cover of episode Joe Rogan’s Trump Interview Could END the Mainstream Media Monopoly | Guests: Josh McPherson & Bianca de la Garza | 10/24/24

Joe Rogan’s Trump Interview Could END the Mainstream Media Monopoly | Guests: Josh McPherson & Bianca de la Garza | 10/24/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Bianca De La Garza
Glenn Beck
Josh McPherson
Patrick Courrielche
Glenn Beck: 卡马拉·哈里斯的演讲以及她对特朗普的类比对共和党不利,对特朗普的支持者有利。她利用约翰·凯利的证词攻击特朗普,但该证词的可信度存疑,并且哈里斯将事实与观点混淆。她的言论歪曲了特朗普的言论,并试图将其描绘成一个危险人物,这是一种危险的宣传策略。她的演讲使用了总统和副总统的官方标志,试图将其言论伪装成官方声明,以增加其影响力。她的言论是宣传战的一部分,旨在恐吓选民并破坏美国军队的信誉。拜登-哈里斯政府授权对美国公民使用致命武力,这与他们对特朗普的指控相矛盾。 Kamala Harris: (根据Glenn Beck的转述) 特朗普想要效仿希特勒,组建一支效忠于他而非宪法的军队。特朗普将那些不同意他的人称为‘内部敌人’,并扬言要动用军队对付他们。 John Kelly: (根据Glenn Beck的转述) 特朗普曾表示想要像希特勒那样拥有忠诚的将军。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kamala Harris compare Donald Trump to Hitler in her recent speech?

To discredit Trump and the military if he wins, using fear tactics to rally her base and scare voters.

Why is Kamala Harris's rhetoric about Donald Trump dangerous?

It increases the chance of Trump being assassinated and destroys the credibility of the U.S. military to citizens.

Why did the Biden-Harris administration issue a global stand-down order for the military?

To purge the military of extremists, including those against the vaccine and those supportive of Donald Trump.

Why did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leave the Democratic Party?

He found the Democratic Party, Biden, and Harris to be dangerous to the republic due to their policies.

Why is Joe Rogan's interview with Donald Trump significant for the future of media?

If Trump does well, it could shift the role of mainstream media in elections, making them less relevant.

Why should Christians vote in the upcoming election?

To fulfill their duty as citizens of heaven and earth, preventing godless voices from dominating and culture from declining.

Why did the Biden administration update the DOD directive 5420.01?

The update includes troubling changes, such as allowing the use of lethal force and exceptions for assassinations, which were not in previous versions.

Glenn Beck discusses Kamala Harris's alarming speech comparing Donald Trump to Hitler and debunks her claims point by point.
  • Harris's speech is seen as paving the way for the Left to discredit the military if Trump wins.
  • Harris claims Trump wants a military loyal to him, not the Constitution, based on uncorroborated statements by General Kelly.
  • Beck argues that Harris is mixing fact with opinion and treading dangerous territory by suggesting Trump would use the military against citizens.

Shownotes Transcript

Kamala Harris gave a terrifying speech in which she used the office of the vice president to compare Donald Trump to Hitler. Glenn debunks her claims point by point. This speech, Glenn predicts, was paving the way for the Left to discredit the military if Trump wins. Newsmax host Bianca de la Garza reacts to Harris’ dangerous rhetoric and exposes how the White House press secretary gets loaded questions to fit the corrupt media's agenda. Glenn gives a prediction for 2028 that revolves around Trump’s upcoming appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience." Patrick Courrielche, co-host of “Red Pilled America,” speaks with Glenn about Kamala’s long history of taking her boss’ job and misleading the public to get extreme policies passed. Grace City Church Lead Pastor Josh McPherson explains why Christians NEED to vote and speak up this election season. Glenn’s head researcher, Jason Buttrill, confirms the rumors that the Biden-Harris administration just authorized the use of lethal military force against American citizens under certain circumstances.

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