Dr Kathryn Murray talks us through the Brain-SET Environments Formula, which is all about creating a calm learning environment through a skills based pedagogy. Dr Murray explains that it is much more than where you put the furniture; she shares with us a deeper look at creating learning environments with brain development at the centre.
Some of the thought-provoking points discussed are:
00:30 - Dr Kathryn Murray's background 02:25 - The beginnings of Brain-SET 05:58 - Aesthetics of the learning environment 07:20 - Considering furniture in designing a learning environment 07:50 - Brain development as a big part in creating environments 10:00 - The environment is the 3rd teacher 12:13 - The structure of the brain 15:00 - What is 'foggy brain'? 16:00 - A calm brain is a thinking brain 17:09 - Multiple defined spaces are less threatening 19:20 - Using the language of learning 21:10 - Impacts of training in a 2-year-old room 23:50 - The brain doesn't do boring! 25:00 - Small spaces teach self-regulation/soft skills 27:15 - Decrease in behaviour issues 28:00 - Using interests to pull children into learning spaces 31:00 - Environments underpinned by research 52:58 - Freeflow rather than carouselling/rotation 36:11 - Brain-SET is a skills-based formula 37:35 - Learning ocurring naturally 38:15 - Continuous provision for repeating learning behaviours 39:50 - Carefully curating spaces to encourage skill development 42:52 - Seeing Brain-SET in action: The Astrea Academy Trust action research project
Read Dr Kathryn Murray's article and find out more about Brain-SET here:
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