a snug band, and a triangle cut that prevents uniboob. It’s the only bra she wears when not testing others.

Why did Liam McCabe become a fan of the Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool?

Liam McCabe became a fan of the Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool because it’s affordable ($40) and practical. It fits in his coin pocket and provides quick access to tools he uses daily, making it a worthwhile investment compared to more expensive options.

How did the Trtl Pillow improve Elissa Sanci’s travel experience?

The Trtl Pillow allowed Elissa Sanci to sleep comfortably on flights for the first time. Despite its silly appearance, the fleece scarf with a plastic insert supports her neck, enabling her to sleep for hours during long flights.

What makes the Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee Alex Aciman’s favorite?

Alex Aciman loves the Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee for its thick, garment-dyed cotton, relaxed yet flattering fit, and vintage feel. At $10, it’s an affordable and high-quality option that he now owns in multiple colors.

Why did Kathleen Squires choose the New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book as a gift?

Kathleen Squires chose the New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book as a unique and personalized gift for a friend’s milestone birthday. It features front pages from the New York Times for every year of the recipient’s life, making it a thoughtful and memorable present.

How did the Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes improve Julia Bush’s running?

The Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes shaved almost 45 seconds off Julia Bush’s mile time, making her feel faster and more excited about running. The carbon plate and stacked sole provided a bouncy, comfortable experience, even for a casual runner.

Why does Claire Wilcox recommend the Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+?

Claire Wilcox recommends the Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+ for its effectiveness in water and sun exposure. It’s a physical sunscreen with zinc and titanium dioxide, doesn’t leave a white cast, and is made in Australia, meeting her dermatologist’s recommendation.

What makes the Channel Master FLATenna Jon Chase’s favorite pick?

Jon Chase loves the Channel Master FLATenna because it allows him to watch over-the-air TV channels in New York City without a cable subscription. It’s a simple, low-tech solution for accessing free broadcasts like the Super Bowl and World Series.

Why does Lauren Dragan love the WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron?

Lauren Dragan loves the WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron for its soft, breathable material and multiple pockets. It’s comfortable to wear during baking and reminds her of family celebrations, making it a sentimental and practical addition to her kitchen.

Why did Dorie Chevlen recommend the Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker?

Dorie Chevlen recommended the Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker because it’s perfect for making delicious waffles, even for someone living alone. She emphasized that you don’t need to wait for a specific life stage to enjoy a waffle maker, as it’s a versatile and delightful appliance.

Why does Christine Cyr-Clessette love the Technivorm Moccamaster KBT coffee maker?

Christine Cyr-Clessette loves the Technivorm Moccamaster KBT coffee maker because it makes coffee as good as a pour-over but is much more convenient. It’s a family favorite, especially since her kids started drinking coffee, making mornings easier and more enjoyable.

What makes the Lilysilk 25 Momme Oxford Envelope Luxury Pillowcase Kyra Blackwell’s favorite?

Kyra Blackwell loves the Lilysilk 25 Momme Oxford Envelope Luxury Pillowcase for its thick, sleek silk that protects her curly hair while she sleeps. It prevents frizz and breakage, making it a must-have for her, even when traveling.

Why does Rosie Guerin recommend the ViscoSoft 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper?

Rosie Guerin recommends the ViscoSoft 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper for its ability to transform a pullout couch into a comfortable, luxurious sleeping surface. It provided her with a great night’s sleep in her parents’ new guest room.

