cover of episode Propaganda Wars: Exposing the Globalist Coordination to Manipulate YOU | Guests: Justin Haskins & Mike Howell | 10/22/24

Propaganda Wars: Exposing the Globalist Coordination to Manipulate YOU | Guests: Justin Haskins & Mike Howell | 10/22/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Glenn Beck
Justin Haskins
Glenn Beck:左翼媒体和社交媒体构成巨大的宣传机器,操纵人们的思想和看法,主流媒体已经变成左翼的宣传机构,与政府勾结;谎言分为谎言行为(故意说谎)和谎言遗漏(故意遗漏重要细节);判断信息真伪,要考察信息来源的可信度;媒体通过谎言行为和谎言遗漏来掩盖真相,导致人们对事件的认知偏差,形成自我强化的宣传体系;民主党试图让人们相信卡玛拉·哈里斯已经改变,不再是气候极端主义者,但这是一种谎言;卡玛拉·哈里斯任命极端环保主义者卡米拉·索恩迪克为气候事务主任,与她公开声明的温和立场相矛盾,这体现了媒体的谎言遗漏和谎言行为,以及民主党操纵舆论的策略;要识别宣传,需要不断追问“为什么”,并勇于面对真相;全球精英操纵信息,其影响已超越媒体和社交媒体,形成全球性的宣传体系;如果哈里斯当选,美国将面临巨大的自由威胁,而欧盟的ESG计划也会进一步加剧这种威胁。 Justin Haskins:存在一个庞大的宣传体系,左翼组织和大型机构相互勾结,通过各种渠道传播虚假信息,其影响范围广泛;精英阶层操纵信息是为了巩固自身权力和财富,他们通过灌输错误的意识形态来控制民众,最终目标是控制人工智能;外国政府通过各种手段干预美国选举,散布虚假信息,加剧社会分裂;外国富豪通过资助政治运动和操纵公投等方式,间接影响美国选举,最终目标是建立一党执政的国家。 Mike Howell:FBI秘密支持BLM暴动,这并非个别现象,而是机构内部长期存在的偏见和政治化倾向的体现;美国机构已经被左翼势力渗透,要恢复美国体制的正常运作,需要彻底改革,这需要强大的政治意愿。 Stu:补充说明和观点阐述

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is gold considered a safe investment during times of economic uncertainty?

Gold is historically a safe-haven asset, often used by countries to stabilize their economies and hedge against inflation.

Why are other countries shifting away from the dollar and towards gold?

Countries are replacing the dollar with gold to reduce dependency on the U.S. currency and stabilize their reserves.

Why should people consider diversifying their retirement investments with precious metals?

Diversifying with precious metals like gold can protect retirement assets from the volatility of paper investments.

Why is Glenn Beck promoting his new book 'Propaganda Wars'?

Beck aims to expose and counter the propaganda efforts of the Left and state-run media through his book.

Why is Zach Levi urging conservative actors to speak out?

Levi believes that the Hollywood industry is eroding and that conservatives need to voice their support to influence the future of entertainment.

Glenn Beck introduces his new book 'Propaganda Wars' and discusses how to navigate through the lies propagated by the media and social media.
  • Understanding the types of lies: lies of commission and lies of omission.
  • Importance of looking at people's records to judge their credibility.
  • The media's role in spreading misinformation and the need to find trusted sources.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

hello america welcome to the glenn beck program today is the day propaganda wars comes out it is available now wherever books are sold we're going to spend some time today going over some stories that are in the news today and i'm going to show you how to read them how to be able to understand propaganda how it's uh working not just through uh our media

but also through social media. We're going to expose some things today that are very important for you to understand as we now mark two weeks before the next election, which will decide the fate of the Republic. We go there in 60 seconds. First, what actually matters today? Well, our families matter. Faith matters. Living a life of integrity matters.

One more thing, America matters. America matters to me and I'm sure it matters to you. We have got to shore her up and do everything that we can. American Giant was created 13 years ago to save a clothing factory in North Carolina. So jobs were saved and the employees continued to do work and the town would survive.

Making clothing in America is not easy at all. We don't make anything here in America unless it's really super expensive. Why? There's so much cheap competition overseas. Why even try? Because American manufacturing matters. And with all that's going on in the world, it matters more than ever. We need to start making our own stuff again or we won't survive.

Now, they started with the best hoodie that you'll ever own. It's made here in America. They're doing things the way we used to do them here in America. Do you remember when you were a kid, if you're at least my age, you'd buy Champion and it would be the best hoodie, it would be the best sweatshirt you ever had. Well, why aren't they like that now? When you go and you buy a Champion, why does it suck so much more than it used to be great? Why?

because we sold the machines to Japan. We stopped making them this way years ago. Well, what American Giant did is they went and they found those machines. They brought them back to America. When this company was going out of business, they put the machines in there and they saved all those jobs and trained people how to make great American clothing again. Buy American quality today at slash Glenn. Put pride back into our work again.

Use my name and you get 20% off your first order at slash Glenn. So today the book Propaganda Wars comes out. Justin Haskins is my co-author. He's going to be joining in just a little while. But I wanted to go over some of the stories that we have today in our daily newsletter. All of the stories that we look at, 60 to 90 stories a day.

They're all available every day, free. Just go to, sign up for my free email newsletter. Every morning, you get all the news you need. But I want to go through some of those, and I want to show you some of the things that you're going to learn in Propaganda Wars. There is...

There is a system now, and I'm going to explain it in the next hour here just by going over some stories. There is a system now that our government, big corporations, the media, and social media are all a part of. And it is propaganda. It is the biggest propaganda machine ever. We shouldn't call the mainstream media mainstream anymore because, A, they're not mainstream.

They are leftist. They are a propaganda organization. It is an industry now, and it is in collusion with our government. So how do you find what's real? Well, let me give you a couple of stories here. This is an easy one. First of all, you have to understand there are several kinds of lies. Let's just look at two of them here. One is the lie of commission, which is what, Stu?

Lie of commission. You're coming out and you're saying something you know to be false. Okay. Lies of commission. You are actually saying something that is a lie. What is the lie of omission? Leaving out an important detail that would disprove what you're saying. Correct. Right. And that's just as important. There's tons of lies of omission.

And that used to be the way the media works is they would just leave things out. They still do. But now they're also committing lies of commission saying things they know are not true. For instance, Donald Trump, you know, saying they're very fine people on both sides. Okay. The lie of omission says,

is saying, well, that's not what he said exactly. He said, I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Okay, that's a quote. I'm not talking about the Nazis and white supremacists. So at first, it's a lie of omission. They're leaving that out. At this point, by bringing it up over and over again and saying that that's what he said, you're now engaged in a lie of commission.

You're lying about it knowingly. All right. So how do you find the stories? Well, let's look at first lies. How do you find out what's a lie? It's almost impossible now, isn't it? Well, yeah, it is. But one of the things you have to do, and we outline a whole list of these things because I want to teach you

How we look at news. And I get it wrong sometimes as well because I'll violate one of these principles because usually it's because this is so good. This has got to be true, right? Have you ever said that? This has got to be true. Oh my gosh, this has got to be true. Now it's getting harder and harder because crazier and crazier things are true. And so you're like, I don't know. We've lost the common sense thing now.

Because what's happening, why it's so easy to convince you of lies is because the truth is so damn crazy, right? So first thing you have to do is look at people's records. If they have knowingly lied to you in the past,

and then they've never apologized for it, they've never admitted they're wrong, you must dismiss them and disregard everything they're saying. Now, that doesn't mean they only lie. It means they know that they have knowingly lied to you several times and never turned around, never said. For instance, anybody who said at first,

You know, he said that, you know, there are very fine people on both sides and they didn't see the video. And this usually happens with media. One person will report it and then everybody else just dogpiles on and repeats it.

For instance, do you remember when Israel was said to have blown up this hospital? Do you remember? They blew up this hospital, and Al Jazeera said, well, we go through that whole story in the book. No, Al Jazeera didn't say that. It was a mistranslation. However, when real journalists actually investigated how this whole thing traveled the world and

so rapidly they realized nobody checked. No one checked. One person reported it, and so everyone else reported it. They were like, well, the BBC reported it, so it must be true. Well, no, it's only true if the BBC checked it and verified its truth. But it was not easily dismissed. You actually had to pick up the phone and call somebody to...

to be able to get the truth. But everybody was rushing because it fit the narrative they wanted. So if somebody lies to you, that's the first thing. Just don't pay attention to them. Block them. Honestly, block them. I can't block them because I need to see what the other side is saying. So we read everything. And honestly, I think that's healthy because sometimes they do tell the truth. And it's also important to,

to see where they're headed. What is the narrative from the deep state? So the reason why I bring this up is first, a source I trust is John Solomon. Why do I trust John Solomon? Well, he was a guy who was a Wall Street Journal investigative reporter that did reporting for the New York Times, everybody else, and he was heralded as a great reporter. Everybody agreed he's a great reporter.

