cover of episode How Trump Turned MAGA into the Most Diverse Political Movement | Guests: Dr. Phil & Sen. Ted Cruz | 11/5/24

How Trump Turned MAGA into the Most Diverse Political Movement | Guests: Dr. Phil & Sen. Ted Cruz | 11/5/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Bridget Phetasy
Glenn Beck
Phil McGraw
Ted Cruz
Glenn Beck: 本次大选,特朗普吸引了广泛的选民群体,包括阿米什人、正统犹太教徒和嬉皮士,这表明他的MAGA运动具有极大的多样性。这种多样性是美国重新团结的希望。民调显示,93%的极端正统派犹太选民将投票给特朗普。阿米什人支持特朗普是因为他们关注经济,认为过去四年经济状况恶化。特朗普的竞选广告也反映了这种多样性,不再仅仅是“让美国再次伟大”,而是强调重建国家。左派不信任美国人民,而右派则信任美国人民,这是两派之间的一个根本区别。美国人民最终会纠正错误,这次选举可能是纠正错误的机会。早期投票数据显示,亚利桑那州、佐治亚州、密歇根州、北卡罗来纳州等州的城市地区投票率下降,而农村地区投票率上升,这可能对共和党有利。经济、犯罪、边境问题以及选民对民主党“纳粹”、“种族主义”和“性别歧视”指控的厌倦,都对民主党不利。演讲者预测特朗普将赢得压倒性胜利,这将是阻止长期暴力的最佳途径。 Stu: 演讲者对特朗普的胜选预测缺乏信心,尽管早期投票数据显示共和党可能占据优势,但演讲者认为将今年的早期投票数据与疫情期间的数据进行比较可能会产生误导。民主党候选人的支持率可能更多地源于反特朗普情绪,而非对候选人本身的热情。演讲者最终预测特朗普将获得291张选举人票,但对结果缺乏信心。 Bridget Phetasy: 演讲者讲述了自己从加州自由派转变为德克萨斯州支持特朗普的母亲的经历,这反映了民主党激进的议程导致她离开民主党。演讲者认为,COVID-19疫情期间的政府过度干预以及随后的社会动荡加剧了她的不满。针对儿童的变性议题也是她改变政治立场的关键因素。看到人们支持恐怖分子而非被绑架儿童,演讲者意识到左翼意识形态的破坏性。演讲者在2022年低估了堕胎问题对中期选举的影响。演讲者认为,无论今晚选举结果如何,都发生了一次重大的政治重组,这种势头不会消失。即使在德克萨斯州,不投票也是一种选择,但演讲者认为应该明确表达对左翼的反对。名人的支持能够给予犹豫不决的选民投票的理由。 Ted Cruz: 德克萨斯州的选举非常胶着,呼吁选民投票。舒默和索罗斯投入了超过1亿美元试图击败克鲁兹。如果民主党赢得参议院多数席位,这将阻碍特朗普总统的政策目标的实现。在俄亥俄州和亚利桑那州等州,一些选民表示他们将投票给特朗普和民主党参议员候选人,演讲者认为这样做是不明智的。特朗普打破了民主党,导致温和派民主党人消失。共和党参议院需要与特朗普团结一致,才能扭转局面。麦康奈尔没有为克鲁兹的竞选提供资金支持,尽管舒默和索罗斯投入了巨资。共和党领导层不希望参议院出现强硬的保守派。 Dr. Phil: 演讲者认为,多种因素导致了儿童和青少年的心理健康问题,包括家长和教师的教育方式。人们应该认识到,他们受到了来自双方的心理战的影响,不应该过度担忧选举结果。世界不会因为选举结果而立即崩溃,人们不必过度焦虑。人们应该专注于信仰、家庭和自由,而不是政府。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why has Trump managed to attract such a diverse coalition of voters, including the Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies?

Trump's campaign has resonated with diverse groups by promoting a positive vision of rebuilding America, emphasizing economic stability, and appealing to shared concerns about the direction of the country. His message of unity and opposition to radical agendas has created a broad appeal.

How has the early voting data in swing states indicated the potential outcome of the election?

Early voting data shows a significant decrease in urban and female turnout compared to 2020, while rural turnout has increased. This suggests a potential advantage for Trump if Republicans dominate Election Day voting, as they typically do.

What role did the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns play in shaping political views for some individuals?

The pandemic and lockdowns exposed many to government overreach and made them feel powerless. This experience, coupled with economic downturns and social unrest, radicalized some individuals who saw the need for a change in leadership and policies.

Why is Pennsylvania considered a critical state in determining the election outcome?

Pennsylvania is a tipping-point state where the 2020 election was decided by a narrow margin. Its large Amish population and significant number of truckers make it a crucial battleground. The state's outcome could signal a broader trend in the election.

How do endorsements from figures like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan influence voter behavior?

Endorsements from influential figures like Musk and Rogan provide permission for voters, especially those on the fence, to support Trump. These endorsements validate the candidate's vision and give hesitant voters the confidence to align with a broader movement.

What are the potential long-term implications of the 2024 election on the media landscape?

If Trump wins despite extensive media attacks, it could undermine the credibility of mainstream media. Conversely, a Harris win could embolden media outlets to continue their aggressive tactics, potentially leading to further polarization.

Why is it important for individuals to focus on faith and self-governance regardless of the election outcome?

Focusing on faith and self-governance helps individuals maintain resilience and perspective. It emphasizes personal responsibility and community engagement, which are crucial for navigating challenges and ensuring a positive future, regardless of political outcomes.

The chapter discusses how Trump has managed to bring together diverse groups like the Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies under the MAGA movement, creating a unique and unprecedented political coalition.
  • Trump's campaign has created the most diverse coalition in recent political history.
  • The Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies are all voting for Trump, showing a wide range of support.
  • This diversity is seen as a seed for bringing people back together in America.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.

This is the Glenn Beck Program. Well, hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. We're glad you're here. It is Election Day. Trump was out at 2.30. He walked off the stage last night in Pennsylvania at 2.30 in the morning. That guy has left everything on the field.

I don't think I've ever seen a presidential candidate that has done more, risked more, including his life, and left it all out in the field. Now it's our turn. Today, the world is watching. How will America vote? Today is the day where we decide the future for our children. We're going to cover it all and tell you I'm...

I made a prediction yesterday. We'll go over that. I feel really good today. We'll go over all of the numbers, what to expect tonight. And I want to hear from you at 727-BECK. 888-727-BECK. I want you to call in today. I want you to tell me what you're seeing at the polls today if you go to the polls. If you haven't voted yet, get your fat ass into the booth and vote today.

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All righty. Welcome to the program. Well, I've got a lot of stuff to go over. In fact, a lot of good news to share with you today. But first, let me just talk to you about this weird time that we're living in where we have the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, and the hippies all coming together.

I don't think in my lifetime I've seen a wider, bigger tent for a presidential candidate than this. Have you? The Amish, the Orthodox Jew, and the hippies. It's like a joke. They all walk into the voting booth. The Trump coalition has created the most interesting bedfellows. Honestly, this is the seed to bring us back together.

If this campaign can bring these people together, including RFK Jr., his running mate, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, this is an exciting time to live in America. Standing in one line together, there's a linen pant-wearing, anti-Big Pharma, RFK-loving hippie type, an Orthodox rabbi, an Amish man who traveled there in a buggy with a horse.

This may be the only time in history that I think these groups have come together before. Seriously. New poll from Nishma Research showed 93% of ultra-Orthodox voters are now voting for Trump. Have you seen the videos that came out with the ultra-Orthodox going out and doing car parades and stuff?

