The director’s commentary track for Daring Fireball. Long digressions on Apple, technology, design,
Special guest John Siracusa returns to the show to discuss last week’s Apple event (introducing the
Special guest Guy English returns to the show to talk about iOS 8 quality concerns, and whether App
Special guest Ben Thompson joins the show for an Apple Watch discussion: what it’ll cost, what it’l
What else? The iPhones 6, iOS 8, and last week’s special event at the Flint Center in Cupertino. S
Special guest Jason Snell joins the show on the cusp of Apple’s September 9 event, where the compan
Speculation on the purportedly-imminent new 4.7- and 5.5-inch iPhones, and the rise of adaptive use
Topics include Joanna’s recent review of over 20 laptops; the HTC One M8 for Windows Phone; why Win
Topics include speculation — seriously, just speculation — on Apple’s purported upcoming wrist wear
Topics include Apple's quarterly results, how much Apple's cable and peripheral prices contribute t
Topics include the design and development of Marco’s new iOS podcast player, Overcast, custom UI fo
Topics include Samsung getting pinched from Apple on the high end and Xiaomi (at least in China) on
Topics include the new look and feel in OS X Yosemite (10.10), Google’s new “Material Design” lo
Topics include the ongoing World Cup and the sport of soccer, Google Glass, mockups of devices i
Special guest Guy English. Topics center on WWDC 2014, particularly how XPC — interapplication c
Recorded in front of a live audience of 500 people on Tuesday, 2 June 2014 at Mezzanine in San F
Special guest Dan Frommer. Topics include Dan’s new gig as senior tech editor at Quartz, tablets as
Special guest John Moltz joins the show for a discussion regarding Apple's still-only-rumored acquis