cover of episode Michigan Goes FULL '1984,' Turning Children Against Parents | Guests: Rob Schneider & Rep. Steve Scalise | 9/27/24

Michigan Goes FULL '1984,' Turning Children Against Parents | Guests: Rob Schneider & Rep. Steve Scalise | 9/27/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gary Shapley
Glenn Beck
Marcus Allen
Rob Schneider
Roseanne Barr
Steve Scalise
Tristan Leavitt
Glenn Beck: 对民主党取消冗长辩论程序和增加最高法院大法官人数的计划表示强烈担忧,认为这将终结美国的自由。他列举了政府过度支出、错误支付以及对选举的潜在操纵等问题,并指出密歇根州允许儿童举报父母不当储存枪支的政策令人担忧,这让人联想到奥威尔的小说《1984》。他还表达了对美国政治未来和潜在威胁的担忧,认为本次选举可能是美国在现行宪法下举行的最后一次选举。 Steve Scalise: 分享了他作为枪击事件幸存者重返现场的经历,并表达了对特朗普重返枪击事件发生地集会的理解和支持。他认为特朗普代表着美国回归建国原则的希望,并指出当前美国正处于一个动荡和脆弱的时期。他还批评了某些政治人物的煽动性言论,认为这些言论助长了暴力事件的发生。 Roseanne Barr: 讲述了她被ABC取消节目以及被要求为冒犯LGBTQIA群体道歉的经历。她认为自己被取消节目是因为她支持特朗普,并谴责了ABC的这一行为。她还表达了对民主党人支持恋童癖的观点,并对一些公众人物表达了尖锐的评价。 Allie Beth Stuckey: 介绍了她即将举办的“Share the Arrows”活动,该活动旨在鼓励女性在当今世界保持坚定信念。她呼吁基督教女性积极参与投票,并指出在堕胎、性别和家庭等问题上,基督教信仰与政治息息相关。 Rob Schneider: 他认为三分之一的美国人觉醒并反抗了,并对当前的政治局势表示乐观。他批评了媒体对保守派观点的压制,并认为保守派喜剧正在复苏。他还指出民主党人只关心权力,而不关心人民的福祉。 Gary Shapley和Tristan Leavitt: 讨论了国税局举报人针对亨特·拜登律师艾比·洛厄尔的2000万美元诽谤诉讼。他们解释了他们起诉的原因,以及他们面临的风险和挑战。他们认为,举报人常常成为诽谤的目标,而他们希望通过这场诉讼来为举报人争取正义。 Marcus Allen: 他警告美国人民注意联邦调查局(FBI)的违法行为,并呼吁他们投票、自卫和为艰难时期做好准备。

Deep Dive

The Left's intentions to reshape the government by eliminating the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court pose a severe threat to American freedom. Coupled with the FCC's move to give George Soros control over numerous radio stations, these actions raise concerns about media manipulation and the future of American democracy.
  • Senator Ron Wyden introduced legislation to increase the Supreme Court to 15 justices and require a two-thirds majority to overturn laws.
  • Democrats aim to eliminate the filibuster, potentially enabling a simple majority to pass significant legislation.
  • The FCC fast-tracked a deal giving George Soros control of over 200 radio stations, reaching 165 million listeners, raising concerns about election influence.

Shownotes Transcript


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It's Friday. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. We get right to it, the things that you need to know and your friends need to know about what the consequences are if we choose improperly or without any self-reflection or really self-education.

Coming up in just a second. First, real estate agents I trust. This is my company. There's two parts of buying a house. The fun part and the not so fun part. The fun part is seeing houses, making your plans, designing the look of your future in your head, and you walk through the rooms. All that stuff is fun. But then the not so fun part is all the paperwork, the stress of securing a loan, selling your current house. That stuff sucks.

That's where a real great real estate agent usually comes in. You don't have to worry so much because they have the best practices in the industry. There's somebody that works hard. This is their full-time focus. They have the best practices on the internet, so people are seeing your house. Someone of integrity who's going to put your needs and the needs of your family at the very forefront of everything they do. That's

that somebody probably works with my company, Real Estate Agents I Trust, because we only work with that kind of person. Please check them out for yourself today. This is just a referral service. I don't charge you anything. It's The name says it all, So, you know...

People are now saying that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. How many times have we heard that? That he is a threat to our republic. That they love the Constitution and he wants to go away from the Constitution. Let me tell you the threats that you are facing right now. And if Kamala Harris wins, they will be enacted, all of them and more. There was legislation introduced by Senator Ron Wyden.

His legislation, he wants to remake the Supreme Court. Now, this is what we used to call packing the court. And Americans knew this was really dangerous. This is truly the last step before you become Venezuela.

We've done all of the others. But the last step is after an election, somebody changes the makeup of the Supreme Court and that guarantees that they win and their party wins forever. And they drive a country right into socialism, communism, fascism, whatever ism they want. But it's not capitalism and it's not Americanism.

So here's what he is suggesting. And believe me when I say this is coming. He has put together a sweeping bill that would increase the size of the Supreme Court. He wants 15, not nine, now 15. And if you want to overturn a law, you don't just have a simple majority. You'll have to have two-thirds majority.

Now, this is interesting because there is another story out today on something else that they want to change, and that is the filibuster. Because they say it's not fair that you need two-thirds of the Senate, or is it just 60 votes to end a filibuster? It's just 60. It's not even two-thirds. 60 votes to stop a filibuster. We've had the filibuster forever.

It is the only thing that stops a one-point victory at 50%. If somebody says, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, and they have to stand and talk, you know what Mr. Smith goes to Washington means. It's just time. That's what's required. Time.

So people can hear the case that is in front and go, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Call all your friends. This is wrong. Or call all your friends. What they're doing is right. That's what a filibuster is. They don't like that because they want everything voted on at a 49-51 majority. Everything. That will... Well, let me get into that in a second. First, let me just finish on the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has to have a two-thirds majority to overturn any laws that would be made by Congress after eliminating the filibuster. So that just needs a simple majority vote, but to overturn that, it needs two-thirds. And you now have 15 justices.

It will also require judges to undergo yearly audits. The IRS will have to go through. I would like that to happen in Congress. I'd like to have that happen in the White House. I'd like to have that happen in the cabinet. Why is it only for the justices? I'm fine with that with the justices, but I want it government-wide. So they have to undergo audits, and they want to remove any roadblock for high court nominations. Okay.

So in other words, you can't just hold off and say, no, we're not passing this person. Now, this is what Wyden said. Listen to this. It's not an atomic secret that the process for selecting judges is politicized. No, it's not. In fact, we all know that. I think it was Barack Obama that said elections have consequences, wasn't it?

But now that that election has a consequence that they don't like, and you put judges in that are more favorable to the Constitution and reading it as it was written, now you have to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. I want you to know, if they change the makeup of the Supreme Court, America is done. That is the final step. You're done. There's no going back.

Just want to let you know that's what's on the ballot because they will pass this. Also, they want to gut the filibuster for abortion. So just because their party believes in something that the majority, I mean, the vast majority of people do not agree with. Most people do not agree with third term abortion. Most are against that.

They're not. Therefore, abortion all the way to birth. And then if the baby lives through the abortion and is born alive, they feel that you can just leave that baby alone and let it die. That's not that that that is not reflective of the United States of America. There is a bloodlust here. They will pass that abortion.

And you will never get it back because you'll have 15 justices on the Supreme Court. And it will take two-thirds of the Supreme Court to overturn that. So, you have a filibuster breaker. That's going to happen. Then, on top of that, you have the Supreme Court. That's going to happen. What else is this government up to? Well, the FCC, in a majority move...

is now helping George Soros influence the election. The Federal Communications Commission is now being investigated by the House Oversight Committee. Why would they do this? They fast-tracked a deal that would put more than 200 radio stations in the hands of George Soros prior to November's election. Why? That's 165 million listeners.

165 million listeners. Now, it was fast-tracked to avoid the look-see into the financing because it's foreign money that is coming in. Where's that foreign money coming from? Who are the foreign investors? The FCC just said we don't need to know. That's against the law.

This has never been done before. But if you elect Kamala Harris, that is exactly what you will get from here on out. Things that have never been done before are against current law. And I mean, that's what you get. Let's see what else. Oh, how about this one?

We all know that we're spending too much money, right? Democrats, independents, we all know we're spending too much money. Republicans, no, I'm not talking about the Republican Party. I'm talking about the voters. And I'm sick and tired of the parties doing the exact opposite of what they say they're going to do. I think we're all sick of that. So we're spending too much money. Between the year 2000, let me see, I want to make sure I'm right on this, um,

Between the years of 2004 and 2022, adjusted for inflation, this government has made improper payments or just kind of whoopsie $2.9 trillion. From 2004 to 2022, it's just been paid to the wrong people.

$3 trillion in 18 years. $3 trillion just gone. Improper payments. Now let me tell you what the Biden administration has done. The Biden administration is now set to surpass by the end of its term $1 trillion in improper payments. So three in 18 years.

And in four years, $1 trillion. $1 trillion has just disappeared, been given to the wrong people. This is by far the highest amount of any improper payment of a single presidential term. This was made to the government, wrong person, wrong amount, wrong reason. Okay, that means that at the rate of $7,500 per second...

That money's flying out the door. $450,000 every minute we're losing. How much money have you paid in your lifetime in taxes? In your lifetime. Just what this administration has wasted in an hour. You'll never pay that much money. You'll never pay that. They've just lost it.