I mean, it is bizarre. I mean, to your point, you never thought you'd see the Amish and the world's greatest tech mogul voting for the same candidate, right? It's crazy. It really is bizarre. It's crazy. And then you have the, you know, crunchy type wearing a Make America Healthy Again hat with the oil diffuser bracelet that she had to wear. I mean, it's...

It is nuts. I saw an article the other day. I think it was, I can't remember who it was featuring, but they were calling it the crunchy conservative vote. Yeah. Which is not something I'd ever heard before, but I think I'm actually. Oh, you're totally there. I am. You are so crunchy these days. I know. You know, this is a man. When I first started, back in the day. Back in the day. Back in the day when I first started. He was for Big Pharma. As an intern for the Glenn Beck Group.

you know, morning show. Yeah. My main job was going directly to Dunkin' Donuts to get him some sort of, you know, egg, cheese, bacon thing on like a donut. Yes. They're like, we don't even make that, sir. And I went, you will! Glenn demands it!

And now you're a crunchy conservative. How the mighty have fallen. I would have been drinking that weed killer with you. I really would have. So Trump lost Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes. How many Amish people are there in Pennsylvania?

90, 90,000. And they are impressive. In Pennsylvania's 11th district, 2000 Amish people just registered to vote and they're coming out for Trump. Now, if you're like, I don't know, it's raining. I don't know if I can go stand in line. These people hitched up their horse.

After feeding their horse and scooping their poop out of the stall, hooked them up to a buggy and then went out on the open road with crazy drivers in the morning to vote. I don't know. I think we could do it. I think we can. I think we have the technology, but maybe that's just me.

Listen to this. Nick Johnson on YouTube, he just interviewed an Amish man. Listen why they're turning out to vote. The Amish community is more energized. There's more people going to be out voting, more Amish out voting, most certainly. I can say a big part of Pennsylvania and the Amish business, Amish community is no longer farming community. We're mostly business folk.

We understand the importance of having a sound economy. But, you know, the past four years, you know, I think most people can say it looked like they were making more money. And in a day, they were making less. These guys, I mean, you know, they're paying attention. They're paying attention. It's incredible that the entire country went through what the Amish have gone through. It's all hit us the same way. Yeah. That's incredible. Yeah. So no matter what anybody says, this MAGA movement...

is very, very diverse. It's very diverse. I'm hoping that the independents have been being picked up because, I mean, that's what this thing is. It's no longer, they're just clinging to their God and their guns. It's not that. Have you seen the Trump ads lately? The Trump ads are all about, instead of just saying, make America great again, it's, we don't have to live this way anymore.

We are a great nation, a great people that can rebuild. But the choice is right now. Are we going to rebuild or are we just going to turn the lights out? That's the choice. Today is the day that I believe we prove Thomas Jefferson right. He said, trust the American people. Now, the left does not trust the American people. I mean, you can't even have you can't raise a squirrel from birth, right?

Without the government coming in, kicking down your door with guns and beheading the squirrel. I mean, that's nuts, gang. That's nuts. I know. I know. It's a good squirrel joke. I know. It's a good squirrel joke. Okay. That's crazy. It is. It is crazy. So trust the American people. One side does not trust the American people. That's why they lie to you all the time. Because they don't think that you can handle their truth. They don't think that...

You will agree with what they believe because they're the elite. You're the unwashed, uneducated. Thomas Jefferson said the opposite. Trust the American people. They will get it wrong from time to time. Even at great measure, they will get it wrong. But they will eventually figure it out and correct the mistake.

I think America is on the verge of correcting the mistake. And I don't mean the Biden-Harris administration. I mean the mistakes of going down this road where all we do is pick ourselves apart, say that we're a washed up country, only look at the scars, only look at the bad things. I have no problem looking at the bad things of America. I don't. I think it's healthy to do that.

I think it's healthy to leave the scars. You don't go to a plastic surgeon. That's what they did by tearing down the statues. They went to a plastic surgeon and said, remove all the scars. No, leave them. That scar teaches us and future generations, don't do that. That'll leave a mark. Well, not if you erase all the marks. I feel very optimistic today.

And I'm going to give you a prediction on what to watch for tonight, what to look for. Stu is going to do the same. So we've got you covered on that. We're starting our broadcast at what, 5 or 5.30 Central Time, 6 o'clock, I think it is, Eastern, 3 o'clock Pacific time.

We will start our coverage tonight. Blaze TV, everybody is going to be with us. Megan Kelly is going to be with us. Dave Rubin is going to be with us. The entire Blaze staff is going to be checking in. We've got people at every single location. We've got them in Detroit. We have them in Florida. We have them in Washington, Texas.

So you're going to really get everything that you need tonight. I'm going to be anchoring it so you don't want to miss it. Tonight begins at six o'clock Eastern time. If you want to get in, all you have to do is go to Glenn Beck. I'm sorry, blaze election dot com slash Glenn and use the promo code 47. You'll save forty seven bucks, almost 50 bucks tonight.

on your subscription. If you join us tonight, again, it's slash Glenn. Save 47 bucks and be with us all night. We'll go through it together. Now, I'm going to take a quick break, and then I'm going to come back. I want to take your phone calls this hour, but I also want to give you some news from inside the campaign on what the poll numbers are actually saying. Not the poll numbers.

The early vote numbers. What are they actually saying? Because I hate to say this, man. I hate to say this. I think we, because every time I'm for somebody, we lose. Oh yeah. Yeah. So, uh, but I think we're headed for a blowout. I really do. I know that no poll tells you that, but I do think we're headed for a blowout and I think we're going to know pretty early that

Because there's a few bellwethers to look for. And we'll go over that. But I want to show you these numbers to let you know you're in good shape. The key is, has everybody on the Republican side already gone out and voted? Because tonight is the night that matters. Remember, we were behind in the counts last time.

If we're ahead this time and we are coming out and voting today, you win. And the most important thing that could happen is a landslide. That's the thing that will stop real lasting violence.

All right, we'll get into that here. It's optimistic. Yeah, I know. We'll get into that here in just a second. First, let me tell you about Veronica. She wrote in about her dog's experience with Rough Greens. She says, I have a 12-year-old Labrador, and after one week of giving her Rough Greens, we saw crazy improvement. Her eyes became clearer. I had to look twice when she came bounding up the stairs. She hadn't done that in a while. This product is amazing. Thank you so much, Rough Greens. Veronica, by the way, Sarah.

I've been thinking of this for 20 minutes. I can't take it anymore. Would somebody come in here and turn down the fires of hell heat in this room? Jeez. Stu's got it up to like, you're like an old man. He's got it up to like 85. Well, I'm a little cold. I'm going to have to wear a sweater. It's only 91. Get it down to 65. And that's a compromise.

Jeez. You are such an old man. Anyway, I want you to get some Rough Greens for your dog and just try it. They're going to give you a free trial bag. It's a jumpstart trial bag. Go to slash Beck, slash Beck, or call 833-GLEN-33. That's 833-GLEN-33, slash Beck. 10 seconds. Station ID.

Let me go to Stephen in New Hampshire before I get to these numbers. Stephen, what are you seeing at the polls today in New Hampshire? Hi. I haven't seen a turnout like this since Reagan. I think the state's going to flip. From your mouth to God's ears. How do you know that those are voting Republican? Just by the yard signs and just the...

My neighbor is a hardcore Democrat. Yeah. He's doing Trump. And he's voting Trump. Yeah. Yeah. Well, New Hampshire has really been impacted by this administration. Hopefully you're right. That's one of the bellwethers that I think we should look for tonight, Stu, when we would find out pretty early if he wins New Hampshire.

