cover of episode The future of the Kindle with Panos Panay

The future of the Kindle with Panos Panay

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The Vergecast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Panos Panay
Panos Panay: 我加入亚马逊大约一年了,我们对Kindle产品线进行了全面的评估,并决定对产品进行重大更新。我们发布了四款Kindle,这是Kindle历史上第一次,这表明我们对Kindle的未来充满信心。我们专注于改进用户体验,例如提高页面翻转速度,并添加一些AI功能,例如在Kindle Scribe中总结笔记。我们相信Kindle还有很大的发展潜力,并且不会被智能手机所取代。我们正在努力让Kindle融入人们的生活,成为一种无缝衔接的阅读和写作工具。我们倾听用户的声音,并根据用户的需求改进产品。我们相信,即使是细微的改变,也能对用户体验产生重大影响。 我们相信AI技术将改变人们的生活,亚马逊的产品组合(Kindle、Fire TV、Fire 平板电脑、Echo、Alexa 等)之间存在技术联系,特别是即将到来的AI技术,这些产品可以共同改变人们的生活。 Kindle是一个成功的品牌,拥有强大的品牌识别度和用户忠诚度,并且还有很大的发展潜力。Kindle不仅仅是一个电子阅读器,它更是一种生活方式。 Nilay: 我们讨论了本周的科技新闻,包括特斯拉的机器人出租车活动(结果证明我们的预测都不准确)、新的iPad mini、Sonos Arc Ultra音响和Analogue的N64模拟器。我们还与亚马逊的Panos Panay讨论了最新的Kindle新闻,以及他对电子阅读器未来的看法。 David: 在特斯拉机器人出租车发布会上,我们对一些预测进行了回顾,并讨论了此次发布会上的主要新闻,包括Cybercab和Robovan。我们还讨论了苹果的新iPad mini、AMD和英特尔合作对抗ARM芯片、Sonos的新款Arc Ultra音响和Sub 4、以及Analogue的4K Nintendo 64模拟器。我们还讨论了谷歌的组织架构变动以及一些与特朗普相关的新闻。

Deep Dive

Nilay and David review their predictions for the Tesla Cybercab event, discussing the announcements and assessing their accuracy. They delve into the details of Tesla's promises, the current state of their technology, and the public's reaction to the event.
  • The Tesla Cybercab is expected to be available in 2027 and cost under $30,000.
  • Tesla has been promising self-driving technology for years, but many promises remain unfulfilled.
  • The public reaction to Tesla's event was mixed, with skepticism due to unfulfilled past promises.

Shownotes Transcript

Nilay and David talk about the week in gadget news, after scoring their predictions on last week's Tesla event. (Spoiler alert: nobody did very well.) They talk about the new iPad Mini, the new Sonos Ace Ultra soundbar, and the new Analogue N64 emulator. Then Amazon's Panos Panay joins the show to discuss this week's big Kindle news, and where he thinks the future of e-readers is headed. Finally, Nilay and David do a lightning round, with a lot of Google org chart news and just a little bit of Trump news.

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