Wirecutter staffers share their favorite Wirecutter-recommended products of 2024 that improved their lives, ranging from small appliances to clothing and travel accessories. Each staffer describes their product and why it made a difference for them.
  • Vornado AVH10 space heater
  • Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket
  • Garmin Forerunner 165 watch
  • Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele
  • JBL Go 4 Bluetooth Speaker
  • HAY Matin Table Lamp
  • Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette
  • Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool
  • Trtl Pillow
  • Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee
  • The New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book
  • Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes
  • Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+
  • Channel Master FLATenna
  • WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron
  • Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker WAF-F30

Shownotes Transcript


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From The New York Times, you're listening to The Wirecutter Show. Hey, everyone. It's The Wirecutter Show. I'm Kyra Blackwell. I'm Christine Cyr-Clessette. And I'm Rosie Garan. And we work at Wirecutter, the product recommendation site from The New York Times. Each week, we bring you expert advice from our newsroom of 140 journalists who review everyday products that will make your life better. This episode of The Wirecutter Show is called A Few of Our Favorite Wirecutter Things.

Kyra, Christine, this is our last episode of 2024. Can you believe it? We made it. Let's go. Let's go.

For me, the holidays are a time when things actually slow down a tiny, tiny, tiny bit. I get a little contemplative. I get a little reflective. I'm only human. Might you be like writing your goals for the next year? Dear diary. Or like contemplating what you accomplished this year? I feel like we have a lot to be grateful for. We've hit how many episodes? 20. This is 20. Wow. That's wild. 20. Yeah. It's so fun to work on the show with you. And it's really nice to be able to

talk to our incredibly smart and talented, incredibly talented, hardworking coworkers in the Wirecutter newsroom every week. And

You guys are okay. Well, thank you. Thanks. Thanks. I kid. I'm very, very grateful. It's been fun. It's been super fun. It has. And so in the spirit of reflecting, today we're going to do something a little bit different than we usually do. Drum roll. What is it? What is it? Yes, tell us. Well, you know, we're all about discovering ways we can try and make people's lives a little bit better, right? That's Wirecutter's mission.

Whether it's through tips like using, you know, laundry detergent to pre-treat your stains on your clothes. Shout out to episode one. Or, you know, through just hacks, tricks from all of these experts at Wirecutter we are fortunate to tap into every week. And outside of Wirecutter, like Sam Sifton telling us that you actually shouldn't be making appetizers for Thanksgiving. That's right. Still very controversial. I didn't take that piece of advice, but I appreciate it.

Well, sometimes here at Wirecutter, it may not surprise you to learn that we discover products that really, truly do make our lives better. And so I thought it would be fun to reach out to our colleagues in the newsroom and ask them what Wirecutter pick they discovered this year, or maybe finally took the plunge on buying, that really, truly improved their lives.

Ooh, I love that. I always love to hear what our coworkers are loving because they have a pretty high bar. They do. And I think they have like a very good sense of when something is like really good and really worth the money. So I like to know what they actually will spend their hard-earned dollars on. A discerning crew of people. That's right. Yeah. Yeah.

So in a second, we're going to hear their stories. We're going to hear from them directly. And then later, of course, we'll all share ours. Christine, Kyra, I know you've got something, at least one thing you tried out this year that upgraded your lives. Oh, yes. I definitely have one or two. Me too. This is going to be super fun. We'll be right back.

This podcast is brought to you by Apple Pay. During the holidays, I'm a big online shopper thanks to Apple Pay. And that's because I don't have to waste time typing all my info into those long checkout forms. Plus, Apple Pay is made to be secure thanks to the built-in technology of Face ID, which is designed so that only I can authorize payments. This season, do what I do and pay the Apple way. Apple Pay is a service provided by Apple Payment Services LLC, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. Any card used in Apple Pay is offered by the card issuer.

New York Times cooking is great for when I have something in my refrigerator and I don't know what to do with it. I love sheet pan bibimbap. It said 35 minutes. It was 35 minutes. A weeknight dinner for us. I love the chicken coconut curry. It's a really easy meal. It's super versatile. I can make it a fully vegetarian dish. This turkey chili has over 17,000 five-star ratings. So easy, so delicious. It's a really good meal.

Doing everything in one pot, even like a green with the chicken, with the vegetable, helps the flavors, makes the cleanup easier because it's only one pot. The cucumber salad with soy, ginger, and garlic. Oh my God, that is just to die for. If I want to go easy, I can find something easy. If I want to go a little more complex, I can go there as well. The instructions are so clear, so simple, and it just works. Recipes from New York Times cooking are more reliable and more delicious, really. Hey.