Yeah, New Hampshire is what you might call a fringe swing state. Yeah. I mean, there have been some polls calling it pretty close. And it's been competitive in previous elections. If Trump is winning New Hampshire, he's winning this election. I think that's pretty clear. Okay, so let's go to look at some of the data. Now, this is according...

to a Democrat data expert at Target Smart, and it was released to the Trump campaign senior leadership. So these are the numbers of the early voting in swing states. Arizona, urban turnout is down 385,000 votes compared to this point in 2020.

Female turnout down 170,000 votes compared to this point in 2020. Rural turnout is up 14,000 votes. Now, we need to dominate, dominate today. If we dominate today, which Republicans usually do, we win. We win.

In Georgia, urban turnout is down 153,000. Female turnout is down 46. This is too big to rig if these numbers hold. Rural turnout is up 171,000.

Michigan, urban turnout down 321, female turnout down 204, rural turnout up 55,000. North Carolina, urban turnout is down 175, female turnout is down 154, rural turnout is up 26,000. Nevada, urban turnout down 191, female turnout down 126,000.

Pennsylvania, urban turnout down 381,000. Female turnout down 450. Wisconsin, urban turnout down 100,000. Female turnout down 238,000. Now, that doesn't mean anything other than they're way down.

They're way, way down. If we turn out today, I'm trying to look at what did the left say? MSNBC, early vote numbers are a little scary. He said Donald Trump has a 16-point lead among voters who plan to cast their ballot on Election Day. If that happens, if that happens...

in these states, if we hold a 16 point lead, they might call this election tonight. Now there's going to be things like Arizona guaranteed. We're not going to know for five days, but you know, I said yesterday, I, my gut just tells me with all of the things that are going against the Democrats from the economy to crime, to the border, to,

To us just being tired enough with the Nazi stuff, enough with the racist stuff, enough with the sexist stuff. You know, when you have Obama out there saying, you know, accusing black men of being afraid of a strong black woman, you're losing. You're losing when when you have to say he wanted to kill Liz Cheney, wanted to put her in a firing squad when it was so clear you're losing, you're losing.

Uh, and they know it. The question is, will we show up today? And that's kind of what I really want to hear, uh, from you. Um, you know, how are we doing? How are we doing? We're going to get into bellwether, uh, uh,

To watch for the bellwethers to watch for tonight that will let you know early, we're going to be covering all of this tonight. We've got an amazing team. We're in rehearsals and everything else yesterday, and we

We all have to be here at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ready to go because we've got a huge team. The entire Blaze staff is on this tonight. You don't want to miss it. Pam in Pennsylvania, we have one minute. Go ahead. Hey, good morning. Hi. So my husband went to vote this morning. Yeah. And we're a heavy Republic area. Yeah. And the voting machines are down.

Which doesn't surprise me because this is a very crooked county. What are they saying they're going to do about it? Well, they're telling people, well, just put them in the machine and we'll deal with it once the machine comes back online. Okay.

Don't know that I trusted. Well, I would assume that the GOP is all over this and they have their watchers there. We'll check into it, see if we can get an answer for you by the end of the podcast, okay? Thank you so much, Jennifer. I want to talk to you about the irregularities and the truth about our voting system next. I am back.

As well as the bellwethers to watch for tonight. Today is the day we find out, hopefully, the results of yet another election. One which could easily make or break us as a country. Now that's scary enough at home, but the world is watching what the Americans will do. Can you imagine you are, you're an Israeli.

You're a Christian minority. Can you imagine the prayers that are going up for the American people today? Please, dear God, please. Imagine the people in Iran that hate the regime, the majority of the population. Please, please, dear Lord, let them wake up. The IFCJ is building bridges between Christians and Jews for over 40 years now, and they're hard at work providing food and shelter and safety for those who need it.

And they're able to do it because of support from people like you and me. People who understand that America still needs to be on the side of our Jewish brothers and sisters. It is imperative if we're going to survive, quite honestly. Standing with Israel and the Jewish people has never meant so much. Go to That's Give what you can. 888-488-4325. slash Glenn. Get 47 bucks off your subscription to Blaze TV. We'll be going late into the evening and into the early morning tonight. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is election day. If you haven't voted, if somebody in your family hasn't voted, get them out to vote. As long as they've done their homework. Don't send a moron in there. I don't know. I don't know what you're saying. No, don't. You know what?

You don't you shouldn't vote. Now, there's, according to the Daily Caller, five key bellwethers to watch on Election Day. And I want to go over them with Stu, because Stu is the guy who watches all of these numbers. And yesterday you predicted Trump victory.

Yeah. Yeah. A very hesitant Trump. I'm very undecided. You didn't do that last in 2020. You were you said we weren't going to win. Right. In fact, 2020 got the electoral count exactly right. 306 electoral votes for Joe Biden. And everyone hates you when you say that. I know. I know. But, you know, I that's.

That's what I thought was going to happen. It wound up coming true, but this time I'm not nearly as sure. I don't have a really strong opinion. I got to the... We did our show last night on Studios America, our final predictions, and I got to those swing states and

You know, a couple of them I have a vibe on, you know, a couple of them I'm kind of just guessing. I mean, really, that's I hate to say it that way, but it's kind of where you are. You're taking your vibes. You're kind of encapsulating 18 months of campaigning into a feeling. And I think a lot of people are going to do that today. I would not bet money on who's going to win. She can win this election.

Uh, but also there's a good chance that one of these two candidates, you know, sweeps all seven of these swing States and, and winds up, uh, with, uh, what feels like an easy victory. It won't be, you know, I don't think it will be an easy victory. If you start seeing someone taking out States, those fringe swing States, you know, New Hampshire, Virginia for Trump, uh,

you know, going the other way, Texas for Kamala, Florida for Kamala, Iowa for Kamala. If that stuff starts happening, that's a blowout. That's a blowout. But like, you know, these seven swing states, if they all go to one of the two candidates, I don't think it's going to be too much of a blowout. It's going to be very, very, it's very, I'm very, very undecided on it. I came up, my final count was 291 electoral votes for Trump, but

But as I was putting it together as a final prediction yesterday for the show, I reversed myself on two or three states multiple times. And that is not when you're doing that, you know, I've been watching this obsessively for 18 months and an hour before I go to the air, I'm reversing states. That tells you that we don't know. So here are the things, and I'd like to hear your point of view on this. These are the things you should watch for early returns in Pennsylvania, right?

it is probably one of the most important states, likely a tipping point. You lose this one. I mean, you can gain... You can do it, but it's hard. You can do it, but it's very hard. Especially for Trump. I mean, Kamala needs it, you'd think. Yeah. If Trump can get it, he's probably winning this election. This is why, you know,

Kamala was out knocking doors last night, quote unquote, knocking doors. Somebody else was knocking the door. Kamala supporter. Or like the part where they were like, hey, Kamala, Kamala goes up to people. Hey, they want to film you coming out. We go back in and I can knock on the door again. The fact that that sort of stuff is happening. Just so bad. What a perfect last minute encapsulation of Kamala Harris campaign. Yeah, just fake. All of it fake. So Pennsylvania, 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania decided 2020. Yeah.

90,000 Amish in Pennsylvania, also 80,000 truckers in Pennsylvania that didn't really turn out last time because a lot of them were on the road. The GOP has been all over that. Make sure that they have, you know, ballots, mail-in ballots. Also, just this weekend on the other side,

The Harris campaign knocked on almost a million doors. Eight hundred and seven thousand doors were knocked in 2020 in Pennsylvania. Democrats had the advantage of more than one point one million mail in ballots. They knew a couple of weeks before we are going to win today. The Democrats only have an advantage of four hundred thousand. That's a seven hundred thousand vote swing today.

that they're down and that is good if people show up today to vote. Virginia is also another one. Harris is probably going to win Virginia. But if Donald Trump picks up Virginia, that's a big deal. If he loses Virginia under five points, that's also a big deal.

