cover of episode “The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

“The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

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Evan Barker
Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore:民主党已经变成了富人的政党,与普通美国民众脱节,不再关心工人阶级的利益。民主党全国代表大会充斥着精英主义和脱离现实的氛围,与普通民众的切实需求脱节。民主党主要关注受过高等教育的城市富裕阶层,对工人阶级采取居高临下的态度。民主党公开放弃了对工人阶级的承诺,转而追求温和派共和党选民的支持。民主党未能回归其工人阶级基础,继续忽视工人阶级的利益。民主党候选人与工人阶级脱节,其提名过程缺乏民主性。AOC声称民主党正在回归其民粹主义和工人阶级根源的说法与现实脱节。所谓的“进步派”民主党议员最终沦为既得利益集团的工具,未能兑现其竞选承诺。主流媒体只在政治上方便的时候才会报道批评民主党的声音,这反映了民主党及其媒体对真相的漠视。批评民主党会导致被污蔑、诽谤和贴上右翼标签。民主党全国代表大会的氛围令人作呕,充斥着盲从和缺乏对民众关切的关注。新冠疫情期间的封锁措施和疫苗政策是失败的,相关官员对疫情的处理方式存在严重失误。 Evan Barker:民主党全国代表大会充斥着精英主义和脱离现实的氛围,与普通民众的切实需求脱节。民主党并非运作失常,而是故意服务于精英利益,压制工人阶级的声音。民主党全国代表大会缺乏民主性,呈现出令人不安的盲从和缺乏批判性思维的氛围。民主党支持者对党内缺乏民主性表现出麻木和缺乏批判性思维。民主党完全被捐款人和精英阶层控制,不再真正代表工人阶级的利益。民主党存在严重的文化隔阂,对美国中西部和南部等地区的工人阶级缺乏理解和关注。一旦当选,民主党议员很容易受到权力和既得利益的腐蚀,背叛其最初的政治立场。“进步派”民主党议员未能履行其竞选承诺,导致其失去民众支持。除非民主党回归其进步主义和民粹主义的根源,否则它将继续失去民众支持。尽管对民主党的前景感到悲观,但仍抱有一丝希望,并试图通过发声来促成改变。公开批评民主党导致其失去朋友和面临人身威胁。

Deep Dive

Evan Barker, a former Democratic campaign operative, discusses her disillusionment with the Democratic Party after attending the DNC. She felt the convention was out of touch with everyday Americans and that the party has shifted its focus to the affluent, neglecting the working class.
  • Barker raised millions for Democratic candidates and organizations.
  • DNC convention felt out of touch with regular Americans.
  • Democratic Party's messaging seems condescending and paternalistic.

Shownotes Transcript

Evan Barker is a former Democratic campaign operative who says she has raised tens of millions of dollars for Democratic candidates and organizations. But over the years she witnessed the party changing, increasingly embracing elites and corporate interests while abandoning the working class. After attending the recent Democratic National Convention, Barker announced she was leaving the party in a widely read piece in Newsweek.   Jimmy speaks to Barker about the changes they’ve both witnessed inside the Democratic Party, whether there is a seismic political shift underway and how rejecting Democrats has cost them personally and socially.   Plus segments on an undercover video in which the New York City COVID czar admits to engaging in wild sex parties during the pandemic and the Secret Service whistleblower who came forward to claim that the most recent Trump assassination attempt was an inside job.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano!