Dr Lala Manners and Angelica Celinska discuss physical development in the English Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, specifically looking critically at the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Some of the questions they pose include ‘What is the point of the physical development ELGs?’, ‘What is the point of the data gathered from the ELGs?’, ‘Do we need to reposition the ELGs?’, ‘Do we need to rewrite the ELGs?’, and much, much more… Dr Lala Manners and Angelica tap into:
Where does physical development sit in the EYFS? - 3:45 Language development and physical play - 7:00 Risk of losing physical development from the Prime Areas - 10:00 The narrow focus of physical development in the EYFS - 10:30 What is the point of the Early Learning Goals (ELGs)? What is the data for? - 11:45 The ELGs are not aspirational enough, too basic - 14:30 Using the ELGs as points for discussion with parents instead of at the end of the EYFS - 18:00 Physical development is a wider issue of public health in society - 22:00 Reducing the fine motor skills to handwriting is not good enough - 23:30 Movement as self-expression and a universal language - 27:40 The language of physical touch - 29:50 Physical development and movement as a learning mechanism for social interactions and self-awareness - 31:00 'Let me be but be with me’ – not always interfering in children’s learning - 34:30 What matters to children – ‘what are you good at?’ - 38:20 Physical development playing a role in self-identity, belonging and confidence - 39:00 If we want children to talk then get them to move! 41:50 Creating happy physical memories - 44:00 Two top tips from Dr Lala Manners - 45:30
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