Yeah, if he can keep it within five points, I think he's probably going to win the election. Yeah, yeah. And we should know that pretty early, shouldn't we? Yeah, the polls close relatively early. That's not one of those states that takes a month to count typically, though. Well, that's not going to be instant. It's not like, you know, again, Florida is the gold standard here. Florida, which is shocking after 2000, but they actually fixed their system. They're the ones that are going to give you the first results.

But Florida also isn't always the best bellwether. You know, we've seen this before where, you know, in 2022, it was a big situation, if you remember correctly, because DeSantis won by so much that everyone was like, oh, my gosh, this is a Republican wave election because they were one of the first results. Right. And it did not wind up panning out in other states. Sometimes Florida is a little bit different. And since they're the first kind of like big state we hear about,

Yeah, I don't see the wrong impression. I mean, if it goes poorly in Florida for Donald Trump, it will be a bad night. Well, the polling is interesting there, Glenn, because, you know, we've kind of thought now that because of what DeSantis has done in Florida, that this is just a bright red state. Look, Rick Scott is up by three points in Florida in a lot of these polls. Donald Trump is up by four or five points in some polls in Florida.

I think he's going to win, but it's going to be a heck of a lot closer than DeSantis when he won by, what was it, 19. Yeah, and I have to tell you, the other thing that's disturbing is the Cruz campaign called us to get him on the air today. They are concerned about Texas, and you should be concerned about Texas. It is very close. They have spent millions and millions and millions of dollars, and Ted Cruz has done it all on his supporters and himself.

The they've been outspent like crazy because of Mitch McConnell.

Yeah. And George Soros and George Soros, you know, I mean, McConnell not not giving money to Cruz is a factor, but the Democrats are targeting this with hundreds of millions of dollars. So another thing to watch for is the Muslims in Michigan. If they don't show up or they're voting third party or they're voting for Trump, which I find that hard to believe. But you've had, you know, the mayor of the biggest Muslim community in Michigan come out and endorse along with a lot of the imams endorsed Donald Trump.

I find it hard to believe. If Trump is going to be like, hey, you know, we're going to win this election if we get a lot of the Muslim vote, I think he's probably... That's not the position you want to be in? No. But if he can take them. He'll take them. Take it. For sure. The pitch to suburban women. Now, this goes down to Iowa. I think if he loses Iowa...

It could be a rough night. He's not counted out, but it... He's not mathematically eliminated, but if he loses Iowa, there's no way he's winning this election. You don't think so? I don't think so. I mean, it's...

That doesn't mean mathematically he's eliminated. It doesn't mean like he can't win. He definitely could theoretically win. But in an environment where he loses the state, which again, this makes no sense to me. You know, Kim Reynolds won the state by 19 points two years ago in a bad year for Republicans. I know. We've seen increases all over the place in Republican registration. That's not early.

As I mentioned to you off the air, I'm super skeptical of trying to take anything out of early vote, particularly this year. When you're comparing early vote to the COVID year, God only knows what you're getting. I'm not surprised that all the Democrats' early vote numbers are down. They were all terrified. They wouldn't go outdoors at the time this election was taking place. But people are motivated. I agree. I think where the...

The hidden number is in these polls is the lack of motivation for Harris. People will talk a good game. I'm for Harris. And some will go out and vote. And some polls even show her enthusiasm higher than Trump's, which doesn't make any sense to me. Doesn't make sense to me. No way. But that's even shown in some polls. No way. No way. I mean, look, we all know it's not Kamala enthusiasm. The correct way to look at it is anti-Trump enthusiasm. You know, and that...

sort of does connect with me. I do see Democrats feeling that way. Not that I feel that way, but I'm saying as far as they do. Oh, yeah. We know they hate him. We got it. They're really wanting to keep Hitler out of office. We got it. They're hypnotized. So I think there is that. When it comes to early vote, though, the numbers coming up for Republicans, I think can be partially explained by...

by the fact that Trump discouraged her early vote in 2020, and now he's encouraging it. So I'm not surprised to see those numbers come up, and I'm not surprised to see them come down for Democrats, because in 2020, there was COVID, and they were all afraid to go to restaurants, let alone go out to vote. So I'm not at all surprised by that. I'm not saying that that means bad things. Obviously, I predicted Trump to win. But here is what...

The Republicans are counting on in the polls for people who are planning on voting today. He is up by 16 points. If that would hold, it would be hard for the Democrats to pull this off. You disagree with that? You may be right. I just don't. I don't have a spreadsheet out to make a prediction like that. I have not.

I don't know. It's possible. You're right. I don't know, though. You know, there's so many factors that go into this. And the other part of it that we don't know at all from early vote. One important thing. We have no idea who any independents voted for. I mean, we don't have any idea who anyone voted for, but we assume the Republicans vote for the Republican Democrats vote for Democrats independents. We have no indication whatsoever.

Right. We have no indication from early vote what independents did. So in an election that is this close. I know. Kind of an important nugget of information. But then I go, I'm basic. You're basing it all on numbers and facts and figures. I'm basing mine all on gut. And, you know, we've lost the ability to predict the American people long ago. But, you know, I'll explain it at the top of next hour. Why I feel as strongly as I do is.

With the one caveat, I don't know if I can predict the American people anymore. I don't know. I mean, our education system has turned out morons and idiots that don't even know what it means to be a republic versus a democracy. So nobody knows our institutions. Nobody knows why this was founded this way. So maybe they don't get it.

But but there's other factors. And I'll explain that top of the hour in just about 15 minutes. Also want to go to your phone number, your phone call next. It's 888-727-BECK. We'll talk to you next. First, I want to tell you about U.S. Army Specialist Brett Menard. He is a hero who enlisted after 9-11 because he wanted to be part of something that mattered.

Well, he was on the road clearing, you know, the roads in Afghanistan and his vehicle was destroyed by an IED from Iran. His life changed forever. He's now a T4 paraplegic with traumatic brain injury. He's got compartment syndrome in both of his arms, severe internal injuries. He needed facial reconstruction. I mean, this thing just tore him apart.

That's sometimes the cost of the freedom that you and I are going out to defend today with our vote.

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You're listening to the Glenn Beck Program. Well, you know, we don't know what today's going to bring. We don't know what's going to happen at the end of this day. We don't know what the future of the country is. And at some level, when you get to that point, all you can do is kind of drill down to your own family and just do what you can to protect it and protect what you do have. You don't know what's going to happen around the corner.

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So we have an update on Pennsylvania. This is according to the people we are talking to. So please don't take anything as official. There are several counties that are having problems with the machines today. The GOP is on it like white on rice, and they are now pushing for possible extension of

the voting times, but we don't know. If you spot a problem, you contact your local GOP. This time they're on it. Harmeet Dhillon, I had her on on Wednesday. She said, man, we are all over this. We have the attorneys. We have the people there. They're in court right now, the GOP in Pennsylvania, this morning. And we love talking to you, but really we can't do anything about that. The local GOP is the one to go to. Because

They definitely have spent the money. They have the resources to take care of these problems. So let them know. All right, let me go to Justin in Ohio. How are things, Justin, in Ohio? Hey, Glenn, thanks for taking my call. You bet. I'm a Blay subscriber. Thank you. Looking forward to the coverage tonight. It's going to be good. I'll be looking for Steve Dates' facial expressions. You can usually tell from Steve's facial expressions. When he starts to rock back and forth like he's memorizing the Torah, that's when things are bad.