Not only that, but he left the Wall Street Journal and he left and it didn't help him to leave, at least at first. It was not good for him to leave. He left a celebrated career. Now, why did that happen? I believe, didn't the New York or the Wall Street Journal, they fired him, didn't they, for reporting something? Or he was, I can't remember exactly, or he was just like, I can't do this anymore.

And he started something that disagrees with me sometimes on pretty big issues. If somebody disagrees with you on some pretty big issues or doesn't read things exactly the same or tells you slow down, slow down, slow down, we're not sure yet, that's a sign of somebody you can trust. If they also admit their mistakes, which John Solomon does. So he has credibility. Now,

Now I tell you why I'm looking at this story from Just the News on John Solomon. And let's go back to the lies of omission and commission. Here's the story today. Harris's insult to the people of faith follows two decades of Democratic divisive or Democrats divisive comments that began with Barack Obama and his clinging to gods and guns and religion rhetoric.

Back in 2008 presidential race, then Senator Barack Obama paid a heavy political price when he mocked Americans he claimed were clinging to guns and religion. His opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, Hillary Clinton, now listen to this, immediately pounced and suggested he was an elitist out of touch with Americans who believed in God. Now that's an important statement, isn't it?

to recollect actual history? Because if you didn't live at that time, weren't paying attention, or you've just been on the side of the leftist media or now the propaganda industrial complex, you would never think that Hillary Clinton did that. But she came out and spoke on behalf of the religious people, because she was running against him, and said he's an elitist out of touch.

And the mainstream media declared Obama was forced on the defensive by his insensitive, if not elitist, remark. So the mainstream media, why? At the beginning, remember, they were for Clinton. Why? She held all the cards in the power.

Until it was decided that she would acquiesce to Barack Obama. Then the media all of a sudden jumped on that bandwagon. Have we seen that before? Have we seen that since?

Two decades later, the candidate for whom Obama is now stumping, Vice President Kamala Harris, just made a similar comment that could have similar reproductions even through the mainstream media political, even though the mainstream political reporting core is this time having to avoid giving it much attention.

At a Harris campaign event, La Crosse, Wisconsin, last Thursday, two pro-life students in the crowd shouted, Jesus is Lord, as she spoke about her support for abortion. Harris immediately made it clear the two were not welcome at her event. Oh, you two are at the wrong rally, she said. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. In the 2008 election, Obama's tart words became costly because legacy media covered them.

In 2024, Harris's retort is proving costly because the traditional news industry didn't cover them, but the new media and social media like TikTok amplified the moment to millions of Americans. So what is he saying here? If it wasn't for social media, if it wasn't for new media, you probably wouldn't know about this because the old media, the...

the propaganda industrial complex, they're not reporting on it. So what does that tell you? That tells you you can't trust the mainstream media. Don't get all of your news from the mainstream media. Half of the country does that. You are going to meet in the coming months and years people who will argue with you that things even happened.

They won't understand what you're even talking about. You look to them like conspiracy people because they've never heard of these events. That reinforces the propaganda that they are being fed, that you're out of your mind crazy, and you just make things up. Got it? It's a self-reinforcing system.

So when you're arguing with people, this also goes into they may not have a clue as what you're talking about. So when you say, no, it happened, and they say, no, it didn't, don't get mad. Get the facts because they've never read it, saw it, watched it, or even heard of it.

So there's a lot of our arguments that are happening because of the lie of omission. Most of the stuff we argue about is stuff they've never heard. For instance, if you listen to mainstream media, and that's where you get all your news, the very fine people thing is something that sticks in your craw, and you're like, how could you possibly vote for this guy? He said there were very fine people voting,

And he was talking about the Nazis and white supremacists. And they're dedicated to that. They actually believe that because they've been misled and they still trust those sources. All right. Back in just a second. Sinwar, the Hamas leader who planned the October 7th attacks, said,

Is dead. Bad news for him. Bad news for him. Good news for Israel and the rest of the world, frankly, but the fight is not over. Did you see what Israel did yesterday? This is genius. Yeah. They were like, you know, there are hundreds of millions, if not a billion dollars in cash sitting in this building, and we're not going to bomb it.

But you should know there's all this money. In Lebanon, here's the address. Here's a zoom in on the schematics of the buildings. You can see exactly where it's being held. Oh, my gosh. That is brilliant. Anyway, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is on the ground in Israel right now, helping to support a lot of Israelis who have been driven out of their homes by constant warfare that's been going on since October 7th of last year.

They're providing food, shelter, and safety for those who need it. Now, this doesn't mean that, you know, we don't care about the people who are in Lebanon, the innocents that are dead. That's not true at all. As we saw after we rebuilt Germany and the rest of Europe after the war, we do care. But we also want to send a message that is very clear to God and the people in Israel that, again,

We support you. We are not going to abandon you to propaganda ever again.

So the reservists, the everyday Israeli citizens who have left families behind to serve their country, those soldiers have been injured. Their families need support. A lot of them lost their homes. Your gift of anything but of $150 today helps the fellowship provide food and other necessities to these families to help them survive. And thanks to a generous fellowship supporter, your gift will be matched to double the impact.

Join us in letting those families know that listeners like you stand with Israel. Call and make your $150 gift right now at 888-488-IFCJ. That's 888-488-4325. Or go online to That's one word, 10 seconds, station ID. Every day, powerful forces manipulate what you see, what you think, and what you believe.

News, television, social media, your very thoughts and feelings are controlled now by corporate elites, politicians, and the tech giants. Think you have escaped their reach? No, you haven't. Because no one can. In Propaganda Wars, how the world's biggest liars control what you see, think, and feel, I expose the greatest system of control ever created.


Let me ask you a question on this. A mission and commission. The story that the left is trying to push that he, Donald Trump, is suffering from dementia. They saw it worked against their candidate. Now they're just trying to like replicate it. It's so bad. Because he was just playing music and swaying for 30 straight minutes at a rally. Yeah.

And they don't include that there's medical issues in the crowd and the explanation around the fact that he was talking to the crowd and interacting with them the entire time. Is that omission? Or if you just repeat it enough, does it just become commission? I think that's commission because they absolutely know that's not true. But they found a way to reinforce their lie.

Okay, so that one story may be omission, but it is used as commission to back up the bigger narrative. Back in a minute. Glenn Beck. NMLS 182334. APR for rates in the five starts at 6.799% for well-qualified borrowers. Call 800-906-2440 for details about credit costs and terms. So I've always said do your own homework. That's really what this book is about, teaching you how to do your own homework.

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And it's slash Glenn. The code is fight, fight, fight. Get 40 bucks off. And don't forget, Propaganda Wars is out today. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Today is the release of my notebook, Propaganda Wars. Propaganda Wars, how the global elites control what you see, think and feel.

And we expose what's going on. We're going to get into it not just today, but later on all the way through this week and next. But today I want to show you in this hour how to decode things. So I just showed you the lies of omission and commission and how to judge. Do I listen to this person or not? Now let me take you to the things that you want to believe. All right.

And it goes into commission and omission as well. But the story begins with the biggest lie, and that is Kamala Harris has changed. She's no longer a climate extremist. She's no longer a Marxist. She doesn't like redistribution of wealth and everything else. Okay. To me, I think to believe that, you have to be unbelievably honest

Ignorant. Unbelievably ignorant. You want to believe that left, I'm sorry, not the left, the Democrats want to believe that. Your average neighbor wants to believe she's not a communist.

That she's not going to destroy our energy. She's not going to do all of these things. And it's easy to believe because the average person cannot imagine somebody wanting to take down freedoms, our energy and everything that has built this country. Most Americans, Republican, Democrat and independent, like this country.

They admit we have problems. They admit we have faults. We've done bad things in history. But they don't want to destroy the system that we have. They want to fix the system that we have. All right. So there's your big lie. She's changed. And you have to have self-imposed ignorance to believe it. But the media is helping you, again, with lies of omission and commission.

So have you heard the name Camilla Thorndyke? You heard that name? She is the green energy now advocate. She is the engagement, the climate engagement director for Kamala Harris. And she was just hired last month. What have you heard about her, if anything?

She's now saying that, no, Kamala Harris is not going to take away fracking or do any of those things. Right. Right. Because, you know, Harris had come out and said, actually, she's not for fracking ban anymore. And obviously that's going to have some issues, have some issues with her left wing supporters when she says something like that. This woman seems to be the head of that group.

to let them know, actually, she's going to be on the Green New Deal side at the end of the day. So most people will not know of Camilla Thorndyke. Because we're not the targets, right? The targets are left-wing activists. Correct. And the media knows. And so the media is not reporting who she is. Camilla Thorndyke is now the Climate Engagement Director for the Kamala Harris campaign.

She worked at the green energy advocacy firm rewiring America before she joined president Kamala Harris's campaign last month. She said, anyone who is in the fossil fuel sector, you should consider putting your talents elsewhere and stop continuing to cook the planet.

There's nothing wrong with that. I disagree with that, but there's nothing wrong with that. That's her opinion, right? You should consider to do something else. But it shows you that she's dedicated to that. Her mindset in the last 30 days is you're doing really harm to the planet if you are in the oil and gas industry.

Now, this is not the first time she has said this. In just a few months earlier, she accused the oil and gas industry of eco-terrorism. Okay? Now we've gone from an opinion that you can have and not necessarily be an extremist. You're just saying you should reconsider. Now saying, if you're in the oil and gas industry, you're an eco-terrorist. That puts you into an extreme category. Right? Right.

She also said that she called on her followers to, quote, overcome the individualism, white supremacy and toxic patriarchy that oil and gas companies weaponize. Now, let's look at that for a second. You're a terrorist if you work for the gas and oil companies.

And just in March of 2021, she said that her followers need to overcome individualism. Now, what does that have to do with the climate? I'll get to that in a little while. But individualism, is that bad now in America? And how can you be part of a hate all blacks, even hate all white people, if you believe in individualism? If you believe in individualism,

No, it's pretty hard to be a white supremacist because you have to hate a whole group and toxic patriarchy. What does that have to do with the climate? So we now know she's an extremist and she lumps the Western way of life in with climate change. If you fight against the oil and gas industry, you're going to take down the Western way of life.

Now, her past comments reflect the views of the climate activists, and they stand in contrast now to the approach Harris has taken on energy in the final weeks before the election. In fact, they're direct opposite of what Kamala Harris is saying on the campaign trail. She's saying to people in Pennsylvania, I'm not one of those extremists.

I'm not going to ban fracking and oil and gas. At the same time she's saying that, she hires this extremist to be her green energy engagement director. So now I have to believe that two people have had to come to Jesus moment in the last 30 days and are both now the exact opposite of what they've always believed.

They're the exact opposite with no new information. There was no revelation that I know of. No angel that came down and said, hey, by the way, you should probably be for fracking, fracking, fracking. New scientific study? Did we miss one? Did we miss one? Did we miss one? Because I think your question is totally right. Why would Kamala Harris...

If she was this sensible person on climate and energy, why would she appoint this person? Why would she bring this person on? And even more importantly, why would this person, who's an obvious extremist on this issue, want to go to Kamala Harris if she was a sensible person on this issue? She would call her out. She'd call her out.

As a fraud and a phony. I mean, you listen to some of her words here. She's not just calling out the oil, big oil companies. She's calling out the individual workers for being terrorists. That's the sort of passion she has. She goes further than that. She routinely has dubbed oil and gas companies evil because they return a sizable profit. Now,

not just to like the CEO, quote, to have that level of money flowing to so few CEOs, all right, and to shareholders, there's something evil about that. So she's against the free market, against shareholders, which is why Kamala Harris, while she won't say so, has been for since the beginning changing shareholders, quote,

to stakeholders and getting rid of the free market system. That's the World Economic Forum. So what does this story mean? Well, she left Bernie Sanders as a legislative assistant actually in making the laws to go against fracking and anything for global warming, making those laws,

to now representing and being the face of the environment and climate change for the possible next president who is trying to convince you in Pennsylvania and all across the country that she's a lover of this system, that she doesn't want to fundamentally transform the system, the free market system, and she's not going to stop fracking.

Okay, so here's what you have. One, you have the lie of omission with the media saying that, no, she's changed her mind and not doing any kind of critical thinking on that. Just walking in lockstep with the candidate. So there's propaganda level number one.

Propaganda level number two, she's just appointed a major position, the climate engagement director during the campaign. While the candidate is saying, I'm not for these things, she hires somebody from Bernie Sanders who is absolutely for these things and possibly more and not asking the critical question, why would she do that?

Why would Kamala Harris do that? And why would Camilla Thorndike take that job? There's been no change in her. It's been 30 days. There's no change in her. Why is she suddenly defending Kamala Harris and saying, no, she's absolutely going to expand those leases for fracking. So the last lie in this whole story is the one the media wants you to tell yourself. And this is where

All of these behavioral scientists that are all working now for the Democratic Party and have been for the last 25 years, all of these people that, like Cass Sunstein, wrote the book Nudge, how do you convince people with just a little nudge to go in your direction? You're now seeing why so many people are left in the dark, because they've nudged you into a place to where you have to commit the biggest lie possible.

To yourself. She isn't a climate extremist. She does want oil and gas prices to go down. She's not going to affect our energy. She does like this system. She's an average American just like me. The biggest lie is told by all of us. If you believe this stuff, it requires you to tell yourself the final lie.

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News, television, social media, your very thoughts and feelings are controlled now by corporate elites, politicians, and the tech giants. Think you have escaped their reach? No, you haven't. Because no one can. In Propaganda Wars, how the world's biggest liars control what you see, think, and feel, I expose the greatest system of control ever created.

By breaking down the dangers of the Great Reset, Joe Biden's corrupt family business, and the federal government's many COVID-19 cover-ups, I arm you with the tools to uncover new scandals and elite plots designed to undermine your freedom. Arm yourself with the truth. Propaganda Wars, on sale now, wherever books are sold. You're listening to the Glenn Beck Program.

So a cyber scammer tried to steal Graceland from Elvis Presley's family and it was reported initially as Nigerian scammers. And then we found out later it was like some lady from Missouri.

Who was posing as a Nigerian scammer. Yeah. That was her, like, backup. After they got caught, she started, like, putting messages in Nigerian to try to, like, throw people off a trail. Are you that stupid that she tries... She's an American and she tried to steal Graceland? Isn't that bizarre? Oh, man. They are lucky it was... That person was that stupid. Yes. Again, the person who's stealing your home might not be that dumb. And also, you're not going to get the media attention and everyone saying, wait a minute, Graceland? That...

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We're going to continue our conversation on propaganda, the propaganda wars, and that is the name of my new book. It is out today. Get it wherever books are sold. We just told you about Camilla Thorndike, and we didn't get a chance to talk about the fact that most Americans, and this is where you have to come in, and one of the gifts that I think has been given to me is that

When I see something that doesn't make sense, I always ask why. Why is that happening? That doesn't make sense. You have to start asking why. When Camilla Thorndike comes and she's, you know, dogpiling and saying everything the media is saying, none of them are asking why. But they'll tell you that she's from rewiring America.

Well, you've got to start with just what is rewiring America? Once you find that out, oh, she worked there. Wait a minute. She said all of these things. Then you can ask and answer why. And the answer to the why on why would Kamala hire this woman who's an absolute extremist on the economy or on the, well, actually the economy and climate is because she knows that

She knows Kamala is lying. That's why. Why would Kamala hire her? Why would she go there? Ask yourself that. Another one is this Tim Walz education appointee. We should get into this today. This is amazing. Why would Tim Walz appoint this person who is literally arguing for the overthrow of the U.S. government? Why would he do that? We have the audio. Next. The Glenn Beck Program. My Patriot Supply.

If it feels like our country is unraveling right now, it is. And we have two weeks, really, to prepare somewhat. You don't know what's going to happen in November. The first week of November could be a nightmare, could be fine. January, December could be a nightmare, could be fine. We don't know.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Hello, America. You and I both know we're not getting the truth. In fact, I think everybody knows that. That's why conspiracy theories, actual conspiracy theories, like we never landed on the moon, grow.

Because of distrust, we know something isn't right. You know, they came out with the information now on the first look into the assassination attempt over the summer. And what did they find? That the Secret Service agents

either didn't care that the president would be taken down or is so absolutely worthless and mismanaged that something like that could happen because there's no excuse for it. It was sloppy, sloppy, sloppy to a biblical degree and that's the kindest thing they could possibly come to. So, how do we know what's true? Today, my book Propaganda Wars is in bookstores.

This will teach you how to find the truth, what's really going on, and we name names. Justin Haskins, my co-author, joins, and we're going to take on propaganda wars in 60 seconds. As a general rule, I try to do everything I can with as much excellence as I can muster. I'm sure you're the same way. It goes double for the really important things in my life, like being able to protect myself and my family with a gun if I ever need to do so.

I mean, somebody came into my life recently and they just happened to be at my house where we are prepared and they're like, holy cow. And I'm like, yeah, I don't do things halfway. I'm serious about protecting my family.

One of the ways that we do is with Mantis X. My wife has said over and over again, I'm not comfortable getting gas in the middle of the night. And I'm like, well, why are you out in the middle of the night? What does that mean? Where are you going? Who are you with? Anyway, she meant, you know, after dark. And I'm like, well, then get your gas. I mean, don't look at me like I'm going to get your gas. No, anyway. Anyway.

What I suggested was a Mantis X for the glove box. That way I don't have to go get the gas for it. If she's ever uncomfortable, take the Mantis X out and make sure that you are ready for whatever you do.

Make sure that you have used Mantis X to increase your competence so you are firing and you know exactly what you're going to hit. Keep your gun in your glove box. Responsible gun owners increase their competence and confidence. Do it today with Mantis X.

All right. Justin Haskins is with us. He is the co-author of Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel. We have a lot to cover today. I don't think we're going to be able to get to all of it, but it's really important, especially right now, for two reasons. You will see how big this is. This is beyond the media. This is beyond social media. This is...

This is global. And if we have time today, I want to get into what's actually happening with our governments worldwide with the five eyes. It is terrifying what they have done behind your back.

Also, we want to talk about this election and foreign influence. There's a big story today on foreign influence, and you will understand it when you read Propaganda Wars. That story will suddenly make sense to you. So will the story of we just raised one billion dollars. Did you? Did you now?

We'll get into that here in a second. But we were talking last hour about the new appointee for Harris's campaign. She's a global warming extremist that say says if you are in the oil and gas business at all, you're a terrorist. You're an eco terrorist. She is somebody who is so extreme that.

On global warming, she doesn't like capitalism. She she doesn't like oil and gas or anything like that. So why would she join the Kamala Harris campaign, leave Bernie Sanders legislation team and go and be the spokesperson on economic? I'm sorry, on ecological issues and.

Why would she join Kamala Harris? Because an extremist would say she's changing everything she's doing. She's saying she's not going to even go after fracking anymore, that she's going to approve new oil leases. She's opposed to the Green New Deal. Right. She's a traitor to everything I believe. That's what she should say. But she didn't. She joined on and then said, no, Kamala has really changed her mind. She's a...

She's not going to do any of those things. Okay? You have to ask why. Why? So we went into that yesterday. Now let me, or earlier today, let me go into the education czar. What was his title? Yeah, it is. He's actually one of the people helping implement the framework or curriculum for

for the new ethnic studies standards in the state of Minnesota. Okay. Remember, you were told by the propaganda machine that CRT is nothing. First of all, it's not anything. It doesn't even happen. It didn't exist initially. It doesn't exist. We're not even doing that. Just a bunch of academics talking, and we got to that phase. Then we got to, okay, it's in there, but it doesn't mean what you think it means. It's totally harmless. Right.

Now we don't even talk about it anymore. Remember, this came in under Biden Harris. This came into our schools. They didn't dare release it under Donald Trump, but they put it into our schools after the election. Now, what does it mean? Well, it certainly doesn't mean an end to the United States of America. That's what Tim Walz would say.

Then if that's true, why would he hire this guy? His name is Brian Lazensky. He is an associate professor of urban and multicultural education in St. Paul.

He was helping with not just the ethnic studies, but also the social studies standards, citizenship and government, economics, geography, history, and now ethnic studies. This comes from Stanley Kurtz, by the way, did a great job reporting on this. Let me give you now his thoughts on CRT and what its role is in the schools, but also what it actually means and what he believes about it. And...

We're also sometimes lying on ourselves when people say like, oh, we can we use critical race theory in school. We don't use critical race theory in school. The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then

then it must be done with. It must be overthrown, right? And so we can't be like, oh, no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories and diverse. It's not about that. It's about overthrow. It's insurgent. And we need to be, I think, more honest with that. And it's funny that they don't understand critical race theory, but they actually tell some truth when they're like, yeah, it is anti-state. You can't be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S.,

Okay, it is an anti-state theory that says the United States needs to be deconstructed, period. Right? Like that's, you know, and so I think it's an interesting argument there. And that's why I'm a critical race theorist. Oh, that's why he's a critical race theorist. Because, you know, the overthrow of the government and the insurgency and all. Now, you might say if you had a picture taken with you at a party with this man.

You know, you're going to deny that. You're going to denounce him. I didn't have, I had no idea who that guy was. No idea who that guy was. Think about the prospect of not only associating yourself with him, but also promoting him to design the curriculum for the students of Minnesota.

This guy is out there. He's a teacher. He's a football coach, a hunter. He's America's dad. That's what you just heard is who Tim Walls actually is. What he's telling you is that he's America's dad, but that's who he really is. That's what he wants. His education department chose that guy to design your kids' classes.

So the first thing to avoid propaganda is to constantly ask why and be willing to accept the truth. So there are so many Democrats right now that won't accept that. Why? Because they'll hear it from me or they'll hear it from Fox News. So it's a convenient way just to dismiss it.

But there's the audio of the guy, Tim Walls, put in charge of the history and critical race curriculum in Minnesota schools. Right.

Yeah, I mean, I think what's so important about Propaganda Wars is we want to equip people with the ability to figure out these things on their own. Okay? We don't want people just relying on shows like this. We need people to become trusted sources of information in their own lives. Teach people how to be citizen journalists. This is what we desperately need. And what you find when you go to the original sources over and over and over again, what we discovered and what we outline in this book is

is that there is a propaganda industrial complex, that it goes well beyond just what's in the media, that there is a vast network of left-wing groups and big money organizations and others, many of whom people listening to this show as activists,

Welcome to Clown World

They are one of these people that believe that there's all this racism inherently in mathematics. They believe that public education has a responsibility to inject social justice ideology into every subject, including mathematics.

They said, and this is a direct quote, that finding not this first part of it isn't the direct quote, but finding the correct answer to a math problem is, quote, white supremacy culture, unquote. Now, they've been distributing these workbooks all over the country in California, in Georgia, in Ohio. Are those far left wing states?

California is, but not Georgia and Ohio. These things are everywhere. Now, we get into who these major players are, not just these kinds of organizations, but who's funding them. Where do they get their money? Because they're not selling these books out to the public. Well, they just so happen to get their money from a little organization, just a tiny little one most people have never heard of, called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Right.

So they're pumping all this money into these textbooks that are teaching kids at the local level that racism is everywhere. You're a white supremacist if you're trying to get people to find the right answer. This is everywhere. And so what you have to do and what we try to show people in this book is that you have to find the sources of the misinformation.

it's not just enough to say, well, that's crazy. That's the kind of thing that happens in Portland. Well, yeah, it does happen in Portland, but it's also happening in Ohio. It's also happening in Georgia. And it's because these organizations exist everywhere. The network is vast. George Soros and people like that are pouring hundreds of millions and billions of dollars worldwide into these kinds of efforts.

And if you don't know who they are, you don't know what to look out for. So one of the biggest questions that I have gotten over the years, and I hear it asked very seldom now, and I wonder why, used to be, why would these people do this? Why would Bill and Melinda Gates do this? Why would they teach that math is racist?

Because you have to now start to think unlike Americans used to think. Americans used to think, well, we all want what's best. You now have to understand what the elites think is best is best for them, not for you.

They are teaching our children to be slaves. They are teaching them not to ask questions. Let me ask you, if you believe that math is racist, therefore, I don't really have to do it. It's racist to ask me to do it. It's racist for me to try to figure it out on my own. How do those people build bridges? How do those people even even measure a wall to make a house?

How do you do the basic stuff that you have to do if you can't do math? Elon Musk, what he did, it already kind of looks like magic to me, but I know it's all based in science. But if I find out that science and mathematics is racist, I can't do what Elon Musk, I can't even explain what Elon Musk is doing. It does become magic.

These people are training a whole continent, in fact, the whole world, the Western world, to be slaves. You cannot think for yourself. Why would they do that? Because they have control. They want the money. They want the power. And they actually believe, and so do I in many ways, that if they control AI, they win.

Once they control AI, and Putin has said this, whoever gets it first controls the world.

They're putting all of their eggs in that basket. And we unfortunately have been saying to ourselves, you know what, AI, why even learn that? AI is going to teach you. You could just go online and just say, hey, how do I build a bridge? And it will show you. So why do I even have to learn math? Why do I have to learn to read when I can just say, AI, what does this say? What is that about? Can you write a paper on that for me?

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Visit or call 800-4-RELIEF. That's 1-800-4-RELIEF. 10 seconds, station ID. Every day, powerful forces manipulate what you see, what you think, and what you believe. News, television, social media, your very thoughts and feelings are controlled now by corporate elites, politicians, and the tech giants.

Think you have escaped their reach? No, you haven't. Because no one can. In Propaganda Wars: How the World's Biggest Liars Control What You See, Think and Feel, I expose the greatest system of control ever created.

By breaking down the dangers of the Great Reset, Joe Biden's corrupt family business, and the federal government's many COVID-19 cover-ups, I arm you with the tools to uncover new scandals and elite plots designed to undermine your freedom. Arm yourself with the truth. Propaganda Wars, on sale now, wherever books are sold. I want you to read this book differently than anything I've ever written before.

I always tell you to do your own homework. Don't believe me. Don't trust me. I don't ask for your trust. I hope I earn your trust, but you should always verify. That's why we have so many footnotes and why in this book we try to use the New York Times and CNN and everything else from the left. So not only can you, one of the things we teach you is if it's against their own interest and they report it,

You can guess that it's probably true. OK, so we try to get the sources from the left so your friends can believe it and they won't go. Well, of course, Fox News or of course, Glenn Beck said that. OK, in doing your own homework, you have to know what to look for. And Justin and I have talked in the last.

probably four years about how much longer can they allow voices like ours, voices like mine to exist. We are at that crossroads. If this election does not go Donald Trump's way, you know, the view can say whatever they want about Donald Trump, but he's not going to ban the view. He has no record of doing anything like that. Okay. So,

They have a record of doing that covertly. They know they're breaking the Constitution, but they did it anyway and then lied about it. Our voice is going to go away. It's a matter of time if they win. So this book is trying to teach you to do what I do, to be the trusted source in your world and your circle of influence.

Yeah, that's exactly right. We're entering an extremely dangerous time in history. Extremely dangerous. Our freedoms are in great, great peril. And even if Donald Trump wins, there's going to be a lot of... The threat is going to continue. We're going to have to pay for this mess. Yeah, we're going to have to... We talked about this before. You know, the European Union has this huge...

ESG scheme that's designed to silence, in part, free speech and to control what Americans can say, think, do, sell, all of that stuff. That comes here in 2025. That's right. You know, most of the stuff that they've done was timed to start right after this election. And if you don't, you're going to experience pain almost immediately after the new year if you have no one to reverse the engines. Glenn Beck.

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Propaganda Wars is out today. Don't miss it. Buy it today at

Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It's Tuesday. This is the day we've waited for all summer. This is the release date of Propaganda Wars, a new book that is out today. Get the paper copy of it. So you should always have a paper copy of something. Also, the audio version is really, really good. I don't know if that's out as well today, but it should be. We're just waiting on Amazon to release it.

I can't wait to listen to it. It's really good. I haven't heard it. No, it's really good. I'm really excited. You're going to love it. Okay. So Justin Haskins is here. He's my co-author on Propaganda Wars. And I want to talk to you about foreign influence and how that is playing a role in propaganda that you don't see.

Yeah, we have an entire chapter of the book in Propaganda Wars dedicated just to this one idea that so much of what you see in your world, especially when you're online, is being dictated by foreign government agents. It sounds crazy, but we document it all throughout the chapter of the book, and

We show that there are these vast operations in places like Russia and China and Iran and North Korea where they've hired hundreds and hundreds of people to spread misinformation, disinformation, sometimes true stories, but they just really are trying to turn up

the temperature. And the incredible amount of foreign influence that's happened in our society is changing us. It really is changing us. And I think it is a huge source of the division that's going on here. And we're seeing this rampant...

We're seeing this increase dramatically in run-ups to elections. So this is something that we wanted to make sure we were going to put into this book right before the election. This story just came out. Absolutely incredible story. After all these years of hearing about Russian collusion and all this stuff with Donald Trump, listen to this.

British Labour Party just announced, so the British Labour Party is like the Democrat Party in the UK, okay? They're ideologically aligned with the left. They just announced that they're sending 100 people to battleground states in the United States, in places like North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and other places, to help Kamala Harris become president of the United States. Okay.

How is that not a foreign influence? I mean, it's obviously a foreign influence. Can you imagine somebody coming to your house, two people coming to your house, knocking on the door and saying, hello, we just wanted to talk to you about Kamala Harris. You'd be like, what the, are you guys, did you just move here? No, we're coming in from London.

Are you out of your mind? It's unbelievable. Good luck in the Carolinas. Yeah, it's unbelievable. And it gets worse than that. Sophia Patel, who's the head of operations for the Labor Party, formerly worked for Hillary Clinton.

And so now she's helping recruit people and send people to the United States to help a Democrat become president. Even worse, we've heard this, all of these new slogans that have come out of the Harris campaign. My favorite one is turn the page. You got to turn the page. And there's always this big hand movement with the turning the page. Well, apparently...

This came from strategists in the UK working for their new prime minister. Yeah. This is, this is from the national news desk. Okay. Which is, I think Sinclair broadcasting the Harris campaign appears to be mirroring much of Starmer's language. Starmer is the new prime minister language in its slogans and advertisements. The labor party attacked conservatives with slogans like quote, stop the chaos unquote and quote,

Turn the page, unquote. While Harris has used language like we're not going back and quote, it's time to turn the page. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? This is exactly what happened with the Great Reset. Yep. This is exactly what we've seen over and over and over again. There is clearly coordination, not just here amongst leftist groups in the United States, but internationally there is coordination with all

all left-wing groups the same talking points we have to turn the same slogan the same slow back better remember that yes build back better made that a law in the united states unbelievable so all of this is documented not this particular news story but all of this is documented in the book we show you how these influence operations are transforming the way we think as

transforming the way we feel, transforming how we understand the news, how it's dividing us deliberately. And when you see the details of it, you might think, yeah, no, I know there's, you know, some story about Russia and they're on Facebook, right? Like it's way worse than that. Way, way worse than that. So they've also found a way for these billionaires around the world

To influence our elections, you're not supposed to put any money. If you're from a foreign country, you cannot influence the elections for the president of the United States. Well, the Democrats have found a loophole to that. And you have some of the biggest billionaires all around the world putting billions of dollars into our election. How?

Have you noticed how many states are now running a abortion bill that they want to change the law in their state? And you think, well, of course, that's, you know, is it? Is that just because it's in the news here? There is also citizens, not politicians, are pushing a ballot measure in Ohio. It has six million dollars from the 1630 fund. That's a dark money group.

What they have found in different states is these billionaires, they can't affect the election directly. However, if they put things on the ballot, like let's say abortion,

They know that that will help drive voters to the polls. And those voters will be most likely anti, I mean, pro-abortion people that would then vote for Kamala Harris. Okay. It's highly unlikely that you're voting for abortion in your constitution and against Kamala Harris. It wouldn't make any sense. So all of this money is coming into our states from foreign governments and

Now, let me tell you about this one. Ohio voters, you need to understand in the general election, you face this question twice already and you've already said no. But this time with the amount of money, are you still going to understand the issue? There's a proposed constitutional amendment that's on the November ballot that will alter the Ohio state legislature in all future elections.

There is a similar constitutional amendment that was passed in Michigan 2018, which gave the Democrats control of the state legislature. You have to understand without ever saying it, what they're looking for is a one party state.

If if passed, the proposed constitutional amendment called Issue one would repeal sections of the state constitution regarding the current process for redistricting state legislative and congressional districts and replace them with 16 pages of new language implementing the commission.

The ballot member is being pushed by Citizens Not Politicians, an advocacy group that is funded by liberal out-of-state organizations. The amendment will create a commission made up of 15 members that are Democrat, Republican, and Independent citizens who broadly represent the different geographic areas and demographics of the state.

Do you actually believe that that's going to happen in a fair and balanced way? Look at how the voting is going in districts that are heavily one way or the other. They don't like working together. I don't know if you've noticed that.

The amendment will also ban current or former politicians, political party officials and lobbyists from sitting on the commission and require fair and impartial districts by making it unconstitutional to draw voting districts that discriminate against or favor any political party or individual politician. Now we can just look to Michigan to see what happened. They did this and the Republicans went away. Suddenly,

Oh, they can't get votes in Michigan. Wow, that's weird. And how very independent of them. This is critical because they always word things that look like, well, that's fair. Yeah, I agree with that. Sure.

But you don't. The devil is always in the details. Ohio, you need to understand this is the 1630 fund. If you don't know what that is, maybe we'll spend some time on that on tomorrow's show. We did a whole episode on all of these different funds. This is as left as left can get. And it is a dark money black hole fund.

for all of these extremist groups to give money to and all of these billionaires wherever to give money to. Beware, because the propaganda war is well underway.

We've woken up to a potential nightmare. The left could be on the brink of controlling the future of this nation. And they've been funded all this time by big corporations like Verizon, for instance, who takes your hard-earned money every time you use the phone and they use it to help put radicals in power. It is vital that we come together and support the companies that share our values.

They have no problem doing this and so much more. I have no problem if a company wants to do what they want to do. That's great. But why aren't we engaged in that as well?

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and donate to help the people that were involved in Helene and Milton by using the promo code Mercury1. That's slash Beck, slash Beck, or call them at 972-PATRIOT. Every day, powerful forces manipulate what you see, what you think, and what you believe.

News, television, social media, your very thoughts and feelings are controlled now by corporate elites, politicians, and the tech giants. Think you have escaped their reach? No, you haven't. Because no one can. In Propaganda Wars, how the world's biggest liars control what you see, think, and feel, I expose the greatest system of control ever created.

By breaking down the dangers of the Great Reset, Joe Biden's corrupt family business, and the federal government's many COVID-19 cover-ups, I arm you with the tools to uncover new scandals and elite plots designed to undermine your freedom. Arm yourself with the truth. Propaganda Wars, on sale now, wherever books are sold. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We have Justin Haskins in with us. We are going to continue to talk about The Propaganda Wars, which is my new book that is out today. Get it and read it. It will help you navigate through all of the lies that are happening. We'll get into more of those here in just a second. You know, I said last hour, one of the things you have to do is ask yourself why.