That's not even counting. I want you to know that's not even counting what we have lost in this aid to Ukraine. We all know that that money, a good portion of it, it's just gone. It's just gone. We all know that the money that you're now just starting to track, I'm telling you, if voices like ours are left alone in four years, in the next four years,

which if you elect Kamala Harris, you will not hear us within four years. We will not be allowed to say these things. If she wins and we're allowed to actually do our job, you are going to so regret because you will see where this money has gone. All of the money that is now being used by these NGOs, do you think that's all on the up and up?

All this money that's going to the NGOs, these people are traitors to our country. These NGOs that are coming in, taking millions of dollars to move these illegals into our country. How much money have they wasted? How much money have they spent behind your back buying tickets for illegals to put in your town that you never asked for? By the way,

Michigan lawmakers have now created an anonymous tip line for children to report improperly stored guns. Okay, well, you might like that improperly stored guns might be found. However, you don't have to look much further than 1984.

To see what happens. You don't have to go back to 1938 to see when it happened last time. Read 1984 about how parents were afraid of their own children because their children had been indoctrinated by the state at school and told their parents might be

Might be enemies of the state or doing something wrong and they should report on them. Do you want the state teaching your children, your children, not somebody else's children, your children to spy on you and report what's happening in your home?

If this, every Democrat, if this was happening, if this was even proposed by Donald Trump, not actually done in a state, but just proposed, you would say he is Hitler. Well, who is this then? More in a minute. I want to tell you about American hero. He's American hero named Mario Nelson. Mario was a member of the National Guard. And when 9-11 happened, he volunteered to help with the recovery efforts.

He was down at ground zero. That alone makes him a hero, but he didn't stop there. He later joined the U.S. Army. He was deployed into Iraq, where unfortunately he was killed in action at the age of only 26. Now, he had a wife and a daughter, and when that knock on the door came, that was bad enough. But then they had the stress of, where are we going to live? How are we going to pay the mortgage? And we're not talking about big mortgages. These people, we pay them garbage.

That's where the Tunnel to Towers Foundation comes in. They honor the legacy of those who've made the ultimate sacrifice, who've been catastrophically injured while serving our country or our communities. Please, help us do good in honor of the heroes like Mario, heroes who put their lives on the line for our country, for our Constitution, for our communities.

and the freedoms we all currently enjoy. Donate $11 a month to Tunnel2Towers at That's T, the number 2T, dot org. 10 seconds, station ID. Oh, hello. Hello, Stu. How are you? It's like a Mickey Mouse greeting. Hello. I was doing pretty well, and then maybe not so much now. Well, I mean, people have to know what the consequence is.

And it's clear. It's not, you know, we used to, this is the most important election of all time. This is it. This is not the most important. This is the last election for the United States of America under the Constitution that we all now know and love. It will still be called the United States of America, but it will not be the one you grew up under or the one we currently live in.

You cannot take the Supreme Court and change the makeup. It's the end of a republic. That's the end. Who's the greatest? You know, people always project. They always project. We're not seeing... You know, when we first started exposing these people, I would say when we were exposing the Tides Foundation, they'd kick up a storm of dust. And that's when I'd say to my audience...

Look, look there, look there. That's what they're doing right now. When they would self-diagnose, you know what's happening, is they're doing this. Look there, they're self-diagnosing. It's gone from that's our suspicion to that is exactly what they're doing. When they say that Donald Trump is going to put people in jail that disagree with him, what is Hillary Clinton saying right now?

Right now, Hillary Clinton is talking about some sort of, quote, formal re-education for Trump supporters. What the hell does that mean? Now, the left just blows by that. You cannot blow by that. Independents, Democrats, you cannot blow by that. These people mean what they say. They tell you what they're going to do.

And at this point, if you don't take them at face value, you are, you're a moron. You are, you're dangerous to the Republic in your ignorance or your failure to understand the ramifications. People in this country think it can never happen here. Why? Why are we somehow or another in our own little bubble that protects us from everything that happens everywhere else in the world?

Have you read history? Have you read what's going on? And I don't mean in the mainstream media. They're part of it. How many times does the mainstream media have to lie to you before you say, wait a minute, they're liars.

How can I possibly? You wouldn't accept this from your children. You wouldn't accept this from your friend. You wouldn't accept this from your husband or your wife. If they lied to you as much as the mainstream media lies to you, you would, you'd have a jihad. You'd have a personal jihad to get those people out of your life. But somehow or another, you just keep accepting this. You cannot. It's the end of the road. This is it.

Get everyone you know to go and vote this November. It has to be a landslide. If it's even close, they'll set the country on fire. If it's a landslide, they'll try to set the country on fire. But you have to get out and vote. You must do it. Glenn Beck. So my robot dog, he doesn't eat rough greens, but

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Head over to slash Glenn. Save 40 bucks on your subscription by using the code FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We are facing an election, and there's a lot of things that I'm against, but there's a lot of things that I am for, and that's what we should be talking about. I am for our kids not being sexualized. I am for a return to innocence for our children, to allow them to be children again.

I am for our schools not indoctrinating our children, but teaching them math, reading, science. I am for parents being responsible for their children. That doesn't mean just the government. That means parents should take responsibility for their children. I'm for absolute equal rights. I'm not for special rights.

I'm absolutely for equal justice, not social justice. I'm for a sane, legal, and orderly immigration policy that does what's right for America's future. I am for the end of these endless wars. I am for the end of mutilating our children and actually following real science. I'm for safe neighborhoods, safe schools.

I'm for the little guy, the hardworking person that keeps getting it in the butt from this government. I am for the end of the weaponization of this country. I'm for bad guys going to jail and justice actually to be justice. I'm for the end of the two-tier justice system, that if you're connected or you're in the right group, you get away with it. I'm not a believer in...

being a racist to end racism. That's ridiculous. That doesn't even make any sense, which means I'm for the return of common sense. Steve Scalise is supposed to call in sometime today. I don't know if he's calling in. Is he on the phone yet? No, he's not on the phone, so I don't know if we're going to be able to get a hold of him. But I wanted to talk to him about what it's like to walk off or be carried off a field after being shot.

How long does it take you before you aren't feeling the aftershock of that? You know, it takes a brave person to stand up in a crowd and speak again after you've just been shot. And now he wants to go back to the exact same field. He's going next Saturday. Steve Scalise is on with us now. No, he's not. Okay.

We keep losing him, I guess. Yeah, because, I mean, Trump, right after the assassination attempt, said, I'm going back. I'm doing a rally there. And, you know, it seemed like maybe the Secret Service had said, please don't do that or something, because it didn't seem to happen. But now it has been scheduled. He's going back to the exact same place. I don't know, man. I wouldn't be able to do that. I don't think so either. He's certainly more brave than I am. The one guy who would really know is Steve. He would know what it's like. Steve Scalise is with us now. Steve, Steve.

How are you? Glenn, doing great, Glenn. How are you? I'm really good. It's good to talk to you. I know. I know. Listen, I just wanted to ask you, because what I'm seeing from Donald Trump, and now especially that he's going back to the same place where the shooting happened this summer, you are the one guy that can relate to being shot for your views, for who you are,

And then walking back in crowds again, what does that feel like? How long did that take for you to not have that natural reaction of, you know, is there somebody, am I safe, am I safe? Or did you ever have that?

Yeah, Glennon, you know, and I was in the hospital for three and a half months. So, you know, you have a lot of time to focus on what, you know, what are you going to do? Kind of how are you going to approach this kind of new, you know, attitude where, you know, you've been through something like that. And, of course, those three and a half months I was fighting for my life. So, yeah.

But part of that was I made an early decision because I really needed to put all my focus into getting better. I had to learn how to walk again, had to learn was I even going to be able to do things like that, go back to work. And so once I got that mindset, I said, you know what, I'm not looking back, like literally rip off the rearview mirror. I'm not going to worry about what got me here.

God spared me. Like I knew I was given a second chance. And believe me, I've talked to President Trump about this since Butler. And, you know, and we, you know, talked about kind of because he came to the hospital the day of the shooting, you know, which was it was his birthday. But he and Melania came really consoled my family at that lowest moment. But I just made a decision. I'm not going to be a victim. I'm not going to.

focus on why he did it, why I got here. I've got to put all my energy into getting better or else I won't get better. And once I did that, it really just kind of changed my outlook and my focus. I went back to the ball field when I got out of the hospital because I wanted to do that. I wanted to confront that.

And, you know, and go kind of like, I'm not going to live in fear. And just we did that. And it was therapeutic. You know, it was emotional, but it was therapeutic. And then just, you know, I got on with my life. And I said, you know, God, I am. Believe me, I have a deep faith, but I put my faith in God and he.

He took care of me that day. There were miracles performed. But you kind of at some point have to say it's in his hands. He knows what's going to happen next more than we do. He gives us the tools, but he also gives us the freedom to go fail, to go succeed, to do whatever we want to do. But he also looks out for us. And at some point, you have to just have that

that faith that God's got the bigger plan. You've got to control your day-to-day. What are you going to focus your energy on today? Are you going to be positive or negative? And I choose to be positive. In watching Donald Trump, I mean, he went down on the ground. I mean, he would have moved his head just slightly differently and he would be dead today. It would have been the worst live television broadcast of all time. But

But, you know, he moved his head that way. I think that was God interacting there. It was divine intervention. Absolutely. And look, he knows that too, Glenn. You know, that was part of the conversation we had. He's like, Steve, I know I shouldn't be here.

And I think that recognition where you recognize life's bigger than yourself. You know, somebody else does have a hand in all of this. And you've just got to let some of that go and realize you can do everything right and get hit by a truck one day. Like, you don't know what's going to happen. So just go live your life. You know, do the best you can every day. I mean, here's a man, Donald Trump, who's

who's put himself up for persecution by so many different people who have gone after him. And yet, you know, figuratively, literally, legally, all of that. And yet he still moves forward. He still knows I have to do this for the country. And, and he believes that. And believe me, the country believes that too, because you know, when you go to a Trump rally, you go to,

you know, any part of the country. And, you know, people know we are at a very volatile time right now and a fragile time for the country. You know, which direction are we going to take as a nation? I mean, these are bigger questions than any individual. But Donald Trump represents that, you know, do we want to get back to what our country wants?

was really founded on, you know, free market principles. You control your destiny. Government is there to do the basics, not to control your life, not to tell you what you can and can't do. This, this is going to decide all of that on November 5th. And he knows he's the only one right now who can, who can really turn this around. And I believe that I think most people do. And so he, he recognizes, yeah, there's, there's people at,

that want to stop him. I mean, we've seen it twice now directly and it's scary, but you know, you just gotta, you can't let fear drive your life. I'll tell you my favorite line from him was, come on guys, let me play through. I was too under par. I was having a great time. That is crazy. He's crazy. But look, you have to have that mindset. You know, if you live in fear, just, just go lock yourself in a room and go in the fetal position and,

and you'll be neutered. He's not going to be neutered. He's not going to live in fear. And, you know, you got to put your trust in other people. Obviously secret service is one of those groups. And that's why we're fighting so hard to get reforms. It's at the secret service because they have a mission, one single mission, not diversity or wokeness. It's to protect presidents, former presidents, vice president. And they were failing at that. And we are pushing hard to get them to refocus, to increase the security. We finally got that,

to increase the level of security President Trump has because they were not giving him that opportunity. And that led to some of these problems. But, you know, at the end of the day, you just got to say, I'm still going to go to the rallies. This is who I am. And that's who he is. You know, the majority of Americans think that there will be another assassination attempt before the election, which is really a sad commentary. Yeah.

Do you believe that this really was simply just a series of unbelievable mistakes? Or is there any room for maybe some of these decisions were conscious? I'm not saying that they set it up, but just let it slide a little bit.

I'm not a big believer in coincidences. You live long enough, you see things that not everything adds up, but if you connect the dots, you realize, okay, wait, there's something else going on here. I really do think that when you look, there are people who, and this is why I'm really, really vocal about the language. When Kamala is saying, not just, hey, I don't like his tax plan, I don't like this or that,

He's a threat to democracy. He's like Hitler. He's this or that. That's telling people. And there are unhinged people out there, unfortunately, and they hear that as like a call to action. And that's what was going on. I mean, the second attempted assassin flat out used her exact language about threat to democracy in his mission to go try to kill people.

the president, you know, and so they've got to stop doing this. It's not, Hey, we all need to dial it down. No, there's one side that's saying very specific things. It's being taken as, as literally calls to action to go try to assassinate the president. That's what they have to stop because they're,

whether it's truly coordinated in a broad scale or not, it doesn't matter if somebody's taking what you're saying as, okay, I need to go take action in my own hands and try to kill somebody. You've got to stop saying that. At some point, you've got to look in the mirror and go, my words are causing somebody else to want to kill somebody. And if you think, oh, I can just say whatever I want, there's free speech and then there's yelling fire in the theater. I mean, there's a line.

And now you've seen where they've crossed it and they've seen it. They need to stop doing it.

So I had a brush, not nearly like yours or Donald Trump's, but a brush similar to the one that he had on the golf course. And I know that freaked me out. Immediately I thought, what am I willing to die for? It changed my language. It changed. I was not going to die for things I didn't absolutely believe. Did that go through you as well?

It was more a shift in focus. Like, what is really important in life? You know, what are you doing all of this for? You know, we all know, you know, especially you get into politics, you run campaigns and you say, you know, I'm going to fight for this or that. I mean, you know, I have strong beliefs. I go to

And you find out quickly not everybody believes in everything exactly like you do. So you need to then start putting coalitions together, you know, finding people that maybe believe in 80% of what you believe in because you're not going to get it done on your own. Yet you still want to advance your cause. And I still want to advance the things I believe in. But I also know what was most important, and that's my family. You know, I wanted to see my family. That was the first thing that came to my mind when I was laid out.

and not sure if I was going to make it through the day, you know, it wasn't, gee whiz, what's my next title going to be? Or what's my, you know, you know,

next bill going to be? You're not thinking about any of that. You know, we all are going to walk away from these jobs. And what are you going to look back on? What's the thing you want? Well, first of all, you better want to walk back home to the family you started with and have your integrity intact. And then you can start thinking about, you know, wow, I was able to move the needle on this. I was able to advance what I believe in, you know, 20,

30 more yards on that. And hopefully you can say you did that. There are some people that won't even be able to look back because they spent all their time, you know, just talking and trying to get attention and they never advanced their own causes. And you don't want to waste your time in life. And so you do realize time is important. Life is important. Make every minute count. Steve Scalise from Louisiana, the House Majority Leader. Thank you so much for coming on with me, Steve. I appreciate it. God bless you.

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Special memories from your past, slash records. You're listening to the Glenn Beck Program. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. We're so glad that you're here. Thanks for listening. It's interesting listening to, because I, maybe we can get into this next hour or whenever we have time, but that conversation about

about what you're saying, your rhetoric, is simultaneously really persuasive to me, especially in this climate when Donald Trump has had two assassination attempts and multiple others that weren't quite as close. It's persuasive to me, but also as a broadcaster, a person who's been doing this for 20 years, how many times have they come at you, Glenn, and said, hey, the words you said are cause this?

And it's like, well, you can't really be held responsible for that. I know you try to be a responsible party in making sure that you don't say things that might inspire someone, even though it's not your responsibility. I have preached against violence my entire career. However, I think you make a good point, but I'd like to open that up and discuss, if we can, sometime later on in the podcast. Back in a minute. The Glenn Beck Program.

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Max Bankman, I'm the new doctor. Welcome aboard the Odyssey. ABC Thursdays. This ship is heaven. We're tending to our past bitter dreams. I'm in. From 911 executive producer Ryan Murphy comes a splashy new drama on a luxury cruise ship with Joshua Jackson and Don Johnson. It's your job to keep everyone alive. She's in V-fit. One, two, three. Clear. Clear.

I have a pulse. You're going to be okay. Dr. Odyssey, Thursdays, 9, 8 central on ABC and stream on Hulu. Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Oh!

Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. It's Friday. And if you're a Blaze TV supporter and subscriber, you might have watched my interview with Roseanne Barr. It is

It's great. It is great. We're going to give you some highlights. It comes out tomorrow, wherever you get your podcast. And then we're back in the shoot with everything you need to know about the election and the corruption that's happening here in America. But gang, it's Friday. Let's have some fun for a second. Here is...

Roseanne Barr coming up in just a second. First, let me tell you about CarShield. You know, with everybody going back to school, you got to balance all of that with work. Life is busy. Car repairs are not something you need to add to the stress. I'll tell you, when it starts to get cold, that's when your car starts to have problems.

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So I didn't know what to expect from Roseanne Barr. I met her a couple of days ago in Dallas. She was with Tucker Carlson. And I went into her dressing room beforehand, and she got up, and she was just really sweet. Just very, very sweet. And I remember her. Don't you remember her not liking me at some point? I could have sworn, and I have not looked this up yet, but I could have sworn...

on one of your books might have been an inconvenient book or arguing with arguing with idiots we have that book look on the back and then call us yeah because we did a bunch of quotes from people who hated you as like the endorsement quotes and they're all just like people who despised you and one of them i swear was her and i'm she may have called you like you know a vampire or she had some really funny insults and i don't remember what it was

But I think we put it on there for that reason. And that was years ago. So she said, because I said, you know, I guess, you know, things have changed. You know, we probably, you know, wouldn't have sat down. And she just looked at me like I was insane. And she said, I've always liked you. I've always thought you got it.

I don't think that's accurate. I'm going to fact check that one, Glenn. Yeah. But remember, she ran as a candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party. I think she was also a Green Party candidate. Yeah, she was. At one point. That is a legitimately socialist organization. Like, that is 100%. But,

I don't know if she's had a change or she just rethought or maybe she wasn't as... She hadn't really thought out those views? I think she has... I don't know. I mean, I talked to her about it. I asked her. I'm not sure her answer was really clear on it. But we agree on an awful lot of stuff and she's funny. And she is... Because when you watch the... It's the lighting. It has to be. When you watch the podcast...

I have to apologize to her for the lighting because she's actually, and everybody in the building said this, she's actually really beautiful. And I don't know why that doesn't come across on television, but she is. She's really quite lovely.

But anyway, so we had a conversation and I asked her about a few things. Listen to this. This is about her getting kicked off of her own show by ABC. Listen to this. When you left Roseanne, did you have any friends that stood up for you publicly? Did anybody? I mean, I reached out to ABC and

I heard you did that. It's very kind of you. Thank you. It's wrong. We don't cancel people. We don't cancel people. And kill them. And kill their character. Yeah.

Yeah. And then steal their life's work and turn it leptard. Let's talk. That's what really burns me. I want to go back to, wait, what you just said. They killed Roseanne. Yeah. Well, I think they did. They killed the character on the show. That's incredible. And then they asked me, check this out.

Then they called me when they saw they weren't nobody's. Anyway, they called me and asked me, did I want to make a guest appearance on the show they stole from me? I'm dead. As a ghost. Oh, my God. Oh, my gosh. I said, I'm bowling that day. Yeah.

They're demonic. They're so short-sighted because they're arrogant and ignorant. But, you know, they are just evil, too. What they did to me was evil. But what made me so mad, because I was waiting for the other shoe to drop since I went back, because they hated Trump so bad. And I thought, well, when they hear the facts...

No. But then I knew, oh, it's because they know the fact. That's why they hate him. But it was consistent with the show. Donald Trump is the guy for the blue collar worker. That's what I said. Even if you personally didn't like him, he's the guy the Conner family would have supported. Of course. And I didn't want to be the one that was for Trump because I thought that was too on the head. I thought it should have been Dan Conner.

because it was mostly working class men that were, you know, at that time. But he wouldn't do it. John Goodman wouldn't do it. And neither would any of the other characters on the show portray the Trump, the Trump voter. But I wanted to show both, both sides still loving on each other in the same family, because that's America. Yeah.

And maybe fighting about it, but certainly not trying to kill each other. And they were trying to push us to that. And that's why I came back, because I didn't want to see America polarized like that. And I knew that their whole thing was leading to segregation. I knew it. And I knew that. So that's what the left was going for. But that is what Norman Lear did with All in the Family.

Two very big opposites, but they did not break up the family. It's still, the family was still together. And they'd have brawls, but it was funny. And in the end, they still loved each other. ABC didn't see that? No, and I also wanted to show that the working class is the most integrated class in America. Yes. And, you know, they hated all that too, but...

The thing is that nobody would portray the Trump voter, and I felt it was too on the head for me to do it, but it fell to me because nobody else would do it. Isn't that amazing? So I asked her, you know, how it went down at ABC, and she said, well, at first, ABC called me in and wanted me to apologize and listen to Cut 8.

When I came back to ABC, the first thing they did, the publicist said, before I will represent you, because the publicists are all in bed with the devil in Hollywood. They're all, I always say lesbian, the lesbian witch publicist cabal. And you mean that literally? Of course. Yeah. And she said to me, before I will represent,

with my magnificence, entertain a flea such as yourself, an overweight, unkempt flea such as yourself. I need you to issue an apology to the transgender LGBTQCIA community. And I said, I've already told y'all, no, I will not.

And we sat there staring at each other. It's not going to go. We tell our kids to be safe, not let bad touch. Now in the schools, they're saying this is good touch. When a drag queen puts her wiener in your face, that's good touch. I mean, it's just great. And I just kept going with it because I was like, this is wrong. This is wrong. It doesn't make any common. It makes no sense that you would make.

Children, your target. I'm not going to apologize. Well, they came after me. This was, what, 2013? Oh, my God, I saved every tweet. You're a cow, you know, because they're tolerant. You're a cow. It went like this. I kept it in order. Cow, pig, fat slob, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ends with Zionist baby killer.

All of it, and it all ends with Zionist baby killer. I'm telling you, they're the same people. Yeah, I know. And they're sitting at home on disability. I'm probably paying their damn wage with my taxes there to sit on their ass and do that, to terrorize old women, and particularly old women who are for children's rights against them. And they're all in it together. They're all getting paid. And, you know, it's just the witches, right?

I think we and they're protecting pedophiles and children are their targets. And let's just be really real about it. That's why I love Trump. The first thing he did was sign a paper against human trafficking of children. And that's what they're doing at the border. Look at that. And they're all for it.

Because they have no standards and they have no morality. And it's not about their wieners or what their rights are or any of that. They're all involved in evil. Evil things.

murdering crap. And I'm not going to be silent about it, nor will I apologize to any of them. They can apologize to me for ruining, you know, everything I work for except for, surprise, surprise, I'm back and I'm even stronger. And I have my own network now. And they can kiss my big, fat ass. LAUGHTER

Oh, my gosh. So at the end, I asked her, I said, I just want to read some names. Just tell me what you think. The first word that pops into your head. Listen to this.

I've got a list of names. Okay. This is just rapid fire. Okay. Okay. First thing that comes to your mind. Do I have to say something mean or nice? No, you can say whatever comes to you. Let me see what mood I'm in. Okay. I'm in my comic mood, so I'll be mean. This should be good and entertaining. Gavin Newsom. Clone. Taylor Swift. They made him off the scrapings of Nancy Pelosi's, what do you call it? What's it called?

Fupa. Lufa. Fupa. Fupa. Okay. Taylor Swift. Satan. Really, do you want to? We don't have to stop and ask why. I just can see who's doing the devil's work. She is just, I guess she's talented. Talented. Cute. Satan. Satan. Travis Kelsey. Plant. Plant.

What do you mean? He's her beard. White dudes for Harris. Oh, my Lord. Satan. Zelensky. Satan. Are you going to give all of these? Well, they are. Okay. Putin. Scary. Xi Jinping. Scary. Nancy Pelosi. Satan. Worse than worse than all the above. Okay.

Pete Buttigieg. Oh, oh. Zim. Mark Hamill. Clone. Mark Ruffalo. Oh, my God. Hamas. The cast of The View. What is happening? Lesbian witches. George W. Bush. Satan. John Goodman. Weiner. The people that make up Black Rock.

I pray for them every day because Rosh Hashanah is coming. And I'm telling you what, they're not going to get away with it. And they better repent because this is a time for Jews to go back to source. And I'm telling you what, it's not going to work for you this time. Oh, no. Oh, no, not this time. Better get ready. George Soros.

I'm unable to answer that as he's already threatened to sue me. Okay. Mel Gibson. Satan and Hitler together. Okay. They won't use that in the court of law at all. Mel Gibson. Cute. Cute. He's cute. He was so nice to me. He's a nice guy. He let me use the scenes from Braveheart for my Hanukkah play at my synagogue. It's so nice.

She goes into talking about her. I know. Crazy, right? I feel like that one's going to make the rounds. I feel like her rundown of those people. They're going to maybe spread around a little bit this weekend.

Wow. She is just fearless. Oh, yeah. She's fearless. Oh, there's no doubt about that. I, at times, was hoping you would not follow up. Please don't ask her why. No. Move on, man. Wow. I love her. Fearless is the right word. She does not care at all. Yeah. You'll see that tomorrow wherever you get your podcast. It's worth watching, too, because...

She's just better to watch. And you can see that, I think, tomorrow as well on YouTube or at I'm sorry, Roseanne Barr, the next podcast episode. All right, Relief Factor. Alicia wrote in about her experience with Relief Factor. She said, 52. I don't get much of a rest from bad knees. For years now, I've been limping around and trying to just get to bed. But I heard you talking about Relief Factor. I thought I'd give it a try. Wow.

In just a few days with Relief Factor, the pain has decreased substantially. I am so thankful that you told me about this amazing product. Me too, Alicia. Thank you for listening and thanks for giving it a shot.

Thank you.

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Discover Magazine. Glenn Beck's an idiot. The whole thing is interesting. What is Discover Magazine?

I don't know. Is that even a thing? First of all, I'm sure it's not a magazine anymore, but you're still on the air. Is Discover Magazine, does that exist? Well, there's a couple of magazines. Time Magazine, which doesn't exist. Which doesn't exist anymore. Leading the Lunatic Fringe. Vanity Fair, a half-informed radio blowhard. Keith Olbermann, only in his wildest dreams could an actual suicide bomber hope to do as much damage to this country. That's a good one.

That's a funny one. Whoopi Goldberg, a lying sack of dog mess. I remember that. Tina Brown, a frightfully strange man. Tina Brown. Yeah. And Roseanne Barr, a vampire, dot, dot, dot, a death lover. Yeah.

I gotta send this to her. Yes! I want an autograph. Maybe we'll auction the book off with her autograph and my autograph for charity or something. That's great. Because she said, no, no, no, I've always liked you. And I'm like, I don't think so. I don't think so, but...

Well, maybe she just likes vampires and death lovers. No, no, no. She's pretty clear. She's talking about vampires. No, she doesn't like vampires. By the way, we're looking at the other backs of the... We did this on a couple of books. An Inconvenient Book, which is your... I think the book right before our... Yeah, yeah.

looking at some of those are, is really interesting as well. Uh, Keith Olbermann, again, there's something about him that suggests that one night he'll say something that will cost him his career. Now that's fascinating because you still have a career. What does Keith have? He's been fired like 98 times since he made that quote. Uh, I like this one. Glenn Beck shouldn't be on the air. So you should be canceled. Said the guy who in a few years would be canceled and removed from the Senate. Right. Uh,

This one's, of course, entertaining. Glenn Beck is CNN's chief corporate fascism advocate.

R.F.K. Jr. Oh, my gosh. On the back of the... We should have had him sign it, too. I mean, it's fascinating. Most of these people still hate your guts. A couple of them have come around. Yeah, come around. Yeah, yeah. Fascinating to look at that. I mean, they... You got Stephen King on there, Jon Stewart, Rolling Stone. It is... I guess you never know what's going to happen in the future. That's what I said to her. I said...

Things have changed so much. I was for the Iraq war. Now I'm like, wait, uh-uh. But we learned a lot. And I will say, if I remember right, that was one of the big Roseanne problems with you. Yeah, could be. I think it was. I feel like when she ran, that was one of her big issues. That would make sense, death lover. And she calls vampires...

I think. I haven't quite figured out what she means by vampires yet. But I think that is people who just thrive on blood. So war...

And because she's, you know, the Ukraine war, you know, that thing is really getting close. Zelensky is supposed to meet with Trump. Trump today. Yeah. Yeah. At Trump Tower. Mm-hmm. So that's going to be a fascinating development, see how that plays out. I mean, look, Trump has been, he's not as against the Ukraine war as a lot of his supporters are, even J.D. Vance, I would say. I mean, I...

Trump has been much more balanced in saying, we'll get this thing over with. Yeah. But he's not completely opposed with, you know, taking on strong negotiations with us. Glenn Beck. That's what it's going to take. Sometimes there's a choice that's so obvious to look back and go, what the heck was I even thinking? Why, that was clearly the right choice. Well, when it comes to your phone service,

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So I'll tell you something that is happening this weekend that is truly important. Allie Best Stuckey's Share the Arrows event is happening tomorrow, and it's not just another event. This is specifically for women who are ready to equip themselves against the insanity of the world and stand firm in what they actually believe. And she's got a powerhouse lineup of speakers. And Allie is joining us now. Hi, Allie.

