Finance bros are out, #RichGirls are in. Join Money with Katie and her guests for conversations abou
Today, we're diving into the money psychology that impacts the way we spend and save—and I'll give y
Today’s episode is about the one major issue we all share with our financial planning:As humans, we’
The healthcare marketplace in the United States is confusing, complex, and expensive.Why is it the w
Today, we're taking a break from questioning the socioeconomic status quo and digging into a more ta
Today, we hear from Dr. Anna Hulett, an industrial organizational psychologist (think female Adam Gr
Today, we hear from several #RichGirls about the role money plays in their relationships and talk ab
Ever seen folks on the internet talk about house hacking? It's – admittedly – a magical concept if y
Today's episode dives into gambling research (via Chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diag
Today’s episode brings back our friend Ben Miller, Founder of ChroniFI, for a Pt. 2 (for our first c
Today's episode is a deep dive into a concept that most of us have probably never stopped to ponder:
Today, we're revisiting a topic I first covered a few years ago – but with a renewed interest after
Welcome back to Season 2 of the Money with Katie podcast!Today, we're exploring the ways in which I
Today, we're discussing the top 3 financial lessons I'm taking from 2021. This is the last episode o
Today, I'm interviewing a friend of mine who left the trading floor at Goldman Sachs to start his ow
Today, we're talking about three questions we should be asking ourselves in preparation for a new ye
Today on the show, I've got my friend Eliana Goldstein, a Millennial Success Coach who focuses on ca
I was excited to talk to Sarah, the CEO of Betterment, about some of the tough questions I've wanted
Today, we're riffing on a few things: How I discovered financial independence, what my life was like
Inspired by my recent venture into the capsule wardrobe, I wrote and recorded this episode about ove
Self-employed people are able to contribute a ridiculous amount of money to their special self-emplo