cover of episode Joe Rogan’s Trump Interview Could END the Mainstream Media Monopoly | Guests: Josh McPherson & Bianca de la Garza | 10/24/24

Joe Rogan’s Trump Interview Could END the Mainstream Media Monopoly | Guests: Josh McPherson & Bianca de la Garza | 10/24/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Bianca De La Garza
Glenn Beck
Josh McPherson
Patrick Courrielche
Glenn Beck: 卡马拉·哈里斯的演讲以及她对特朗普的类比对共和党不利,对特朗普的支持者有利。她利用约翰·凯利的证词攻击特朗普,但该证词的可信度存疑,并且哈里斯将事实与观点混淆。她的言论歪曲了特朗普的言论,并试图将其描绘成一个危险人物,这是一种危险的宣传策略。她的演讲使用了总统和副总统的官方标志,试图将其言论伪装成官方声明,以增加其影响力。她的言论是宣传战的一部分,旨在恐吓选民并破坏美国军队的信誉。拜登-哈里斯政府授权对美国公民使用致命武力,这与他们对特朗普的指控相矛盾。 Kamala Harris: (根据Glenn Beck的转述) 特朗普想要效仿希特勒,组建一支效忠于他而非宪法的军队。特朗普将那些不同意他的人称为‘内部敌人’,并扬言要动用军队对付他们。 John Kelly: (根据Glenn Beck的转述) 特朗普曾表示想要像希特勒那样拥有忠诚的将军。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kamala Harris compare Donald Trump to Hitler in her recent speech?

To discredit Trump and the military if he wins, using fear tactics to rally her base and scare voters.

Why is Kamala Harris's rhetoric about Donald Trump dangerous?

It increases the chance of Trump being assassinated and destroys the credibility of the U.S. military to citizens.

Why did the Biden-Harris administration issue a global stand-down order for the military?

To purge the military of extremists, including those against the vaccine and those supportive of Donald Trump.

Why did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leave the Democratic Party?

He found the Democratic Party, Biden, and Harris to be dangerous to the republic due to their policies.

Why is Joe Rogan's interview with Donald Trump significant for the future of media?

If Trump does well, it could shift the role of mainstream media in elections, making them less relevant.

Why should Christians vote in the upcoming election?

To fulfill their duty as citizens of heaven and earth, preventing godless voices from dominating and culture from declining.

Why did the Biden administration update the DOD directive 5420.01?

The update includes troubling changes, such as allowing the use of lethal force and exceptions for assassinations, which were not in previous versions.

Glenn Beck discusses Kamala Harris's alarming speech comparing Donald Trump to Hitler and debunks her claims point by point.
  • Harris's speech is seen as paving the way for the Left to discredit the military if Trump wins.
  • Harris claims Trump wants a military loyal to him, not the Constitution, based on uncorroborated statements by General Kelly.
  • Beck argues that Harris is mixing fact with opinion and treading dangerous territory by suggesting Trump would use the military against citizens.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Glad you're here. I want to start with, wow, was it a bad day for Kamala Harris yesterday and a bad day for the Republic? Honestly, good day for Donald Trump. Good day for those who support him. Really bad day for the Republic due to a few things that happened.

surrounding the Kamala Harris campaign. We're going to start there in 60 seconds. First, your dog called me up. You didn't know you could use the phone, but he called me up. He understands that you're not going to bring home pizza and cheeseburgers specifically for him to eat. He gets that. He's not happy about it, but he does understand. But he did say that he would pee on the floors less if you did.

Now, I asked him to compromise and not pee on the floors if you bring home some rough greens. He said, is it spelled like I would spell rough greens? And I said, yeah, R-U-F-F. And he's like, great, because, you know, we're dogs. We can't spell real well. And I said, I get it. I get it. But he's expecting the green stuff to be in his dish tonight. Ari, pee's on your floor. I am just saying, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling you what your dog told me last night on the phone.

They have a special deal for you right now at Rough Greens. slash Beck. They're going to give you the first trial bag for free. It's a jumpstart trial bag. You get it for free. You just pay for shipping. Go to slash Beck. I mean, we are talking more pee on your floor. 833-GLEN-33. 833-GLEN-33. slash Beck. All right. I want to tell you, yesterday I saw something that...

was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen because I am a visual guy. I just wrote a book on propaganda and I saw something I thought I would never see. Now, the left and the media has told Donald Trump over and over again to turn down his rhetoric and

I have to tell you, one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump is doing so well is because he's become a happy warrior. He's not engaging in the kind of rhetoric that gets people killed. But they continue to say he's got to turn down the rhetoric. He's going to get somebody killed.

Well, they are doing so poorly in the polls. You can tell the wheels are coming off of that campaign at record speed. Because of things like this, I want to play the full statement coming from Kamala Harris and show you why this is so bad and different than everything else that you have seen.

So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had. Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him. Stop. Okay.

Let's just dissect this for a second. Just what she's saying. We'll get to the rest in a minute. What she's saying is that General Kelly, a guy who I believe Trump fired, so has a bone with Donald Trump. They don't like each other at all. Experienced this and is just now a week and a half before this election decided to come out with this statement. Believable?

No, not in my opinion. You know, these generals were not loyal to the president of the United States. They take an oath.

to be loyal to the Constitution of the United States. And they can reject anything the president says if it goes against the Constitution. In fact, we are one of the only countries that insists on loyalty to the Constitution and insists there's no such thing as I was only following orders.

Because in our military, you have the responsibility to stand up, to know the Constitution, know what you're fighting for, know what's going on, and stand against it. But you don't sabotage. Now, Kelly, if that actually happened, Kelly is discrediting himself from the beginning.

Because if that had happened, he should have gone in front of the American people immediately. But he didn't. So I don't believe this in the first place because I don't believe General Kelly's word. I just don't. Now, did you notice what she said? That General Kelly said, and there's no corroborating evidence of this, if anything was said like this,

I would believe that Donald Trump did not say like Hitler had. I would say he was wondering why the military wasn't following his commands. And if it was unconstitutional, then they should have said something that it was unconstitutional. But that's not Hitler. That is following the commander in chief. And in Donald Trump's case, something happened in his first term that I've never seen before.

They were sabotaging him. He would say, we're going this way with our foreign policy. And the State Department and generals in the Pentagon were sabotaging that. They were calling our allies and our foes and saying, don't worry about it. That's not been done before. Now, she not only says what General Kelly said, that he wants generals, but then she

She's adding the commentary on why he said that. She said he said that because he wanted people to disregard the Constitution, not loyal to the Constitution, but loyal to him. Now, is that a fact? Even if the first part of that statement is true, how do you assign his thoughts and feelings?

Because Donald Trump would have denied, even if it was true, he would have denied he said that. We know it's not true, or at least I strongly suspect it's not true. And Donald Trump would know that wouldn't be a good thing. So he would never say, well, this is why. So she's mixing fact with opinion. And I'll tell you why that's so dangerous in this case here in just a second. Go ahead. Military that is loyal to him.

He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally. One that will obey his orders, even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution. Stop. When has he ever said he was president before? You could have gotten away with this, you know, with Hillary. But we've seen him for four years. When has he ever said, break your oath to the Constitution?

Go get citizens and round them up. He's never said that ever. If you know the truth about January 6th, he was the guy saying you should have troops if you need. Get the National Guard. I'm telling you this is January 4th. I'm telling you, I think you need the National Guard there at the Capitol building.

Now, at first they said that he never said that until it was proven. And then they turned that into, see, he wanted military to help out. Yet not to help out the bad guys. Why would he be suggesting that to Nancy Pelosi? Not to help out the bad guys, but to protect the Constitution and our social order. So they try to have it both ways. She's treading very dangerous territory here. Listen closely.

Abandoned their oath to the Constitution of the United States. In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans the enemy from within. And even said that he would use... What does he mean by that? The enemy from within? Well, you know who else said that? Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln. In fact, let me quote Abraham Lincoln because I just looked it up today for some other or something in my journal. If a country founded on the principle as pure as freedom can be destroyed, it will be through suicide. That's the enemy within. And quite honestly, in some ways, that's all of us because we have forgotten who we are.

And one reason is because the enemy within has failed to teach us who we are and in fact has changed our history so much that our kids are confused. They have no idea who an enemy is because they think the government itself, our constitution, is a triggering document and the enemy itself is the government.

I think we could all agree, even the left, because they may say I'm the enemy within. We can all agree that there are forces in this country that would like to tear us apart. There are those in America, both left and right, who actually believe in the Bill of Rights that do not want to tear us apart. That is not the enemy within. Even if we disagree how we get there, how we return to the Bill of Rights,

Even if we disagree, if we agree with the Bill of Rights, you're on the right side. Go ahead. From within. And even said that he would use the United States military to go after American citizens. Stop. Why did he say that? He didn't say go after American citizens. If the country is on fire, this is what he said on January 4th.

If there is a riot, we have to put it down. So use the National Guard. And if it's so big, use the military if you have to. Now, does that cross Posse Comitatus? I'm not sure. But you know who will fight against Posse Comitatus? Who will say, you can't do that, Mr. President? Anyone who reveres the Constitution. Because our military...

has to obey. They've sworn an oath to the Constitution. And I think those guys are the only ones. I'm talking about the actual soldiers, not the people high up at the Pentagon. Those are the only people that actually look at their oath and take it as a sacred oath. Go ahead. Citizens. And let's be clear about who he considers to be the enemy from within.

Anyone who refuses to bend a knee or dares to criticize him. It's a lie. Stop. It's a lie. I got to tell you, he has been around and spoken openly to and would just like to be treated with respect. I'm thinking about the black journalist in Chicago. He went to talk to them openly. He wasn't hostile to them. They came out of the chute hostile.

