cover of episode Propaganda Wars: Exposing the Globalist Coordination to Manipulate YOU | Guests: Justin Haskins & Mike Howell | 10/22/24

Propaganda Wars: Exposing the Globalist Coordination to Manipulate YOU | Guests: Justin Haskins & Mike Howell | 10/22/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Glenn Beck
Justin Haskins
Glenn Beck:左翼媒体和社交媒体构成巨大的宣传机器,操纵人们的思想和看法,主流媒体已经变成左翼的宣传机构,与政府勾结;谎言分为谎言行为(故意说谎)和谎言遗漏(故意遗漏重要细节);判断信息真伪,要考察信息来源的可信度;媒体通过谎言行为和谎言遗漏来掩盖真相,导致人们对事件的认知偏差,形成自我强化的宣传体系;民主党试图让人们相信卡玛拉·哈里斯已经改变,不再是气候极端主义者,但这是一种谎言;卡玛拉·哈里斯任命极端环保主义者卡米拉·索恩迪克为气候事务主任,与她公开声明的温和立场相矛盾,这体现了媒体的谎言遗漏和谎言行为,以及民主党操纵舆论的策略;要识别宣传,需要不断追问“为什么”,并勇于面对真相;全球精英操纵信息,其影响已超越媒体和社交媒体,形成全球性的宣传体系;如果哈里斯当选,美国将面临巨大的自由威胁,而欧盟的ESG计划也会进一步加剧这种威胁。 Justin Haskins:存在一个庞大的宣传体系,左翼组织和大型机构相互勾结,通过各种渠道传播虚假信息,其影响范围广泛;精英阶层操纵信息是为了巩固自身权力和财富,他们通过灌输错误的意识形态来控制民众,最终目标是控制人工智能;外国政府通过各种手段干预美国选举,散布虚假信息,加剧社会分裂;外国富豪通过资助政治运动和操纵公投等方式,间接影响美国选举,最终目标是建立一党执政的国家。 Mike Howell:FBI秘密支持BLM暴动,这并非个别现象,而是机构内部长期存在的偏见和政治化倾向的体现;美国机构已经被左翼势力渗透,要恢复美国体制的正常运作,需要彻底改革,这需要强大的政治意愿。 Stu:补充说明和观点阐述

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is gold considered a safe investment during times of economic uncertainty?

Gold is historically a safe-haven asset, often used by countries to stabilize their economies and hedge against inflation.

Why are other countries shifting away from the dollar and towards gold?

Countries are replacing the dollar with gold to reduce dependency on the U.S. currency and stabilize their reserves.

Why should people consider diversifying their retirement investments with precious metals?

Diversifying with precious metals like gold can protect retirement assets from the volatility of paper investments.

Why is Glenn Beck promoting his new book 'Propaganda Wars'?

Beck aims to expose and counter the propaganda efforts of the Left and state-run media through his book.

Why is Zach Levi urging conservative actors to speak out?

Levi believes that the Hollywood industry is eroding and that conservatives need to voice their support to influence the future of entertainment.

Glenn Beck introduces his new book 'Propaganda Wars' and discusses how to navigate through the lies propagated by the media and social media.
  • Understanding the types of lies: lies of commission and lies of omission.
  • Importance of looking at people's records to judge their credibility.
  • The media's role in spreading misinformation and the need to find trusted sources.

Shownotes Transcript

Glenn just released his latest book, "Propaganda Wars," and he goes through the types of lies the Left and state-run media have routinely engaged in. Glenn points out one of the biggest lies being pushed: that Vice President Kamala Harris is the candidate for change. If Kamala Harris is now sensible about climate change, why did she pick a climate radical as her climate engagement director? The last propaganda lie the Left tries to sell you is one you tell yourself: that Kamala is a down-to-earth candidate who will look out for your best interests. Glenn and Stu expose Tim Walz's "education czar" pick and the radical views he holds on issues like CRT. "Propaganda Wars" co-author Justin Haskins expresses that in order to fight propaganda, you have to expose the original sources. Glenn and Justin discuss the global coordination to push the same propaganda. Democrats are abusing a loophole that allows foreign money to influence our elections. Heritage Foundation Oversight Project executive director Mike Howell joins to expose how the FBI may have secretly supported the BLM riots.

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