Oh, yeah. I was listening. I'm in Warren Davidson's district, voted for him this morning. Seen a ton of people in line. Of course, Butler County going Trump, but everybody was wearing garbage vests. Wow. I thought that was awesome. One guy turned around and said, who's here voting for the garbage man? And just a big roar. So that was awesome. I do feel that Pennsylvania is the...

is the state that we need to be paying attention to. I was up early this morning praying for Pennsylvania. My father-in-law lives there. I even throw him some Amish Paradise Weird Al. I think if Trump takes Pennsylvania, he should come out tonight to the Amish Paradise. I think so too. I think they're going to put him through. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you. You bet. Pete, North Carolina. How are things in North Carolina?

Yes, sir. It's Pastor Pete from North Carolina. Yes. Tomorrow is hump day, but today is Trump day. Did you go out and vote today? Yes. Me and my wife voted. Yes, sir. And I'm the kind of preacher you've been calling on. I preach the pulpit. I preach the stray Bible. And I call it out by name. And it's just, you know, we do it right here. So I hear that. I hear you.

call out for preachers once in a while. I just want to let you know that I'm one down here in North Carolina. We're preaching straight and we are voting right and God's blessing and I appreciate your show. You bet. Thank you so much, Pete. Fred in Michigan. Thanks for taking my call. You bet. What's it feel like in Michigan today?

I will tell you, I commuted from Ohio up to Michigan in 2020, and I thought we had it then with the yard signs and everything. And this year, it just feels different. Even people who didn't vote for him before talking about voting for him, you go out to the grocery store this last week and you see all these people with the I voted stickers, so early voting seems to be really big up here. And I can tell you, you know, I've

My whole family were voting for Trump, and my profession, probably more than any profession, is going to be impacted by how this election turns out.

Well, I would tell you I need to patrol my speech, but because I'm afraid my answer would border on a hatch violation. So, OK. All right. We're going to leave it at that. Thanks. We're going to leave it at that. Thank you. Thank you so much. I got to tell you, if you're in the media, your profession does boil down to this election. I really believe that.

If you're in the mainstream media and he wins, I think you're over. You've killed yourself and there won't be any bailouts for you. If she wins, I think places like this are over because they will silence speech. No ifs, ands, or buts. Which, by the way, brings me to $47 off our biggest savings ever,

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Well, there's something that you can use that is not lethal, and it would avoid all the life-altering consequences at the same time. Sometimes you need a gun. Sometimes you need to burn a launcher.

Less than lethal sometimes is the way to go. And this is the best alternative to deadly force. It fires powerful deterrents like tear gas and kinetic rounds. We're talking things that will incapacitate. Imagine what the collection cover is going to be like. Oh, it's going to be good. I'm still nine hours away from that. It's going to be good.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

So Bridget Phetasy is a good friend of mine and to the program. I just love her to death. She was very, very, very liberal. Would have never been on this show. Probably in 2016. But she's changed a lot. And her journey to the dark side is now complete.

She has just voted for Donald Trump. She explains why in 60 seconds. Stand by. Preborn, the subject of abortion in the United States, hangs heavy in the air today as the last of us who are going to go out and vote are going to go out and do so. While the choice is utterly clear to you and me, far too many Americans...

I haven't seen the light yet. And we're not going to change it through regulations. We have to change hearts and minds in this country. And that's why I'm proud to have as a sponsor and a partner with Preborn. They sponsor free ultrasounds for women. This is why, remember when they were trying to pass laws that ultrasounds needed to be in every abortion clinic? You have to have an ultrasound first.

That's why Planned Parenthood fought against that, because it changes people's point of view. It's like a window to the womb. Oh, wow, that is a baby in there. And when mom sees the unborn child on that monitor, she's twice as likely to consider choosing life for her baby. And then when you add, we care about the moms, too. Most of these moms don't want to do it, but they feel trapped. Nobody in their life to help them. They don't have the money, whatever.

That's where Preborn steps in, helps mom for up to two years. Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help with all of these projects from Preborns. If you have $5,000, all tax-deductible, it will sponsor the entire American network for 24 hours. It will rescue 200 babies.

Donate securely now. Pound at 250. Say the keyword, baby. That's pound 250. Keyword, baby. Or go to slash back. slash back. Sponsored by Preborn. Yes, Bridget Phetasy. Welcome to the program.

Thank you for having me. Wow. From California to a Texan suburban mom voting for Trump. Would you ever guess? No. Well, actually, yes. After I had my first conversation with you, I thought, I think I told you it's only a matter of time. You did tell me.

When I when I when I a little check that little box for Trump, I was like, Glenn Beck. So you made a great case on why you voted for Donald Trump, something that I think you would have sworn even three, four years ago. I'll never do right.

Yeah, I mean, it's really interesting. It is fascinating to me to think about how the, you know, I voted against Trump in California in 2016. In 2020, I voted for nobody.

I just couldn't bear either one of those people. And I was actually at the time very much in limbo about what I wanted to do. Did I want to stay in California? Did I want to go to Texas? I wanted to get out, but I had family there. And many people saw me through that indecision and then decision. Mm-hmm.

And now I'm in Texas voting for Trump. And it does, it kind of does show me that if the left goes too far, and of course, I'm only anecdotal, and I've heard from many women like me, they do lose their bread and butter, which is white women. You know, they have gone quite far to be pushing someone like me

out of the party completely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The thing that was a turning point for you, what was it? Was it one thing? I mean, there were so many millions. You know, I was thinking about this, Glenn, the other day. It's actually more death by a million cuts.

I think it was really trying to engage with them and then just being pushed out and being told, you know, in the early days of coming on your show, nobody on the left wanted that. No panel wanted to hear why I was injured, what issues I had with my own party. They would say, oh, you're, you know, racist and xenophobic and transphobic for even going on any of these other shows that you've gone on.

And then there is, I think COVID really broke a lot of brains for

particularly those of us who were in states that were heavily locked down. And we saw the government overreach and felt completely powerless to do anything about it. And then there were just the looting, the rioting, the turning the other cheek with the smashing grabs, the degeneration, like the just decay everywhere in the cities.

And how much, how much, how much of a role did the transgender stuff for kids play a role with you as a mom?

That was, that's a big too. I mean, becoming, then as I was getting into that 2022, I have a child, I'm radicalized in a different way. I'm sitting in, you know, birthing classes and they're calling us birthing persons, which sounds way more handmade tale than anything that's coming. They accuse the right of, and, um,

People act, you know, the thing then there's the frustration of people acting like this isn't happening. So people will say this isn't a big deal. This isn't really happening. You don't see this in schools. It's like every parent I know is talking about this. You obviously don't have children if you don't think that this stuff is happening and parents are discussing it and they're making decisions about where they live.

where they send their kids to school based on if there's pronouns in the bio of the people who are emailing them or not. And so that was another one. And then October 7th was a big one for me. When I saw people tearing down posters of kidnapped children and siding with literal terrorists, I was like, okay,

Okay, I'm sorry. There's something wrong with this ideology that is deeply destructive and toxic to Western civilization in general.

You know, I can see people that disagree on abortion and have honest disagreements. But when it comes to having an abortion van outside of your convention, it just goes way out of the mainstream. And you start to think, wow, I mean, huh.

Is Satan running on this ticket? You know, you know what I mean? I, I think so. I think we all are in bubbles. Here's the, the other thing that's happened since 2020 even is that everyone's kind of gone into their little media silos. Everything's stratified even more. And, and,

I was burned in 2022 by thinking there would be a red wave as punishment for a lot of the draconian stuff we saw and mistakes around COVID. And I underestimated how much abortion would play into that decision making. And I will not make that mistake again. I think people on our side, I can't believe I'm saying that,

I think we need to be very prepared for what could be a decisive Harris win tonight. It would be somewhat surprising, but I'm in a bubble. You know, I'm surrounded by people who are

It's preference bias. It's confirmation bias. It's all of these things that are telling me that led me to believe that there would be a red wave. And I was very wrong about that.