Now, who is the one that is trying to put Elon Musk possibly behind bars? They are now saying that Elon Musk may need to go to federal prison. He was the darling of the left until he began to disagree with them. Who else is trying to put people in jail merely for disagreeing with them? Well, Donald Trump, Gabby Giffords. She was called a Russian asset.

Oh, not called Gabby Gifford. Sorry, Tulsi Gabbard. I don't know why I keep calling her Gabby Gifford. Yeah, the last name is similar. Tulsi Gabbard. She's an enemy now that was working for the Russians. You have person after person. Robert F. Kennedy, an icon of that party, destroyed forever because he dare say the king has no clothes.

So which one is trying to destroy their enemies? Which one? It's clear. Can we also discuss how much of a lie this is that she's saying? There was a conversation they're referring to where he said the problem is the enemy within and we may need to use the National Guard or maybe even the military. She's saying it's people who disagree with him, judges, lawyers. She lists several examples there of people that he's going to target in this way.

The conversation is clear. What they are talking about is people who cause chaos across the country on election day. He, Maria Bartiromo, brings up, hey, what happens if the left brings up, causes all sorts of chaos if you win? He says...

They're talking about murderers, rapists, terrorists that have come across the border. He says those people are bad, but I think maybe the bigger problem are the radical left lunatics who might do that stuff here. And we might need to bring the National Guard. He's not talking about everyone who disagrees with him. He's talking about people who are trying to like overthrow the government on Election Day.

Again, the thing that the left has been saying they didn't want all this time. Right now, these are the same people. Kamala Harris is the one who fought for the riots on the streets for BLM. She supported it and said they shouldn't stop and they should never stop even after the election.

She was the one that was bailing people out if they were involved in these riots. So we know she doesn't have a problem with riots, but I believe the American people, both left and right, do have a problem with that. Now, why is this beyond the pale here? Why has this stepped over a line? Well, propaganda wars. I'll explain in 60 seconds.

The time for playing to the left's games, it's over. One of the things that means is that whenever possible, we need to be seeking out companies that are behind our values and moving away from the ones that don't. You know, it's honestly, it's like when you raise the square to evil and you just say, in the name of Jesus Christ, depart. It's just a dismissal. You have the power.

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Okay. Can we bring that image back up on the screen and just freeze it, put it in a box and freeze it for me? In case you happen to be watching this program on Blaze TV, let me, or Pluto, thank you for watching Pluto as well. Let me explain why this is so dangerous. Now, one,

They always telegraph what they're going to do or who they are. And I'm going to get into that deeply in about five minutes, so stand by. But I want to show you this image for a reason. First of all, when you see two microphones like that, Stu, what do you think? Those particular two microphones.

You've never noticed? No. I've only seen those used by the President of the United States or by a Vice President. That microphone setup is unlike any other setup I've ever seen with microphones. That is the system that is connected to those podiums that travel with the President, and it's always those two microphones. Underneath it is the seal of the Vice President of the United States.

uh to her let's see that would be her left uh it it is the uh flag of the vice president of the united states which resembles except it's white not blue it resembles the presidential seal then you have the american flag and behind her you have a white house now it's not the white house but your average slump will think that's the white house so why is this important

This is important because this does not appear to be a campaign statement. This does not appear to be her opinion. This appears as a presidential or vice presidential or official government finding. Okay. Now,

Some will say she's violating the Hatch Act. I'm not sure that that's right. I've got a call into a couple of people today because there's some people say that she and the president can violate that because of their office without the penalties. I'm not sure if that's true or not. It very well may be. I'm not I'm not worried about the violation of the Hatch Act.

I am telling you right now that this presidential or vice presidential trapping was selected for a reason to carry extra weight, not to the average person, but to those on the very far left that are susceptible to this kind of propaganda.

And this kind of propaganda is for two reasons. Scare the voters that are with you. Come on, we need you to go out and vote. This is not for the independent. This is for their base. Go out and vote this man's dangerous. But it is also a message for after the election. I'll explain next. Glenn Beck.

Did you know that most of the meat in the United States cannot vote? Yeah. Yeah. Two reasons. One, because it's dead. But that doesn't usually stop people. And two, it's not from America. Okay. Both of those are being thrown out the window right now.

But neither of these things are a problem in California and pretty much everywhere else right now, it seems. But a little known secret is that most meat in this country comes from overseas. Even though it says, you know, product of America, it's not. That just means it's been butchered or packaged here in America. You're paying way too much for meat that doesn't even come from American farmers and ranchers. It is time to change that.

Again, we have to take our future into our own hands. If we lose our farmers and ranchers, we lose. Not only we starve, but the world starves.

Now, I want you to go to Good Ranchers, and they're running their presidential promo. For a limited time, you'll receive a free add-on for four years with any subscription. Chicken breast, Angus ground beef, applewood smoked bacon, wild-caught salmon. It's a $1,200 value on top. So get to Use the promo code Glenn. American meat delivered. New book, Propaganda Wars by Glenn Beck. Available now.

So I'm taking you through Kamala Harris's statement yesterday with all of the propaganda tools at her disposal to scare the American people that Donald Trump is Hitler. He's literally Hitler and he's going to change the military and have them swear loyalty to him and not the Constitution, that he's going to come in and clean house and make it his own private army.

Now, I've told you often that they telegraph what they're doing. And I noticed this 20 years ago. Whatever they would accuse the right of doing, I would always say, look to see if they're doing that. And they always were. Okay? They're taking, Donald Trump, he's getting foreign influence. Well, we know now that the Harris administration is working with the British government to

to get her elected and to silence people like Elon Musk. We know that. We talked to the British Prime Minister yesterday about it, or the former. So that's what they're doing. Everything they say that we're doing, they're doing. For instance, the latest, of course, we've been saying this for a while, but they used to say it, turn down the rhetoric because you're going to get somebody killed. Okay?

Wow, saying somebody is Hitler is definitely going to get somebody killed because we all grew up. Maybe it was just me, Stu. I don't know if you did this.

Because I feel like a weirdo if it's just me. But I remember having talks with my friends and going, if you could go back in a time machine and kill baby Hitler, would you kill baby Hitler? It's one of the, like, it's not even just friends, right? This is a big academic ethical study, right? Like, would you go back and do this if you could, knowing what he became? Right. And the answer, I

I've always embraced was no, because the baby isn't Hitler yet. Mine always was. Yeah. If you can abort him, because that's totally fine. Any abortion is great. So yes, only if you can abort him. Okay, good, good. So in a culture where that's a philosophical question that has been asked for, you know, decades. And the answer to some is, yeah, of course, it's going to grow up to be Hitler. Of course, I'd kill baby Hitler.

When you have an administration standing behind the seal of the vice presidential office with the flag, the White House behind him, not the White House, but a White House that everybody will probably think is the White House making an official looking statement that this guy is Hitler.

and is going to turn the army into his own private army. We're not talking about a baby. Now the question becomes to those who believe that, if you had a chance to kill Hitler before he came to power or kill him early, would you? Of course you would. If you think he's Hitler...

Of course you would. If you try to kill Hitler, Tom Cruise makes movies about your life. Right. That is the result. Yeah. It's a good thing to kill Hitler. That is legitimately what our entire world, outside of a good chunk of the Democratic Party, seems to believe. Those people align with Hamas, the people I'm talking about. Right. It's like...

Everyone says that was a good thing. Valkyrie is a story about a hero. Yeah. A man who tried to stop Adolf Hitler. Yeah. This is a guy now going back to the Trump situation who has almost been killed in front of our eyes multiple times during this campaign. And their closing argument is he's Hitler.

While saying he's got to turn down the rhetoric. Right. He's got to turn down the rhetoric while you're calling him Hitler after he's almost been murdered in front of our eyes multiple times. Okay. So now what was the whole message here? The whole message that she gave yesterday behind official trappings of the president and the vice president of the United States is,

So it looks like an official, not a campaign statement, which even as a campaign statement would be very, very bad. What was her main message? Well, that Trump is Hitler, of course, but also that he's going to come in and purge the military. He's going to make it his own private army if he does. Well, just going with the theory that whatever they say we're going to do, they've done is

What was the first thing that happened when Joe Biden got into office? What was one of the first things, an order that went through for the military? What was one of the first things he did? Do you even remember? Most people don't. A global stand down of our military. Now, I've never seen that in my life. A global stand down of our military. So in other words, basically, unless you're in a combat situation, stand down.

We're shutting everything down. Why? Because they needed to find the extremists that were in the military. They purged the people who were against the vaccine.

who were saying things against anybody on that side. They purged themselves of anybody that was talking about Donald Trump because they labeled them extremists. So they whittled down our army to make it what? To make it what? A personal army that would defend and keep their loyalty to the Constitution?

The Constitution guarantees my free speech. I can serve in the military and be a Harris supporter under Donald Trump. That doesn't make me an extremist. That makes me an American. And we should all be fighting for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. So they did that. But they know that if he wins, he's got to fire the top end of the military. He's got to clean the Department of Defense out.

He's got to clean the Pentagon out of all of the DEI hires, of all of these things that are destroying our military. All of the people that were not held accountable, they all have to go. So as soon as he begins to clean house, what do they say? He's purging the military with anyone who disagrees with him. He's making his own Hitlerian army.

