cover of episode “The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

“The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

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Evan Barker
Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore:民主党已经变成了富人的政党,与普通美国民众脱节,不再关心工人阶级的利益。民主党全国代表大会充斥着精英主义和脱离现实的氛围,与普通民众的切实需求脱节。民主党主要关注受过高等教育的城市富裕阶层,对工人阶级采取居高临下的态度。民主党公开放弃了对工人阶级的承诺,转而追求温和派共和党选民的支持。民主党未能回归其工人阶级基础,继续忽视工人阶级的利益。民主党候选人与工人阶级脱节,其提名过程缺乏民主性。AOC声称民主党正在回归其民粹主义和工人阶级根源的说法与现实脱节。所谓的“进步派”民主党议员最终沦为既得利益集团的工具,未能兑现其竞选承诺。主流媒体只在政治上方便的时候才会报道批评民主党的声音,这反映了民主党及其媒体对真相的漠视。批评民主党会导致被污蔑、诽谤和贴上右翼标签。民主党全国代表大会的氛围令人作呕,充斥着盲从和缺乏对民众关切的关注。新冠疫情期间的封锁措施和疫苗政策是失败的,相关官员对疫情的处理方式存在严重失误。 Evan Barker:民主党全国代表大会充斥着精英主义和脱离现实的氛围,与普通民众的切实需求脱节。民主党并非运作失常,而是故意服务于精英利益,压制工人阶级的声音。民主党全国代表大会缺乏民主性,呈现出令人不安的盲从和缺乏批判性思维的氛围。民主党支持者对党内缺乏民主性表现出麻木和缺乏批判性思维。民主党完全被捐款人和精英阶层控制,不再真正代表工人阶级的利益。民主党存在严重的文化隔阂,对美国中西部和南部等地区的工人阶级缺乏理解和关注。一旦当选,民主党议员很容易受到权力和既得利益的腐蚀,背叛其最初的政治立场。“进步派”民主党议员未能履行其竞选承诺,导致其失去民众支持。除非民主党回归其进步主义和民粹主义的根源,否则它将继续失去民众支持。尽管对民主党的前景感到悲观,但仍抱有一丝希望,并试图通过发声来促成改变。公开批评民主党导致其失去朋友和面临人身威胁。

Deep Dive

Evan Barker, a former Democratic campaign operative, discusses her disillusionment with the Democratic Party after attending the DNC. She felt the convention was out of touch with everyday Americans and that the party has shifted its focus to the affluent, neglecting the working class.
  • Barker raised millions for Democratic candidates and organizations.
  • DNC convention felt out of touch with regular Americans.
  • Democratic Party's messaging seems condescending and paternalistic.

Shownotes Transcript


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There's a new article in Newsweek by someone who went to the Democratic Convention. Now, you remember I went to the Democratic Convention and it made me sick. But here I want to read you a little bit from this article and then we're going to bring in the author. She says, I was I raised millions for Democrats at the DNC. I realized they're the party of the rich.

I realized that quickly, too, when I walked in there. She says, initially, I was thrilled to attend this rite of passage for every political operative. But once there, wandering amidst the glitz and glam, imbibing the gloss and schmaltz of it all, I couldn't escape a sinking feeling.

I felt submerged in a hollow chamber whose mottos were brat summer and joy, totally out of touch with regular everyday Americans and their pressing needs. Instead, the most elite people in the world chanted in unison that, quote, we're not going back. I found myself feeling disenchanted, lost, sad and alone.

At the DNC, I couldn't help but think about my family. Every time the elites chanted, "We're not going back," what I heard was, "We're not going back to the party your union family members used to vote for." At first, I naively thought the system was broken, but now I realize it isn't broken. It's doing what it was designed to do, which is to keep working class people from true representation. That is the point. That's a feature, not a bug.

Here's the sad truth. The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely. They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic. So let me bring in the author of this.

Evan Barker. She's a former former Democratic campaign operative who has raised tens of millions of dollars for Democratic candidates and organizations. She recently announced she was leaving the Democratic Party. However, other Democrats embrace of elites and corporate interests while abandoning the working class. That's right. She also co-hosts the Rolling in the Deep State podcast. Please welcome for the first time to the show, Evan Barker. Hi, Evan.

Hi, Jemmy. How's it going? It's going good. I had the same experience you had at the Democratic Convention more than once.

I wish I had known you then. We could have hung out. I would love to have. I would have been a great interview right on the spot. But let me ask you, I went to the 2016 convention in Philadelphia. Now half the convention hall was filled with Bernie Sanders voters, people who wanted to overthrow the establishment of the Democratic Party and return the party back to the workers. So it was exciting and it gave me hope. There was none of that this time.

So what did you expect going into the convention and what did you find? Well, it was creepy, actually. You know, I had been working in democratic politics a long time, mostly in campaign fundraising, as you stated. I have raised U.S. House and Senate candidates tens of millions of dollars. Slowly over the years, I've become disillusioned just through my work, as you can probably imagine, and

And, you know, I have never actually been to a convention before. I had, you know, I've been working in politics a long time. I've not, but I just never had the opportunity to go. I was hoping to go in 2020, but it was, you know, as you know, it was moved to Zoom. But when I initially had signed up to volunteer, I, you know, Joe Biden was still the nominee. And then as things progressed and he dropped out and, you

um I think there was like a few weeks where like people weren't sure like what would happen or maybe it wasn't a few weeks it might have been just a couple of days you know I was hoping that maybe it would be a contested convention where you know like something that was reflective or representative of a true democracy um it's just so ironic to me that like

you know, their whole battle cry this entire election season has been democracy is on the ballot. And then they turned around and just like install somebody. So, um,