Hi, Glenn. Thanks so much. That was a great pitch for the event. Well, thank you. Thank you. Chat GPT read it. No, I'm kidding. So tell me about the event. Are the tickets still available? Yes. Some spots are still available. I am so thankful that this has surpassed our expectations for the size of this event, but we do still have spots available. People can go to It's going to be an

incredible day of worship. We've got a Grammy award-winning artist Francesca Battistelli leading worship and then as you said just a powerhouse lineup of speakers, Candace Cameron Bure, we've got Rosaria Butterfield and many others as well and we've got almost 4,000 women that are going to be there and

And they're flying in from all over the country, even Canada, to be challenged and encouraged with the truth. So I just can't wait. And if anyone, especially anyone in the Dallas area, can get there tomorrow, then I encourage you to just go to and get your ticket. I tell you, I think this is so important. You know, we saw a poll yesterday.

that about 50% of Christians just don't vote. And if we don't have every single Christian going out to vote, and especially at this time, I mean, Allie, help me out on this. We were talking about this earlier today that, you know, we always say, well, that's the most important election of our lifetime. But this one is maybe the last election for a constitutional republic named the United States of America. Right.

How do we appeal to women who, some of them don't like Donald Trump, religious people, and get those people out of the pews that are sitting there and they agree, but they just don't vote? Yeah.

Yeah, there's so much out there and a lot of confusion even coming from the pulpit or just lack of courage coming from the pulpit. So even if a pastor doesn't talk about specifically who to vote for, every pastor, because they are preaching from the Bible, should be talking about the issues that are at stake. Issues like abortion and gender and family. These are not primarily political issues for the Christian. They're primarily theological issues. They go all the way back to the first chapter of the first book of the Bible.

So seeing what is at stake existentially when it comes to the subversion of gender, the subversion of the family, the denial of the dignity of life inside the womb, even the chaos and lawlessness that is enabled by open borders policy. We can look at what the Bible says. We can look at the character of God and say, he is a God of order. He created us male and female. He created life inside the womb. For us, we believe that God is in charge, that God is better.

We have to advocate for these things that we know are good for our neighbors. Politics is not the number one way to love your neighbor, but it's a way to love your neighbor. We cannot vote against these things that God says are good and right and true. Someone is not saved by their vote, but while we do still live in this constitutional republic where you can exercise that right,

That is being a good steward of the rights and the privileges that God has given you. It is ensuring or trying to ensure policies that are going to be best for your most vulnerable neighbors. And so that's the appeal that I'm making to Christian women. I'm going kind of underneath the headlines and the talking points and even what we see in the debate. Like, what are these truly biblical issues and how should we look at them? That is so valuable. Is this going to be online at all?

It is going to be online. So we haven't announced it on social media yet, but I can announce it right now that for Blaze TV subscribers, Blaze TV subscribers, they will be able to access Share the Arrows on Monday. So they can go to slash Allie.

Use the promo code, share the arrows. You'll get a big discount on your membership, on your subscription. And at 5 p.m. on Monday, there will be like a whole nationwide watch party for people who want to watch the share the arrows on Monday. And then, of course, they'll be able to access it any time after that, too. So, yeah.

Subscribe,, use share the arrows for that discount. And yes, they'll be able to see it online. Have you encouraged people who don't necessarily know who they're voting for? Are you going to be addressing that and talking to those people too? I guarantee that there will be people at this event, women. It's just a women's event, and you can't just identify as a woman. You've got to be a woman. But there will be women there that are...

that are not Christians. There will be women there who probably are politically apathetic. There may even be women who are coming with a friend, and maybe they're on the left, and they're politically confused or deceived. And so we will be speaking to the heart of the issues. This is not

primarily a political conference in that we're not really going out there and saying, you know, this is, these are the candidates' policies, and here's exactly how you vote. But my hope is, especially in my speech, is to lay out who Christians are supposed to be, what we have always been, which is a refuge of clarity and courage in an age of cowardice and confusion. We have always been culture changers. We have always been a boil on the back of tyrants. We have

always spoken out against policies that have robbed children of their innocence or created lawlessness. And when we look at the policies of the two parties, while neither party is perfect, it's clear who is the party of disorder and chaos and which party at least will give us a better chance of creating order and creating a culture of life. So that's really what I want to speak to to get to the heart of those issues. Have you noticed...

a less interest or more interest from moms you know when when things started happening in school moms were on fire as they should have um has that is that increase decreased or is it about the same

Yeah, you'll notice from the Democrat side, they have really kind of gone hush-hush about the gender issue. Like at the DNC and in the debate, the gender ideology issue did not come up. I think that Democrats are really hoping that suburban moms forget about that, that they're trying to transfer kids and tell your kid in kindergarten that maybe they were born in the wrong body and read them, I am jazz. So, of course, there are going to be women who...

Not that they've forgotten about that, but maybe they're less enthusiastic about that. But my hope is to reignite that vigor that they felt a couple of years ago when we were all talking about this, especially in the state of Florida. I think that moms are still fired up, especially when it comes to the health care system and parental rights.

Everyone is talking about that right now. And so moms are definitely thinking, okay, how do I best protect my rights as a parent and my children? I'm so glad that people are coming from other countries as well and getting involved because this is not just an American thing. This is everywhere. It's everywhere in the Western world. Absolutely.

Ellie, thank you so much, and best of luck. We'll be praying for you this weekend. Thank you, Glenn. I appreciate it. You bet. if you or somebody you love wants to go. Our ticket's still available. 4,000 women are going to be there. Share The Arrows. It happens this weekend in Dallas. You don't want to miss this.

So, I've got a new robotic dog, and he's real cute and all. Got a flamethrower on his back, but he's cute, you know. SimpliSafe, I also have SimpliSafe in the house hooked up. Now, if you get past the SimpliSafe, I guess I have to use the flamethrower. I guess. I'm not sure. That might not be a good idea, but...

at least simply safe. Nobody's going to get past it because it has lifeguard protection and it can respond and act on alarm within five seconds or even talk to the intruder and say, dude,

Just around that corner is a robot dog with a flamethrower. You don't want to open that door. Also, we called the police. And I don't know if you saw, but there are some cities now that are wanting a second verification. So it's not just an alarm that goes off.

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This is the Glenn Beck Program. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Hello America, it's Friday.

We, you know, I just did a podcast with Roseanne Barr and Rob Schneider is coming up in just a minute. He'll be on with us Friday. Let's have some comedians on. He's got a new book out. So we'll talk to him from Saturday Night Live. And the podcast with Roseanne Barr comes out tomorrow. You can get it wherever you get your podcast. Tonight, right after the show, actually, I'm going to St. Louis, the Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly's podcast.

outfit is presenting my wife with the national homemaker of the year award. That's cool. Yeah, it's really cool. I think it's because of her. Well, either her lasagna or pot pies. I'm not, they didn't, they're not clear about that. No, it's because she has weathered storms and the family has weathered storms. Uh, and she's really kept the family together.

It's quite an honor. Yeah, it's a real honor. Yeah, really cool. She doesn't speak, so she's vomiting blood right now because she has to give a speech. She speaks. She doesn't do a lot of public speaking. She hates it. Hates it. And so she's very, very nervous, so just be kind. She gets up. Don't just stare at her. If you're sitting there at the dinner and she gets the award, don't just stare at her like, better be good.

Bring it on. Better be good. Don't taunt her? Yeah, don't taunt her. In fact, if you could actually show up naked...

It would be probably good for her. You know, they always say, or just in your underwear. You know, they always say, imagine them in the underwear. Yeah, she'll probably be so nervous she won't be able to imagine. So just show up in your underwear. I'm pretty sure neither Tanya or Phyllis Schlafly's organization is going to advocate for that. That's not a great idea, but it might work. Anyway. My wife is going to Ali's event, Share the Arrows, which she's very excited about. I will be doing taxes.

You will? Is this what you do in late September? No, it's really not. It's like everyone gets together and does their taxes. Tax day, October 15th, is right around the corner, everybody. Yeah. Which is the... You always delay.

always file an extension every year yes that is what i do well now it's at the point that if i did my taxes on time it would be way too close to the last time i did them right right right because it's like it's april like i finished it all the time yeah so but i will say though yesterday i had all these forms and this is another part of me just being behind i didn't i didn't

I didn't extract them on time. One of my bank websites has the statements on there, but if I don't take them out on time, it won't let me download all the transactions. So I have to go through all the statements and like type them in every year.

This is a very stupid story. But it takes, like, hours. Because I have to do... Have you thought of having, like, H&R Block help you out? I have an accountant. I just have to prepare the stuff to tell her. I can't just send it all to her in that form and make her do it. I have to, like, actually... Man, they're lucky to get stuff from me on, you know...

McDonald's grease all over everything. Yeah. I suppose I could hire somebody to do it, but it's also like personal financial information. So I don't necessarily love. So anyway, and this is going to, with that, that sort of point, it's going to make this point probably funny, but I was talking, I was like looking at these forms and I was like, I'm looking at all these files and I want to get them into a spreadsheet and

And then I talked to my friend. I was like, I'm going to text my friend, my friend who is like kind of an AI guy. Like he loves it. And he's in there all the time. He's taking like chat GPT and making like having it write code to come up with different forms of chat GPT, do specific tasks. And he's doing all this stuff. And he always talks to me about it. And I don't know, I never know what he's talking about.

