cover of episode A Few of Our Favorite (Wirecutter) Things

A Few of Our Favorite (Wirecutter) Things

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The Wirecutter Show

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Alex Aciman
Annemarie Conte
Brent Butterworth
Christine Cyr-Clessette
Claire Wilcox
Dorie Chevlen
Elissa Sanci
Ingela Amundson
Jackie Reeve
Jon Chase
Julia Bush
Kathleen Squires
Katie Okamoto
Kyra Blackwell
共同主持《The Wirecutter Show》,提供日常产品的专家建议。
Lauren Dragan
Liam McCabe
Mel Plaut
Rosie Guerin
Zoe Vanderweide
Mel Plaut: Vornado空间加热器不仅温暖舒适,更重要的是化解了我和妻子关于室内温度的争吵,成为了维持家庭和谐的利器。它小巧便携,方便移动到任何需要取暖的地方,让每个人都能拥有舒适的温度,避免了不必要的争执。 这台加热器不仅实用,更像是一件能带来温暖和舒适的礼物,它改善了我们的家庭生活,让我们的生活更加和谐。 Ingela Amundson: Sterilite叠层洗衣篮虽然外观普通,但其强大的收纳功能彻底改变了我的洗衣系统。它巧妙地利用垂直空间,将原本散落在各处的衣物有序地收纳起来,使整个洗衣区域看起来更加整洁美观。 这种叠层设计不仅节省空间,更重要的是提升了效率,方便我们进行衣物的分类和整理,让洗衣过程更加轻松便捷。 Annemarie Conte: 我为丈夫购买的Garmin Forerunner 165手表,功能强大,非常适合跑步爱好者。它能够精准监测心率、速度和路线,并记录相关数据,帮助他更好地进行训练和提升跑步水平。 这款手表不仅实用,更是一份充满爱意的礼物,它不仅满足了丈夫的实际需求,更表达了我对他的关心和支持。 Jackie Reeve: 为女儿购买的Donner DUC-1演奏尤克里里琴,成功激发了她的音乐兴趣,让她重新拾起对音乐的热爱。这不仅让她在课余时间有了新的爱好,更让她在音乐的道路上不断进步。 这件礼物不仅让女儿开心,也让我看到了她对音乐的热情和天赋,这让我感到非常欣慰。 Brent Butterworth: JBL Go 4蓝牙音箱音质出众,防水防尘,非常适合旅行使用。它小巧便携,音质却丝毫不逊色于大型音箱,无论是在家中还是外出旅行,都能带来高品质的音乐享受。 这款音箱不仅音质好,而且经久耐用,防水防尘的设计也让它更加实用,是一款值得推荐的旅行伴侣。 Katie Okamoto: HAY Matin台灯设计简约时尚,灯光柔和温暖,为我的小公寓增添了一份温馨舒适的氛围。它不仅实用,更提升了我的生活品质,让我在忙碌的生活中也能感受到一份宁静与美好。 这款台灯不仅外观精美,而且实用性强,它为我的生活增添了一抹亮色,让我更加热爱我的小家。 Zoe Vanderweide: Harper Wilde Bliss三角文胸舒适透气,支撑性好,是我日常穿着的首选。它柔软亲肤,没有钢圈和填充物,穿着舒适无负担,而且支撑性也很好,能够满足日常穿着的需求。 这款文胸不仅舒适,而且款式时尚,它是我衣橱里的必备单品,让我在日常生活中也能感受到舒适与自信。 Liam McCabe: Gordon 20合一多功能工具小巧实用,价格合理,成为我日常生活中不可或缺的工具。它包含多种功能,能够满足日常生活中各种小工具的需求,而且价格也十分亲民。 这款多功能工具不仅实用,而且方便携带,它让我在日常生活中更加从容应对各种突发状况。 Elissa Sanci: Trtl旅行枕头虽然外观奇特,但却能有效改善飞机上的睡眠质量,让我在长途飞行中也能得到充分的休息。