I, and it's just, it was just creepy. It was, it just bothered me. I had like this sinking feeling. And I, when I went in, you know, I actually like did go in with an open mind. I was excited to go because like I said, I've worked in democratic politics a long time. You know, I've done field campaigns. I've been just like a senior communication strategist. I've done, I've done fundraising. Like I've done a lot of work and I, I,

you know, had always wanted to go. It's a rite of passage. And I just, it just felt unbelievable to me that everyone was just going along with this and that there was no divergence in thought or critical thinking or anything. It's just like, this is what we're doing.

go along with it or get out you know so i actually ended up leaving early i left before her acceptance speech i i went home a day early because i was just like i don't i don't care i don't care to be here anymore so what kind of so were you hanging around with a crowd of people were you talking with people were you asking them because i asked a few of the delegates

And they just had talking point. I asked them, I said, does it bother you that they threw out 14 million votes and just installed her without any democracy happening? And they said, well, there was a process. They would just repeat the stuff you hear on MSNBC. Did you were you talking to people and what were they saying to you? I was. And a lot of people were just like, well, we did vote for Kamala. Like we voted for her to be Joe Biden's running mate. So.

you know, we, we were okay with this. And I'm like, yeah, but I mean, just because somebody is the vice president doesn't guarantee them four years, you know, if that were the case, like Dick Cheney would have become the nominee, you know, and it's just like, it's, that's just not how it works, you know? And so, yeah, it was, it was a lot, even from people and I'm not going to name names, but like people that I, um,

I was surprised, you know, that they weren't having the same feelings that I was. And so do you feel like there's a there's a you know, the Bobby Kennedy makes the point that people who own 70 percent of the wealth in America voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and people who own 30 percent of the wealth voted for Donald Trump. So do you think that the Democratic Party is just a completely run by the donor class now?

Absolutely. And I think that it's the donor class. It's the fact that they don't really stick their necks out for unions anymore. I mean, everyone is so like completely flabbergasted that the Teamsters aren't going to endorse Kamala. But they don't remember a few years ago when like the Democrats actually voted to end the railroad strike. And so many people like weren't even I mean, like squad members like weren't even speaking out when that happened or like anything.

you know, pointing that out, you know? So, and it's not, it's not only policy. It's also, you know, I'm originally from Kansas city. I'm from Missouri and Kansas. I've got family that are from the Ozarks and I live in the West coast. Now I lived in San Francisco and there is just a huge cultural divide between

that the Democratic Party does not understand, nor do I think they want to understand. I mean, I said this in the article, I've literally had liberals and I can cuss on the show, right? Sure. I've seen you. Yeah. They've called where I'm from dumb Pakistan. You know, that is like a common attitude. It's condescending. They don't understand why these communities and like the Rust Belt and the Ozarks in the middle of the country, you know, that have been hollowed out by like

neoliberal trade policies, right, implemented by Ronald Reagan and then continued by Bill Clinton that have shipped all of their jobs overseas. You know, these like endless wars

that were started by like the Bush regime that are being continued on, you know, that then shipped all their children overseas to fight in these wars. And then an introduction of an opioid epidemic by big pharma, you know, has, has completely decimated and ruined these communities. And then, you know,

you just have the Democrats on stage with like Oprah Winfrey and Chris Rock, who's making flippant jokes about, I'm sorry, I get really worked up because I'm very passionate and it makes me so mad. You know, Chris Rock, who's making flippant jokes about giving Kamala Harris a donation to get out of a parking ticket. And actually that was probably the most truthful thing that was said about,

um last night at that at that rally with oprah winfrey so they just they completely misunderstand regular people and don't see it's not just a policy shift but it's a cultural shift as well so i i just want to remind you of this so this happened

In 2016, in the run up to the Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump election, Chuck Schumer was the leader of the Democrats. In fact, he was the Democratic Policy Committee chairperson. And he said this. For every blue collar Democrat we will lose in Western PA, we will pick up two, three Republicans.

moderate Republicans in the suburbs of Philadelphia. And you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin. So the game was so that's when I stopped being a Democrat, because I realized that the Democrats had morphed into the party of the Republicans. They're the party of Mitt Romney and now Dick Cheney.

And they say it right out loud. Nobody's even, they're not even kidding or hiding it. He's saying, I don't care about blue collar workers. What we're looking at is to get moderate Republicans to vote for Democrats. And we want to do that in every state.

That's what he's saying. So they're literally saying we're not the party of workers anymore. And then people call workers when they have nowhere to go. And then Donald Trump gives them some rhetoric that they can believe in. Then they vote for him. And then they call those people despicable on MSNBC or they call those people deplorables. Right. So that's basically what you've figured out. They say you're from dumb Pakistan. So that's how they refer to workers. And then and so go ahead, take it wherever you want it with that.

No, I mean, that's exactly right. And just watching that clip, I mean, they really need those people in Western PA to show up this time, don't they? So it's very ironic. And I think that he'll be eating his words. At least I hope so. I keep hoping every time that something like this happens that the Democrats will wake up and they'll be like, oh, okay, we need to return to our working class roots. We really need to be the party of workers again. And it just continues to not happen.

I mean, like Kamala Harris is a Ivy League educated, out of touch prosecutor from the Bay Area. You know, I mean, like.

I don't know. Who couldn't get a vote? I'm with you at this point. I can't call myself a Democrat anymore. I'm politically homeless. Yeah, and she couldn't get a vote the first time she ran for president, which is why she had to drop out before Iowa even happened. And then they just installed her. But who installed her? The donor class, the Reid-Hoffmans. Those are the people who installed her, the people with the money. So...

So did you see this back? Were you aware that Chuck Schumer had said that back in 2016? I hadn't seen that, no. But it doesn't surprise me. Of course, they're not going to play that on MSNBC. But so now, I'm not surprised, but I'm chagrined to see the guy who's the leader of the UAW endorse Joe Biden. Yeah.

even though Joe Biden crushed a railroad strike, which would have set the template for the whole country of workers. Right. So they did. He did that, which makes me think that he's corrupted and which because, of course, he is.

