The director’s commentary track for Daring Fireball. Long digressions on Apple, technology, design,
The one and only John Moltz returns to the show to talk about the relative dearth of original cont
Jason Snell returns to the show to talk about the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit against Apple. And sport
Special guest David Barnard joins the show. Topics include the App Store — past, present, and post
Adam Lisagor returns to the show to discuss, while wearing, Apple Vision Pro. Sponsored by: Squ
Matthew Panzarino -- proprietor of the excellent new website/newsletter The Obsessor -- returns to
Marco Arment returns to the show. Topics include the Apple-Masimo patent dispute over Apple Watch
Sponsored by: Memberful: Monetize your passion with membership. Start your free trial today. Squ
Special holiday guest: John Siracusa. Special holiday topics: the Apple/Masimo patent dispute over
Nilay Patel returns to the show. Topics include the iPhones 15, journalism in the age of AI, and w
Special guest Gabe Rivera, founder of the indispensable news aggregator Techmeme, joins the show t
Christina Warren joins the show to talk about Apple’s “Scary Fast” event, introducing the new M3 M
Special guests Sebastiaan de With and Ben Sandofsky, co-founders of Lux, join the show to talk abo
Special guest John Moltz joins the show to discuss the various iPhone 15 “-gates”, rumors of Jony
Matthew Panzarino returns to the show to talk about the new iPhones 15. Sponsored by: Squarespa
Flexibits co-founder Michael Simmons returns to the show to talk about his experience at Apple’s d
Jason Snell, come on down. You’re the next contestant on The Talk Show. Special topics: John Warno
Craig Hockenberry, the special guest with the special fleshy palms, returns to the show. Topics in
Joanna Stern returns to the show. Topics include the launch of Threads, Apple’s Vision Pro, and iP
Matthew Panzarino returns to the show for a post-WWDC discussion about Vision Pro and VisionOS. S
Christian Selig, developer of the excellent apps Apollo and Pixel Pals, joins the show to talk abo