This does two things. It increases the chance that he's assassinated and it destroys the credibility of the United States military to citizens. Now, they also say that he has he's going to authorize authorized laws that

where he will be allowed to kill his personal enemies. First of all, that is unconstitutional. That is what the Supreme Court ruled. If it is outside of his official duties, well, his official duties do not allow him to kill his enemies with the CIA. That's what they say he's going to do. Well, now, hang on just a second. If that's what they say he's going to do,

Have they done that already? Have they used the intelligence arm to destroy their foe or to attempt to kill him? I don't know. But Donald Trump is very clear he cannot do that. And if he tried to do that, people like me and all constitutionalists would stand up and say that's against the Constitution. The president does not have that right. The other thing is,

They say the first thing he's going to do is purge the military of Trump supporters. They've already done that. And he's going to have the military kill citizens. OK, this brings me to Robert F. Kennedy's response. Listen to this. Cut nine. President Harris said today in her post, in her speech, he said that President Trump was going to turn the U.S. military into

against the American public and use the public. Well, what's interesting to me is that the Biden-Harris administration has done something two weeks ago that has never been done in American history, which is to send exactly lethal force, to send a directive to the Pentagon changing the law.

to make it legal for the US military to be used to use lethal force against American citizens on American soil. Isn't that what she said Donald Trump would do? Technically now it's legal for the US military under this directive, it will become legal for the US military to shoot and kill Americans who engage in political protests because they disagree with policies in the White House.

This did not come during the Trump administration. This did not come from Donald Trump. It came from the Democratic Party. And that's why I left the Democratic Party. He left because he finds the Democratic Party, Biden, Harris and their ilk, to be dangerous to the republic now. Here's a guy that doesn't agree with Donald Trump on everything. In fact, probably a lot of stuff they disagree on.

But they agree that the Democratic Party has become dangerous because of these things. Now, I want you to know this again goes back to the book Propaganda Wars using the steps that we have in at our own disposal and you have.

I don't want to repeat that without the statement. I'm not sure that that is true. The directive he's talking about is directive 5420.01. Now, what is that? That is a DOD directive that was just renewed.

Now, this was an old Cold War directive that allows intelligence, our intelligence services, to spy and share information with local police on Americans. That's from the Cold War when McCarthyism and everything else. So that directive was still at the DOD, but they just renewed it. Now, my staff is not good enough to

To read all of these laws and to know exactly. So I'm going to constitutional scholars. I hope to have an answer by the end of the show. But we believe that the shoot to kill directive was not in the original bill. It was added to this bill, which would make RFK right.

But they just pulled that old bill and renewed it. And bill is not the right term. No, it's bill. It doesn't go to, it's just a presidential directive, okay, for the Department of Defense, which would make it legal to shoot to kill on the president's order. So they say that Donald Trump is going to do this. No, he doesn't have to because you just did this.

And why would you just do this? If you're so against that idea, why would you do it? I don't know. I can't come up with a good reason unless you want an actual civil war. And I believe some in this country do. Choose life, not death. Choose life. You may not like Donald Trump.

But these are dangerous, dangerous lives that will put our country into chaos. Do not follow chaos and lies. Back in a minute.

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You're listening to the Glenn Beck program. So cyber scammers try to steal Graceland. You probably heard that story. And I know I heard the story as Nigerian scammers try to do this. And it was kind of a funny story. It's like these people from some other country are like going for a scam. They don't realize everyone's going to realize Graceland is not the property of some Nigerian scammer.

However, what's actually even more funny about it, it wasn't apparently a Nigerian scammer. It was a woman in Missouri posing as a Nigerian scammer, which makes the story so much better. Doesn't make any sense, but again, it's probably not going to work if you try it with Graceland. But will it work with your house?

home scammers are trying this stuff all the time home title fraud is real it's happening to people all across the country and it can be a total nightmare this is something that can happen to you if you don't have protection against it don't let yourself be a victim go to let them take it from from there just give them your address and they will give you the triple lock protection from our friends at home title lock just make sure that

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After this election, we'll definitely need a little Christmas. A new Christmas album produced by Glenn Beck is coming soon. This is Glenn Beck. I got to tell you, I'm so excited for this. Everybody, Stu, I think is the most charming of everybody who's heard it because he just comes out and said, I'm shocked. I'm shocked it's this good.

No, you're not going to go there now. No, no. My shock is wide and far when you do things that are good. I know. Usually I'm saying this about your art. I know, I know, I know. But this is done with the Prague Symphony Orchestra. It is done, my daughter, Cheyenne, and I have to tell you. She's incredibly talented. I, I...

I said to the producer, because we recorded it in Prague, and then it was mixed down here in the States in Los Angeles by a really good producer. And I said, look, she cannot be overpowered by the orchestra. We won't do this. You listen to the tracks. If she doesn't nail it, we're not releasing this. And I got a call on day one, and they were like, are you kidding me? This is crazy.

You're going to love it. It's all standards. It's awesome. Yeah, it's called Home for Christmas. We should be clear. Glenn's not singing it. Yeah, I'm not singing it. I'm not surprised that Cheyenne. Although there should be at least one duet on this thing. Do we still have time? Can we get the orchestra flown in? God darn it. Oh, that would be great. I would love that. Okay. We're going to give you the rest of the news of the day, including what happened on CNN.

Wow, was that a train wreck on CNN last night? Oh, and a prediction of what 2028 is going to be like. And we'll know this by the weekend. I'll tell you about it coming up next hour.

The Glenn Beck Program.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We have Bianca De La Garza on with us. She is a 10 time Emmy nominated award winning journalist. She sees things, I think, probably a lot like you do. She's been watching the White House press pool, for instance. And she says, I mean, it's almost like this is the Russian propaganda.

The way she has seen these reporters work and how they work that room is pretty amazing behind the scenes. She says the left has waged war on truth. She's been on the front lines fighting. Every day, more and more people are waking up to that fact, realizing that the radical left is wrong and must be stopped. Everything we hold dear depends on it.

We have under two weeks now before this decision is made, and every American has to be involved in this decision. We talked to her in 60 seconds. First, I always say just do the next right thing. That's all you have to do. That's all you should worry about. What is the next right thing? Sometimes that just might mean encouraging others to do the right thing.

We live in a moment where the left is encouraging women to do the wrong thing all the time. A time where abortion is championed not just as a right, but an actual good for society. This is changing good to evil and evil to good.

Now, how do we stop it? Well, votes for one. But we have to change the hearts and minds of the country. I am so proud to partner with Preborn. Every day they sponsor free ultrasounds for women, as well as providing help for mom and the child for two years after the baby is born. They say we only care about the choice. We don't care about the baby. We certainly don't care about the mom. That's a lie. That's a lie.

This is a chance to save two souls.

When a mom sees her unborn child on that monitor, she hears the heartbeat. She's twice as likely to consider choosing life for her baby. They're saving 200 babies a day with the help of people just like you and me. Now, $28 sponsors one ultrasound. If you have the means, a tax-deductible donation of $5,000 will sponsor Preborn's entire network for 24 hours, helping to rescue 200 babies in that one day.

Donate securely. Just dial pound 250. Say the keyword baby. That's pound 250 keyword baby or go to slash Beck slash Beck sponsored by preborn. Bianca De La Garza is with us now. Bianca, how are you?

I'm so good. Good morning, Glenn. Great to be with you. And congratulations on your new book as well. Thank you very much. Thank you. So you have written now exposing the White House press secretary and the media. Tell me what you found watching them.

Well, you know, I think it's pretty obvious at this point, and especially in this truncated election, right, when they're telling you Joe Biden is the best he's ever been. And then all of a sudden there's this coup. And now Kamala is the best, which obviously last night's town hall just adds to more evidence that she is true.

She is the one who's unfit for office. You know, we actually were able to see something, I think, even more fascinating as members of the media and as members of the media who actually aren't the propaganda arm of this administration. And that's really so I think what I'm bringing to this book and what I bring to my audience every day, sort of like you, is just sort of cut through what's

The bull crap.

Now, if I'm not a real journalist and I can't decipher exactly what that is and tell my audience, then right there, something in the process fails. The free and fair press that we need to exist as a society, it actually breaks down and we become closer to communism. Right. And most people will see those things and not notice them and not understand that the subtle propaganda there is saying this is an official government statement that

About the danger of Donald Trump. And there are so many reasons why that's dangerous. But you said when you're when you watch them in the press room, you're seeing the press actually try to get the speaker or the press secretary to to verify the story they want to write. What do you mean by that?

Right. They feed her and it's, you know, Kareem Jean-Pierre. So, you know, we're not really dealing with, you know, brain trust here, Mensa. They feed her exactly a narrative. And she willingly, of course, wants to take this up. So, you know, when we take the White House press briefing live, for instance, and we're listening to the questions that are being asked, of course, she won't call on people. Usually outlets very rarely will my esteemed colleague James Rosen get in a question because

she knows it will actually be fact-based and something she'll have to be able to answer. But I believe what they're doing is they have the narrative that they're overlords at all of these networks, big media, paid media are instructing them to do. So when they ask her, you know, it was a perfect example when they were trying to sell this cheap fakes on us. And I write about this in one of my chapters.

And she was trying to walk back and she got caught with the neurosurgeon. We all remember that. If Biden had seen that, one of the reporters in the room was like, what do you think this is part of a Russian disinformation? She's like, that is a very good question. I mean, it's all...

so circular and so poisonous. And so they give her the question that they want to write. She gives them in turn, the administration's, you know, lies. Right. And she did that just recently when somebody, I think it was in a town hall, somebody on, uh, you know, Charlemagne, the God, um, they called in and they said, uh,

You know, I think he's going to round people up. I think Donald Trump is going to round everybody up and put them in camps. And she said, you bring up a very good point. What? They're all in concert. They're all in tandem. And it's working. It's working for them. Or so they thought until, well, enter Trump.