And so the guy from the Teamsters didn't. The Teamsters voted, in fact, to endorse the rank and file voted to endorse Donald Trump. But the Teamster, Fitzgerald said, hey, you know what? We're not going to endorse anybody. And so they came out against him. And now an AOC came out against him. And here's what AOC said about what were the Democratic Party is. And I want to get your reaction to this. I think what we are seeing is.

slowly but surely is a return to the Democratic Party's actual roots of a populist working class party that we saw and by the way had huge majorities and were able to sustain huge majorities in in the 20th century, in the early and mid 20th century.

Do you know what the hell she's talking about? That the Democratic Party is somehow returning back to their roots? Do you know what she's talking about?

We must be on totally parallel planets because, no, I'm from Kansas City. I'm from, you know, the middle of the country. Like the union people that I know back home are quietly supporting Donald Trump. So it's. And so and so what do you what were you excited? I was excited when when AOC and people like Pramila Jayapal and, you know, Cori Bush and those types of people got elected.

because they were the squad and they were justice Democrats and they weren't supposed to take corporate money and they were going to be there to oppose the corporate Democrats. And it turns out that's the exact opposite. What is including Bernie Sanders, what they're doing,

what they are there to do is to take people like me and you who have this revolutionary energy and funnel it back inside an anti-worker pro-war party. And so it gets squashed. You know, as Shama Sawant said, the road for progressives inside the Democratic Party leads to a graveyard. And so now AOC, Jamal Bowman, all of them, they're compunders.

Completely in the pocket of big business, the war machine and the corporate Democrats. They don't stand up for anything. They don't talk about the minimum wage anymore. They never mentioned Medicare for all the things that they ran on. They won't even stand up for identity politics. That's it. That's all they talk about. Right.

Yeah. Just like the right likes to just talk about the issues of social justice. So does the left. I mean, that's like, that's just like these culture war issues that are distracting. Well, it's like, they'd like to talk about, uh, how we don't want America to look like Haiti. So we got to give, but they don't want to talk about how Haitian refugees got here because of our foreign policy and the fact that we keep cooing their governments and stealing their natural resources. Uh,

Absolutely. Neither party. Go ahead. And I think part, yeah, either party. And I think part of it is just that, you know, once these politicians get in, like they, they see the system beforehand, like that, that, that was my piece in it. Like what I used to do is I would lead candidates, oftentimes progressive candidates, like very, that's who I worked for. Um, mostly after 2018 was progressive candidates. And, um,

You know, I would lead them through this like horrible process known as call time where you just like call donors all day long, you know, six to eight hours a day and just beg them for money. And it is a soul crushing experience. And you can just see it on their faces once they realize what it takes to actually run for Congress.

You know, they realize immediately how like broken. I mean, like I said in my article, it's not broken. Like it's designed to be this way. Right. But just how rigged it is. But then once they get in, they get broken.

the seduction of power, they get close to power, the proximity of power, the pressure that they feel from the upper members of the party. They get rid of the people that originally had helped them get there and they replace them with more like establishment types people, and then they completely become co-opted. And that's part of the reason I know a lot of people have been blaming AIPAC and of course,

There is a lot of outside money and influence. But another reason that the squad has lost so much, and I know that I'm going to get in trouble for saying this from some of my progressive friends, but it's the truth. And I'm free now. And I can say this. And I love it. But it's because they didn't make good on their promises. Okay? They went in to become...

an alternative to the mainstream Democratic Party, and they didn't force the vote. They voted to end the railroad strike. They haven't actually adhered to what they promised to do when they first ran for office, and that's the problem. And so when you see Bobby Kennedy at a Trump event, and

And he's talking about ending the Ukraine war, stopping our other wars and investing that money back in America and getting the corruption out of our FDA and CDC, fighting big agra, cleaning up our water supply and getting the poison out of our food supply and fighting childhood obesity. And then you hear a stadium full of Republicans cheer after you just came back from the Democratic Convention and they were cheering on corporatism and more war. What does it make you feel?

It is just completely dumbfounding. So do you think... Are you surprised that a stadium full of Republicans are cheering on Democratic ideals? Yeah. Yes. And that's exactly why I made this video that I posted to 30 people. And when I woke up the next morning, millions of people had watched it. Oh, no. It was insane. But I think it's because...

I spoke the truth and that resonated with people. And that's exactly why I crystallized my thoughts in this op-ed and why I pulled off the Band-Aid and I've decided to just be a voice for the truth. And if the Democratic Party doesn't figure it out, if they don't return to their progressive populist roots, if they don't stop just focusing on identity politics and all these culture war issues that are going to just rip our country apart that are so divisive,

You know, if they don't learn to speak to regular people again, they will lose. They will continue to lose and they will become the party that they once that they once swore that they never would become. And so how do you you know, at the end of that video you talked about that went viral, you say that it needs reform. Do you think reform is strong? Do you think that I don't think the Democratic Party can be reformed? What do you think?

I, I'm not sure. Like I, there's like a little piece of me that's like still hoping, which is part of the reason that I'm going on your show right now and trying to like speak about these things. Because otherwise I would just, you know, why would I want to do this? Why would I want to subject myself to all this scrutiny? I could just like,

you know, go open like a vintage store or something or like sell records or like play music, you know what I mean? Like try to, try to do, or like try to open a coffee shop or I don't know, you know? So there, there's, there's, there's a part of me that like really hopes that, but,

I don't know. And sometimes I even wonder if like we're seeing the parties flip. Yes. Well, that's what RFK says, that there's been five major party realignments in our history and we're going through one right now. Well, it's... It's like a hard pill to swallow, you know? So... So... What... How do you...

How do you deal with now? Does it surprise you that I'm the only left wing show that's inviting you on, but right wing shows are inviting you on? What does that tell you that no left MSNBC isn't inviting you on, but Fox News isn't? Why do you think MSNBC and CNN don't want to hear from you, but Fox News does want to hear from you?