Yeah, I wasn't confident in 2020. I mean, I couldn't believe it when it happened, but I wasn't confident that we were going to win. This time, there's just too many things that, you know, they're just historic. You know, I tweeted something. Let me see if I can pull this up. Tweeted something yesterday, a prediction on this, and I could very well be wrong, but

You know, in in looking at it last yesterday and saying, OK, where do I really stand? What do I think is going to happen? This is what I wrote. Every piece of historic information on elections tell you this should be a blowout. Right track, wrong track. The number is at 28. No incumbent has ever won with a number that low economy, war, immigration, all favor Trump.

Crime in our communities. The same doctors behind the vaccines are now behind the child mutilation. Momentum is all for Trump. One campaign is against something. The other is promoting a positive vision. The positive visionary is a hero that they've tried to kill two times. He's still standing and happy, not vengeful.

The same campaign has a huge crossover appeal with RFK and Tulsi Gabbard. That's the same campaign that has the biggest inspirational visionary of the last 120 years in Elon Musk.

The press is actually the only and biggest advocate for Harris and totally discredited themselves. The race, the Nazi, the, you know, feminist stuff is so 2010 at this point. She has no answers on what her vision is, except I'm not the Nazi or the old guy now.

With the exception of cheating, historically, everything is real Donald Trump. He ran a great campaign, right man for the right time. I pray I'm not wrong, but everything points to a big win for Donald J. Trump. Do you disagree with any of that?

I think I don't disagree with it. I actually think there's been a massive political realignment. So no matter what happens tonight, that momentum is not going away. Correct. There is a huge realignment. People who didn't need to endorse came out and endorsed, like myself. I could have just been quiet. I could have not voted. I'm in Texas. Or I could have...

just been quiet about my vote because my brand is political homelessness. But even though I would argue it's actually my thing is actually just being honest. And I think when people ask me, well, yes, you're voting against the left. You're not voting for Donald Trump, but you didn't really need to vote for him. But I would argue you do. You have to be accounted for in the popular vote.

A nothing vote is not a vote against the left. It is a nothing vote. And I wanted to be accounted for as someone who's saying no to all of that. And you can't do that sitting out. That is, that has been my message to my friends and family. This time is spiritually for me. This time it counts. It's,

It may not count in the state of Texas, although we're close here in Texas. It may not count in the state of Texas if you're going to vote for, you know, Donald Trump, but it will count eternally. This you must take a stand on this on this election. You have to be choose a side or you've already chosen a side. You know what I mean?

I hope that the men, you know, I really do understand being disaffected more than than I think being in this space kind of caught in the crossfire and coming from one place and really having good faith discussions with the remaining people on the left who aren't completely out of their minds and good faith just debates about things. I do believe that

People care deeply about this country and that does inspire me. One of the things that makes this country great is that we are this tension where we can work things out and hash things out. Yeah.

And I really, I do have faith. The sun just broke through the clouds as I'm talking about this in a very poetic moment. But I do, I, you know, I don't like all of this discussion of like, this could be the last. It was funny because Oprah and Elon were both trending because they both said this could be our last election. And I'm like, well, if they both are saying it, can we just, can it like cancel each other out? Yeah.

Well, I think it is that stark. We choose. Today, we choose one direction or another, and they are both bad.

very, very different Americas in the end. You know, I prefer to look at it, and Donald Trump, I thought, in the last few weeks has really done a great job at this. And with the help of RFK and Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard, this is a new America. There could be a golden era around the corner if...

We vote the right way, pay attention, and he can do the things with this coalition of different minds that he wants to put around himself. I think there could be a new golden age of America. So it's either the death of the republic or the rebirth of the republic.

Maybe. I mean, like I said, that political realignment, no matter what happens, we're all like that occurred. You know, something happened. No matter what happened, something happened. And that momentum and energy is not going away. One last question for you. Do you think the endorsement of Elon Musk and yesterday Joe Rogan, do you think that makes any difference at all?

I think even mine, people have, not that I'm some huge star, but I think people need permission in this moment. And it was part of the reason that I wanted to come out. And I've heard from so many women in particular that they were on the fence or they were because people alone feel crazy. They don't feel this. They haven't heard somebody like me or anyone.

It's like they might be like, why do I want to vote for this guy? And they don't know why. And they feel crazy because they've never voted a Republican in their life. And you just need a little push, just a little bit of somebody saying like, hey, I didn't want to do this, but here's why I think and lay it out. And I think people like Elon Musk and Joe, they give people permission to do that thing that they might not want. Yeah.

they might not be comfortable doing, or they might feel like, you know, if your brain, it's like you're, you're, if you're a liberal, you're just, it's hard to make that leap. I get it. Yeah. Bridget, thank you so much. God bless you. That's Bridget Phetasy, the spectator contributing editor and columnist, also the host of walk-ins welcome and the host of the weekly dumpster fire.

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So I have worked in every kind of media. I guess I haven't done newspapers, but we did magazines. Yeah. So, you know, print books, television, radio, haven't done movies. But I will tell you, I know all of the different mediums and the media,

The most powerful medium is radio and also now podcast because you have a one-on-one relationship with that individual. You get to know me. I don't get a chance to know you, but you get to know me. And as my agent told me when he first said, I'm going to check you out before I say I'm going to represent you. And a week later, he called me and said, okay.

And I said, you really wouldn't have taken 10% of my money? And he said, no, because in radio, in talk radio, you can't fake it. People will find out you're a fraud one way or another over time. And so you're not a long-term player. So you become friends with the people like Joe Rogan. Joe's a little different because you're watching him talk to other people.

especially when the person is talking to you, you bond with them and you see a little bit of yourself in them and you believe they're friends. Jennifer Aniston, Beyonce, you know, Cardi B, she's not your friend. She's a performer. You might like her a lot, but you don't see her as your friend. So when she makes a recommendation, that's a star making a recommendation. Okay. What does that mean?

Um, the only one that comes close to that, except not really is Taylor Swift, um,

Taylor Swift, her fans look at her as kind of a friend. They know her. They think they know what she's like. They defend her, et cetera, et cetera. She has no crossover, however, into politics because she never talks deeply and widely about other issues. You know what I mean? And.

And that's why Oprah has been so popular. You kind of feel like you're Oprah's friend. That's why these endorsements from Rogan make a difference. Bridget, it makes a difference. Pardon me? Even Elon, in a way? I think Elon because Elon's in a category all by himself. I mean, when I wrote the Twitter thing, I really believe he's the biggest visionary in 120 years.

He is a game changer. And I think everybody knows that. Everybody's like, look at what this guy dreams and then does. And so he's in a completely different category. But all these stars, I don't think they're making a difference. I really don't. Because people don't look. I never thought of Jennifer Aniston as my friend, even while watching Friends. Glenn Beck.

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You need to make sure that you have some critical things. You know, imagine dying because you don't have antibiotics. That could happen in America. That's nuts. Go to Jace Medical, J-A-S-E Medical dot com. Enter the promo code Beck at checkout. Get a discount on the Jace case. It's J-A-S-E Medical dot com.

And it's slash Glenn. You can get 47 bucks off your subscription to Blaze TV. Use the code 47 for the largest discount ever.

I want to talk to you about our responsibility. Today is the day that we are going to make a choice. This is something I've been wanting forever. I wish we could just have an election where we were actually looking at, are we going toward a global government, more socialism, you know, less freedom of speech, et cetera, et cetera, or are we going to start over and base it on our founding documents?

And that's really what's at stake. That's what we're voting on, whether you know it or not. And so many Christians, even Christian leaders, think, well, you don't involve politics and religion. Really? Now, maybe it's because you heard Jesus say, my kingdom is not of this world. And you realize that the ultimate kingdom, your ultimate citizenship is not an earthly one. And you'd be right about that.