Why is this happening? Why is that? That doesn't make sense. For instance, Jeffrey Epstein, if we all know if this was just a book full of truck drivers names, it'd be out in the open right now. And all of those truck drivers would be in jail. Why hasn't it been released? Oh, yeah. Now, let's go to P. Diddy.

When there's a story out today that he apparently raped and drugged somebody at the VMA Awards, and there was apparently a big celebrity, male and another big celebrity, female, that were in the room, and they kind of took turns on this 13-year-old girl, why is it the only name we know is P. Diddy?

Do you think anybody's really going to get down to the bottom of this? Do you think all of the people that are involved in these things will go to jail? Why or why not? Yeah. We still don't know who left cocaine in the White House. I'm still waiting for that one. I mean, it's so clear that we have not just a two-tier system of justice, but we have a two-tier system of information that

We're allowed to destroy regular people in the media. That's fine. You can destroy all the regular people you want. No one cares. But if you're important, then we're going to make sure that you're okay. That's the system that exists. If you're important to that system. To that system, right. I mean, like Donald Trump, for example, was important to that system. And so they didn't have any problem with him for many, many years. Then all of a sudden, he wasn't important. He was a problem for the system. So now he's...

every horrible thing you could possibly imagine that's how it works you're with them and they'll protect you until suddenly it's not convenient to protect you anymore or until you betray them in which case they just outright destroy you uh or you're just a regular person and if you get in their way they destroy you that way as well so this is the world that they have built and frankly

I'm a little bit angry at conservatives, not regular conservatives, but big money conservatives. Oh, yeah. Because for decades and decades and decades, they watched the far left gobble up all of these media companies become increasingly further and further to the left. They now control the narrative all the time. They outright lie.

And you have these billionaires with lots and lots of money that could have been buying media companies, could have been trying to stop this. And instead, they gave, you know, $100 million to Jeb Bush's, you know, primary. Is this why Musk is so important? This is why Musk is so important. He's vital. Vital. He's vital. He's vital.

And, you know, there's a story out today. It's in our show prep where they have already investigated him. The the federal government has done 20 investigations since he bought Twitter.

20 investigation into Elon Musk and all of his companies. I mean, think of this. This is the richest man in the world and a guy who is pretty much the world over known as being, you know, the next Edison or the next Tesla. And one party is trying their best to take him out. Why? Because they disagree with his opinion.

Which one is against freedom of speech? You can say you can't cry fire in a crowded firehouse, which is not true, by the way, but you can say that. But this is political speech. Most important speech there is in a country. Let me talk to you a little bit about rough greens. You know how if you eat non-nutritional food all the time, day after day, you're probably going to be pretty unhealthy, you know?

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment.

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Today is the day that we release my latest book, Propaganda Wars. It's available everywhere where books are sold. You can get it at You could get it at Also, the audio book will be out this week, and it's really, really good. But I highly recommend if you think a book is important enough, you should have it in paper. This book explains everything.

Not just what you're up against but how to dismantle it. Over half of the book is about what do you do as a citizen in your own personal life that can help you navigate through this sea of lies. It's a really important book. It's called Propaganda Wars and it's available today. We're going to talk about that with foreign influence and also the election.

How are things going to happen in just under two weeks now? And what will that mean in propaganda wars? We'll tell you about that coming up in just a second. Do you realize that this year alone, gold has gone up in value 33%? If at the beginning of the year you would have put a dollar into gold, it would be worth $33, right? It's gone up 33%. No, no, no, no, that's not right.

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All right. We have my co-author for the book Propaganda Wars, how the global elite control everything that you see, what you hear and what you feel.

propaganda wards available now and Justin Haskins is my co-author Justin I have this thing so dog-eared and I haven't even opened it yeah there's so much in here to talk about but we were just talking about foreign influence and propaganda wars will teach you to ask the question why why is this happening and

Who gains from this? We take you through how to how to find trusted sources. We don't tell you what the trusted sources are. We tell you how we find trusted sources and why we trust them and why we don't trust them. This is really a how to book. So you become independent of everybody else and you're able to use your own noggin and your own logic to figure out what's true and what is not.

My fear is you're going to lose voices like mine and others if Harris wins. Hopefully she won't. How do you feel, by the way, about the election? Oh, boy, I feel fantastic. I know nobody wants that. Nobody wants to say this out loud, but because you don't want to be the one person that gets it horribly wrong. But I'm

I really believe Donald Trump is going to win in a landslide, electoral college landslide, not in a popular vote. Yes, absolutely. It's not even a question in my mind. I am 99% in on that. I'm going all in, Stu. I like it.

willing to put yourself out there in front of millions of people. I don't know what the point of living is. There's a lot of points of living other than doing that. There really is. I'm just thinking children. Well, I have a child. She's fantastic. Look, I'll tell you why. Stu over here actually has pretty much proven the case for me. He's just not as gutsy as I am. So he's not willing to go all in. But the

But the case is really simple. If you look at the past three or so, and you could probably go back even further presidential elections, the Republican candidates are always doing worse. Donald Trump in particular, much worse in the polls than they do on election day after we have all the results tallied. This is especially true in swing states.

I think there are a lot of reasons for this. Some of them might be nefarious. Some of them might not be. But if you look at the results of the last two presidential elections, Donald Trump was in many swing states, not all, doing anywhere between two to five points more

better on election day than he did in the polls leading up to election day. So if you just take that analysis and you say something similar, it doesn't even have to be exactly the same, but something even half that happens this time, he will win. It's not even close. But for cheating. Very true. But for cheating. Okay. But last time, I think we can all agree that

probably was some cheating that happened last time. Okay, so, so, last time, the election came down to less than 50,000 votes in three states. Right. Combined. Okay? Less than 50,000 votes in three states is what decided the last election. Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia. He wins those three, he would have ended up winning the election. So, I have to believe that

considering where we're at with the polling, considering how the pollsters have never gotten it right with Donald Trump, the vast, almost all of them, and considering all the other things that point in the direction of Trump having momentum and Kamala Harris not losing momentum in the last several weeks. And traditionally what happens with administrations like this one with this kind of news. Exactly. You have to believe. I mean, the economy is a huge signal signal.

She's not really an incumbent. Nobody actually wanted her, not even on the Democrat Party side. Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. He got shot in the head and he lived through it. We've never seen that before. OK, I mean, there's the economy is an absolute disaster. Inflation is I have to believe he's polling much better with African-Americans, much better with Hispanics than we've seen in the past. He's going to do worse with suburban women. There's no question about that.

But if you just look at the polls. He's doing better with men. I was talking to somebody who said, so I have this really, really, really, really liberal friend who's married to an even more really, really, really, really, really, really liberal woman. And he said he was arguing 2020. How can you possibly vote for Donald Trump? How can you possibly do that? And he said, I could not make I couldn't make any headroom there. He was just a zombie zombie on it.

He said he just called and said, do not tell my wife.

but I was so wrong. I can't believe how wrong I was. I am voting for Donald Trump and everybody I know is voting for Donald Trump. Not my wife. Do not tell my wife. I think there's a lot of that. I think there's a lot of that and I'll add to that. So the circles that I run in in my personal life are all far left-wing people. This is not my fault. This is my wife's fault. Okay? But it's all left-wing people. I might as well come out now. It was Justin who called me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

And so in the last two elections, all these people could talk about was Donald Trump is Hitler reincarnated. It was even worse in 2020 than it was in 2016, but it was bad in both elections. These people never talk about it now. They don't care. They're not talking about it. Many of them don't seem even remotely motivated to vote.

I just think that when you look at all... My gut tells me that's the case. My gut tells me that too. The poll numbers tell me that's the case. The only way I'm wrong... Hold on, Stu. Because I know you're going to be the skeptic here. The only way I'm wrong... He's always the little black rain flower. I know that. I know that. But the only way that I'm wrong...

is if the pollsters are actually more accurate now than they've been in the past 12 years. And of course it's a possibility. Yes. I mean, look, first of all, I like your world better than mine. So I'm happy to just ignore any... Oh, hang on. Here comes Eeyore. No, no. I mean, just to expand on your point a little bit. I mean, look, 2016, they got it wrong, right?

they supposedly attempted to correct for that. And one of the reasons they did that, what ways they did that was educational weighting. They added that to a lot of these posters. A lot of these posters added that feature to try to capture something that they missed.

Then 2020 happens. 2020, objectively, a very bizarre election, right? Like we have all new laws in. We have all, you know, people are at home. They're voting by mail. And one of the things that people point out is that Democrats who stayed home all the time were more likely to answer the phone for pollsters in that cycle than Republicans who were out actually, you know, living life and acting like things were normal when they were.

So all that being said is they are making efforts to correct for these things. They may or may not succeed. And my instinct and my belief is Justin's probably right in that they probably will once again underestimate Trump and his support. He's a unique guy. I think there's a chance they may over. Let's say they get Trump right.