Hey, it's Eric Kim from New York Times Cooking. Come cook with us. Go to The best pizza dough on earth. Welcome back to The Wirecutter Show. Today we're doing something special featuring some of our colleagues from The Wirecutter newsroom.

We have staffers who have covered everything from refrigerators to bug spray, from drinking glasses to Wi-Fi routers, all the really exciting stuff, you know. And when you work here, you can't help but turn to your fellow colleagues for information

recommendations on what to buy. Yeah, absolutely. They really hate to see me coming in the Slack messages because I always ask about the most obscure things. Now we're actually going to hear some messages from our staff about what Wirecutter recommended item they purchased this year that really did improve their lives. Like always, we'll link the items in our show notes. So let's get to it. ♪

Hello, this is Mel Plout, a staff writer, a wire cutter. I cover pets and I am calling you from icy cold Lincoln, Nebraska, where it is currently 12 degrees. So my favorite product of the year is a small portable space heater, the Vornado runner-up pick. This little thing is

has been a lifesaver, especially over the past few weeks, but it's also been a little bit of a marriage saver because as much as I like it, my wife likes it even more and carries this little thing around like Linus with his blanket. It's going upstairs and downstairs and wherever she is, which has reduced the amount of

arguments we've had about the house heat because I like it up, she likes it down, everybody wants to save money. And so in fact, I'm cold downstairs while she's warm upstairs with her mini heater. She did say that this is quite possibly the best Christmas present I could have ever gotten her, even though it wasn't a Christmas present. So I have some work to do. All right. See you guys later. Bye-bye.

I'm Angela Amundsen, the supervising editor of style at Wirecutter. And the Wirecutter pick that most transformed my life slash year is the Sterilite laundry baskets in white. They are, I'm not gonna lie, not the cutest things in my house by a long shot. They are fantastic.

As the name implies, laundry baskets that can be stacked one on top of another. They sort of nest on the handle of the one beneath it. Previously, we had a horrible laundry system where we were just using IKEA plastic bags to hold our laundry that was in various states of being processed. And they were kind of sprawling all over the place.

So the Sterilites allow us to use vertical space instead. So it looks a lot tidier while we're like, you know, transferring laundry from the dryer or waiting to have it folded and delivered to the various rooms. So if you are looking for a new system to kind of help you wrangle, then I highly recommend you give these a shot.

Hi, I'm Anne-Marie Conti and I'm a deputy editor at Wirecutter. And my absolute favorite pick that I bought this year was a Garmin Forerunner watch from

And it was for my husband. It wasn't even for me. He is a runner and an ultra-marathoner, and his watch completely bit the dust right before Black Friday. So it was so nice to be able to buy him a gift that I knew that he would use and I knew that he would love and that he really needed, and I got it on sale, which was just fantastic. And this watch is really great for runners because it does heart rate monitoring. It talks about their speed. It helps them map their routes and all the little things that their runner heart desires.

It just accumulates that data for them to figure out and work on improving or whatever it is that runners do. So I'm completely thrilled that I was able to get this for him and that it's just a gift that he's really going to appreciate and think about me hopefully every day as he wears it.

Hi, happy holidays. This is Jackie Reeve, and I'm a senior staff writer at Wirecutter. I cover bedding and home linens like towels. The best pick that I bought this year was our runner-up ukulele pick, the Donner Concert Ukulele for my tween daughter. She took up the guitar a few years ago. My father-in-law is a guitar player, and he bought her a beautiful one.

And she played for about a year, but then kind of wandered away from it until her school started in

ukulele club after school. And so we had to get her a ukulele. So we bought the dark green version of the Donner ukulele pick, which Brent Butterworth, who wrote that guide, told me is fine. So she loved the afterschool ukulele club. And she is now back in private guitar lessons with a teacher who teaches guitar and ukulele. So that purchase helped spark her love of music again and has gotten her really excited. And it's been amazing to see. Thanks, Brent. Thanks,

Thanks, Wirecutter. Love you guys. Hi, I'm Brent Butterworth. I'm senior staff writer at Wirecutter covering audio products.