Donald Trump. And, you know, I sort of have a theory in the past few years, and I think you've probably been watching this, and I'm sure it's in propaganda wars, that we've had some really big mile markers, Glenn. We've had the Hunter Biden laptop, which is real, which they censored in just in the nick of time, right? They just get those 51 spies. That's how they operate. They get these sort of letters from these officials that aren't really officials. But we also had Elon Musk buying X. So

So we have now sort of, and now he's the target, of course, you know, the DOJ. You can't give out money. You can't do this. Because we now have, we're saying, you know what? Old press, you want to be propagandist? Fine. We're going to find our own way. Americans are resilient. I believe there is hope for this country.

The time draws near for this election. We are in the fight. I'm on the front lines. That's why I wrote the book Incoming, because it is my duty. I've spent almost 30 years in this industry. The people who hold the microphones, they are the conduits, the gatekeepers to this information. When they fail to do their job and ask the right questions, that is when we are in these times, which we can no longer sit back on the sidelines and say, this is going to be OK. No, we have to get in the fight, Glenn.

You know, I'm going to talk about something later this hour about what I think is coming for the next election in 2028, if we still have free and fair elections. And we're going to know that that is true or false, I think, by this weekend. But I'll talk about that later. The journalists, I mean, do they have no soul? How do they flip-flop so quickly? Like when...

The week before Kamala becomes the nominee, they're saying she can't become the nominee. She's absolutely horrendous. And then they edit their own work and their own words. And they come back next week like they

They never said any of that stuff. And they're like, she's the greatest, isn't she? How does that happen? Yeah, I got a kind of interesting take on this. So I had never been to the White House Correspondents Dinner in all my years of covering. Good for you.

I had never gone. This year, I knew I was writing the book. I got an invitation. I said, I'm going to go and just check it out. And you know, I saw them. They were like fawning to get selfies with Fauci, like a line, like he was a rock star. They were, you know, my orcas came by. I got a moment with him. They are, they're able to, I think, put their moral, um,

compass, their integrity. I don't think they have any left, but I think it's because they're more interested in being part of the club. Yep. Glenn, if you're in the club, you want to stay in the club. Yep. I tell you, my wife and I have only gone to the White House Correspondents Dinner once.

And my wife and I, we left early. And my wife and I were walking to our hotel afterwards. And I looked at her and I said, I don't know how you feel, but I feel like I've just been in a Lifetime movie. You know, one of those movies on Lifetime where I'm just going to go back to the hotel and rock back and forth in the shower. I just felt like something so dirty. It was and you can't get clean.

Right? You can't. In fact, it was so, to watch the machinations, it's actually how I opened the book. I call it the legacy media lion's den because I felt like as a truth teller in there, I was in a lion's den because they were just, you know, they were people whose politics I abhor. There are journalists that, and I put air quotes, that are out there, you know, making their multi-million dollar checks to actually just sling whatever the talking points or the press release comes into their email. It's lazy journalism. It's not

knocking on doors. It's not working sources. And yet they're floating around in these, you know, gowns and this sort of faux air kiss. And I couldn't, I saw it all. It was so clear to me what, why our media has lost its way and why Donald Trump says fake news. And, you know, I'm also a mom. My daughter's 18 years

And so it's really, really important for me that she uses critical thinking, question everything, not just look at things. And the social media, you know, Glenn, has sort of, you know, made this sort of generation of journalists and I think younger people just sort of looking through images. And it can be really alluring to look at things and look at celebrities. And I don't, you know, I know it's a hard machine to come up against, but we have to arm our kids with education and not indoctrination. Yeah.

Let me switch topics here for just a second. What does your gut tell you on what's going on right now, what's coming election night and after? I'm so encouraged by the early voting numbers. Okay, so I will say that. And that's a lot of the focus. We'll be talking about some of this today and how all the math quants. And I'm an English person. I'm a writer. I'm a journalist. So I don't propose to have these math proxies as they use them and call them a

I'm very encouraged. I'm very encouraged when I see people who have lost everything in North Carolina come out in droves because that right there shows sort of the heart and soul of America. I think what's coming is if the trends continue, I think it's very positive, but I think we can't get complacent because I also know that these are very sort of...

demonic forces that will know if their power is actually being threatened, which it is. Hillary Clinton came out talking about Section 230. Kamala last night talking about filibuster, get rid of it. They will do something that is dirty. So I think we just have to have our guard up, if you will. And I think we have to make sure people get to the polls, people who may be, well, everyone else is voting. What comes after? I see actually a revival. I saw Donald Trump with a lot of

prayers last night in Georgia, last two days on my show, I'm on live from noon to two. I saw the Latino round table. I'm Mexican American. I saw people lay hands on him. I saw people lay hands on him in North Carolina. There's a powerful sort of sense of getting back to our, our, our instincts as human beings, not left or right. But about like,

moral compass what we are doing and that's that's my hope and i'm holding on to that but i really i don't see something that's going to be violent or nasty i just don't i think the left wants to say it the left wants to call this yeah i i hope you're right on that um as you are mexican-american um

They really misjudged the Hispanic community, didn't they? Big time. Yeah. Big time. And, you know, I've been, you know, keeping in close contact with, I have some good friends. My friend's a pastor down in Roma, Texas, and he's taken me down to the border several times. And they did because, you know, the culture of Latinos is,

they come here and they are, they're American. They're proud to be new Americans. My dad came here. My family went through the process. Once they get here, they're full on to like the American dream baby. And they, they have thriving businesses. They've done incredible things. And for them to see Venezuelan gangs just walk across the border and now threatened children. And, and now we have blood, this administration has blood on their hands. I think they, they, they did sort of just pander to the Latinos for a long time, but they did it to the

black community as well. And I love that sort of Obama's comments are getting such blowback because, you know, they just don't get it. They don't get it. And they know that they've been running this for so long that at some point, I think the fact that Donald Trump is kind of connecting with Latinos, it just blows their mind. And that's why they're clamping down even harder. That's why we're seeing like the Atlantic, you know, bogus piece.

We've been talking to Bianca De La Garza. She is on Newsmax every day. She has a new book out called Incoming on the front lines of the left's war on truth. It's a nice one-two punch on propaganda.

We are in a very different place as Americans, and everything is about to change, hopefully in a good way. Pick up the book wherever books are sold. It's called Incoming. Bianca, great talking to you. I hope we talk again.

Thank you so much, Glenn. I really appreciate you and your audience and all you're doing as well on the front lines. And congrats on your book as well. Thank you very much. All right. Back in just a second, I want to talk to you about Mantis X. It is not fun to have to admit it, but almost nobody is a good shot right out of the gate first time. Nobody. You see those movies where they're like, oh, they're shooting and they shoot.

shoot a lamp on the other side of the room instead of the bad guy. That's the way most people are. Even people who have practiced a bit with a gun when you're in a panic situation. The truth is you have to practice kind of a lot to be any good at it, but that also costs a lot of money. Ammunition is not cheap, but what if there was a way to practice in a useful way, even when you were dry firing, so you didn't have to pay all that money for the, you know, the shooting range and also all the bullets.

You get shooting in with something called Mantis X. It's high-tech, easy-to-use system used widely by the military. It helps you improve your shooting quickly. You attach it to your firearm and connect it with an app on your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth. Then whenever you're firing actual rounds or even dry fire practicing, it will give you instant feedback on what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and how to correct your technique.

I've had some of the best shooters in our military work with me. And I have to tell you, the constant, you know, I'm sorry, I didn't see that shot, whatever it is, the constant look at everything I'm doing that Mantis X gives me.

It has just turboed my growth. 20% of the people, sorry, 95% of shooters improve within 20 minutes using Mantis X. Get it now. 10 seconds. Station ID. So, Glenn, you mentioned earlier you had a prediction about 2028. Yeah. So this is something I thought about this week, earlier this week. And again,

I was late on a prediction that I made. This would fulfill a prediction I made in 2010, and I was way too early on it, but I think it will happen by 2028. And we will know, I believe, by Monday if this is going to happen. Joe Rogan can completely end this election. He can end it. He can, by being on Joe Rogan,

By Trump being on Joe Rogan, which is taping tomorrow. Right. By Trump being on Joe Rogan, it airs tomorrow too, doesn't it? I think it does. I don't know. Okay. When it airs, you will know within a couple of days. If that changes this election one way or the other, dramatically changes this election, this will be the last election that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN has won the debates.

And two, has any real role to play in elections in America? They have so discredited themselves, but they still hold that position. They have a lock on that. But that will change because both parties will say, holy crap, the new media is

Is where all of the juice is. And you're seeing this. Donald Trump is proving this out right now. He is doing every podcast you can possibly imagine. Okay. He's been on this show, I think, more than he's ever been. He's on everybody's show. And so is J.D. Vance. You saw the J.D. Vance interview. Yes. Someone had an interesting note on that, that the top comment, he was on Theo Vaughn. Yeah. And the top comment was,

I can't believe they told me this guy was weird. He's like the most normal guy I've ever heard speak before. Right. Something like that. And I think that's hitting a lot of people in reality that way. And these interviews have really showcased that type of stuff. And you will see people, the ones that are the most effective are not necessarily the people like me.

Because I'm coming at it more of a journalistic way. Somebody who's really well informed or tries to be. Where Joe Rogan is just going to ask the questions. He doesn't follow everything. This isn't his gig on politics. He's just asking the questions that you would ask. And he has such a massive audience that if Donald Trump does well on that show, it could add four points.