They may be overestimating her support. I think that's because vital people still on the left. They want to say they want that position. I'm voting even if.

They don't go out and vote on the day or they secretly change their vote. They're always going to say, I voted for the Democrat. They're never going to tell people they voted for Donald Trump. And so I think her support is much softer, possibly much softer than it appears to be. Now, when she first announced and everybody was on that joy kick,

You know, oh, my gosh, she's the greatest human to ever live. That's long gone. Yep. Gone. And now people are going, Jesus, I mean, this is it really? This is the best we can do. Yeah. And I think that's part of the momentum toward Trump. The Pulse cast has Trump at another new high today. Yeah.

part of that momentum is disintegrating whatever false thing there was around kamala harris this oh my gosh she's going to be amazing she's going to wipe him out when that rise was happening there was something in their head to say maybe this really is a thing right maybe it's going to take over the world maybe she's going to win by six or eight or ten points and since that has faded and you know again after the debate bump faded

I feel like that's all there is with her. There's no, there's nothing real. There's no foundation. There's no, there's no anything other than just vibes. And when the vibes thing gets popped by Donald Trump, looking like he's leading in the polls and having all this momentum, the core of her support sort of hollows out. So I really want to believe. And I, I think I kind of do believe that Donald Trump is ahead and, and is winning. I am not 99% like Justin, but I, I,

My instincts tell me... I'm 1,623% all in. I like that. I like your views. Yeah, I know. But I think even when you look, it's not just rooting interest. It's not just, you know, vibes. The data's starting to support it. There's enough there in past results with this particular candidate, specifically him, that shows these polls are off. I think there's reasons for optimism. Here's another reason for optimism, too.

Do you know what was the main fear we all had on Donald Trump running again? You remember even remember that he would just talk about 2020 the correct. Yeah, that's all he would run on. Yeah, the the trouble that he's had in court and the trouble right 2020. He's not bringing that up. Who is they are there? Yeah, they're there reminding everybody all the time about that. They're still bringing up the 2020 election. He's not.

They are true. The other thing is she's become very angry, which doesn't usually work. That's what I was afraid Donald Trump might be. He had reason to be angry. He's not. He's a happy warrior. Look at him with the little apron on at McDonald's. OK, that was just fun. It was just fun. And that's the way he's beginning to be perceived now.

Because that's really who he is. And to the campaign's credit, putting him in the position of being on these podcasts and stuff shows that side of him, which people freaking like. You can look at, you can deny it all you want, but him going out, I listened to the Arnold Palmer thing the other day. I had heard about it, but I didn't actually listen. Yeah, yeah.

It's just funny. That's not weird. It's not strange. I can't believe he's bringing this up in this moment. I can't believe he's closing his campaign with a Arnold Palmer's junk commentary. All the stuff that they said about it. It's just him being funny, period. And that is the thing that most people get wrong about him intentionally. So in the media.

If you I said this after, you know, he lost in 2020. If you went the last four years without recognizing how funny this guy is, you've missed a really good time. You really have. I mean, just he is funny. Yeah. And I think when you look back at presidential elections, this is an underrated issue. When you look back at presidential elections, the more personally likable candidate in that race is.

Almost always wins. Usually. Almost always. And they would say that he's not personally likable. In comparison. It's all relative. Yeah. In comparison, he looks like a fun guy. And he also seems like real. You know? Yeah. Maybe it's not even as much likability. It's just authenticity. He is who he is. It goes back to who would you want to have a beer with?

That's why they tried to manufacture that moment on a late night show. Right. Trying to have her have a beer. Did that look comfortable or fun or at all? It was so awkward. And she took a sip of that like, oh, it's Miller beer. She took like the most awkward sip.

of that I've ever seen. It's as authentic as, I'm a gun owner. All right, sure you are. She's got a Glock, didn't you know that? Yeah, sure she does. It's pathetic. I don't think it's working. So, I mean, even as the little black rain cloud, it feels to me like there's a reason for optimism. So you agree with me. I'm glad we've settled that. No, I did not say that. Okay, Piglet, we'll move on.

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Propaganda Wars on sale now wherever books are sold. Justin Haskins has been with me this morning. I'm going to ask you to come back tomorrow because we didn't even scratch the surface on Propaganda Wars. New book that is out today. Let's take a look at the poll numbers and everything else that goes into the Pulsecast with Stu.

Yes, Glenn. And polls cast a new high for Donald Trump yet again. 99%. No, that's the Justin Haskins measure. I'm sorry. Not quite that high. See, I have it. Next week, it'll be at 147%. That's right. That's 52.56% is the... What is it? 52.56% chance of victory for Donald Trump. Now, it's a tossed up race still. I think the

the data still shows this is a very close race. We should not get ahead of ourselves like Justin Haskins. If you don't show up, it's not going to happen. Right. There's a lot of work to do. Every single person. Have you found a person yet? Is anybody working on a person in their life? One person, you just ask for one person of everybody in this audience just gets one person who's like, ah,

I don't know. I'm not going to vote. I don't know. Can I really trust Donald Trump? Get them to the polls and get them to vote for Trump.

Just this audience would change the election. If you remember, Glenn, late September, Donald Trump was at his low since we started the Pulsecast, which was the beginning of August. He was at about 42% chance to win. So he's up to 52, almost 53% chance now. That is a major increase. Again, the data shows this is pretty close. But a couple of other things are notable. Number one, the bizarre change in tactics from Kamala Harris. Yep.

I think this is a huge reveal of what they're seeing in their private polls. The reason why they're out there doing 9 million interviews all of a sudden is not because they really want her in front of people. And why they dropped Joy. If it was working, they would have stayed with that. Yep. It's so, so true. The,

While the polls still show this election close, they're coming Trump's way a lot. You know, you haven't seen a lot of really negative polls for Donald Trump. You've seen mostly positive ones moving in his direction. Even when you see polls, a lot of times you'll see like, oh, Kamala Harris up by two.

Well, it shows the previous poll from that same pollster is Kamala Harris up by six. So everything's moving that way. And the prediction markets, prediction markets like Cal State, we're talking about 59% chance for Donald Trump to win. So these are all indicators and they're leaning Trump's way. I saw somebody yesterday say these big...

betting markets on whether or not it's going to be Trump. Those are just millionaires going in and they don't care how many millions they put in to make it look like that. I can give you more data on that if you'd like. That's not true, is it? There are some people pouring money into these markets on both sides. I mean, the question is, are they trying to manipulate these markets by flooding them? It would take an...

awful lot of money to get a news cycle out of that. And what a waste. Also, multiple markets all moving. Why would they all be moving? They're all moving in the same direction because people think they believe. I don't believe it. All right. Did the FBI secretly support the BLM riots? The answer is yes. The proof is next. Glenn Beck. In most cases, the secret to success in buying or selling a home is having the right real estate agent. I mean...

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But don't take my word for it. Contact them today. Find out for yourself. Interview one of these real estate agents. I think you'll see a difference. The name says it all. Propaganda Wars. How the global elite control what you see, think, and feel by Glenn Beck is available now. You can get it at It's This. This.

Welcome, glad you're here. A big happy frog, a plump purple cat, a handsome blue horse, and a soft yellow duck. All parade across the pages of this delightful book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? A book that came out in 1996 and is crushing Glenn Beck's new book. Gosh, what a book.

That is disappointing. Especially for, I mean, this is designed for kids one to three who can't even read. Wow. And it's beating you by several places on this list. Well, we are the underdog against brown bear, brown bear. Yeah. But Propaganda Wars available at Glenn's New Book, or wherever you find your books. We have Mike Howell in. He is the Oversight Project Executive Director from Heritage and

And he's got a little story here about BLM and how our government, how our FBI is

Really kind of endorsed BLM and supported the riots. Wait till you hear this. Welcome to the program, Mike. Thank you for having me. So I know about Neil Team 6, but a lot of people might not know that reference. Can you explain what happened and then the documents that you have uncovered?

So, "kneel team six" refers to a group of, I think, predominantly female FBI agents who, during a BLM riot in Washington, D.C., went outside and kneeled in solidarity with the rioters. And think about how outrageous that is. The FBI is supposed to be our top legal arm in this country, and here they are in the midst of the country burning down in front of everyone's eyes, kneeling in solidarity with the rioters.

And this guards some traction on social media and elsewhere. And some of the pictures are absolutely outrageous. You have a woman in there who clearly can't pass any sort of physical fitness test. It's just a terrible look for the FBI. We sued the FBI for documents surrounding this incident back in 2020. And what we found and released yesterday is that it wasn't just this

isolated incident of some liberal sect of the FBI. No, it was approved and sanctioned by the FBI brass in their reaction to it, in which they basically tried claiming that this is a de-escalation move and that it wasn't an act of partisan solidarity. We all know that's completely ridiculous. And

And they ended up rewarding these agents with promotions for a lot of them. And then even the FBI, you know, agents kind of group that's external gave them gift cards as a reward. And, you know, you don't get a gift card as a reward if you get shot as an FBI agent. And they're giving them out to people who are taking the side publicly of the criminals. And it gets a lot worse. There was a video of it that was posted on TikTok. It went very viral. That's why most people know about this thing. Well, the video is mysteriously gone, Glenn.