And the product that I bought this year that was a Wirecutter pick that I most loved is actually one of my own picks. It's the JBL Go4 Bluetooth speaker. And I bought one because the original sample had to go off for photography and I was going off on a trip and I really wanted a good travel speaker. And this is the one. Usually these little speakers for travel are really kind of bad sounding and not that much worth taking with you.

But this one sounds really satisfying. I use it at home all the time, even though I have bigger and better speakers I could use. It's IPX7 rated, which means it's waterproof and dustproof. So you can take it to the beach. You can leave it outside. You can take it in the shower, which I do almost every day. And it's just a really neat product. And I'm loving it. I actually even had it at a luncheon with a bunch of audiophiles who review things like $20,000 turntables. And they were all pretty blown away. So it must sound pretty good. ♪

Hi, I'm Katie Okamoto and I am the sustainability editor at Wirecutter.

This year, I bought myself a lamp from Hay, which is the Matan table lamp that we review in our favorite bedside lamp guide. When I moved into my small apartment a couple years ago, I was thinking, I'm not going to invest in the lighting. I'm only going to be here for a minute. But you know what? I'm still here.

And so I found this lamp. It's so beautiful. It's got like a minimalist kind of design, but it also feels warm. It has this really nicely shaped folded paper lampshade. I have mine in this gorgeous shade of like a burgundy red. What I really like about it also is that the base is just really...

slender brass pieces. And so you can kind of put stuff underneath the lamp and it's just kind of this hovering shade that evokes like a sun parasol or something like that. I'm in love. I think it really makes my space feel like mine. And I am really thankful that I could do that for myself. Thank you and have a great new year. Bye.

Hey, I'm Zoe and I'm a senior staff writer covering style and accessories at Wirecutter. This year I bought yet another of what is certainly my favorite Wirecutter pick, and I might be a little bit biased since I picked it, but it's the Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette from our Guide to the Best Bras. I love this bralette so much that I wrote a whole article just about why I think it's so great.

The TLDR is I am very picky about my bras. I don't like underwires. I don't like padding. I don't like anything itchy. I can't deal with lumps, bumps, bulges. I need enough support to make it up and down the stairs with like a modicum of dignity. And I'm not here for the uniboo.

For me, this bra is the answer to all of that and more. It's a smooth, stretchy pullover style that's ultra comfy and perfect for lounging. But it's a great everyday style too. The band is snug and it's wide enough to provide some good support. It's got adjustable straps. It has a cute triangle cut which keeps my boobs nice and separated and it can hide out under lower necklines.

And it's literally the only bra I wear when I'm not actively testing other bras. Obviously, bras are really individual. No bra is going to be the perfect fit for everyone. But for me, it's been a game changer. And it comes in cute colors. Bye. Hey, I'm Liam. I'm a writer at Wirecutter. And I want to talk about the Gordon Multi-Tool, which is one of those folding pocket knife...

pliers, screwdriver, tiny scissors, things that you fold up and carry around. I've never been in the habit of carrying a multi-tool like this, just never seemed necessary. I already have all the regular tools. The prices always seemed a little high and the culture around them could be kind of dorky in a way that didn't really resonate with me.

But my friend and coworker, Doug, who writes our guide to multi-tools at Wirecutter, he said, hey, Harbor Freight, it's a discount tool store, came out with a really blatant clone of a popular Leatherman tool that's been kind of the standard bearer since the 90s. It's really cheap and it's actually really good. Maybe you could get a good piece out of comparing these two.

