cover of episode Michigan Goes FULL '1984,' Turning Children Against Parents | Guests: Rob Schneider & Rep. Steve Scalise | 9/27/24

Michigan Goes FULL '1984,' Turning Children Against Parents | Guests: Rob Schneider & Rep. Steve Scalise | 9/27/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gary Shapley
Glenn Beck
Marcus Allen
Rob Schneider
Roseanne Barr
Steve Scalise
Tristan Leavitt
Glenn Beck: 对民主党取消冗长辩论程序和增加最高法院大法官人数的计划表示强烈担忧,认为这将终结美国的自由。他列举了政府过度支出、错误支付以及对选举的潜在操纵等问题,并指出密歇根州允许儿童举报父母不当储存枪支的政策令人担忧,这让人联想到奥威尔的小说《1984》。他还表达了对美国政治未来和潜在威胁的担忧,认为本次选举可能是美国在现行宪法下举行的最后一次选举。 Steve Scalise: 分享了他作为枪击事件幸存者重返现场的经历,并表达了对特朗普重返枪击事件发生地集会的理解和支持。他认为特朗普代表着美国回归建国原则的希望,并指出当前美国正处于一个动荡和脆弱的时期。他还批评了某些政治人物的煽动性言论,认为这些言论助长了暴力事件的发生。 Roseanne Barr: 讲述了她被ABC取消节目以及被要求为冒犯LGBTQIA群体道歉的经历。她认为自己被取消节目是因为她支持特朗普,并谴责了ABC的这一行为。她还表达了对民主党人支持恋童癖的观点,并对一些公众人物表达了尖锐的评价。 Allie Beth Stuckey: 介绍了她即将举办的“Share the Arrows”活动,该活动旨在鼓励女性在当今世界保持坚定信念。她呼吁基督教女性积极参与投票,并指出在堕胎、性别和家庭等问题上,基督教信仰与政治息息相关。 Rob Schneider: 他认为三分之一的美国人觉醒并反抗了,并对当前的政治局势表示乐观。他批评了媒体对保守派观点的压制,并认为保守派喜剧正在复苏。他还指出民主党人只关心权力,而不关心人民的福祉。 Gary Shapley和Tristan Leavitt: 讨论了国税局举报人针对亨特·拜登律师艾比·洛厄尔的2000万美元诽谤诉讼。他们解释了他们起诉的原因,以及他们面临的风险和挑战。他们认为,举报人常常成为诽谤的目标,而他们希望通过这场诉讼来为举报人争取正义。 Marcus Allen: 他警告美国人民注意联邦调查局(FBI)的违法行为,并呼吁他们投票、自卫和为艰难时期做好准备。

Deep Dive

The Left's intentions to reshape the government by eliminating the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court pose a severe threat to American freedom. Coupled with the FCC's move to give George Soros control over numerous radio stations, these actions raise concerns about media manipulation and the future of American democracy.
  • Senator Ron Wyden introduced legislation to increase the Supreme Court to 15 justices and require a two-thirds majority to overturn laws.
  • Democrats aim to eliminate the filibuster, potentially enabling a simple majority to pass significant legislation.
  • The FCC fast-tracked a deal giving George Soros control of over 200 radio stations, reaching 165 million listeners, raising concerns about election influence.

Shownotes Transcript

The Left has reignited its calls to completely reshape our government by getting rid of the filibuster and adding six justices to the Supreme Court. Glenn warns that if Democrats succeed in this, freedom is over. Glenn has laid out what he’s against, so he takes time to explain what he’s for, like punishing criminals and ending the two-tiered justice system. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) is one of the few men who can understand being shot at and then returning to the scene, so he joins to discuss Trump returning to Butler, Pennsylvania, after the first assassination attempt against him. Glenn shows highlights from his podcast with Roseanne Barr. BlazeTV host of "Relatable" Allie Beth Stuckey joins to share details of her upcoming Share the Arrows event. Comedian Rob Schneider joins to discuss his new book, "You Can Do It! Speak Your Mind, America," and RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Trump. Gary Shapley and Tristan Leavitt join to discuss the $20 million defamation lawsuit that IRS whistleblowers have filed against Hunter Biden’s lawyer. 

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