Because the stuff is only convenient to talk about for them every couple of years. It's not convenient to talk about at this moment. You know, they don't, they don't want the truth all the time. They just want it when it's politically convenient for them. Yeah. And,

And so to me, what it tells me is that the people who are supposed to be on the left, they no longer are. The Democrats are anti-worker. They're anti-Medicare for all. And they're pro-war. And they're pro-censorship. Those are hallmarks of authoritarian right wing. But now the right wing are the people who are standing up against censorship. They're standing up for more war in Ukraine. So it's the weirdest thing. So there is something happening, but a lot of people want to ignore it.

And so that's what that tells me. It tells me that the Democrats and their media, the MSNBC, they're not interested in what you have to say. They're not interested in what's going wrong because they want to pick up Republican voters in the suburbs. They don't care about workers. That's what that tells me.

And their lives are comfortable and they're happy with perpetuating the status quo. Yeah. Does it bother you? Are people now calling you a right winger or a traitor or what are they calling you? I've lost friends, friends I've had for 10 plus years.

Um, I even, I, when the video first went viral, I, this is kind of personal, but it was so overwhelming to me that I went to my, I actually went to a psychiatrist to like talk to her and just, I was just, it was very anxiety inducing. And, um,

She even argued with me on this instance. Oh, my God. Yeah. For real. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That's a great psychiatrist you got there. Yeah. And I felt like I had to agree with her just to get treated or help. You know? I just...

So I'm fine now. I haven't, you know, but like I, you know, it was just the first few days of feeling just totally overwhelmed, you know, and I'm like a private person. And then all of a sudden overnight people are, you know, trying to find out where I live and sending me threatening messages and stuff like that. But I, yeah, I went to, I talked to my doctor and even she was like, well, why would you say you're not supporting Kamala? Oh my God.

What was so wrong with the convention? I watched it on TV and it was great. Oh, my God. Yeah. It gave me the willies. My skin. I mean, I was in there and I was just like, I remember I was on camera saying I'm being I'm surrounded by brainwashed, brain dead assholes who don't care about anything I care about.

Yeah. And that's what the convention was like for me. Well, I really I wish you good luck. And it's going to keep coming. If you tell the truth about the Democratic Party, they don't people are just going to slam smear you. And if you you're going to find out if you critique the Democrats from the left, which is what you're doing. Yeah, they will. First thing they do is they don't engage your ideas. They first punch left. They first discredit you, slander you, smear you, and then they call you a right winger.

They accused me of being a paid actress. Which I tried to take as a compliment. I'm like, oh, are you saying I could be an actress? Well, everybody should check out your podcast, Rolling in the Deep State. Everybody check that out. And Evan Barker, thanks for making time. Thanks for writing that article. And thanks for having the courage to stick your chin out and tell the truth because that's the only way we're going to fix things in America. Thanks a lot.

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This Steven Crowder guy is really coming up with some great stuff. He came up with this thing. So the guy who was the former senior advisor for public health at New York City's mayor's office, this guy, Dr. Jay Varma, they got him undercover admitting he was doing all kinds of creepy stuff. Well, he's the break. Former New York City COVIDs are held secret drug, drug fueled sex parties during the pandemic.

He says New Yorkers would have been pissed if they found out because he was running the entire COVID response for this city. I bet you they wouldn't have been because they're going to find out now and not be pissed.

Well, I got to tell you, nothing says safety like a naked guy with a hard on and a mask. Am I right? Come on. It's it's eyes wide shut. Dr. Jay Varma. I call him Jay Pharma, if you know what I'm saying. OK, so did he freak off with drugs? So watch this. This is a real this is the undercover video of him admitting all this stuff.

Here we go. I actually was the one who convinced the mayor to make it a man-do-it. Like, New York City found out that you were having sex partings during COVID? Yeah. Yeah, it would have been real bad. Doesn't he look like Anthony Weiner a little? Yes. Don't they look... Anthony Weiner got hit in the nose really hard. Maybe. Okay, here we go. Underground, like, dance party like the bank in Wall Street.

and we were all rolling we were all taking molly and everybody's high and i was so happy because it hadn't done that in like a year and a half like a year or whatever and uh but i was looking around being like i wonder if he sees me because this was not going to do his job for the city was if i had some way to blow off steam everything right you guys think about because hotels didn't want people gathering there

because i was like running the entire my wife and i like had one with our friends like in august of like that first summer so we rented a hotel and it was fun we all like took like you know molly and i was like it was like eight or nine of us and then ten or eight ten of us in our room and everybody did a blast because everybody was like so yeah so

This guy had his friends over for a naked sex party and nobody wore a mask, not even over their eyes. He did it with his wife. I hope his wife is at least hot. You know what? This guy reminds me of one of those doctors from...

You remember that show HBO Real Sex? You remember that? Yeah. Where they showed all those people having sex? You know, the people who you really didn't want to see having sex? He actually looks like the main bad guy from the Temple of Doom. This guy, he betrayed Shiva. It's Mullah Ram?

He said eight to ten people. They would have sex parties with eight to ten. I'm going to guess a lot less people showed up than were invited. That's my guess. I bet you, I promise you the real turn on for this guy was not the weird orgies. It was being locked down while he gets to go to weird orgies.

Yeah, that's the power trip. First of all, he goes, I am so pent up. I hadn't done a Molly sex party in how long? A year and a half? Then he said he corrected himself a year. A year. It's been a full year since a Molly-fueled sex orgy for you? How did you survive?

I think there's more of this for him to say. But first of all, what a great analogy this is. Your trusted doctor gets you into a room, makes you strip, and then fucks you. I think that's... Here, let's watch. Oh, I bet, yeah. Yeah.

Did you have like...

