cover of episode Adult Education (Season 1, Episode 20)

Adult Education (Season 1, Episode 20)

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The Golden Girls Deep Dive Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jennifer Simard
Patrick Hines
Stan Zimmerman
@Patrick Hines : 本集深度剖析环节将独家采访本集编剧@Stan Zimmerman ,揭秘幕后故事和创作细节,包括对剧中经典台词、人物原型、以及社会问题的探讨。 @Jennifer Simard : 本集情节精彩,笑点密集,编剧功力深厚,展现了女性在职场和生活中面临的困境与挑战,以及友谊的力量。 Stan Zimmerman: 本集旨在探讨性骚扰这一严肃的社会问题,并通过幽默的方式展现女性在面对困境时的勇气和智慧。剧中人物原型多取材于编剧的真实生活经历,力求展现人物的复杂性和多面性。 Patrick Hines: 本集多次提到Frank Sinatra,因此接下来将进行关于他的深度剖析,包括他坎坷的童年经历、辉煌的演艺生涯,以及他鲜为人知的疤痕和对拍照的抗拒。 Jennifer Simard: Blanche不及格的考试结果引发了剧情发展,也体现了她对长期财富的渴望和个人成就的追求。 Stan Zimmerman: 剧中性骚扰情节的创作灵感来源于编剧的真实生活经历和社会观察,力求展现人物的复杂性和多面性,以及女性在面对困境时的勇气和智慧。 Patrick Hines: 剧中人物都认识黄牛党,体现了当时购票的普遍途径,以及购票过程中的风险和无奈。 Jennifer Simard: Blanche认为长时间学习是不健康的,需要放松,体现了她对生活的态度和对自身需求的重视。 Stan Zimmerman: 本集的创作初衷是希望通过幽默的方式探讨性骚扰这一严肃的社会问题,并展现女性在面对困境时的勇气和智慧。剧中人物的对话和行为都经过精心设计,力求展现人物的复杂性和多面性。

Deep Dive

Blanche shares her devastating news about failing her psychology exam, leading to a discussion about her academic struggles and future at the museum.
  • Blanche failed her psychology midterm
  • She fears failing the whole course and not getting her degree
  • The museum promotion is at stake if she doesn't pass

Shownotes Transcript

WELCOME TO EPISODE 20 OF THE GOLDEN GIRLS DEEP DIVE PODCAST! Starting from the beginning of the show, each week we recap an episode of The Golden Girls and we end each episode with a fully researched deep dive into something from the Golden Girls universe!

In episode 20, Blanche is failing her psychology course. Shenanigans ensue… wait, I know we usually say that, but it doesn’t quite fit the bill here… so, ILLEGAL HORRIBLE #METOO behavior ensures when her professor tells her how she can get an A in the course. Don’t worry, Blanche kicks ass in this episode. OH, also, Dorothy and the girls are trying to get Frank Sinatra tickets which leads to maybe our most hilarious mini deep dive yet! 

For this week’s deep dive, Stan Zimmerman, who co-wrote this episode, is back to give us all the behind the scenes tea and answer all the questions we have for this episode!

Our episodes are researched by Jess McKillop, Patrick Hinds, and Jennifer Simard. All of our sources can be found on our website. Follow us on Instagram and TikTok at @GoldenGirlsDeepDive

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