It’s The Undressing Room podcast join us each week as we talk pop culture, celebrity gossip, fashion
Fans are getting out of hand and celebrities are fighting back. Trick Daddy is okay having "boyfrien
R. Kelly is engaged to one of his alleged victims, Joycelyn Savage, and Lore'l and Eva have a lot to
Another Nick Cannon story, another baby. This time the hosts undress Nick's revelation on what it wi
This week, the ladies hit up the BET Awards in LA and gave us some behind-the-scenes looks and the m
It’s the beginning of Summer and Beyonce announces a new album and drops a new song. Plus Drake drop
This week, celebrities are calling folks out. Lizzo goes in on people using her name as an insult, L
It looks like Lori Harvey is ready for her Hot Girl Summer after her break-up with Michael B. Jordan
This week on The Undressing Room, the ladies break down the economic imbalance between Black women a
Why is everyone making a big fuss about who celebrities and their kids are dating? Bronny James' pro
We welcome special guest co-host, actress LaLa Milan as she comes to get Undressed with Eva and Lore
Kevin Samuels passed away a week after posting a controversial video and leaves social media in sham
Domestic violence against men has been trending all week! Eva and Lore'l break down Blac Chyna
Is all cheating created equal? There is emotional cheating and physical cheating. The ladies break d
Lore'l and Eva are back undressing rumors and biggest trending topics of the week. We know A$AP Rock
Lore'l gets undressed with special guest host Jasmine Sanders (@IamJasmineSanders) from The DL Hughl
The ladies are back with their thoughts on the updates of Will Smith vs The Academy. Are they still
If you didn't watch the Oscars before, we know you caught the recap. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock a
We have special guest Dr. Uché Blackstock (@ucheblackstockmd) who wrote a viral article about
The Undressing Room welcomes Master P as he talks about his upcoming episode of TvOne's Uncensored a
We have a special guest at The Undressing Room. Queen Naija joins us to give us details about her la