它独特的造型能够有效支撑颈部,缓解旅途疲劳,让我在旅途中也能保持舒适和放松。 这款旅行枕头虽然外观独特,但却实用性强,它让我在旅途中能够更好地休息,提升了我的旅行体验。 Alex Aciman: Comfort Colors 1717成人加重T恤面料柔软舒适,性价比高,成为我的衣橱新宠。它采用100%纯棉面料,柔软舒适,穿着体验极佳,而且价格也十分亲民。 这款T恤不仅舒适耐穿,而且款式百搭,它成为我衣橱里的必备单品,让我在日常生活中也能感受到舒适与时尚。 Kathleen Squires: 《纽约时报》高级定制生日纪念册是一份独具匠心的礼物,能够为寿星带来惊喜和感动。它不仅是一份礼物,更是一份珍贵的回忆,能够让寿星在未来的日子里重温美好的时光。 这份礼物不仅独特,而且充满心意,它让我在送礼时不再感到苦恼,也让收礼的人感到惊喜和感动。 Julia Bush: Adizero Adios Pro 3超级跑鞋提升了我的跑步速度和体验,让我对跑步这项运动更加热爱。它轻便舒适,能够有效提升跑步效率,让我在跑步过程中更加轻松自如。 这款跑鞋不仅提升了我的跑步速度,更重要的是提升了我的跑步体验,让我对跑步这项运动更加热爱。 Claire Wilcox: Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+防晒霜防水效果好,适合水上运动,有效保护我的皮肤免受紫外线的伤害。它质地轻薄,使用方便,而且防水效果也很好,能够有效保护我的皮肤免受紫外线的伤害。 这款防晒霜不仅防水效果好,而且使用方便,它成为我水上运动的必备品,有效保护我的皮肤健康。 Jon Chase: Channel Master FLATenna电视天线能够轻松接收免费的无线电视信号,解决了我在纽约市收看电视的难题。它安装方便,使用简单,能够轻松接收各种电视信号,让我在无需付费的情况下就能收看各种电视节目。 这款电视天线不仅实用,而且价格合理,它解决了我的实际问题,让我在日常生活中更加方便地收看电视节目。 Lauren Dragan: WhiteBark工作服全交叉后背围裙舒适耐用,方便实用,成为我烘焙时的得力助手。它采用透气面料,穿着舒适,而且有多个口袋,方便收纳各种工具和物品。 这款围裙不仅实用,而且美观大方,它成为我烘焙时的必备品,让我在烘焙过程中更加轻松自如。 Dorie Chevlen: Cuisinart圆形翻转比利时华夫饼机制作的华夫饼美味可口,让我在家就能轻松享用美味早餐。它操作简单,制作方便,能够制作出美味可口的华夫饼,让我在忙碌的早晨也能享受到美味的早餐。 这款华夫饼机不仅制作方便,而且清洁也十分简单,它成为我厨房里的新宠,让我在家就能轻松享用美味早餐。 Christine Cyr-Clessette: Technivorm Moccamaster咖啡机制作的咖啡口感极佳,如同精心制作的手冲咖啡,满足了全家人的咖啡需求。它操作简单,制作效率高,能够制作出美味的咖啡,满足了全家人的咖啡需求。 这款咖啡机不仅制作咖啡口感好,而且使用方便,它成为我们家庭生活中不可或缺的一部分,让我们的早晨更加美好。 Kyra Blackwell: Lilysilk 25 Momme牛津信封奢华枕套柔软舒适,能够有效保护头发,减少毛躁,提升睡眠质量。它柔软亲肤,能够有效减少头发摩擦,让我的头发在睡眠中得到充分的保护。 这款枕套不仅舒适,而且能够有效保护头发,它成为我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,让我在睡眠中更加舒适和放松。 Rosie Guerin: ViscoSoft 3英寸记忆海绵床垫垫提升了沙发床的舒适度,让我在客卧也能拥有舒适的睡眠体验。它柔软舒适,能够有效缓解身体压力,让我在睡眠中更加放松和舒适。 这款床垫垫不仅舒适,而且实用性强,它让我在客卧也能拥有舒适的睡眠体验,提升了我的生活品质。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Mel Plaut recommend the Vornado AVH10 space heater?