So maybe you see yourself as a temporary resident in your country. I mean, I don't really have anything to say. I'm not from here. I can't really comment on what it is. My citizenship is to a higher kingdom. Okay, well, I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise, but I would like to have you consider the story of Jeremiah. Jeremiah is, you know, he's the prophet of doom. Jeremiah and I, we could hang out and we...

I don't know which one would be more depressing, me or Jeremiah. But he used to warn people that Babylon was going to conquer the Jewish people and carry them into exile. Unfortunately for him and everybody else, he was right. It happened. The people were exiled. They were taken from their homes, from their real kingdom and sent to Babylon.

That's not the end of the story with the prophet of doom here. He had a word of hope for his people. He told them, even in exile, you got to go on living, build houses and live in them, plant gardens, eat the produce, take wives, become the father of sons and daughters, multiply and do not decrease.

Then he said something that had to seem crazy at the time. He said, quote, seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare, you will have welfare. So here they were captured, taken to another kingdom, living in exile, and

It wasn't their own. They didn't want to be there. Jeremiah told them, seek that nation's welfare. Wow. Grow where you're planted. Work for the benefit of the place where you live while still recognizing that's not your true home. He understood that while we're made for more than this life,

That this life has actual meaning, real value. And as children of God, we have a lot to offer it. And we have a huge responsibility wherever we are to make it a better place. Yes, we have an allegiance to a better and bigger kingdom. But we're also equipped to make a difference right here where we are. That's how we as believers serve in exile. That's our job.

That's how God prepares us to make a positive difference even in the election. So if you have a friend or maybe you who's like, I'm not voting because God doesn't ask me to vote. Really? Maybe you should go back and read Jeremiah. It's not about salvation. It's not about earning God's love with your vote. It's rules for the road from a prophet who knows something about navigating hard times. I say we listen to him.

They say we take responsibility. And no matter what happens tomorrow or tonight, just know this. You'll have to choose to be separated from the idea of America. No matter what happens, it is still your choice. You could live in exile with people who deny that that America is a good America. That's fine. I will try to make my community better. And I'm never giving up my American identity.

my ideals, my vision of America, my knowledge of America, my belief in what we can be. Because I know as soon as we all choose, we're like, you know what? We don't have to live like this. We choose that. We become that. The minute we choose, well, it's never going to get better. I can't do anything about it. You get that result. So let's watch tonight. Let's pray.

that everybody does the right thing, goes out and votes, and has actually engaged their brain. They've gotten out of the fear and thought about what is the future going to be like for my children and my grandchildren if we continue down this road.

Let me go to Brandy in Georgia. Hello, Brandy. How are things in Georgia? They're pretty good. Looking forward to a great night, hopefully. Now, did you go out and vote today? I actually did early vote a few days ago, middle of last week. And what did it feel like?

Um, it, it was kinda, I don't know. It kind of was heavy on the Trump side, but there were, there were definitely a few of each there when I was there, but it was, it was pretty quick in and out. So compared to all our area, um, is kind of heavier Trump as far as I can tell. I'm in Carroll County, Georgia. Compare it to 2020 same different.

If so, how? Well, it's not I can't really say on one side or the other. But what it felt like to me was that there were more people feeling the importance of getting out and voting and voting early. So that's that's definitely a good sign. All right. Good. Thank you, Dan. In Indiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Hello, Dan.

Yeah, we actually had some traffic backups because people were waiting to get into polling locations and the parking lots were full. Wow. When's the last time you saw that?

Never. I early voted this year and it's the first time I've ever done that. And early voting, I stood in line longer this year than I did for voting on the actual day in 2020. Yeah, it took me, here in Texas, it took me an hour and 10 or an hour and 15 minutes to vote, which is the longest I've ever stood in line here too. Thank you so much, Dan. Miguel in Massachusetts.

Yes, sir. I say if Boston wasn't there, Massachusetts would go for Trump. This morning at 730 in the morning, there was already a line to go vote. And why do you think that was for Trump? It was because you can tell the Trump people are definitely are totally different than the Democrats, especially here in Massachusetts. Right. How far out of Boston are you?

About 35 miles. Oh, that's not bad. That's not bad. In Westboro, Westboro, Massachusetts. Is that different than your experiences in the past? Oh, yes. I've never seen lines over here before. Not this early. Maybe later in the afternoon when people get out of work. But this early, I've never seen this before. Hmm.

Great. Thank you very much. If you're going to vote today, take some time off if you have to. Make sure you go out early enough. You don't want to be in line and have everything close on you. Really bad idea. And something like 20 states require your job to give you time and pay you for that time. Yeah. And you think about this, with all the stuff that Trump is doing, you can get out there and do this. He's leaving it all in the field, including, in this case, part of his ear. So the guy took a bullet. I got to tell you, this guy has risked

absolutely everything, including his life. He's risked his life for this. If you think he's doing it for him, you're sadly mistaken. I mean, the least we can do is go out and vote. Will, West Virginia, welcome. Hello. I have had people in 20 different countries either ask me if I was voting for Trump or begging me to vote for Trump.

How did you get this to happen? What do you do? I'm a consulting telecommunications engineer. I talk to people in Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Bangkok, Thailand, which surprised me. Someone in Bangkok, Thailand begged me to vote for Trump. Really? What was the general reasoning? Because they're afraid of Vietnam.

What do you mean? Vietnam is approaching on Thailand. Oh, okay. But what about the rest of the 27 that you talked to?

The Aussies and the Brits, well, Europe in general, have been really, really aggressive about me voting for Trump because they say, what's coming to you is already here, and we're going to lose our country. We need someone like America that can help us out. Yeah.

Yeah, it's amazing. Well, thank you very much for your phone call. I read some stories from Europe where some of the leadership of Europe is now saying the same thing. America is it's got to go for Trump. It's got to go for Trump. It's the last stand. And I think the world is watching us. I mean, I, last night I was thinking about, and,

And thinking about the rest of the world and how they must feel, because America plays such a huge role. And if you are part of the people that have stood up and risked your life in Iran, what are they thinking today? They know the election is happening. The world is watching what we're doing today. What are they thinking?

You think they're thinking, oh, you know what? Let's just continue this. It's giving all this money to this horrible, oppressive regime. I don't think so. I don't think so. Rob, Indiana.

Hey, Glenn. Hey. I've been with you a long time. You know, I've been with you so long that I remember when the program was funny. Me too. We got Stu Does America to fill that gap. All right, smart guy. What are you seeing? Did you go to the voting booth today?

Yes, sir. Yeah, it's normally 20 to 30 minutes. For me, it was an hour and 20. Wow. Have you seen that before? Yeah, parking in the grass. No. And what was your general vibe? Um...

I just got this real kind of tense feeling. The gravity of the situation, I think it was, you know, motivating people with their importance. You know what I mean? I hope that's true. I hope that's true, Rob. Yeah. Thank you very much.

John, and then we'll take a quick break, Sarah. John, you talk. Welcome. Hey, Glenn. First of all, let me thank you for the work you've done over the years and for your voice and for your passion and your love of the country. I appreciate it. I know your listeners do as well. Thank you. Hey, I've been a lifelong independent voter, former Marine. I've never really been tied to any party. My values are much more libertarian than right or left. Right. And I

I actually wrote in Rand Paul and Ron Paul the last couple of elections because they adhered more to my principles this year. I'm voting for Donald Trump. The constant media barrage, the siege they laid to our mind and our emotions with the name calling Nazis and fascists and racists and homophobes. I'm sick and tired of it. And it...

