It’s The Undressing Room podcast join us each week as we talk pop culture, celebrity gossip, fashion
This week, we get into Blair Underwood marrying his long time friend who was around before his ex-wi
This week the ladies get into the Shanquella Robinson murder case and discuss all of the up-to-date
What's the worst lie a man has told you? The lies can get bad and Lore'l and Eva share some that the
A NFL wife goes viral for saying her hubby's work check is her money-- but do you think she's wrong?
You thought it was Cuffing season? Well, it's breakup season too and Eva and Lore'l have some tips f
Would you hire a beautiful woman to hop in your man's DMs to test him? Tiktok's 'honey trap girls' c
Kanye West continues to dig himself in a deeper hole and is being cancelled and dropped by brands. N
Dating is putting millennials and Gen-Zers in debt. Eva and Lore'l have some great inexpensive date
How can you not look desperate while dating? Eva and Lore'l give you their dating advice on how to g
This week the ladies get into Netlix's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, the aftermath of the serie
This week was filled with cheating scandals. From Celtics coach Ime Udoka and Nia Long to Maroon 5's
Megan Thee Stallion chats with Hilary and Chelsea Clinton and discusses how she deals with backlash.
Nicki Minaj seems to have beef with everyone and she isn't backing down. Plus Ray J has had enough o
Kim Kardashian is suddenly regretting her 'work' comments from earlier in the year, while Jidenna op
It's the rise of the single, lonely man so let's cue the violins. Plus, Lizzo claps back at the 'fat
Ne-yo is allegedly involved in a four-way relationship and the drama continues to unfold. Diddy and
Could you imagine a man asking another man if he could touch his wife? We'll tell you what celebriti
Doja Cat shaves off her hair and brows- but is she having a breakdown or just trying something new?
Beyonce's new album came out and Lore'l and Eva talk about their favorite songs, but also the contro
TD Jakes went in on the women and Eva and Lore'l had something to say. Plus, should you lie to get a