There wasn't any restrictions on gathering. Like, you could technically gather people. The hotels didn't want any parties, but they weren't going to, like... It's so funny. It's like, because I did all this, like, deviant, like, sexual stuff. You know, like, on TV and all this stuff. And people were like, aren't you afraid? Aren't you embarrassed? And I was like, no, actually. I'm, like, really, like... I love being my authentic self. Oh, do you know what? There's music behind that. I wonder if we could...

Oh, he loves being his authentic self. He loves being his authentic self. I like how he said that they weren't COVID-friendly, these orgies. It sounds very COVID-friendly. What is a COVID-friendly? Because it COVID spreads.

What does a COVID-friendly orgy look like? Is everybody using a surgically sanitized glory hole? Is he trying to tell us he has a six-foot cock? Oh, gosh. I wonder whose dick that is coming through the glory hole. I hope it belongs to someone important. I love a good mystery. Yeah. Wow. So, yeah, I don't think I'm going to play any more of that because there's music behind it.

I bet you, like, first of all, I was having an orgy and he was coming. I'd be like, no, dude, you have to wear a mask. You have to. So Stephen Crowder says, here's a recap of the highlights of that video we just saw. We went to some, like, underground dance party underneath a bank on Wall Street. We were all rolling. That was not COVID friendly. I did all this deviant sexual stuff.

Well, I was, you know, like on TV and stuff. The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then. Oh, if only there was a way through a sex party underneath Wall Street.

The only way he's a bank in Wall Street. Are you joking? So so if he was put in charge of halting bank robberies, do you have to blow off some steam every now and then by wearing a mask and robbing a store? Yeah. People would be really mad if they found out. But I felt great about it. I was being authentic. I like to tell you to do something and then I do it. And I authentically love it. His authentic self is a complete hypocrite. You see those hot TV doctors like George Clooney. I'm like that. Except I'm not hot. Yeah. Yeah.

So even the New York Times is covering this now. Stephen Crowder broke. So it's in a hidden camera video posted by conservative podcaster by by a kid. They won't even mention him by a conservative podcaster. Dr. J.K. Varma boasts about flouting the public health guidelines he insisted others follow.

At various points, he described sex party. He and his wife held in a hotel and a dance party. He attended in a space under a bank on wall street joined by more than 200 people. Wow. In a statement, Dr. Varma did not dispute the recordings authenticity.

But said they had been spliced, diced and taken out of context. In what context? Please put it in context. Please put it in context. In what context of you going to a dance party with 200 people underneath a bank on Wall Street, everybody taking Molly and then having sex parties. In what context? Did he go? You know what? Is the context that after you say you're like, I mean, that was just a dream I had, obviously not real life because that would be crazy. OK, that makes sense.

He said he attended three gatherings between August 20 and June 20. That's three more than I did. Splice, dice, and take out a contact. That's just what they did to my wife's pussy in front of me. Boom. At the time, public health officials in New York, like those in cities and counties or countries around the world, were frantically seeking to contain the virus. Can't contain it.

They always knew you couldn't. They always knew that, by the way. FYI, it's a coronavirus. It's endemic. They said everybody was going to get it at the beginning of the summer of 2021. Fauci was saying that. Nobody was listening.

I reported that. I would report that to people. When people were for, like when I brought on Graham Elwood on the show and he was for mandating an experimental medical treatment for people with no long-term studies so he could go back on the road. Very unselfish. Whatever happened at Grahambo? Nobody watched. John Jay Grahambo. I feel bad. Is his war done with the COVID mask? I forgot he went all in on that. All in. Wow.

All in. Wow. But I was trying to tell them, no, they're already saying that no matter how many vaccines you get, everybody's going to get COVID anyway. I knew that in the early summer of 2021. Has Graham seen the story? Has he seen it? Did Graham? Graham, you know, I bet you didn't go to a lot of sex parties you would have liked to go to all this assholes. So that's why this is, that's why, but people don't want to hear that. I got in arguments with comedians.

about it. And long-term friends, no longer friends. They couldn't handle it. Top to top comedians. Well, now they know they're wrong, right? Now they look back and say that was stupid of us, obviously, right? Nobody's ever called me up to say that. I bring it up every time. Every time a dumb fuck liberal opens their mouth about anything like Trump and Kitty and dog eating, I like to bring up COVID. I

I like to bring it up every time because I don't think you should get to move on from that ever. I think that should come up every time you feel righteous indignation. They still don't admit it. No, no. They still don't admit it. Hey, remember it was poison? The vaccine was poison. It didn't work. Remember it didn't work at all? And now you can say it on YouTube because it didn't work and the mask didn't work. And this doctor, the head of telling you to do it, knew it didn't work. He was out fucking.

People had to look at him naked and his weird, uncircumcised baloney dick in a fucking party. Well, his dick wears a mask. Well, Kurt, I have to I have to push back on you a little. Of course, the vaccine didn't stop transmission or contraction, which is what everyone wanted. But it did slow the spread and it did keep you from getting seriously ill or hospitalized or dead. That's according to the FDA and the CDC, Kurt. And when have they ever lied to you?

Well, I know they say that, but I think YouTube, you don't have to say it since, you know, the head YouTube broad died. Yeah, I don't. But it certainly isn't poison. It's a it's a miracle. Wonderful. It's wonderful. It's certainly I have to push back on you on that anyway. I feel like I'm at a sex party right now.

So New York City schools were abruptly closed beginning in March 2020. Indoor dining and restaurants was forbidden. Masking indoors in public places was mandatory. And the guy who was making that happen was busy at dance parties where everybody's on Molly, 200 people, and he's having sex parties with 10 people at a time. The guy who made all that happen, who wrecks people's lives.

Well, do you think those people aren't very important people? Do you think it was 200 losers that are at that party or 200 people of the equivalent level of power as him? Because I bet you it was that. I think it was that. Yeah, no, I think it was powerful people. It was probably Wall Street people and government people. Just like that. Well, just like that. Gavin Newsom, listen.