Mel Plaut recommended the Vornado AVH10 space heater because it has been a lifesaver during cold weather and even helped reduce arguments with her wife about house temperature preferences. Her wife loves it so much that she carries it around the house, making it a marriage saver.

What makes the Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket a game-changer for Ingela Amundson?

The Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket transformed Ingela Amundson's laundry system by allowing her to use vertical space efficiently. It replaced a messy system of IKEA plastic bags, making laundry storage tidier and more organized.

Why did Annemarie Conte choose the Garmin Forerunner 165 watch for her husband?

Annemarie Conte chose the Garmin Forerunner 165 watch for her husband because he is an ultra-marathoner and needed a reliable replacement for his old watch. It offers features like heart rate monitoring, speed tracking, and route mapping, making it perfect for runners.

How did the Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele impact Jackie Reeve’s daughter?

The Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele reignited Jackie Reeve’s daughter’s love for music. After joining an afterschool ukulele club, her daughter became so enthusiastic that she returned to private guitar lessons, combining both instruments.

What makes the JBL Go 4 Bluetooth speaker stand out for Brent Butterworth?

Brent Butterworth loves the JBL Go 4 Bluetooth speaker for its excellent sound quality, portability, and durability. It’s IPX7 rated, making it waterproof and dustproof, and he even uses it in the shower daily. It impressed audiophiles at a luncheon, despite its small size.

Why does Katie Okamoto love the HAY Matin Table Lamp?

Katie Okamoto loves the HAY Matin Table Lamp for its minimalist yet warm design, featuring a folded paper lampshade and slender brass base. It transformed her small apartment, making the space feel more personal and inviting.

What makes the Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette Zoe Vanderweide’s favorite?

Zoe Vanderweide loves the Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette for its comfort, support, and design. It’s a smooth, stretchy pullover style with adjustable straps, a snug band, and a triangle cut that prevents uniboob. It’s the only bra she wears when not testing others.

Why did Liam McCabe become a fan of the Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool?

Liam McCabe became a fan of the Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool because it’s affordable ($40) and practical. It fits in his coin pocket and provides quick access to tools he uses daily, making it a worthwhile investment compared to more expensive options.

How did the Trtl Pillow improve Elissa Sanci’s travel experience?

The Trtl Pillow allowed Elissa Sanci to sleep comfortably on flights for the first time. Despite its silly appearance, the fleece scarf with a plastic insert supports her neck, enabling her to sleep for hours during long flights.

What makes the Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee Alex Aciman’s favorite?

Alex Aciman loves the Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee for its thick, garment-dyed cotton, relaxed yet flattering fit, and vintage feel. At $10, it’s an affordable and high-quality option that he now owns in multiple colors.

Why did Kathleen Squires choose the New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book as a gift?

Kathleen Squires chose the New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book as a unique and personalized gift for a friend’s milestone birthday. It features front pages from the New York Times for every year of the recipient’s life, making it a thoughtful and memorable present.

How did the Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes improve Julia Bush’s running?

The Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes shaved almost 45 seconds off Julia Bush’s mile time, making her feel faster and more excited about running. The carbon plate and stacked sole provided a bouncy, comfortable experience, even for a casual runner.

Why does Claire Wilcox recommend the Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+?

Claire Wilcox recommends the Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+ for its effectiveness in water and sun exposure. It’s a physical sunscreen with zinc and titanium dioxide, doesn’t leave a white cast, and is made in Australia, meeting her dermatologist’s recommendation.

What makes the Channel Master FLATenna Jon Chase’s favorite pick?

Jon Chase loves the Channel Master FLATenna because it allows him to watch over-the-air TV channels in New York City without a cable subscription. It’s a simple, low-tech solution for accessing free broadcasts like the Super Bowl and World Series.

Why does Lauren Dragan love the WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron?

Lauren Dragan loves the WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron for its soft, breathable material and multiple pockets. It’s comfortable to wear during baking and reminds her of family celebrations, making it a sentimental and practical addition to her kitchen.

Why did Dorie Chevlen recommend the Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker?

Dorie Chevlen recommended the Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker because it’s perfect for making delicious waffles, even for someone living alone. She emphasized that you don’t need to wait for a specific life stage to enjoy a waffle maker, as it’s a versatile and delightful appliance.

Why does Christine Cyr-Clessette love the Technivorm Moccamaster KBT coffee maker?

Christine Cyr-Clessette loves the Technivorm Moccamaster KBT coffee maker because it makes coffee as good as a pour-over but is much more convenient. It’s a family favorite, especially since her kids started drinking coffee, making mornings easier and more enjoyable.

What makes the Lilysilk 25 Momme Oxford Envelope Luxury Pillowcase Kyra Blackwell’s favorite?

Kyra Blackwell loves the Lilysilk 25 Momme Oxford Envelope Luxury Pillowcase for its thick, sleek silk that protects her curly hair while she sleeps. It prevents frizz and breakage, making it a must-have for her, even when traveling.

Why does Rosie Guerin recommend the ViscoSoft 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper?

Rosie Guerin recommends the ViscoSoft 3-inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper for its ability to transform a pullout couch into a comfortable, luxurious sleeping surface. It provided her with a great night’s sleep in her parents’ new guest room.