So he sent me both of them to try out for a few weeks to write this story, and now I actually think I get it. I can just keep this tool in that dumb coin pocket all my pants still have. I don't notice it. Anytime I run into a little situation where I need to dig around for a tool, which is at least once a day at this point in my life, I just don't have to. There's a good enough version of that tool in my pocket all the time.

Is that worth $120, which is what the Leatherman version usually costs? No, not for me. I'm not going to use it hard enough to feel like that's justified. But $40 for the Gordon, yeah, that'll take. That feels worth it to me. And because the Gordon actually feels like a deal, I'm

All those extra tools now feel kind of fun and delightful instead of indulgent, even if I'm only going to use them like once a year. So I guess I'm a multi-tool guy now. Hi, I'm Elisa. I'm a senior staff writer for Wirecutter.

This year, I bought a very silly looking travel pillow called the Turtle. I travel a lot. My friends and family are mostly all on the East Coast and being out in Denver, I'm on a plane all the time going to visit them. And sometimes the cheapest flight is the one that leaves at three in the morning. And so I'm sleepy and I've never been able to really comfortably sleep on airplanes before. So I bought this travel pillow.

And it took me a long time to actually use it because I was just too embarrassed. It's essentially like this fleece scarf that has a plastic insert and the plastic insert sits against the side of your neck so that way you can lean your head on it as a pedestal.

And it looks really, really silly. But the first time I used it, I slept for like three straight hours, which unheard of for me on an airplane. So I don't care anymore. And I do get looks sometimes because again, it's a very silly looking pillow, but it works. And honestly, my comfort and actually getting some shut eye before getting to my destination is worth the crazy stairs.

Hi, this is Alex Asman, lead editor on Wirecutter's Discovery team. I'm a longtime textile nerd and clothes horse, and I'm super picky about the garments I buy. So I had really low expectations when I bought a t-shirt at the last minute while visiting my grandparents in Wisconsin. But the shirt in question is the Comfort Color 1717, and it immediately became a new favorite.

These 100% cotton shirts are really thick and beefy, so they drape well, and they have a little bit of weight to them, which makes them feel just slightly high-end. And they're made of a really nice ring-spun cotton that's comfortable against your skin all day. The fit is relaxed, but it's not boxy. It's a very flattering fit with drop shoulder seams.

It lets you move freely, but you still look sharp. I think what I like most is that they're garment dyed, which is a way of dyeing the garment after it's been sewn together. And this gives them an incredibly soft, washed out, vintage t-shirt-like feel. And they're only $10. I usually dress like a cartoon character. So, of course, now I've got a whole drawer full of them.

And I love opening my dresser and seeing a row of identical t-shirts. And I love that if they ever wear out or get stained, a replacement is literally just a click away. I'm Kathleen Squires, and I'm a staff writer on the kitchen team at Wirecutter in New York City. I never know what to get people for special birthdays. So as a food writer, a really nice bottle of champagne is my usual go-to.

But last month, when a friend celebrated Milestone's birthday, she invited me on a trip for the occasion. So I wanted to gift her something especially thoughtful and personal. I broke out of my gift and comfort zone, and I purchased the New York Times Premium Custom Birthday Book. It's a beautifully bound collection of front pages from the New York Times for every year of the birthdays in her entire life.

She's truly the woman who has everything. So to see her delight at such a unique and personalized gift really brought me joy. And now I know exactly what to give for anyone's big birthday. Big shout out and thank you to my gifting colleagues at Wirecutter for taking the stress out of milestone birthday gift decision making for me, at least for a while.

Hi, it's Julia Bush. I run the social and community team at Wirecutter. The Wirecutter product that changed my life this year was a pair of super shoes. They're these running shoes with a carbon plate in the bottom, so you run all bouncy. And they have this super stacked sole, so they're like squishy under your feet. I am a super, super slow runner, but I agreed to test them. I think I was probably the slowest, most casual runner in the testing group.