At least he was smart enough not to talk on undercover camera about his sex parties. But he did get caught on camera at a restaurant without his mask on with 10 people at a table. Save it for the orgy. Don't just do it at a restaurant. Come on. He says, I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time. You mean about lockdowns and masks, you asshole?

That's what a weasel. You mean as a doctor? I don't care about what you fucked. He was a doctor. You didn't have good judgment. Dickhead. As an architect of the city's vaccine policies, Dr. Varma regularly appeared with Mr. de Blasio at COVID briefings where he would urge people to mask up and observe social distancing.

Dr. Varma rose to national prominence for helping put in place the mandatory vaccination rules that prevented the Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving from playing basketball in New York for a time after he refused to get the shot. Oh, wow. What a what a piece of garbage.

That makes me like hate that guy. Yeah, no kidding. The revelation. Me too. The revelations about Dr. Varma's pandemic behavior called to mind similar instances of official hypocrisy, including Boris Johnson's lockdown sores when he was prime minister of Britain and the November 2020 dinner at the French Laundry attended by Gavin Newsom. Then Governor. Yeah. Yeah. Not to be Johnson's was a cheese and cracker party, by the way, because nobody asked him to be naked.

If you don't want to see Dr. Varner naked, you really don't want to see Boris Johnson naked. At least greased devil Gavin Newsom was smart enough not to hide his sex-fueled sex parties. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, San Francisco, they probably got well-established places you'll never find out about those sex parties.

As they stoked. So as they stoked anger among some politicians who have criticized what they say was an unnecessary, heavy handed response to the pandemic that in France. Well, we now know that lockdowns were a failure. That was unnecessary. According to Johns Hopkins University, they they caused more problems than they they helped. We all knew that the vaccine didn't stop transmission or contraction.

We all know that they lied about where the virus came from. They lied about early treatments. They tried to restrict monoclonals to people. They had to lie to you about ivermectin and say it was horse dewormer. They had to, instead of one of the most prescribed drugs in human history,

I would never listen to Johns Hopkins about something like this, even though they're saying the thing that's true at the moment. Any of these people, I'll never listen to any of them ever again after that. Ever again. They are completely untrustworthy.

Every single government agency that weighed in on this showed you that you can't trust a single word they say ever again or you're a chump. And then you're not but you're not supposed to do your own research. You're just supposed to listen and trust them. Didn't you see Lex Friedman's podcast? Did you see what he would like? GPT. I know. So here let me read this to you. This guy, Joseph Borelli, he's a Republican minority leader of the city council.

He said, I recall being treated like a pariah for pointing out the obvious at the time that so many of our so-called leaders were just making up illogical rules as they went along. Still, even I couldn't have predicted how full of it they actually were. They didn't even invite me to the naked party. On Thursday, City Councilman Robert Holden, a Democrat who represents the district in Queens, called on Mayor Eric Adams, who

To investigate. Oh, really? The sex parties? Asking Eric Adams to investigate corruption is like asking Chris Christie to look into the missing chips in the snack room. One day we'll catch that buffet bandit. I don't know. We got Chris Christie on it. They were firing people, city workers.

Yeah. Oh, 70. Yeah. How many nurses lost their job? He's saying, hey, so now this guy, this city councilman is calling on them to drop its appeals cases against city workers who were sued at who sued after being fired for refusing to comply with COVID vaccine mandates.

All the nurses know that masks never worked from the start. And my girlfriend told me and I was like, didn't believe her. But I was like, that can't. No, they all. So a bunch of nurses who were honest said, we know it doesn't work. The doctors are money grubbing liars. And that's why they went along and they get off on authority. You know, the psychopath traits that you've heard many times doctors have.

Like it could be good or negative. Well, in this case, the psychopath trait that lets you cut into someone for surgery without puking was a bad thing because this guy's a psychopath. He's calling it his authentic self. This mania. Yes. So you want it? Do you want to know where he's working now, Kurt?

Well, after he left the city job, he went to become a professor and the director of the Cornell Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response at Weill Cornell Medical College. He's no longer there. You know where he is now? Guess. I'll give you three guesses.

He is now the executive vice president and chief medical officer at SIGA Technologies. It's a pharmaceutical company. Oh, how'd that happen? Well, that's a good fit. He's an executive vice president for a pharmaceutical company. I bet you their sex parties are better. Hey, do you think, yeah, I bet he gets a good of Borla parties now. Wait till you see how veterinarians have an orgy.

I mean, he's basically working for the mafia because you can do whatever you want at Big Pharma. You never get fired. A letter writing campaign is not going to have an effect on this guy's job at this pharmaceutical company. Well, I think it's better than Cornell, the top college for suicides in the country, because a guy is going to throw where he's going to get naked. That's going to cause more suicides. It's better that he's at the pharma company.

So I say tip of the hat, Stephen Crowder. I don't know how he's getting these undercover videos. He got first. He got the people to admit that all these lawsuits against Donald Trump are just political. You got. Hey, if Stephen Crowder wants to do this, so that mug club bullshit. Good for him. I say kudos to you, sir. I think the mug club is what pays for this.

Oh, is it? Yeah, of course. How do you think he made... They demonetized him on YouTube. Because over that... When you think about Steven Crowder, this is good that he did this. Yeah, it is. There's nothing I can take away from this. And my good friend Dave Landau was his sidekick and has told me the horror stories of Steven Crowder. But I cannot take this away from Steven Crowder. This is excellent that he got this. It is. There's no way to get around it. Champagne Joshy.

tweeted out, a new whistleblower has come forward alleging the second assassination attempt on Trump may have been a Secret Service inside job. Wow. This is from Josh Hawley. So that's Josh Hawley. He sends this to the Honorable Ronald L. Rowe Jr., Acting Director of the U.S. Secret Service. He says, Dear Acting Director Rowe, my office has received new whistleblower information

regarding the most recent attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump, raising a troubling question about Secret Service protocols on that day. A whistleblower with direct knowledge of Secret Service protection at former President Trump's golf course in West Palm Beach, an individual who has in fact protected President Trump at that very location, alleges

There are, quote, known vulnerabilities, end quote, in the fence line surrounding the course, places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing the course. As a result, the whistleblower alleges.