Okay. If that happens, this will be the last election where those networks play the kind of role that they play now. So Joe Rogan could end the mainstream media tonight or tomorrow night. I think so. Remember what I said four years ago? I think it was CNN. We were on the air and I looked up and I saw CNN and it said, why is Tesla stock dumping? And again,

I just looked up to the Chiron at the bottom of the screen and I read that and I thought because uh the Tesla CEO was just on Joe Rogan smoking dope right and they had no idea and I said at that time that's the beginning of the end this it this will seal its fate it won't happen overnight but this will seal the media's fate

if Joe Rogan really moves the needle. What do you think if we went back to the show we've been doing forever, go back to like 2004 or so, and I said to you, Glenn, in 20 years, you're going to predict the media is going to be ended by the host of Fear Factor? No way. That would not have been a prediction you would have agreed with at that point. That's why you really don't count anything out in today's America. Glenn Beck.

And the president will be Donald Trump. Right. The host of The Apprentice. Right. All right. Let me talk to you about American Giant. What actually matters today?

I know that family matters. Faith matters. Living a life of integrity matters. And one other thing matters a lot to you and to me. America. American Giant was created 13 years ago just to save a factory, a clothing factory in North Carolina so the jobs could be saved, the employees could continue to do the work, and the community could continue.

That's what matters to American Giant. Making clothing in America is not easy. It is not cheap. There's so much cheap competition overseas. Why even try? Because American Giant truly believes at the core of them that American manufacturing matters. And with all that's going on in the world, it matters now more than ever in every category.

Well, they make clothing and every stitch, every piece of cotton. I mean, they start with the American farmers, the ink, the cutting, the sewing. All of it is done here in America.

Spend where your money matters and get great quality. slash Glenn. slash Glenn. The new book, Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel. Available now. Buy it today at

One of the podcasts I really enjoy to listen to is Patrick Karelchi is one of the hosts. He's a co-host of the podcast. They have something going on right now that's really good. It's a six-part series on which way, America?

What are you going to choose? And they expose some things that, you know, I've even had questions on and I just haven't had time to look into it, but they really do their homework. Patrick's with us now. Hi, Patrick. How are you? Hey, Glenn. How are you doing? I'm great. I'm great. By the way, this is like your...

seventh anniversary, isn't it? Are you guys coming up on a big anniversary? Sixth anniversary. Thank you for... Yes, it is. You know what? You were the first person to have me on to announce the launch of my show six years ago. Wow. Thank you so much. Well, you're welcome. I think you guys are great. All right. So I want to try to... We've got about 10 minutes. I want to pack a couple of stories in here that you were talking about. And I got three stories I want to hear. First...

The Kamala Harris has a pattern of taking her former boss's job.

Yeah, you know, in 2000, her very first run for office was in 2003 when she ran for the San Francisco district attorney. And before she ran, she was working for a man named Hellenin. He was a district attorney for the area. He was an incumbent and he was running for office to basically keep his job. And when she was working for him,

There was, you know, kind of some inside, you know, within the staff, they were kind of worried that she was going to take her boss's job. And there came a point where her boss was like, you know, we don't want media going to her anymore because they sensed that she was going to, you know, go run against him. So she she was asked about it. She said, no, I'm not going to do that. That would be unprofessional. Right.

But but it turns out, you know, within a matter of a couple of months, she ended up running against him. And she did so in a pretty brutal way. I mean, in one debate, she said that she was going to investigate him and potentially prosecute him.

So, you know, you know, all this kind of pearl clutching that goes on when when Trump had said this kind of stuff to Hillary and what have you. Well, you have Kamala doing that way back in 2003. So and so a lot of people, you know, I find her not the sharpest tool in the shed. No, but she is strategically. She's Machiavellian.

Yes, she's shown some to be a mastermind when it comes to strategy. And I think that story kind of shows it at a very, very early point in her career. She didn't do well last night at all. And she has a hard time because she can't run on her record and she can't tell people what she is.

actually believes um i can't remember i think it's part two of uh your podcast is a six-part podcast by the way the sixth uh part comes out this week um but um in part two i believe correct me if i'm wrong um you go into the time she spent in montreal tell me about

who she is and who she's, you know, how her foundation was birthed.

You know, she's pretty guarded. And you know these word salads that she gets into a lot of the times? That's another thing that she's been doing since the very beginning of her career. There's a moment in another debate where she basically does, a caller calls in and says, I don't know what you're saying. You're not talking any, you're not giving any specifics. And when it comes to Montreal, her time in Montreal, she gives very, very little specifics. You go through her book and

And I want to say that it's just like a couple pages of like a 300-page book. And it's all platitudes. It's all kind of, you know, there's very little information. I think the reason for that is that it kind of, in her formative years,

She is in Montreal, away from America, during its kind of heyday in the early 80s and the Reagan era and this big kind of moment, this big movement happening in the United States. And she's out.

off in Montreal. And, you know, it's not by any doing of hers or mother, she ended up having to move there. But the fact that she hasn't kind of openly talked about these kinds of things, maybe she saw some kind of, you know, foibles that are some kind of trouble that, uh,

Obama got in when he talked about his time in Indonesia. And so now she's trying to be as American as possible. Um, but she just, you know, she, she left there when she was 12, she left the United States and she was 12. Her mom took a job in Montreal. She was there until she was, I think 17 years old. And then she ended up coming to Howard university. Um, after that, um, she had, she went to high school, she went to middle school, high school and a year of college, uh,

in Montreal and you get none of that, very little of that in her book. And you don't get inside her and in her mind and how was her thoughts formed and what did she go through at that time? Because I think she's trying to present a very American message. Because I think really when I think about Kamala Harris, I think she's a Trojan horse in regards to this smart on crime mentality.

message that she's trying to get out there. She wrote a book on it.

And it's so anti-American. But you say that, you know, her tough on, you know, smart on crime policies are what kicked off a huge crime wave. You know, the epidemic of American crime really started with her. Explain that. Yeah, well, she wrote this book called Smart on Crime, and she has this approach that is really soft on crime, but it's a

a Trojan horse, she names it smart on crime. And what she, what it really is, is, and this is exactly what it does. It lowers law enforcement so that you don't incarcerate as many people.

and you release people. What she did was is, so she pushes this idea out there, this smart on crime, which is basically, hey, we're gonna lock up violent crimes and violent criminals, but this recidivism, this repeat offender thing is a problem. There's too much population within our jails and it's killing our budget. We need to basically reduce our budget. And because they don't wanna

take any money away from all their interest groups and all these government jobs that they have out there. So they want to reduce the prison population. So what she does is she pushes this idea out there, and then she works with this guy, George Gascon, who took over her job in San Francisco District Attorney, to craft this proposition, Proposition 47, which

which basically lowered the threshold or raised the threshold for felonies. So basically it went from $400 to $950, I believe it was. Wow, I didn't know that was her. Her.

And here's the thing. Here's how she got it through. She basically tried to play this neutral role, but she named it the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act because that's what she does as attorney general. They name these kinds of propositions and they provide the summary for it. So California thinks that they're voting for something that's going to create a safer environment, but in actuality, it lowered law enforcement. And not only that...

it released an estimated 10,000 people from prison because their, their, their felonies got reduced to misdemeanors. And this is things like, you know, theft of gun. You could have stole a gun.

and been released from prison. You could have cocaine and methamphetamine. And then that model was taken nationally into places like New York and Chicago and Pennsylvania and Michigan and Illinois. So people think that she's unaccomplished in many ways that you can make an argument for that.

But if you look at this crime wave, she was the one that worked with George Gascon, who is now famous, famously one of like a Soros DA that lowered these crime thresholds or, you know, raise these crime thresholds and made certain things, felonies from misdemeanors. If she is elected.

She is going to implement policies that inspires one of the biggest American crime waves in American history. I'm convinced of it, given what she had done with this smart on crime. So you tell a story really expertly about Donald Trump that I don't I don't know if I've ever really heard before. And that is this epic battle that actually made him finally say, you know what, I'm coming down the escalator.

What what was the final thing that tipped the scales for Donald Trump to say, I'm going to run for president because he threatened for years? He did. He did. And he'd been asked for years since the 80s. And we once again, we say this in our in our Which Way America episode on a series on Red Pilled America. He became this symbol of Reagan era success and the media loved him.

They loved this man. I mean, he was everywhere. He was on Donahue, Oprah, 60 Minutes, 2020. Barbara Walters called him a friend even up to like 2016 when he was running. The media loved this man. And then what happened is, is the Bush, George H.W. Bush won.

And now this is the, I think if I remember correctly, the fifth out of the six time that America, that a GOP president had won over the, you know, six presidential cycles. They got to get the Democrats in there because we all know how the media was. They're kind of hiding their bias at that time. Right. So,

what they did was that they basically wanted to go at the Reagan era. And so who better than the biggest symbol of, of Reagan era success, which is Donald Trump. They made him that into a certain degree through the media. And,

And so he got into some financial trouble in the late 80s, early 90s, because like most people that were in real estate at that time, if they were spread thin, there was certain laws that were enacted and certain tax kind of shelters that were removed that got people that were in real estate, in big, big real estate, in trouble. Well, he starts to get in this kind of financial trouble and also was on the verge of a divorce

So they had their perfect villain and they just started going into him because there was other people that have, that were like in a bad state financially at that time. Right. But they weren't this big symbol of Reagan era success that John Donald Trump was. So this, there became this frenzy and,

In 1990, where he just completely controlled, like he was completely inundating the media, where they just worked every day was about him and his breakup and him and his financial problems. And it went on for throughout the year 1990. And you see this moment where he starts to say what the media is capable of. I have 60 seconds, Patrick.

Go ahead. Yeah. If they all come against him, you could see how the media would, uh, would turn on him. And he's, he has this different relationship with the media ever since. Huh? Um, Patrick, thank you so much, uh, for red pilled America. Happy anniversary. Um,

Red Pilled America. You can hear it. This is what is the name of this particular series? Which Way America? Which Way America. Yeah. It's a six part series. Part six comes out this week. You will learn things. They really, really do their homework. This is a great podcast and you can find it wherever you get your podcast. It's called Red Pilled America.