But I was like, maybe he knows something. Like maybe there's one of these things out here that can just take all this data off these stupid files and just import them automatically in the spreadsheet rather than me typing them all out. So I text him. He's like, oh yeah, let me look into it. And five minutes later, he sends me a link to one of these like chat GPT bots. All I have to do is slide the file into it.

It just goes through it, extracts all the data into perfect columns with all of the numbers in the right places. I mean, it must have saved me four hours. Oh, my gosh. And it was like instant, basically. It was a few minutes. All I had to do was copy and paste it right into this spreadsheet. And no hallucinations. Yeah, I did check it a bunch of times. I was worried about like, okay, I don't think I remember spending $100 million at Subway. Right. But yeah, no, it was all perfect. That's great.

That's amazing. And it's like, it's still so early. I mean, when did we even start hearing about chat GPT? A year ago? Next year is going to be a very big year for GPT. For all of it, yeah. Gemini is just releasing this. Apple has some AI thing on it now. But what I keep coming back to on this is there are certain things that are just too good.

Global warming activists all the time will start saying like, we need to, what are you doing? We need to have it. We can't have it at 68 degrees in all these homes. You need to have it at 75. That's fine. And you need to make your own butter. Right. Without cows. And you know what? Sorry. Air conditioning is too good. Yeah. Grocery stores are too good. Yeah. Us having 900 varieties of butter, it's too good. People are never going to resist it based on what you're saying because it works too well. Yeah.

And honestly, we're going to get to that point with AI. It's going to do stuff that just makes your life easier. It's why I said 15 years ago, we have to have this discussion now. You've been saying it forever. Yeah. We have to have this conversation now because when it happens, it will be too good and it will happen too fast. And you won't be able to say, wait a minute, we should have some guardrails. It's like phones, right? I know. We are all looking at this data now. We're like, hey, stop.

seems to be ruining the lives of all of our children. Should we have given them phones at the beginning? For the first three years, everybody loved it. Yeah. Everybody loved it. Everybody was like, this is life-changing. This is game-changing. Look at this. Took time. Took time. And then we all went, holy crap, it's destroying our society and our families. Read the Jonathan Haidt book if you don't believe that. Yeah. And we're at the same thing. We're in the nice period of AI. Yeah.

And maybe this one lasts five years. I don't think so. But maybe this lasts five years and you're going to start seeing, oh, wait a minute. Hang on. That's too much. Yeah. And I just don't think people will be able to resist it. No, they won't. I mean, we used to say that about Google. We were like, oh, Google is too involved. And you're like, yeah, but it works better than the other search engines. And the maps are nice and the email is a good program. And so everyone uses it.

And it's like, you can tell, we're doing this all the time. You can tell people, don't use this thing that makes your life easier. Show that you're making, you got to do it the hard way. That's just not the way people operate. And if we don't figure out a way to get this under control in some sensible way for civilization, we're going to have some major problems here. No, aren't civilizations problems? Yeah, I swear, I probably swear. I don't think so. The Glenn Beck Program.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello America, it's Friday. You know, it never used to be dangerous to speak your mind in America. You know, never feared about speaking your mind in America.

And that's the first sign of trouble in a democratic republic. If you start to fear the government for what you say, if you fear that you're going to be cancelled in prison, I mean, unless you're doing lectures on how to build bombs. No, actually, not even that. The left did that back in the 60s and they were left alone. So you should never be in fear of speaking your opinion.

But a lot of people are. One person that is not is Rob Schneider, the comedian and actor. Been in 27 movies, I think. And from Saturday Night Live, very funny comedian on the road, speaking his mind, has a new book, You Can Do It. He joins us in 60 seconds. First, imagine for a moment being part of an organization that is saving 200 human lives every single day.

I mean, do you remember what it felt like when we saved, what was it, 22,000 as an audience? 22,000 people in Afghanistan and cut them out? I mean, that's one of the best things that I've ever been involved in. This pales, pales in comparison. This is or the opposite, right?

That pales in comparison to this is what you're trying to say. It pales in comparison compared to what we're doing on saving babies' lives. The country's largest pro-life organization has partnered with us and with you. And they are providing free ultrasounds for their moms. So somebody comes into a pre-born clinic,

and they say they want to have an abortion, the first thing they do is give her a free ultrasound. Let's see how far along you are. When the mom sees the baby and hears the heartbeat, she's twice as likely to choose life for her baby. But then these women feel alone, abandoned. Nobody in their life supports it.

And so what are they gonna do? Well, that's where pre-born steps in again and saves the mom by saying, look, for the first two years, we'll be there. What do you need? The baby clothes, the food, how to raise. We'll do everything with you. We're not gonna just leave you alone because we care about the mom as much as we do about the baby.

Donate securely by dialing pound 250, say the keyword baby. That's pound 250, keyword baby. Or go to slash Beck. That's slash Beck.

Rob. Rob Schneider is with us. Hi, Rob. Hey, Glenn. Good to be back, man. It's been a while. How are you? Very good. I've been watching your clips on, I don't even know if it's X or wherever, but I've been seeing your clips come up. Very funny stuff. Very funny. Thank you. Wherever I'm allowed to pop up. You know, it's funny you're mentioning about bomb making. I was thinking, how is it that the Democrats seem to get away with, like Madonna saying, I've often thought about bombing the White House.

And that nothing happens. The Secret Service doesn't visit. You know, Johnny Depp can say, you know, who is the last actor who assassinated a president? Like, what is that?

I mean, how is that not like on a list somewhere? Yeah. How did they get away with that? It's just because it's not an equal. It's not a it is definitely a two tiered system and one tier gets away with everything. So how do you feel about when you're traveling the country? How do you feel about how things are shaping up? Do you think people are waking up fast enough to turn the tide this election or? I think so. I think what you have.

I think you have like that Stanley Milgram study, you know, 1961 Yale study where he kind of, which we kind of reinforced in 19, well, during the, um, the COVID tyranny, which basically, you know, the study Stanley Milgram, he did this thing where he had, um, people in white coats telling, uh, seeing somebody in another room with these pushing these buttons that, and the guy was in the other room was an actor pretending to get these,

Electric shocks.

So it kind of broke down to me during the COVID tyranny and lies was that a third can get fanatical and will go along with whatever the government says. And a third will just go along because it's easier and they don't necessarily believe it. And then a third, and luckily a third in America said,

said no to it. Do you know why, Rob? Have you ever thought, why are you awake? Why am I awake? What is it about us that just says, no, I'm not going down that road?

I think when you get attacked and you survive something rational and logic for using your brain, and then you see people who are, you know, the word that I think really makes sense is bad faith actors. Because you have somebody who their faith, it's a knowing lie.

and it's evil and and then but what happens is in our society and i think it's become more and more prevalent now as the arise in evil that we you know you and i've talked about is that there's a higher prevalence for that um this this evil that is rising and um i think people do wake up to it and i think people are appalled by it and i think once they try to walk you out and

You're breaking up so badly. Are you there? I'm sorry. Yeah, that's all right. Once they try to destroy you and you survive, you get emboldened. And that's really what I felt like. And I felt like the same thing when you were attacked. And how dare you try to start your own media company? How dare you try to follow your faith and to love your country? So I think that happens. And I also feel like...

you know, my parents, you know, raised me. My, my mother was a war survivor in the Philippines who came from nothing. And my father, you know, I remember my father, you know, telling me stories about, uh, you know, the, you can't trust the government completely because, um, they don't have your best interests in mind. And that kind of stuck with me and I didn't want to believe it, but I think we have come to the point now where I think it's hitting an apex where we need more people to stand up. But the good,

that a third is all we need. And, you know, that's what we had during COVID. A third of the people said, F you to the COVID tyranny. And, you know, during the revolution, you know, during the great American revolution, unlike the French revolution, which was bloody and awful, people cutting off heads, our revolution, we still kept property rights and we kept the rule of law.

And so, and it was a great revolution, something to be proud of. It was based under God and had principles. And basically, a third of the colonists were loyalists to the crown, to England, and the greatest power in the world at the time. A third were ambivalent.

And a third were for getting behind the revolution. And we won that war. Yeah, and I think it was only about 15 or 20% that was actually diehard. That was like, we are not going back to the king. So it doesn't take that much. When we won the war, it was that 30%. Yeah. And so that 30%,

is roughly what we have right now. So I'm buoyant about it. And I do think when I travel around the country, I mean, the problem is, you know, people come up to me and say, thank you for speaking your mind. I can't go anywhere without it. And that's the title of my book, you know, my, you know, Rob Schneider's, you can do it, speak your mind, America, because we got to get back to that. I mean, and that when people come up to me, the problem is people aren't hearing the truth because we have, and that's why, thankfully, you know, your program is so important because,

Because we have to break the hegemony of this illiberal, because it's not liberal. It is illiberal media, which is 90% plus of what the media out there. And they don't want you to have that. They don't even want Glenn Beck. They don't want you to have yours. So it is dictatorial. And we have to break that. And people are waking up to it.

And they're coming around. I believe it. So Wanda Sykes was out yesterday and she said, you know, they're going to put us if Trump wins, they're going to put comedians like me in jail, which is just ridiculous. And yet I was talking to Roseanne Barr yesterday, and I think you would echo this. I said, you know, comedy was almost dead. They almost killed it.

I said, but it's coming back. And she cut me off and said, with a vengeance, it's coming back. And the best comedy is conservative comedy right now, without a doubt. You know, and the Democrats, I'd love to hear like Oprah and Governor Pritzker talking, these billionaires complaining about, you know, middle class.

people and and uh how what the problems are no this is a land of opportunity it's not a guaranteed land of success it wasn't to be um a perfect system it was you know uh it was supposed to be an you know a better union it was supposed to be have an opportunity and so you know for them complaining it's funny because you know again the media is 95 percent in their camp

Yeah. What are they complaining about? Look at the wealth in America now. The Republican Party has become the party of the people. 70 percent of the wealth in America is in the hands of the Democrats. And what are they complaining about? I love they're complaining about we're not going back. Well, they've been the ones in control. Yeah, we are going to go back.