It has been Secret Service protocol to post up agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15th. Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 effing hours.

It is further unclear from your recent press conference whether agents swept the perimeter of the golf course at any point or whether drones were used to surveil the fence line. The reality is that the would-be assassin should never have been able to.

to linger around the course for that long undetected. Please answer immediately the following questions raised by these new whistleblower. So then he has questions. Did the Seekers... So... I like a whistleblower's brain. Like, the fact that it happened means all of that you could assume. The fact that it happened at all... Yeah. My whistleblower, that I was like, oh, obviously somebody let that happen. Because I saw it happen. That's the only way that can happen. And, of course, there's known vulnerabilities. Yeah.

And but I think the the whistle that's being blown here is that they they didn't do what they normally do, that they normally put people at those vulnerable places and they didn't. And so.

When I've heard the Secret Service talk about this, they didn't say, hey, you know what? Our bad. We forgot to post the people that we normally post in those vulnerable areas. What they said was they were patting themselves on the back for catching the guy.

Yeah, we stopped Iran yet again. When are we going to go make Iran stop this? Those guys, remember I told you those were DHS on loan the first time, not Secret Service? Right. They were DHS, and I was right. I got that from a dark journalist, the guy's channel is. So they claim they have a manpower shortage, the Secret Service. We just don't have the manpower. We just don't have the manpower. Where are we going to go? Well, maybe we could tap into that $175 billion we sent to Ukraine. I don't know.

Oh, maybe some of the illegal migrants we're bringing on purpose can become the secret servants for Trump. So underneath...

our friend Champagne's post, someone said, I don't doubt the possibility of an inside job, but I did not pick up that insinuation in reading Holly's letter. Am I missing something? The insinuation, he goes, known vulnerabilities implies that they knew the fence line was susceptible to a security breach and have secured it in the past, but for some unknown reason, they didn't that day and let a lunatic with an AK-47 roam the property for 12 hours.

The implication and matter of fact, this person is blowing the whistle should be clear. Yeah, people I saw a lot of people like trying to push back on that, like, oh, it's not a whistleblower. Well, Josh Hawley calls him a whistleblower. The senator. Do you need a whistleblower to know that that doesn't happen twice unless there's a thing going on? That doesn't happen. That's right. People don't get their eyes poisoned at the rally. They said, you see that?

The guy, some people had chemical burns on their eyes. They were sitting up front for it. I heard they saw somebody. Yeah, I heard. I did see a headline about that. I didn't look into it. What did you hear about it?

Because they had seen weirdos with explosives or a barrel or a blue barrel or something before. But that was early in the day. And they were like, oh, there's another threat just after this. The next thing I hear is four people or something sitting up at the right had chemical burns on their eyes. They had to run out of there. And so some chemical was released. This is at a Trump rally. The one that just happened. Yeah.

I, so do people think like, I don't doubt the possibility of an inside in quotes of an inside job. Are you, it sounds like you do cause you put it in quotes and I'm, what do you, why would you need Holly's letter to know that that's how that works? Are you stupid? Do people be like, come on, before we get too far fetched that they would want to kill Trump. Are you joking? Uh, so it's, uh,

I just I don't doubt O.J. could have done it. The thing that the thing that baffles me is that even people that I like who consider themselves on the left and have their head on straight about, you know, what the establishment and most think they still can't bring themselves to say, yeah, it looks like somehow Trump.

is a thorn in the side of the establishment somehow. And they won't allow themselves to even talk about this. Like, I don't see... Trump's such a piece of shit. That's what my friend said to me. My friend who I respect, who I realize that I know more than. And it was... So, I mean, again, what I say, and I'm not the... I've heard... I'm repeating this. Someone else I heard say this, and it made sense to me as soon as I heard it, was that Trump...

Isn't deep state corrupt? He's corrupt. He's like New York real estate corrupt. He's not. I want to kill a million people for the military industrial complex corrupt.

And they're fine with that one. They're fine with that one, because what it's about is my dipshit friends that I cater to their moronic ideas about how things are, such as their dumb kids that they go and get them mutilated, the generals mutilated and pretend that's a good person. I don't want to upset them because that's my shirt. Even if they've screwed me over all of them.

I still like the guy you had on who they killed his wife and he still can't break the Democrats. They killed his wife, but can't bring himself to think maybe there's a conspiracy going on.

That's do you see in the my control of that and and when you're talking about it is really like people are falling for the for the stupid Uh, the pager story, right? No, they're not fall for it. It's default and when you tell them the truth, it's it's upsetting - that's a narrative a load-bearing narrative in their very reality and you're gonna pull that brick and destroy reality for them by them accepting the truth and

So you can't just tell people the truth. Like, I mean, I do, but you, you, the people get upset because it's like taking a sledgehammer to their carefully crafted sandcastle they live in. So when Bobby Kennedy stands up at a Trump rally and says, he's bad, says that Donald Trump and I are going to end the war in Ukraine and invest that money back here. And we don't want any more foreign wars. And the crowd cheers, a stadium full of Republican voters cheer and,

People just dismiss that. I mean, I mean, people that I think are super insightful on a lot of things and people who I've I've highlighted on this show, they just pretend that Donald Trump is. I've seen people say, well, if they kill Donald Trump, they're just going to replace him with a carbon copy. And then they'll why would they why would they be trying to kill Donald Trump then? Why would they do that? That doesn't make sense.