Wirecutter staffers share their favorite Wirecutter-recommended products of 2024 that improved their lives, ranging from small appliances to clothing and travel accessories. Each staffer describes their product and why it made a difference for them.
  • Vornado AVH10 space heater
  • Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket
  • Garmin Forerunner 165 watch
  • Donner DUC-1 Concert Ukulele
  • JBL Go 4 Bluetooth Speaker
  • HAY Matin Table Lamp
  • Harper Wilde Bliss Triangle Bralette
  • Gordon 20-in-1 Multi-Tool
  • Trtl Pillow
  • Comfort Colors 1717 Adult Heavyweight Tee
  • The New York Times Premium Birthday Edition book
  • Adizero Adios Pro 3 super shoes
  • Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50+
  • Channel Master FLATenna
  • WhiteBark Workwear Full Cross-Back Apron
  • Cuisinart Round Flip Belgian Waffle Maker WAF-F30

Shownotes Transcript

从能拯救婚姻的暖风机到能保护冲浪者皮肤的防晒霜,Wirecutter 的员工分享了他们在 2024 年购买的最佳物品。嘉宾:我们收到了 Wirecutter 员工的语音留言,包括 Mel Plaut、Ingela Amundson、Annemarie Conte、Jackie Reeve、Brent Butterworth、Katie Okamoto、Zoe Vanderweide、Liam McCabe、Elissa Sanci、Alex Aciman、Kathleen Squires、Julia Bush、Claire Wilcox、Jon Chase、Lauren Dragan 和 Dorie Chevlan。我们推荐的产品:Mel Plaut 喜欢:Vornado AVH10 暖风机Ingela Amundson 喜欢:Sterilite 堆叠式洗衣篮Annemarie Conte 喜欢:Garmin Forerunner 165 手表Jackie Reeve 喜欢:Donner DUC-1 演奏尤克里里琴Brent Butterworth 喜欢:JBL Go 4 蓝牙音箱Katie Okamoto 喜欢:HAY Matin 台灯Zoe Vanderweide 喜欢:Harper Wilde Bliss 三角文胸Liam McCabe 喜欢:Gordon 20 合一多功能工具Elissa Sanci 喜欢:Trtl 枕头Alex Aciman 喜欢:Comfort Colors 1717 成人加重款 T 恤Kathleen Squires 喜欢:纽约时报高级生日版书籍Julia Bush 喜欢:Adizero Adios Pro 3 超级跑鞋Claire Wilcox 喜欢:Blue Lizard Sensitive Mineral SPF 50+ 防晒霜Jon Chase 喜欢:Channel Master FLATennaLauren Dragon 喜欢:WhiteBark 工作服全交叉背围裙Dorie Chevlen 喜欢:Cuisinart 圆形翻转比利时华夫饼机 WAF-F30Christine Cyr Clisset 喜欢:Technivorm Moccamaster KBT 咖啡机Caira Blackwell 喜欢:Lilysilk 25 妈妈牛津信封豪华枕套Rosie Guerin 喜欢:ViscoSoft 3 英寸记忆海绵床垫垫子其他阅读:我买过的最好的 T 恤来自中西部的一个购物中心。我在亚马逊上找到了它。我以测试文胸为生。Harper Wilde 三角文胸是我唯一真正穿的文胸。超级跑鞋不仅仅是为奥运选手准备的。但休闲跑步者真的需要它们吗?傻乎乎的 Trtl 旅行枕头是我在航班上睡觉的唯一方式我们独立审核我们推荐的所有产品。通过我们的链接购买时,我们可能会赚取佣金。了解更多信息›在 Instagram 上关注我们 @wirecutter在此处查找每集的编辑后的文字记录:Wirecutter Show Podcast</context>





本播客由Apple Pay赞助播出。在节日期间,我是一个大型的在线购物者,这要感谢Apple Pay。这是因为我不必浪费时间将所有信息输入那些冗长的结账表格中。此外,Apple Pay的设计非常安全,这要归功于内置的面容 ID 技术,该技术旨在确保只有我才能授权付款。在这个季节,像我一样,以Apple的方式付款吧。Apple Pay是由Apple Payment Services, LLC(Apple Inc.的子公司)提供的服务。在Apple Pay中使用的任何卡均由发卡机构提供。





说实话,我仍然很喜欢我的真丝枕套。我不知道。我知道这有点不合主题,因为我不是今年买的,我想说实话,但我已经用了大约三年了,它们仍然是我一生中购买过的最好的东西。是什么牌子的?我喜欢Lily Silk。它是25姆米的真丝,所以非常厚实。它非常光滑,我喜欢它,因为我的头发非常卷曲,我应该戴着帽子或围巾睡觉,但我就是……



我要跟你们说说ViscoSoft 3英寸记忆海绵床垫垫。这是一个特别的,因为我的父母最近卖掉了我们长大的房子,他们正在缩小规模。一切都很好。






好吧,在我们本周结束之前,我们必须向Wirecutter的每一个人表示巨大的感谢,感谢他们今年对我们的支持,因为我们让这个节目得以诞生。感谢我们在NYT Audio的所有同事,最重要的是感谢所有收听节目的你们。我们祝愿你和你的家人节日快乐。感谢收听,我们很高兴在2025年见到你们。