Why would a viral video on TikTok go missing if the FBI didn't ask for it to go missing? And so you have elements potentially what screams of a cover up. And, you know, to all of your listeners out there, I'll say if you can find that video on the Internet, it's out there somewhere. We'll make it worth your time. I got to talk to the lawyers about exactly how we'll do that. But it will make it worth your time because that's that's a big piece of evidence here. What was in the video?

It's a TikTok video of the rioters marching in Washington, D.C., and then the agents kneeling in solidarity with them. And why the video is important, because you'll realize that there was no need for de-escalation on the FBI's part. They weren't cowering in fear and taking a knee because they didn't want to rile up the rioters. They were doing it in a celebratory manner. They were pumping their fists. They were cheering. They were basically part of the riot. And they're supposed to be our nation's top cops. And

And they should have been thrown out of the Bureau that very second. And instead of it, that they were greeted with gift cards, rewards, promotion, all praise from the very tippity top of the brass, including our director, Christopher Wray. You shouldn't. I mean, isn't it a law or at least a longstanding tradition at worst that you don't take and make political statements in uniform?

That's absolutely the case. First off, it's a fundamental principle, the idea of law enforcement, the FBI is supposed to be on the side of the good guys against the rioters, not on the side of the rioters. But what this looks like in a legal context is you can't do these partisan things that violates the Hatch Act. And so when that issue was raised, instead of the FBI, you know, legal eagles taking a look at it, they referred to the

the decision down to their lowest level junior lawyers. And this junior lawyer, I think it's an associate division counsel who doesn't even have the authority or institutional respect basically said, no, nothing to see here and wash your hands of it. But that's what the FBI does when they want something to die. Any serious lawyer would look at this and see it's

obviously partisan political and the context you remember twenty twenty the summer of love you have the f_b_i_ risk using to investigate the clear corruption the biden's time and time again and doing what i would argue is obstruction of actual justice on the party f_b_i_ to live by another and then doing everything they can to open anything and everything against president trot

and then when the country's burning down joining in with the foot soldiers of the left which are BLM and of course there's nothing that happened from the FBI adverse to the BLM or anything of scale not compared to J6 and so this is why we are where we are these

These acts of weaponization in 2020 that were allowed to happen are what Biden's in the White House right now. And then we could talk about election weaponization, law enforcement weaponization, the whole gamut. And so it's not just about kneeling at a riot. It's about the nation's most powerful law enforcement entity being deeply, deeply partisan in the most obscene ways. They say that it is only the upper tier, but...

You don't see a lot of FBI agents coming out and standing up against this stuff. Why is that? Yeah, that's one of the most frustrating talking points. It's only a few bad apples at the top. It is not. Right now, the FBI has been through a generation of recruiting from the far left. You have transgender people probably going through Quantico as we speak. You have these diversity pushes. It is it is infected the entire bureaucracy. OK, and of course, the top is

full of rotten bad apples but at the mid and bottom levels there's a lot more and guess what they'll be at the top pretty soon why are more people speaking out because to get a it's it's career suicide and you know i speak to a lot of folks who have you know either you know been around and know this place pretty well if you want to get ahead you open on trump and you refuse to open on anyone that is on the left that is how you get ahead in the fbi you might as well resign

if you're willing to fight crime that the left is so openly and flagrantly committing, let alone doing anything about a riot in front of your own face. So have I been just stupid my whole life to believe that the majority of people who are in something like the FBI believe in the same things that I do, that they believe in integrity and fidelity and all of those things? Have I just been a dope my whole life?

Well, I'm not going to call you a dope, Glenn. I think a lot of people of goodwill have struggled to come to terms with the fact that our institutions have been captured, and not just in the landing beach at the top or some of the political influences on them, but a long-term project has been executed and implemented. Right now, DEI is the way to do that, to get the foot soldiers into law enforcement. This is how you end up with someone like Mayorkas, who's the head of DHS.

he spent his career as a prosecutor knowing that if you could you know live-action roleplay as being the law and order guy but having marxist aims he could work through the system in turn that way and there's a lot of other majorcas lights uh... getting there you know spurs at organizations like the f_b_i_ and other places that hold badges and guns it is not

just a few bad apples. It is not just a leadership problem, although people of goodwill want to have faith in these institutions. I'm here to tell your listeners the institutions have been captured. The capture is near complete. It's about total restoration at this point, not just a few nitpicks and taking a couple people out. So if Donald Trump loses, I think we're in

real trouble because if what you say is true, which I believe it is, they just can't let people continue to find them out and talk about this and everything else. They'll just shut us all down. We're in real trouble. But if Donald Trump wins,

Can this be turned around? Do you have the confidence that he knows what it is this time? Because I don't think he did. He has a great gut on him, but I don't think any of us had an idea how deep this thing went. Do you think he does? And can it be done?

Nobody knows more about the depths of lawfare and weaponization than President Donald J. Trump. The man's been shot at multiple times. He's been a criminal defendant in all these worked up cases. He's had investigations opened on him relentlessly for nothing, while his political opponents are allowed to commit fraud on a massive international scale with fraud.

law enforcement not only condoning it but obstructing investigations into it and the media propagandizing anything surrounding it. And so nobody knows the problem set better than President Trump because no one's been a victim of it more than him. The project of overhauling these what are supposed to be neutral instruments for a constitutional republic to work to

to actually have the will of the people, you know, have a say in their own government, means we have to return these instrumentalities to neutral, whether it's law enforcement, the courts and legal system, whether it's our election system, which is no longer a neutral instrument. That requires a complete rethinking and restoring. And a lot of times it's going to be a lot of firings, a lot of reassignments.

And I hope that President Trump has the political will to see that project through. I have no doubt that he does. It just won't be an easy one. There's going to be a lot of critics out there, people saying, oh, it's just a few bad apples. Why are you picking on these mid-level guys? But to save this country requires doing what I've laid out, or else it's just a four-year pause on the trajectory of all this. There's going to be a lot of FBI agents transferred to Alaska.

Alaska luckily has enough space to build houses for all of those that can't be fired. Thank you so much. I appreciate everything that you're doing, everything that the Heritage Foundation is doing as well, Mike. This is Mike Howell from Heritage, They released this news yesterday. There are big changes that are coming. I love that Kamala Harris is...

is known as the agent of change. I think she is. She will take us in the same direction, but a lot faster. But if you really don't believe that the country is on the right track, Donald Trump is the change agent. Believe me, vote for him and things will change.

I always say just do the next right thing. Well, sometimes that means encouraging others to do the right thing as well. We live in a moment where the left is encouraging women to do the wrong thing. A time when abortion is championed, not merely as a right, but an actual good thing.

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I don't know. I think that's a point in our favor. To donate securely, just dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby. That's pound 250 keyword baby or go to slash Beck. That's slash Beck sponsored by preborn. Every day, powerful forces manipulate what you see, what you think, what you believe.

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This is the Glenn Beck Program. Zach Levi was in Chuck, the TV series, and Shazam. Listen to what he's saying to conservative actors. Oh, and by the way, to Whoopi Goldberg and to Sonny and to all of the folks at The View, I don't think it's accurate to say that somehow Hollywood is both a liberal and a conservative town.

To Whoopi's point, back in the day, there might have been a bit more of a balance, you know. And there have always been more, let's say, conservative-leaning stars that have been able to say those things. But you really have to be at a certain level of your career in order to get away with it, number one. But number two, that was also back then. And I think naming just Jon Voight and Dennis Quaid

And really you only name John Voight, whoopee. Somebody else had to help you with Dennis Quaid. Of the thousands of actors in Hollywood that you could only name two, I think actually speaks to that. And what that means is there's plenty, and by the way, they have sent me lots of messages, plenty of people in my industry, in Hollywood, that are terrified to publicly say that they would vote for Donald Trump or be conservative in any way.

That's why you don't see them. That's why they're not very prevalent or prominent because they know that there's ramifications for this kind of s**t. But like I said, y'all, our industry is going to be f**king gonzo. Like, it already is. We're getting eroded. The pandemic and the strikes and all of these things, they've already eroded it so much. So, you know, my...

Anyway, my cry to all of you out there, you closeted conservatives, closeted Trump voters. Y'all, it's now or never. I don't, you know what I mean? Like, do whatever you feel like you need to do. If you need to come out publicly and say it, if you feel like you still can't, then don't. You know, I would never pressure you to that. But know that if what you're afraid of is somehow the backlash of an industry that's not going to exist very soon, then don't let that hold you back.

Amazing. And he's right about Hollywood. And he's also right that conservatives are going to have a big voice in whatever replaces Hollywood. Congratulations, Zach Levi, for your courage to say what you mean and mean what you say. The Glenn Beck Program.