I didn't think I would see very much difference in my running speed, but they ended up shaving almost 45 seconds off my mile time, which could be entirely placebo effect. But even then, running sub nine minute miles for the first time in years made me so much more excited to go running. And it was so fun to feel like I was flying around Prospect Park in my little tank sneakers. I loved them so much and I'm so excited to run in them next year too. Okay, that's it. Thanks, bye!

Hi, I'm Claire Wilcox. I'm a travel and outdoors writer here at Wirecutter. And one of my favorite Wirecutter recommendations I've bought this year is the Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50. I live on Oahu and I spend a lot of time in the water, surfing, swimming, just exposed to sun for sometimes two up to three hours. And I've really struggled to find a sunscreen that lasts in the water.

And my skin has definitely taken a bit of a beating since I moved here about five years ago. So the last time I went to my dermatologist, she recommended that I find a physical sunscreen, which I had already been using. Physical sunscreens are sunscreens that use minerals like zinc and titanium dioxide instead of chemicals to protect your skin. But she also recommended that I find one that was made in Australia.

specifically. So I looked on Wirecutter and lo and behold, the top pick was an Australian made physical sunscreen. So I had to try it. I've been using it for about four months now, and it's been working really well for me in terms of performance. It goes on really easily. It doesn't smell. It doesn't get into my eyes. It also doesn't leave too much of a white cast. So I don't look like a ghost in the lineup, which I appreciate.

In terms of performance, it's definitely one of the best sunscreens that I have tried. Thank you so much. Hey there, this is John Chase. I am the editor for the Smart Home section. My favorite Wirecutter pick this year is the least high-tech thing I can think of. It's the Channel Master Flatenna, which is a TV antenna.

that enables your TV to pull in over-the-air wireless signals like old-timey television. I live in New York City, and it's impossible, bizarrely, to get anything on your TV. And I don't have cable, and so in order to see, I don't know, things like the Super Bowl or...

Oscars, the World Series, all these things. It was impossible trying to do it using a set-top box or having to subscribe to things. When this stuff is broadcast for free, anyway, I plugged it in, went to the settings menu, I was able to tune the channels. It ran for, I don't know, a minute or two. And next thing you know, I'm watching the Yankees lose the World Series. So thanks, Channel Master.

Hi, I'm Lauren Dragon, senior staff writer covering headphones and hearing aids at Wirecutter. And this year, I wanted to treat myself to a nice apron. I do a lot of baking, especially around the holidays. So I wanted to get something that was breathable because I live in Los Angeles, so it can get kind of hot in the kitchen, but I still want to keep flour off of me, you know?

So I got the white bark workwear full crossback apron. And that thing is so soft. I just I love it. It feels like it sort of melts into your body when you put it on, which I know sounds weird to say. I love that has a lot of little pockets. So there's like a place for a Sharpie and my phone and, you know, whatever it is I might need to carry around with me.

All in all, I just love wearing it and I love that it's going to be part of all of these memories going forward. And I know it sounds silly, but it hangs in the corner of my kitchen and every time I see it, I smile because it just sort of reminds me of all the family celebrations. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Bye. Hi, I'm Dori Shevlin. I'm a staff writer here at Wirecutter based in Los Angeles.

And earlier this year, I bought our Wirecutter Recommended Best Waffle Maker, the Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker, WAF 530. And I am just sorry I didn't buy it sooner. I think that as a lover of all breakfast foods, obviously waffles have been on my mind. It is the perfect breakfast food. It is a tiny little snack.

vessel for flavor and delight. And I just had never bought one for myself because it felt like something you do when you have a family, but it just always felt like something that as a person who lives alone was sort of, I don't know, silly to get or maybe impractical in some way. But then earlier this year, it went on sale and I just, I went for it. I thought it's going to be no cheaper than it is today. I

And I'm here to tell you that you don't have to wait for your life to look a certain way to have a waffle maker. You can just have a waffle maker. If you make two waffles because the recipe can't be divided any smaller, you can just eat two waffles. It'll be fine. You can also just put that waffle in the refrigerator for later. And I just wish I'd known this sooner because it's great to have waffles.