We're going to go back to where people know which bathrooms to use. I'm sorry that you don't, Democratic Party. But we're going to go back to a country that doesn't allow 14-year-olds. Here we have 14-year-old girls. And a lot of these are autistic girls. We need to get America healthy again. That's another point. But they're not allowed to drive, get a tattoo, to vote, to

to get a gun because they're not mature enough to make decisions. And yet, you know, the evil of medical establishment is allowing them to make these life-altering choices. And in Europe and many countries, they're already stopping this mutilation nonsense.

the surgical conversions of young girls mostly, and they're outlawing it and changing it. The Cass report in England, if anybody wants to look to that, has changed everything. It just shows that this has all been based on all lies. And it's amazing to me that America is so far behind, that we are still pushing while Europe is running from this.

Absolutely. Because it is absolutely evil. And I just tell this to people. This really helps get through to people. I say, you can't even rent a car in America until you're 25.

You know, what does Hertz, Rent the Car, Avis, and Enterprise know that the medical establishment and the liberal intelligentsia seems to be so ignorant about? Right. But they're full of this kind of crap. It's racist to ask for somebody's identification somehow or another because I guess blacks can't figure that out.

But I guess Bolivia is all racist then because you have to show your ID to vote there. Well, they also wanted a vaccine ID. They wanted to make sure everybody had an ID of vaccination and everybody could figure that one out.

Thank God we did.

uh, learn their, learn their lessons. What didn't work. They learned that they couldn't control the Glenn Beck's. They couldn't control all the podcasts and that they're going to regroup and figure it out and do better next time. So, but we need to arm ourselves. And I will say, and I say this to everybody, and this seems to get through to people, even, even the on the fence liberals. And I tell this to people, I say, there are no real conservatives anymore in America. What we have is liberals that aren't crazy.

Yes, it's true.

We need the people on the fence. We need the 100,000 voters in Arizona. I know. Who didn't vote. And if you're a Republican, register people. Don't vote. We need to get people to go and do this. And it's simply this. There will be no Marines that are going to land on the beaches to save America. There will be no food drop in America while this administration is still allowing China to buy our farmland. Farms.

There will be no Marshall Plan. There will be no financial aid that will come to the United States while we're continuing to print and give another $800 million to that criminal Zelensky in Ukraine. We are our Marines. We are our farmland. We are. And that's why Kamala Harris would love to disarm us, because that's all we got. We have four.

have 400. Hang on just a second. Rob Schneider, he's got a new book out. It's called You Can Do It. I want to talk a little bit more with him about the book here in 60 seconds. I've got to take a quick break. Good sleep is one of the key ingredients to a successful day. And if you're not getting good sleep pretty regularly, your whole day can end up making it feel like it's a never-ending slog through thick mud.

What's worse is that a lot of times the stuff you take to help you sleep better makes you feel the same way the next morning. You get up groggy. Be nice to be able to take something, you know, just let you relax when your head hits the pillow at night, right?

Thankfully, there is something called Z-Factor, and it comes from the makers of Relief Factor. It's a 100% drug-free way to help you fall asleep faster, sleep better, and stay asleep longer. Z-Factor uses a formula for all natural ingredients to calm your mind and relax your body so you sleep right through the night. Works for me, works for my wife. Try it, will you? Rediscover the joy of a great night's sleep with Z-Factor.

Z-Factor from Relief Factor and save 46% on your first order. Go to That's or call 1-800-4-RELIEF. 1-800-4-RELIEF. 10 seconds, station ID.

Okay, so let's talk about a couple of things. Going bankrupt and getting America healthy, Rob. Well, you know, the thing about what we need to do is we're allowing so many of our, not just our media, if academia has been captured by these illiberal people, we also have allowed our

Agra, Food Agra, the cigarette companies who were losing money in tobacco, they bought the big food process, food companies. And we have to, you see, 80% of Americans are, I should say, unhealthy. And we have to get healthy. If you want to be the best you can

This is so frustrating. We got to try again. We're just losing you. It's breaking up. We have to get Americans healthy. You got to eight, ten thousand steps a day because we will we cannot afford for Americans to stay this unhealthy. We can't I mean, we spend 17.5 percent of our GDP. That's five times more.

And what we spend and what they spend in Europe for our health. And we're not getting good results. So we have to stop poisoning our food, poisoning our water. And that's why it's important to, you know, that the Trump administration wants Robert Kennedy to come in. Do you know how hard it is for Robert Kennedy, a Kennedy, to back a Republican? Oh, I know. And so God bless him for that.

And God bless his faith. There are so many people that are taking a stand and losing all of their friends, their family.

Because, I mean, Robert is an icon of the Democrats. And for him to walk away from the Democratic Party and say, I may not be for everything this guy is for, but this other party is dangerous. I have to get away from it. That's remarkably brave. And that, you know what that is? That's a love of God.

family and country first over party. And what happened is the Democratic Party has lost. They have lost their minds. They have lost their standing. And all they care about is power. I mean, nobody voted for, you know, people voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary in 2016. They came out undemocratically and just gave it to Hillary. In 2020, they did the same thing. They had all the other candidates drop out and just appoint

that you got to, that voters had no choice, had to back Biden. And in 2024, 14 million people voted for Biden, doesn't matter, we're anointing Kamala. So what does that tell you about how they feel about, really feel about democracy and what their plans are for us? Do you think the people, they wanted, they let the people in Springfield, Ohio vote for 30,000 Haitians?

blown into their city? No, they don't care about democracy. They don't care about what you want. They only care about keeping power and cementing a way to get forever power, which is what happened in California.

which is what happened in the state of Washington and Oregon and what's happened in Colorado. It's a creep. It is a tyrannical creep. They don't care about you. They don't care about your family. They don't care about how much money they have. They hate you. They don't want you to have a choice of voting. And I'm sorry to say that, but that is the result. And that is you have to see judged them by their deeds. And these are their deeds, Glenn. Yeah, the fruit of the tree is rotten.

And a good tree can't bear, I mean, a bad tree can't bear good fruit. And if you look at it, and you're so right on, you know, they had the money for all of the things, the flying people into America from all overseas, the hotels, the food and everything. They passed that in a bill in 2021. So this isn't something that they were shocked by.

This is something they planned without talking to any American about it.

No, and it's very telling that they'll give $700 to people who lose everything in Maui during a fire, real Americans, long, hardworking Americans, and yet they'll give like a credit card of $15,000 to an immigrant that they want to have as a forever blue voter. So, I mean, what has to happen is they have to get kicked out for not one term, not two, but three. You need to have the two Reagan administrations and then one Bush administration.

so that you get a Democratic Party. We're only allowed to have two parties. We have to have two normal Democratic-leaning parties so that at least they resemble something that can support

support freedom in this country. And that's what I hope happens. And I hope people will love their country more than they hate Donald Trump and vote them out, vote the Democrats out. Grab his new book. It is called You Can Do It by Rob Schneider. You can do it. You can't be frightened, can't be afraid to speak your mind. Rob Schneider. You can follow him at or Twitter at Rob Schneider. Thanks, Rob.

Glenn Beck. Okay, we could wake up tomorrow and the bottom could completely fall out from underneath the U.S. dollar. Guaranteed, tomorrow it could happen. That used to be crazy talk. Everybody used to say that'll never happen. But do you really think that's not possible? We wake up and there's a war?

You don't think bricks could take our dollar and just flush it down? And then what's your dollar worth? Nothing. How do you buy food? It is so important that you and your family make all the preparations you can so when the dam bursts, you're protected. You need to protect yourself and your family from the difficult spots ahead.

Thank you.

Please, gold or silver, it is going to go through the roof as your dollar falls through the floor. Gold or silver, 800-957-GOLD. 800-957-GOLD. And you can subscribe to slash Glenn. Use the code FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT. Get 40 bucks off your subscription to BlazeTV. So for people who think maybe bad guys don't ever pay for their crimes, good guys never win.

You remember the IRS whistleblowers that blew the whistle on Hunter Biden's tax crimes? These are the guys who said, wait, there's something going on. We were told not to look into it. They slow walked it, etc., etc.,

Well, they were smeared and really destroyed. And one of the guys is pretty amazing. He's known throughout the world. This is an IRS agent. Known throughout the world for his work on global tax enforcement. He was selected to create a new international organization called the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement.

He's a supervisory special agent of the International Tax and Financial Crimes Group, where he leads 12 elite special agents who are subject matter experts in complex international tax and other related financial crimes. The guy has, I mean, he started his career as an AmeriCorps volunteer. Then he went to work for the Defense Department and Intel. And then he joined the IRS and criminal investigations. He's out to get the bad guys.

He joins us now. Welcome, Gary Shapley. How are you?

Very good. Thanks for having me, Glenn. I appreciate it. Oh, yeah. Thank you for your courage, for speaking out. Thank you for doing the right thing. I also want to bring in Tristan Levitt. Tristan is a guy who worked with Chuck Grassley trying to help all of the whistleblowers. He helped expose Operation Fast and Furious and a lot of different things and is really...

Thank you so much, Glenn.

Yeah, to be clear, we're the alleged defamation is against Abby Lowell, the attorney for Hunter Biden. And yeah, the the amount is 10 million for me and also Joe Ziegler for a total of 20 million. Yes. So what do you claim they did?