So these people just they can't allow their brain to open enough to the idea that how the mafia works. That's not all in it together. Right. The mafia are competing and killing each other. The mafia. Right. Right. They're not a unified organization, even though they're all above you. They're soldiers and you're a civilian. You're not in their world. That's how your government works.

But without the humanity of the mafia, they work like they work in a goddamn Kevin Smith Clark's movie and they can't believe they have to serve the customer and they want you dead. That's for your government. So it's not as good as the mafia. No one will even, no one will even bring up the fact that,

The Pentagon and the CIA lied to Donald Trump about the troops and where they were and when Donald Trump wanted to bring them back. They won't even allow themselves to say those things or write them. They won't allow themselves to go there. Guard your heart against stumbling. There's a reason, just like that guy I had on the show when I tried to explain to him, there's a reason why...

The deep state, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and the Democratic and Republican establishment and the media all push Russiagate till to this day. They push Russiagate. Why not? Why not get who you can go with? There's a reason why they did that. There's a reason why January 6th happened. And a carbon copy of January 6th happened in Brazil. A carbon copy with the CIA instigated. This is exactly...

There's a reason why they did 91 felony indictments of Donald Trump and George Bush and Dick Cheney walked the earth free men. In fact, Kamala Harris brags about their endorsement. People who ordered torture programs. People who lied us into war. People who lied about Building 7. People who wouldn't allow us to question any of that. People who lied about Seth Rich. How about the CIA who lied about Hunter Biden's laptop? So there's a reason why the CIA...

Wants to get rid of Donald Trump and no one will allow themselves to even ponder that for a second. Why? What is that about? You think no one's the CIA is not lying at the behalf of Trump. They're lying at the behest of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, the CIA. So so the so my theory is that Donald Trump.

has the crazy idea that the president is supposed to control the Pentagon, the military, and the intelligence community. And as Chuck Schumer told us all in 2016, that Donald Trump is stupid to think that, that the CIA controls him.

And he better watch his P's and Q's around the CIA. And so the real question is, well, who is the CIA and the Pentagon actually work for? Well, Mike Benz was on this show a week or two ago, and he said, look up who are all the people on the board of the Atlantic Council. It's all these huge corporations and billionaires, and that's who runs everything. And we've always known this.

The Council on Foreign Relations is part of it. The State Department. The CIA works with the State Department, really. The State Department is the biggest scum that ever lived going back to the US. That's right. And so- The worst people who ever walked this earth, the US State Department. Every one of them. And so that's why they need to have a boogeyman so they could keep making bombs and blowing them up. And that's what Russia's there for. And if Russia wasn't there, they'd just invent them. They invented Al-Qaeda. Yeah.

Hillary Clinton's on video admitting they invented Al Qaeda out of the Mushahideen. Liberals know that. They know that and they dismiss it. And they just dismiss it. So we invented Saddam Hussein. We armed him for years and years and

Until he, same thing with Libya, all of a sudden, so whenever they need a boogeyman, they create it. Whether it's Kim Jong-un, whether it's Saddam Hussein, whether it's Muammar Gaddafi, whether it's Bashar al-Assad, whether it's Putin, they invent ideas.

a bad guy. So to keep the military industrial complex going, and let's remember that these wars are not meant to be won. They're meant to be ongoing because there was already a peace deal for Ukraine. Immediately, a month after the war started, they was going to be over. And guess who stopped it? The United States and NATO.

That's who stopped it. Jimmy, they invented gangster rap. The CIA invented gangster rap. Some agent just died. It's like a stiff confession. Obviously they did on purpose, just like they invented the hippies. Everything that people like, oh, I hate anti-war protesters now. They smell and they do drugs a lot. That's not how they started. That was the CIA. That's the point. That's the point of every... That's why there is no left.

That's right. I used to not think is real, but Barry, you're right. Barry's right. There isn't, there is no left. It's sure of it. So, uh, it's, I just can't wait for the day when it's never, I don't think it's ever coming. People just like to repeat, you know, Hey, there, there is a unit party and somehow Trump is a little bit outside it. Just like Elon Musk is a billionaire and a defense contractor. Uh,

And he stepped out of line just a little bit by allowing a little bit more free speech on Twitter than any other social media app. And look how they came down on him. They call him a racist. They call him alt-right. They call him a misogynist. All the things they said about Bernie Sanders.

They're saying about so you can't even if you're a billionaire in bed with the military industrial complex, you still cannot step out of line even a little bit. And so Donald Trump has stepped out of line a little bit. He wouldn't do war the way he wanted because he's New York real estate corrupt. He's not deep state. I want to kill a million people and order a torture program corrupt to make some money for our friends. That's that's the difference.

OK, so there it is. That's that's. And now there's a new whistleblower. So you got to be naive in the extreme to think that all this that somehow Bobby Kennedy's running some long con. He decided at the end of his life when he's 70 years old to try to grab power by lying. And if he was going to lie, why wouldn't he lie about Israel, Palestine? Why wouldn't he just pretend? Yeah, yeah. I'm on board with Palestine. Just why wouldn't he do that?

He's the guy, a lot of rich people, the guy I'm totally against him on Israel, Palestine. I've done a whole hour show debunking his Israel, Palestine stuff. But what I'm saying is what are he, when he talks, he's sincere about things. And, and,

You know, the lockdowns and that poison that they fucking put in, like my nieces and other people's kids. That's the turbo cancer we learned of from that guest when it ruined my week for the whole week after hearing about it. I'm not over that. I don't care if Trump has said a mean no-no about eating kitties and doggies.

I'm still mad about the Mengele experiment. I'm really upset about it, actually. I understand, too. I can't get over it. You're not still. Oh, because you're loaded and you having to stay home. Yeah, it was great. You finally got to take some time away from thinking about your fucking career all day. Like the craving cowards these people are. And it was refreshing for them. Other people lost everything they had and they're a little salty about it.

They don't have the empathy for the illegals that they're bum-rushing into the country on purpose to screw them further. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

Do not freak out.