Pilled America. And you can find the website at Thank you, Patrick. My best. Thank you so much, Glenn. You bet. You ever find yourself taking a good hard look around the house and thinking, gee, I got to sell this place and move, you know, then you have the follow-up thought, how do I get to sell it? It's going to be such a hassle.

Because it is a lot of trouble. I know better than most people. I've been broadcasting all my life, which means I should have just lived in a covered wagon. I moved so many times in my life. One of the most important issues and lessons that I learned along the way is that you really need a competent real estate agent and someone you can trust.

Because when you trust your agent, you also trust the people he or she trusts, the inspectors, the appraisers, the home repair contractors, the photographers, all of this.

This comes from a real estate agent who's been in the business for a while, has a great team, a great Rolodex, and has a great track record. The people you can trust begins with the real estate agent I trust. We'll help you find one in your area.

and you interview them yourself, do your own homework, but we've checked these people out. This is my company and these people are great and they're fans of the shows and everything else. Real estate agents. I That's real estate agents. I This is the Glenn Beck program. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Um,

If you have somebody in your family who has really only heard one side of the story, they don't know what they don't know. And you're never going to be able to convince them by shouting at them or, you know, saying you're just wrong.

This is a very careful needle to be threaded, and you need to have the right thread to be able to thread that needle. That's why we have produced and are releasing a series of digital videos that will just give the straight facts, the data, the numbers. There's no corporate media twisting of the facts that you'll find everywhere else from MSNBC to Fox News.

This is the only agenda here is to give people the facts because I believe half the country doesn't actually know the facts of who Donald Trump is and who Kamala Harris is. Kamala Harris is failing because she's not telling people who she is. She can't. But.

There are things that you can learn about her that will tell you who she is. And the same with Donald Trump. This should not be a hard choice. There should not be anyone, especially if you're a Christian conservative. There shouldn't be one person that is sitting this out. And I know people who are like, I can't vote for Donald Trump. Well, OK. Well, do you know how high the stakes are? Do you know what's really important?

uh, in jeopardy right now, what this is truly about. Cause it's not about Kamala Harris and it is not about Donald Trump. Uh,

So you can find these facts and please share them with your friends and your family. You can find them at undecided. There are two of them that are out now. And we have, I think three more that are coming out in the next week. So make sure that you go to slash undecided and share them with anybody that you know that is willing to open their eyes and listen to just the facts.

It's, again, not slanted one way or another. I know I see the facts and I know how I am going to vote, but it's not a guarantee that they're going to vote for Donald Trump. But at least they will be making the decision with their eyes wide open. undecided slash undecided we are uh doing our best to give you the tools you need to get at least one more person into the boat vote and take them to vote

The Glenn Beck Program. We have Josh McPherson in from Grace City Church. He's a pastor. He's going to talk to us about why we need to vote. Wake up, America. Next. First, let me tell you about Rough Greens. The food that we put into our mouth is probably pretty unhealthy, but you would never put something that could last on the shelf for two years empty.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment.

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Hello America, welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. I've got one of my favorite pastors in the world in the studio. He's from Grace City Church. He's the lead pastor. He has just done a series on why every Christian needs to wake up and vote. And I want him to share this with you. Josh McPherson joins me in 60 seconds. First...

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Josh McPherson is a guy I found online, I don't even know how long ago, and I just, I love his sermons. He's the lead pastor of Grace City Church, founder of Stronger Man Nation, which is a movement to help men get stronger every day in every area of life and helping dads raise boys to be stronger men, which is great.

one of our problems in society today. We are teaching everybody to be weak and helpless, and that is not the way God would have us be. Josh, welcome to the program. How are you? Josh Cragun: I'm very good, Glenn. Thanks for having me. Glenn P. Yeah, thank you. So I have been hearing from a lot of Christians that are saying, "I just can't vote for either." Josh Cragun: Yep.

I don't even know how to I don't even know where to start on that. Yep. This is so clear to me that we are not battling Democrat Republican. We are truly battling light and dark life and death. Good and evil. Yep. So how do you convince people?

- What COVID revealed in terms of our shallowness of thinking in relationship to our role as citizens in our nation, this election is revealing at a deeper level. I think Christians have been misled and wrongly discipled in relationship to their responsibility as citizens of heaven to be engaged

here as citizens of earth and so we've had bad teaching like well this the kingdom of god is spiritual not physical nowhere in the bible does it ever say the kingdom of god is spiritual the closest it gets is jesus saying my kingdom is not of this world when he's speaking to pilate and he's not using that as an excuse to disengage from the world he's using it as an apologetic to lean into the world he's saying my kingdom is not of this world

which means I'm above your pay grade. I don't have to answer your petty questions. The kingdom of God does not hover, Glenn, a mile above the earth. It lands in our sex lives, in our marriages, in our dysfunctional family systems, in our relationships, in our entertainment, in our food, and yes, in our politics. It's when Jesus says my kingdom is not of this world, what he's saying is my people have the authority from heaven to step into the broken systems of earth and be salt and light. The most basic text in the Bible, when

when Jesus explained how we're to think of ourselves as Christians. You're light. Light exposes lies in darkness. You're salt. Salt works against the natural decay of sin in the world. And right now, pastors are trying to convince Christians to be salt while they're still in the box. And people think that that means to be it adds flavor. No, it stops corruption. That's right. It stops the corrupting of the meat.

That's exactly right. And that's the way it was used back then. Yeah, there's this like demonic gaslighting that says that Christians shouldn't be political. I have a fundamental conviction that we cannot be biblical unless we are political. The entire storyline of the Bible –

is a story of God against governments, rogue empire governments, tyrannical, abusive, heavy-handed, oppressive government systems like Egypt, like Persia, like Babylon, like Rome. And the story is those, because when you remove God from a society, what replaces it typically is that which is biggest and most powerful, namely government. Yeah.

God calls governments to submit to his rule of law just like he calls individuals, and it's the church's job to function as the conscience of a society. And when the church goes silent, a culture loses its conscience and a government loses its mind, and everyone suffers. I can't understand when we have –

I mean, when we have one party that is putting up abortion vans for free abortions, I mean, I wouldn't go to a concert that was doing that, let alone a political party. No. Here's what I would say to Christians to wrestle with seriously.

I did five sermons to my church. You can see them online if you want, or Josh at YouTube. Josh McPherson. I'll tweet them out today. Okay. I wrote a small PDF to help people think through three questions. Should Christians vote? How should I think about politics? And then how should I vote as a Christian? And so I can walk through that grid quickly. Should Christians vote? Here's the deal. 40 million Christians didn't vote in the last election. The last election was decided by 42,000 votes.

Your vote matters. When the salt stays in the box, the meat rots. When Christians hold their voice back, culture goes into massive decline. Do you think people wish the church would have gotten more political in 1933?

When Hitler squeaked through an election and 12 years later, 11 million people were dead. And you know what the church did? It stayed silent and then it went into cahoots. The church abdicated its voice and then aligned with evil out of fear and deception and millions of people died. I have a distinct sense that there are millions of Christians the world over praying for

to God Almighty that Jesus Christ would wake up his church in America because if America goes off the rails, we haven't seen anything like it historically. - I've heard it from a Chinese dissident that was in prison in China just because she believed in Jesus. She said, "You know what we were praying for in China? "We were praying that you would be humbled "so you would wake up to who you really are." - That's right. Should Christians vote, here's what I would say. God made three spheres of human sovereignty, the family, the church, the state.

If Christians won't lead their home, Satan will. If pastors won't lead their church, they become synagogues of Satan. And when it comes to our

constitutional republic we need to almost stop using the word democracy we don't want a democracy yeah we are a constitutional but which means we're guided by the moral absolutes outlined in the Constitution and then we vote for men and women to represent us to make laws that reflect the values of that Constitution if we fail to do our duty in this constitutional republic we are failing our children and we will pass on to them a social inheritance that that will bury them

So when I think about whether or not I should vote, if Christians don't, if godly voices don't rise up to speak in this moment, godless voices will and will be held responsible for what happens next. Oh, I know. And people don't understand. Christians need to carry a burden for what God will hold us accountable for. So I look at it like this. Christians, and I want to be sensitive to those who are like, well, I don't want to be partisan.

Brother, listen to me. Sister, listen to me. You cannot follow Jesus and not be accused of being partisan because Jesus draws lines and Jesus takes signs. Look, I haven't asked the GOP into my heart. I'm a Bible guy. I'm a Jesus guy. That's my lane. If a political party happens to step into that lane, I'm cheering them all the way.

If they step out of that lane, I'm prophetically calling them to obedience and submission to God's word. So this isn't me cheering on one particular party, but let's be honest. One political party is explicitly advocating openly for demonic, horrific, perverse sin, and the other is not.

That's the bottom line that you have to wrestle with. And so what I find most Christians, I find very few Christians going, I'm going to vote for perverse evil. But I hear a lot saying, but I can't vote for their side because, you know. I don't agree with them one way or another. Here's the deal. You don't do it anywhere else in life.

Was your spouse perfect when you married her or him? No, you married him anyways. We don't apply the same standard we're using with Donald Trump to anywhere else in life. So no matter who's running for office, unless it's Jesus, you would have to hold your nose and vote at some point. So here's what I would say for Christians to consider who are on the fence. Think of politics in terms of three tiers. Tier three is in the category of opinions. In this category, we discuss and we decide.