So the complaint alleges that Mr. Lowell defamed us and it was part of an overall smear campaign to attack both Joe Ziegler and I for coming forward, following the law, going to Congress and disclosing the preferential treatment.

that his client was receiving by the department of justice. And, you know, our disclosures weren't, weren't even though Hunter Biden was, was the topic. Our disclosures were against the malfeasance at department of justice, FBI and, and, and IRS. Um,

So it's really interesting that it was this third party that came in and became the, you know, as alleged in our complaint, the main defamer and smearer of both Joe Ziegler and I. So, Tristan, that is not uncommon, though, is it? I mean, you're a whistleblower. They attack whistleblowers now like there's no tomorrow.

Yeah, that's absolutely right. I testified yesterday in front of the, or maybe I guess two days ago, in front of the weaponization committee. And there were three of our FBI clients that have been there in the past. One was with me again. And it's very, very common for whistleblowers to be

you know, lied about and defamed. And so that's part of why we really want to create consequences for that. We started, you know, we are supporting, we are funding this lawsuit that Gary and Joe are bringing against Abby Lowell, our organization of power oversight that I'm the president of. And we want to, you know, if this is a way to hold people accountable, we want to do it in other cases because we just think that

There's never any consequences for people just lying with impunity. They just get away with it. And so we want to fight back. And that's not something that you see happen a lot. And so that's why we're trying to raise money from the public. You know, we have this website,, to build up this fund precisely for suits like this, where Gary and Joe were just trying to do the right thing. And, you know, they went to Congress to what was right. But again, as so often happens, they were lied about. But in their case, it can have real consequences for their careers.

I will tell you, I saw one of the whistleblowers, Marcus Allen, with the FBI. That guy seemed like he was dirt strong in standing up for the right thing, but he looks like he had been dragged through and just punched repeatedly in the gut. It was amazing to watch him. These whistleblowers are really, truly the best of America.

Yeah, I sat right next to him as he gave that statement the other day, as I testified there also. And he has, unlike some of the other whistleblowers that testified with us a year and some change ago, he's not been on social media. He's just been holding it in so that we could get his pay reinstated and get his security clearance back. And now that he finally is through all of that, this was his real, you know, this was the first time people saw just what everything he's been through.

It's horrible. So what are the odds of, I mean, what are you fighting against? They're going to fight you with everything they have and lots of money. Law firms do not want this one to win.

Yeah, that's absolutely right. So the real thing that Gary and Joe, Gary can share this, right? But I mean, they're not suing for the money in any way, right? I mean, yes, it's a $20 million defamation suit. But the point of this is that they, as alleged in the complaint, it's not right for someone like Abby Lowell, who's well-known, well-identified as a really big name, a really big litigator,

He represented, you know, Jerry and Ivanka Trump even. But for him to go, if he goes on TV and says, these guys broke the law by sharing Hunter Biden's tax information with Congress, lots of people believe it. And even Mitch Langberg, the defamation attorney who's representing, you know, our defamation expert on our legal team, who is one of the foremost experts in the country, you know, without having a background, he said, my general impression was these guys had broken the law until he studied this case and read what we shared. And he said, wow, they have...

they haven't been treated fairly here. And so we want to educate the public and set this right so that people know these guys did not only the right thing, but they did it in the right way. So Gary, did you at all have conversations amongst yourself of, should we do this? You know it's going to happen to us. Did you have that conversation? No.

Well, I mean, overall, right. People say, why'd you come forward? And it really wasn't a choice for me. Just my conscious wouldn't allow me to sit there knowing what I, knowing what I knew and seeing what was going to happen in this case. So, I mean, of course we talked about the risks, but at the same time, you know, fortunately for the American people, unfortunately for me personally,

You know, the risks were real and many of them are coming to fruition through retaliation by my employer, IRS, and the Department of Justice against me. So I went in with my eyes wide open and I have no regrets. I feel like we've been vindicated by the – I mean, you went from charges that weren't even going to be charged –

that even before the generous plea deal fell apart where he was going to have to plead guilty of two misdemeanors, you know, there were, there were, they were going to give him a deferred prosecution agreement and,

And when we were coming forward, you know, DOJ and David Weiss knew that we were coming forward. He said, oh, no, no, that's not going to work out. So we're going to have to make him plead guilty. Then, of course, the judge had the amicus brief from Congress where they included our testimony that they voted out and made public. And, you know, that information made it pretty clear that Hunter Biden was receiving that

preferential treatment. Once again, it's the Department of Justice and IRS here that is the one that engaged in the conduct in which we blew the whistle against. So, you know, I have no regrets and I hope the American people have confidence in the IRS and of government employees because of what Joe and I did.

Here's what I would like you to do. If you are if you have five dollars, there is nothing better than than cleaning out this rat's nest of liars and thieves in our Justice Department in really in all throughout the government. They have to be taught a lesson. And unless we do it from the outside, the inside is never going to punish itself because

And I would urge you to go to empower, E-M-P-O-W-R dot U-S. And if you can, make a donation. This thing's going to cost a lot of money. But we have to have the best lawyers on it. We have to have the strongest case possible.

Otherwise, this continues over and over and over again, and good people are destroyed. So please go to and give if you can. Thank you so much, guys. I appreciate it. Thank you, Glenn. Appreciate it. You bet. Bye-bye. Let me just play this whistleblower. So this guy is the guy that Tristan was just talking about that he sat next to. I don't know if you saw this.

But he's an FBI agent who was a whistleblower, life destroyed, hasn't said anything publicly until the other day. And listen to what he said. It's cut three. I considered the hearing today my last act of service as a public servant for the United States of America.

And I'll give you my professional opinion. I was an intel professional for our country for many years. And I would give recommendations and I'd also look at indications and warnings. So I would offer this to the American people as my warning to them. This is a warning to the American people. I say, I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct. I've been persecuted along with Garrett,

Steve and Kyle and countless other whistleblowers. It is my opinion that the Bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce. It has been a seemingly effective tactic. I personally believe that there are no current effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate timeframe. I welcome the work of the IG, but I think any type of lawless action, there was no legitimate timeframe to rein them back in.

Their ability to over classify information can allow them to stonewall forever. To the American people, you have a duty as a citizen to vote and I strongly urge you to do so. It's how you participate in the American experience. I know people have doubts about election integrity, but you must vote. It is your claim. State your claim and don't forfeit it willingly. Have your voice heard.

My other recommendations are in the natural order. First vote, the second is the Second Amendment. Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself.

Make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other's mutual aid in times of hardship. And during the Great Depression, people stocked up a pantry. So I think that's a good practice, especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food. As a person of faith, I'd say pray the rosary. Go to the First Friday devotions. That's for everybody, all my brothers and sisters of all faiths, and I know I'm Catholic.

and read the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and live it every day. And that's all I have to say. Thank you for the time. Do you hear how his voice is shaking? Yeah. This is, how do people dismiss that warning? That is, I mean, we are living in unprecedented times. And I tweeted that out the other day. I should retweet it now. These guys are so brave.

And you can tell they're not playing politics. Listen to that warning and share it with your friends. Back in just a minute. You know, when you feed your dog, we get a good dog food that we think is good, and we just feed it to our dog. We don't always think about what that is. I've seen the commercials for it. It's pretty good. I don't know. Bag looked really good. Said healthy.

So you just get it for your dog. Well, if you're feeding your dog kibble food, all of the good stuff has been sterilized out. So there's nothing alive in that food because if it was, it would go bad on the shelf. And that kibble food has to sit on the shelf for up to two years. Would you feed your child food that could sit on the shelf for up to two years every day while you're raising them from birth until, you know, 18? Would you do that?

Why do we do that with our dogs? They need the green stuff. Rough greens. R-U-F-F greens dot com slash Beck.

They're going to give you the first bag free from Rough Greens. All you pay for is shipping, but it has all of the probiotics and antioxidants and everything that you need in that bag that you sprinkle on the dog's food. slash Beck. Call 833-GLENN33, 833-GLENN33, slash Beck.

The previous content identified as a rant. You're welcome, or we're sorry. The Glenn Beck Program will be right back.

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Stu, I want you to listen to this podcast. It's a short podcast. Let me just play a little bit of it and listen to it. Do you want to turn it up? And tell me what you think of this. He really sets the tone for his whole experience with Dylan like it's an emotional roller coaster. Yeah. And he does not hold back on like,

how Dylan makes him feel, you know, he uses this phrase, charismatic power to move me from dark to light. Whoa. Just reading it gave me chills. Yeah, definitely. So what do you think about that? That's strong reaction. It's talking about Bob Dylan. What is it about certain artists that,

That really gets to us on that deep level. Listen to her. Well, it's interesting the way Heller uses such specific language, you know, almost like you can touch it. Yeah. It draws you right into how he felt. He wants us to feel that deflation, that weight, because it makes the highs even more powerful. Right. And you're right. He's totally captivated by Dylan. Yeah. This isn't just a concert film for him. Okay. What do you think? Sounds like a review, an artsy review of a Bob Dylan movie or something. Okay. So,

Google went to a guy who wrote a paper on Bob Dylan. Okay. And it wasn't a review. It was a deep paper on it and said, you know, you should do a podcast on this. Well, yeah, but that's hard. Hang on just a second. They took his paper, put it into the new Google AI. Those are fake people talking about his work.

His essay that he did. And it did it. Oh, my God. It created the entire thing in 10 minutes. And it's a seven-minute podcast. That's... It's un... You know, think about how many papers will be written by AI. And they're going to take AI writing and put it in to create AI podcasts. There's going to be nothing real in like a month. Correct. Correct.

I mean, already we know that there are fake newspapers. They did this last time. They're doing it again with George Soros money. There are fake news reports about Kamala Harris from, you know, podcasts and local news stations that don't exist. The Glenn Beck Program.