Waffles are truly for everyone. I think that's the message from Dory there. That's really nice. I do get it, though, because then when you make too many waffles, what are you going to do? Eat them for the rest of the day into tomorrow? No, you freeze them. That's what we do at our house. We make a big batch of waffles and then we freeze them on a sheet pan. Go back to our food waste episode. We'll talk about sheet pan freezing. Okay, plug. Yeah. Yeah.

And that's how we have waffles throughout the week. Our kids just pop them into the toaster and it's quite delightful. That's actually, I don't know why I didn't think of that. It seems so common sense. Amazing. Yeah.

I love that. I really like Brent's little snippet because I find it really funny that our audio expert actually doesn't use his amazing sound system more than he uses his little portable speaker. That's great. Well, it speaks volumes for the speaker if he's into it and he's happy to listen to his music on it, then that's great. I was particularly delighted by Jackie Reeves' ukulele pick and her daughter getting sparked by it.

with the inspiration to play music again. I taught myself how to play the ukulele many years ago, and it brings me a lot of joy. And I loved to hear that it brings it to Jackie's daughter, too. When will you be bringing the ukulele into the studio? Never. Not ever. Not ever. I really love Elisa's recommendation for this turtle pillow, this travel pillow. I'm gonna get

I'm going to get it. I don't have a good one and I'm going on a big trip in February. Yeah, when is that flight to Japan? I'm going to Japan and it is 12 to 14 hours depending on which way you're going. So I'm getting one and I'm going to try to sleep. And as always, we've got all these items linked, everybody's picks in the show notes for this episode so you can find them. All right. So we're going to take a quick break. And then when we're back, Christine, Rosie and I will share our favorite Wirecutter approved items from this year. Oh, I cannot wait to hear your picks. We'll be right back.


This podcast is brought to you by Apple Pay. During the holidays, I'm a big online shopper thanks to Apple Pay. And that's because I don't have to waste time typing all my info into those long checkout forms. Plus, Apple Pay is made to be secure thanks to the built-in technology of Face ID, which is designed so that only I can authorize payments. This season, do what I do and pay the Apple way. Apple Pay is a service provided by Apple Payment Services, LLC, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. Any card used in Apple Pay is offered by the card issuer.

Welcome back to The Wirecutter Show. This is a special holiday episode where we're getting staff reflections all about the items that improved our lives this year. So, Kyra, Christine, I got to know, what are yours? Ooh, I will start. My...

Favorite new thing. I have basically told both of you about this already, maybe like 50 times already. I swear to God, if I have to hear about this one more time. Ready? I think Kyra, you and I should say it together. Yes. One, two, three. The Mocha Master. Oh, I love it so much. The Mocha Master coffee maker. And I have the Technivorm coffee.

model, which is the one with the metal carafe so the coffee stays warm. I love it so much because it's our upgrade drip coffee maker, and it makes coffee that tastes just as good as a pour-over that you've spent a ton of time being finicky over. My husband and I have done pour-over for many years, and our two kids recently discovered that they cannot...

live without coffee in the morning. And so my husband was spending all of his time in the morning making coffee and it was getting really annoying. So we got the Mocha Master and we've got coffee for everyone. Your kids drink coffee in the morning? Yeah. So before all the haters send in all the notes. Do they also have a cigarette? Well, that's only on the weekends. The comment section is closed. Kyra, what about you? What's your pick? Well, mine sounds overly simple now, I think, in light of the Mocha Master 5000 or whatever it's called.