This is where the Bible is silent on these issues. And this is like, should Taiwan be granted favored trading status? Should feds raise or lower the interest rate? Should the post office use planes or horses to deliver the mail? I don't know, but let's discuss and let's decide. Bible doesn't speak to it. I'm not going to stick my nose into it. That's tier three. Tier two is in the category of wisdom. We should debate and discern. The Bible speaks to it, but not clearly explained.

how we should go about it so we agree on the goal but we debate how the means so should we care for the poor yes we should all agree on that how do we do it let's have a good debate let's pull each other in from the extremes walk in the middle find the path of wisdom we can robustly disagree and debate and then go out and have a beer afterwards and that's honestly that's where we were at one point in our nation that's Reagan and Tip O'Neill right where it's like no yes what are you kidding hey I'll buy you a drink

Yeah, because they had the goal in common. They vehemently disagreed on how to accomplish it, but the goal was the same. There was a like-minded shared vision and value set for life. So what's happened now – and most Christians are working from that framework –

you know, tier three or tier two politics, its opinions or its issues of wisdom, which makes them feel uncomfortable to speak prophetically to it. Here's the problem. There's a third category, tier one. And tier one, if the first was to have opinion, the third is to, or the second is to have wisdom, tier one is, this is the realm of obedience, right?

This is where we declare and divide. This is thus saith the Lord kind of things, okay? Where the Bible has spoken clearly to it and to discuss or debate, we don't discuss and debate this stuff. We submit to God's word and we say yes, God, and we obey. The problem, these are issues like the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage,

national sovereignty, the moral law of God, the rule of God, religious freedom, jurisdictional respect. These kinds of things are the grid through which we think as Christians where God has clearly and plainly, without stuttering, spoken where we must say, "Thus saith the Lord," not because it's our opinion, because what we're calling a culture to submit themselves to God himself, right? When we get into that category, tier one,

a Christian is obligated, I believe, to engage. And here's the problem. In politics past, most of the ticket represented tier three and tier two.

And so Christians were reticent to go, "Thus saith the Lord, the fed should lower the interest rate." I agree. Don't stick your nose where God doesn't put them, clearly. What's different about this election is almost every issue on the table represented on the ticket is a tier one issue, "Thus saith the Lord." And if the church does not step up and speak boldly into this moment, the vacuum we create will be filled, I believe, with the godless and the demonic.

then we will be responsible for having been silent in a moment when jesus needed us to speak up so there's two things that come through my mind almost every day uh one

We will be held responsible for all of these are God's rights. We were put in charge to protect them. That's right. Okay. Or to elect the government to protect God's rights. That's right. For future generations. That's right. And if we lose these rights here, it's not just here. That's right. It's the entire world could be cast into darkness and slavery. Yeah. Um,

And we will be held accountable. What did you do? And saying, well, I just couldn't vote for either one is not going to be an acceptable answer. That's right. Think about the moral dilemma some Christians are having about who to vote for right now. It's nothing.

in comparison to the moral dilemma you'll be facing if we have an openly rogue, demonic, evil government that is using the force of law and military to make you disobey God's law. You will have much bigger moral dilemmas to face and cross then. Better to deal with these little ones, hold your nose and vote, rather than do I need to stand up and do something more than just pray in this moment, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer had to wrestle with in 1940s. Yes.

The other thing is when people say, well, my vote doesn't count. Not true. For the first time in my life, I look at that as a completely different statement. That's right. That's saying I'm not going to be held responsible. That's right. At this time, this is like 1933. That's right. At this time, if you don't stand and it goes awry. That's right.

he's not going to accept that. I just didn't vote. Cause I didn't think my voice mattered. No, it doesn't. It may not in Texas. If you want to vote for, you know, a Democrat, it may not count. That's right. You know, here in Texas, cause it's going to go, hopefully it will go red. That's right. But it does count in your first citizenship. Oh,

But when I think about, well, my vote doesn't matter. Here's what I say. No, no, no, no. It matters because I'm not voting to appease a candidate or a party. I'm voting in response to God's commands. I'm voting before a holy God. I am voting to be obedient to my duty to be an active citizen of heaven in the current citizen I'm abiding in here on earth. So when I think about Doug Glenn, I think, no, no, I'm voting for.

for the sake of keeping my conscience clear before God so I can look in the mirror and say, kids, I preach sermons, I talk to friends, I wrote stuff, I joined my friend online. I did everything I could to move the needle for the sake of our nation. Friends, don't vote...

If we take this pragmatic approach, well, it doesn't matter. One, we've already seeded the battle. No, no, it does matter. It does matter if not only for you to say, I will not be shaped in silence by the lies. Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote, I'm trying to think of that, Live Not by Lies. So good. And in the essay, he said, look, here's the deal. You may feel small in the face of this massive, tyrannical, totalitarian regime, but you

you're not as small as you think. You're only small as the silence you embrace. He said, so if you stand up, they may shoot you in the head on the street, but only you can secede or turn over your freedom. So you can die a free man in the street, or you can live as a prisoner in your apartment. You can be freer in prison than you are compromising your values living at home. And so what he said was essentially silence in the face of lies is itself a lie.

Silence in the face of lies is to perpetuate and participate in that lie. We are in a spiral of silence right now that Dieter Bonhoeffer talked about, Eric Metaxas talks about it. Which means the less we speak up, the higher the cost for the ones who do.

We're seeing that right now. Hang on, I've got to take a break, and we'll come back here in just a second. You're listening to Josh McPherson. I will, on my social media, put out his sermons on this, but share it with every Christian that you know.

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Like SimpliSafe. 10 seconds. Station ID. We're talking to Josh McPherson about why Christians need to vote. Yes. Yep. I'd say there's three things. If there's those who are sitting on the fence, I get it. There's been challenging things to figure out, sift through. I understand. Three things to consider. One, this is from many conversations with buddies. Your vote isn't a valentine.

You know, "Oh, I just get the warm fuzzies." That died with JFK. So it's like, don't vote for warm fuzzies or personalities. Be more sophisticated in your thinking. Think about policies. Personalities will come and go. We'll be left with policies for the rest of our life. So don't think your vote is a Valentine. Secondly, your selection isn't a sacrament.

So many Christians are like, well, if I vote for them, they might do something immoral and then I'm responsible. No, no, no. Your vote isn't a sacrament. You're essentially exercising your right as a citizen to advance people to positions of authority that you think have the best shot of aligning most closely to a biblical worldview. And if they don't, then your responsibility kicks in to speak out to stop them. That's right. We're in the most important moment in our history coming up in this election. And then the next week will be just as important.

Don't vote and then back off. Get more engaged. Speak up. Say things that are true longer and louder so it's not a Valentine, how do I say, your vote isn't a sacrament. And then lastly, this is crazy, the ballot box isn't a mailbox to send a message. - I love this. - I hear a ton of Christians going, well, I'm not gonna vote and send a message.

Why write an email and never hit send? No one cares that you didn't vote. The only outcome that matters is who wins. So don't think you're sending a big message by not participating. That's a lie from the pit of hell to silence the voice of the church in maybe the most critical moment in the history of our nation. And I'll say this to the pastors. Pastors, you must be bolder. You must speak up louder and longer. It may feel weird to talk about politics in the pulpit to you, but that's because you're living in this weird bubble

bubble moment in history, you are out of step with the great preachers of history past who have always thundered from the pulpit how to be engaged in politics. I am...

hungry for preachers to speak the truth based on the Bible. I'm hungry for it. How do I apply these 2,000-year-old teachings to what's happening right now? It's disingenuous for pastors to expect the Christians in their church to be bold in the marketplace when they're failing to be bold in the pulpit.

It is so great to see you. You too, man. I am actually going to meet with the president tonight, and I'm hoping to convince him to do something with the Blaze and Trinity Broadcasting to talk to Christians, and I'd love to invite you to be a part of that. If it actually comes through next week, I'd love to have you be a part of it. I've seen your social media, and you are right spot on.

Spot on. Thank you, sir. Thank you. I appreciate it. God bless you. Ten seconds? Yeah. We just started a school, Garden City Academy. There's 286 kids in class listening right now learning to become Christians and patriots. God bless you. I want a huge shout out to those guys. Go Farmers. You guys are great. Thank you, Josh. Thank you, Glenn. Appreciate it. Josh McPherson from Grace City Church. You can follow him at or Twitter, StrongerManNXN.

Glenn Beck. Let me tell you about my Patriot supply. You know, we can all laugh about the possibility of nuclear war. Of course, I don't know anybody who is laughing at it, but we are closer now than we have been in decades, maybe ever. And there's really only the worst case scenario that you're looking at. They they launch nuclear weapons. It's it's it's game over. This is insanity what we're dealing with.

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I don't know. Just have some food on hand. It is the right thing to be prepared for protecting your family and feeding your family. Each kit for their three-month emergency food kit from MyPatriotSupply has really good food, 2,000 calories a day. Go to right now. Order your three-month emergency food kit,

Glenn's new book is out now, Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think and Feel. Buy it now at Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I want you to know that there are so many people that are working so hard to

I mean, you know, I saw Tim, what's his name? Tampon Tim, a couple of days ago, make fun of Elon Musk the way he was skipping. You know, it's like he's jumping on stage. The guy is on the spectrum, okay? Yeah.

When is it okay to make fun of people? That's a great point. I didn't even think of that. Right? I was just thinking how stupid it was to make fun of him for doing this when Tim Walls is 100 times worse at the exact same thing. But you're right. Like, I thought we weren't... This man has, what, Asperger's? Yeah. He has Asperger's. Can you imagine making fun of somebody with Asperger's? What the left would say? So it's okay now to make fun of a guy who...

who was expressing himself, but his condition leads to him not knowing how to express himself in a way that everybody understands. And you're mocking it. It is crazy what's going on. But I want you to know everybody is. I talked to Charlie Kirk yesterday and Ben Shapiro and so many people, and everybody is working overtime. Last week, I was supposed to be in Phoenix tonight. No, in...