I just honestly love my silk pillowcases still. I don't know. I know it's kind of not on theme because I didn't buy them this year and I want to be honest about that, but I've had them for about three years and they still are the best thing that I've ever purchased in my life. What's the brand? I like the Lily Silk. It's a 25 mom silk, so it's very thick. It's very sleek and I love it because I have really curly hair and I'm supposed to be sleeping with a bonnet or scarf and I just...

won't. I can't do it. So when I sleep with a silk pillowcase, it still protects my edges so my hair isn't breaking off. And I wake up and I don't have a bird's nest on my head, which is like, you know, key when you have curly hair because I can make or break your day. Yeah. I have one silk pillowcase. It is not this brand. It's like some cheaper one from Amazon. But even when I use that, I noticed that my hair, which I also have curly hair, but it's less curly than yours. Yeah. It's less frizzy. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing. I literally take this thing with me everywhere. I've gone to like my partner's parents' house and his mom was like, oh,

oh, like, you know, our pillowcases are clean. You don't have to bring your own. I'm like, I promise it's not what this is. It's just for my hair. BYO pillowcase. She's like, we have those, you know. Rosie, what's your pick? Well, I am...

I'm going to talk to you about the ViscoSoft 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper. And this is a special one because my parents recently sold the house that we grew up in and they are downsizing. And so everything is getting a little bit smaller. It's all good.

We went to stay at their house and my mom wanted a recommendation. Kyra Blackwell came through. Oh my God, who's that? The sleep queen. She sounds amazing. And recommended this mattress topper for her. And I slept on it and I had an amazing sleep. Really? In their new house. It was like sort of a foreign environment.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about being in a new space. But I'll tell you what, this new guest room with this mattress topper, it was really, really, really, really special and really nice. And I actually slept well. What's it feel like? Is it like... It's... Well, so it's placed on top of a pullout couch. And so the pullout itself is, you know, it's like a pullout. It's a nice pullout, but it's a pullout. Right. And so this is really helping to elevate it. It feels like...

Probably like half a mattress, you know, half a memory foam type mattress. But it really brings up the comfort level of a pullout couch, certainly. And honestly, it kind of felt a little lux, like sleeping on it. It was really, really nice. That's nice. That's a good hack.

There's one thing about being a Wirecutter journalist when you do recommend something to somebody that you know personally and you get this bit of joy when they use the item and they love it. Do you ever feel a little nervous? Like, oh, what if they don't like it? What if I've recommended this thing and they don't like it? Because stuff is subjective. Yeah. Christine, I recommended home mattresses to people and then go out and spend like hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on this mattress. And like, that feels like high stakes to me. Yeah. That is high stakes. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I feel like

got a really good record so far. Yeah. You have an amazing record in the Guerin household. Love. Ten stars for Kyra. Woo!

Well, before we wrap things up this week, we have to say a huge thank you to everyone at Wirecutter for their support this year as we brought this show to life. Thank you to all our colleagues at NYT Audio and mostly thank you to all of you for listening. We wish you and yours very, very happy holidays. Thank you for listening and we're psyched to see you in 2025.

We really couldn't have done this without you guys. And I hope that we actually helped you somewhat this year. That's my biggest wish. As always, you can check out these items in the show notes or at slash Wirecutter, where you can also read about how they became Wirecutter picks in the first place. That's it for us. See you next year. Here's what's coming up next week on The Wirecutter Show.

All right. Well, I'm looking at these gorgeous bottles that you brought in. Can we taste test? Yes. Yay! Let's party. So the lightest one is Pentire, which is gin adjacent, I would say. So you're adding tonic water and a squeeze of lemon. Cheers. Make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast app so you don't miss it. The Wirecutter Show is executive produced by Rosie Guerin and produced by Abigail Keel.

Editing by Abigail Keel. Engineering support from Maddie Maziello and Nick Pittman. Today's episode was mixed by Katherine Anderson. Original music by Dan Powell, Marion Lozano, Alicia Baitube, and Diane Wong. Wirecutter's Deputy Publisher and Interim General Manager is Cliff Levy. Ben Fruman is Wirecutter's Editor-in-Chief. I'm Kyra Blackwell. I'm Christine Cyr-Clessette. And I'm Rosie Guerin. Thanks for listening.

My favorite thing is that your nuclear family is your husband, your two children, and your mocha master. Oh, yeah. Well, that's... Yeah.