Las Vegas tonight, last week, and then it was canceled. And then last night I was asked, can you go to, uh, to, uh, Las Vegas tomorrow? And I'm like, yeah, we already had that.

Yes. So now the problem is, is trying to get the plane to land because they are freaked by the by the plane situation. They are freaked by the plane. And there's a do not fly order over, you know, the airport's closest. And it's I think it's for like 18 or 24 hours. I mean, you cannot fly or land a plane. It all has to be cleared by the FAA in Washington.

So I'll be there tonight is assuming I can get a plane there because I have to be back by three o'clock tomorrow morning to do the show for tomorrow. But everybody is working so hard and you're making a difference. You're making a difference. Donald Trump feels different.

Your support. He really does. He's changed. And it's weird because they keep calling him Hitler and he's like the happiest guy right now. I've never seen him this happy. I've never seen him this positive and upbeat and yet they're calling him Hitler.

Yesterday, what Kamala Harris did was absolutely outrageous. She said he is Hitler. He's going to basically I'm paraphrasing. He's going to purge the military of anybody who disagrees with him. Well, that's what you did right after the election in 2020. You you gave a stand down or we have Jason Buttrell with us. He is our head researcher, head writer for the TV show.

Isn't that exact? Had you ever heard of a president giving a global stand down order for the military? Never happens. Never happens. That's dangerous. It's crazy. And they shut it down right after January 20th to get rid of all of the extremists. In other words, anybody who was against the covid vaccine and anyone who said anything about Donald Trump in a positive way.

So they're accusing Donald Trump of doing something that they already did. And then they have the balls to say, and he is going to go around the Constitution and he is going to round people up that disagree with him and shoot those people. He will use the military to shoot those people that disagree with him.

So outrageous, especially if you know DOD order, what is it, 50-524-0. Yeah. This is something that has been in place since the Cold War.

but it has been updated and changed in dramatic and frightening ways. Jason. We looked into this, I think maybe a couple weeks ago. Yes, we did. We've put in a request at the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, to clarify. Actually, I just checked my email right before I walked on into the studio. They responded with, there's someone specific that's handling this information request. They will get back to you. Okay.

I've played this game with them before. Yeah. Sometimes you never hear. Yeah. Sometimes you do. But this is something we need clarification on. Yeah, big. It's big. Robert F. Kennedy was on stage last night and he brought this up and he said they just did this. They just changed a DOD edict that is Cold War, which used to allow...

the CIA and our intelligence communities to work with the FBI and with local police in case of a war, they could spy on the American people to see if there were any spies here. Okay. That's cold war.

Now, the last time it was updated in 2016, it was no big deal. It's just been updated by the Biden administration. And what did they add to this? So this is very important. And I think we're going to use this in our TV show next week. There's a lot of things that I want to get into. But it's very important that you read the 2016 version, the last time it was updated, until this one last month when it was updated, because there's some striking differences. For instance, in the 2016 version,

the words deadly force, threats, assassinations, lethal force are not even mentioned in the 2016 version. Now remember, this is about intelligence gathering activities. So this is like counterintelligence with the Marine Corps, something I'm very familiar with. When can they help out if something happens? Or any other, like signals intelligence with the military. When can they go to the sheriff or...

or the state police and say, we're going to help you out if they get a request. Well, now, and I'm going to read from this because I think it's very important because there's been a lot of people chattering about this. Please, please, we don't even have the final word on this. DOD is just not answering. And maybe, you gave a deadline of 5 o'clock today, maybe we have it for you tomorrow morning. But please be very careful on this. We do not know

exactly what all of this means. We hope to have an answer for you tomorrow, if not from the DoD, from some constitutional experts that will understand all of this. So the troubling, some of the troubling parts, this is in the one that was approved last month. This is a quote from the directive.

Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality or any situation which is reasonable or foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of deadly force. Seriously, bodily injury, blah, blah, blah. They go on at the end of this paragraph. Wait a minute, wait a minute. They're talking about the president can issue a directive to the military if there's like serious uprising or something like that that includes...

Right. So you have to shoot to kill to put this uprising down. Correct. And they qualify that at the end of that paragraph and say such use of force must be in accordance with DOD directive 521 0.56. Now, I've just got finished reading that in its entirety about 20 minutes ago. And all that is basically kind of setting standards for let's say you're guarding a government facility, a military base, or let's say you're the

The Capitol. Something like that. Like, when can we have weapons on certain people? Who is authorized to do it? This is the training they have to have. So it's very vague. Okay. They go on. Let me just qualify this again. The 2016 version does never mention assassination unless they're talking about foreign adversaries trying to assassinate people on our grounds. So.

Now, the updated one last month says no DOD civilians, employee or member of the armed forces will engage in or conspire to engage an assassination. Sounds good. We don't do that. We're the United States of America. Right. Well, quote, unless an exception is granted by the Secretary of Defense Presidential Directive DOD policy. Why the hell would that be in there?

I'm reading you. This is quote. You can look at this direct quote from please tweet this out on my social media. Listen, I want you to know they always tell you what they're going to do. They blame it on us and say they're going to do this and they're doing it.

When they said he'll be able to use the Department of Defense to kill people and assassinate, she said that yesterday. He has such disrespect for our laws that he thinks he can just use the military to assassinate his enemies. That's what they just put into the DOD directive. And can I say, we don't know yet why this was added. All I'm saying now is this was not in previous versions.

They added this. I have no idea why last month. Now, I scoured for fact checks because this is something because it was going all over. I mean, RFK Jr. said it all over X. You would think that, let's say, I don't know. What's the David Brock place? Media Matters. That they would be all over this or somebody else. The only place I could find that did a detailed breakdown of this, and I thought they were going to be slamming it, was from the University of Washington.

Now, the University of Washington breaks down where it was being spread, how many people were talking about it, pointing out some of these quotes, and they didn't deny that the stuff was in there. All they said is that the spread that they could attribute to was due to data void, quote unquote.

Data void, as they describe it, is, well, basically, we just don't know enough. We don't have enough information. So people who are, you know, they say in the piece, conspiracy theorists are filling in the gaps, which is, I think, true. I mean, I don't. It's exactly what causes conspiracy theory. If the government gives you something that doesn't make sense and says, shut up, don't ask any more questions. That's the way it is.

That causes conspiracy theories, especially if they have discredited themselves in the past. OK, so we know that's happening. The other is I don't know what happened. But, you know, we'll try to get back to you on that. And when it's something important that immediately says, why would they be stalling?

What else is going on that we don't know of? So they themselves are creating the conspiracy theories. They are responsible for that because there's a data void or they give an answer that doesn't make any sense to the average person and they people don't believe it.

Because they've discredited themselves. Another thing that I want to point out in the old version, it's kind of vague with when this can be employed. So when can intelligence, you know, DOD intelligence get involved? It's very void, but I think the assumption then was in a time of war. Well, the new version, the 2024 version last month, lists three examples of when this can be done.

Number one, in times of war declared of Congress. Okay, that's a given, right? That's kind of obvious. Number two, during a period covered by a report from the president to Congress and in accordance with public law, which is a little vague. Number three... Wait, wait, wait. Would that be like they're burning down Minneapolis? I can assure you, no. They don't even arrest people for that. Right. They're, you know...

They're burning down San Francisco and it's the conservatives doing it. I mean, you know, one way or another, is that just the president saying this crosses the threshold? What about a declaration of the insurrection act?

Could it possibly be done then? That's what it kind of sounds like to me, but they go number three. They say when such actions have been approved by the president and directed by the secretary of defense, which would also be either the insurrection act, or let's say they don't want to go that far. And the president says, oh, this governor is requesting help.

Please send help now. Let's say a Michigan governor was threatened or protesters show up inside the Michigan Capitol. We don't launch troops in America that can use deadly force. You don't need to. You launch the National Guard now.

It stops things. It stops things. And you actually put them in jail and they actually have to have a bail and they get a speedy and fair trial. That's the way this country works. We don't shoot our own citizens in the street. Glenn, can I tell you something?

I've read this, didn't pay it much mind until I was researching next week's show. And there was another war game that was just done. Remember the Transition Integrity Project? Yes. One of the things that they're screaming for the president that was playing the president to do.

Declare the Insurrection Act. Declare it. Declare it. Okay, well, that governor requested assistance. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Oh, my gosh. Sounds very similar. Okay, that'll be next Wednesday's show. Sounds like another just delightful evening. Clowns are going to be there. It's great. All right. Thank you, Jason. Please be careful of this. Pray for peace.

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Get even more Glenn. Subscribe to the Glenn Beck podcast anywhere podcasts are found. This is the Glenn Beck program. You know, it's crazy is when you're going to go talk to a group of people that want to know who you are. You don't usually start like Kamala Harris did on CNN last night. Listen to this.

Is there something you can point to in your life, political life or in your life in the last four years? I'm sorry. Start with cut to please. So I may not be quick to have the answer as soon as you ask it about a specific policy issue sometimes, because I'm going to want to research it. I'm going to want to study it. I'm kind of a nerd sometimes.

Oh, my gosh. So funny. She's got a researcher. You're going you're they're voting for you in a week when you're going to come out with that research. And we're talking about researching your own position. Like, do you still support X, Y or Z? Oh, my gosh. Now, here she is fumbling an easy question. Listen to this. Is there something you can point to in your life, political life or in your life in the last four years that you think is a mistake that you have learned from?

I mean, I've made many mistakes. How about your Obama question?

How is she not prepared for this? They range from, you know, if you've ever parented a child, you know you make lots of mistakes. She's laughing at you. In my role as vice president, I mean, I've probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well versed on issues. And I think that is very important. What the heck? What? The Glenn Beck Program.