I actually thought he was an insider that was meant to destroy the Republican Party and make it where we would never, the Republicans would never have a platform again. And I thought it was maybe he was fueling his ego. And I completely have flipped on that. He has sold me. He's put his life on the line. And I'm proudly casting my ballot in person today for Donald J. Trump. And my kids are wanting to go with me and stand in line with me because they want to see the process. I love America. And I know you do too. Yeah, good. Who did you vote for for governor?

The incumbent out here. I think Utah's in a pretty good position.

Utah's in a pretty good position. Thank you, sir. You got it. Thank you so much, John. Let me tell you about American Giant. For you, I know that family matters, faith matters, living a life of integrity matters, and America matters. That's why you're probably, if you haven't voted, hopefully in your car to vote at some point today. American Giant was created 13 years ago because they love America and they

They know that America is in trouble. We have to start making things here again. We can't just be a consumer nation. We can't. So there was a factory that was closing in North Carolina. Jobs were going to go away. They were going to close this whole thing down. And the guy who runs American Giant, he said, let's buy the factory. Let's start making American clothes again the way America used to make clothing. He went over to Japan. He got these...

uh, these weaving machines that make the fabric for like these great hoodies and sweats, uh,

and they were American machines, but we sold them off when we closed all the factories, and they went to Japan. He refurbished them, brought them back, taught everybody how to use them. They make some of the best hoodies. In fact, the best hoodie you'll ever wear, sweats and everything else, and some of the best clothing that you can find. You can find it cheaper from, you know, made by slaves elsewhere, but you're not going to find something at this price that is this good, and 100%, all the way down to the ink for the fabric, and

American quality. slash Glenn. Use my name. Get 20% off your first order at slash Glenn. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Since we're all going to need a little Christmas in our world after this election is over, Glenn Beck's produced his first Christmas album, coming soon. Now, more Glenn Beck. And how

I need Christmas like water right now. Like a man in the desert that needs water. Make sure you join us tonight. Tonight we're doing our Blaze TV live broadcast. Everybody is on deck tonight. We're going to have coverage all over the country. We'll bring you the results fast, clear, correct. We are not going to be calling things first.

Uh, we don't want to be out in front of it. We want to be correct. We want to be right. Yeah. Yep. No need to rush to a conclusion if there's still doubt. I'd rather just be right. So that's what we'll do tonight. Uh, so that is, uh, that's happening tonight. If you haven't joined us yet, please join the Blaze TV family. You're going to save $47. Isn't that right? Yeah. Biggest ever. Like by far the biggest ever. $47, uh, on your, um,

on your Blaze TV yearly subscription. So all you have to do is sign up. Just go to slash Glenn. Use the promo code 47 and then spend the night with us. It's going to be good. It's going to be really, really good. It's a little suggestive, Glenn. I mean, I don't think you should be hitting on the audience like that. Spend the night with Glenn. Oh, I will spend the night with anybody. We aren't going to be spending... It's going to be in the early morning as well. Oh, yeah, early morning. Maybe.

Also, slash Judo's America. I will be going after all the coverage is over. So we'll have that. I'll be doing a live Q&A today as well. So if you can go and subscribe, it's worth it. Lots of questions out there. And we have the last Pulsecast update. Yep. Yeah, I want to talk to you about that, too. Also, Ted Cruz is on with us next hour. Also, Dr. Phil joins us.

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nothing. Texas is extraordinarily close. It is in play, especially when it comes to Ted Cruz and some of the others. We've got to make sure Texas gets out and vote. Ted Cruz joins us in 60 seconds. First, if you're a gun owner,

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Senator Ted Cruz has been campaigning and fighting an uphill battle here in Texas because several, I think it's, is it 200 or 300 million dollars have been spent by George Soros and the likes of George Soros to stop Ted Cruz from being a senator. And his competitor is, I mean, you watch TV and it is just crazy.

Nonstop ads. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. One after another after another. And he hasn't had any help from the GOP in Washington, which really pisses me off. Thank you so much, McConnell. But Ted Cruz joins us now. Ted, how are you feeling today?

Glenn, my friend, great to be with you. I'm feeling terrific. I think we're going to have a good day in Texas today. If you're in Texas and you haven't voted, please, please, please come out and vote. I know it's raining in much of the state, but come out anyway. Go through the rain and spend some time today. Pull out your phone and make a dozen phone calls. Call your sister, call your son, call your next door neighbor, call your coworker. Get them to come out and vote. What Glenn said, Glenn, you're exactly right.

Chuck Schumer has been explicit. I'm his number one target in the country. And Schumer and George Soros have spent over $100 million trying to defeat me. It is nonstop attack ads. That's crazy. They're coming after us with everything we got. Now, if we show up and vote, we're going to be fine. And so it's all about turnout now. It is about people showing up in the polls.

And by the way, for everyone listening who's not in Texas, show up and vote in your states, too. We got a presidential election that's the most consequential one of our lifetime. So wherever you are, show up and vote and bring your friends and family. And vote for the Republican candidate.

for the Senate, wherever you are. We have to win the Senate and the House. The whole country can turn on a dime if we have House, Senate, and White House. And this time, I think that actually means something. Usually it's like, we've got to get all three before we can do anything, and then they do nothing. I think with the people that are running that would join you, Ted, in the Senate, I think things would actually get done.

well and i'll tell you let me let me say something in particular there are voters in a number of states in states like ohio and arizona they're right now saying they're going to vote for donald trump and for the democrat senate candidate can't do it and and let me say please for love of all that is good in america do not do that because every democrat senate candidate running

will fight to oppose Donald Trump on every step of the way. Oh, yeah. And if that vote gives Chuck Schumer the majority, it could stop the entirety of everything that President Trump will accomplish. That if you want President Trump to be able to secure the border, to get our economy moving, to bring inflation down, to end the wars, then the only way to do it

is to have a Republican Senate that's going to back him up and support his nominees and support his policies. And we've got to stop with this executive order stuff. This has to be done the right way. Otherwise, we're just going to keep flipping back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. You know, and the ones that they're running, I mean, all red against you, Ted. This guy is... He is...

He is trying to position himself as a moderate. He's not a moderate. None of them that they're running now that they're running as moderates are moderate at all. The candidates on the ballot for the Democrats are hard left radicals. And one of the really sad consequences of the age of Trump is.

Is that Trump broke the Democrat Party? You know, when I was first elected 12 years ago to the Senate, there was such a thing as moderate Democrats. They existed. You could work with them. You could find middle ground. Well, they don't exist anymore. The only two who were even arguable moderates in the Senate are Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. And they're both leaving. Neither one of them will be there next year.

And what has happened is every single Senate Democrat has gone hard left on everything,

And it really is, you look at the policies they support, open borders, that didn't used to be the Democrat Party policy. All of them support it now. Defunding and abolishing the police, all of them have voted in favor of that now. You look at Israel and Hamas, every Democrat supports sending money to Iran that funds Hezbollah and Hamas and undermining Israel. It is tragic. And if you want to turn that nonsense around,

You've got to have a Republican Senate that can stand unified with Trump. And also, you're exactly right, Glenn, that can make changes that are actually passed into law, not just through executive order, so they can be durable and last. And we've got to I mean, we have got to make sure that Cornyn.

who is a disgrace to Texas, is not the guy who is replacing McConnell. We need an actual group of Republicans that are at the top of the leadership that represent what the Republicans are today, not what they were in 1985.

Well, look, my issues with Republican leadership, as you know, have been longstanding. You noted at the outset of this segment that this entire race, Mitch McConnell has not spent a penny in my race. What does he say to that? What does he say to that?

He lies to me. He looks me in the eyes and says, Ted, if you need me, I'll be there. He said that in 18, too. He says that over and over again. So Mitch controls the largest Republican super packet in the country, $400 million. He spent zero.

in Texas to defend me, even while Schumer and Soros are unloading tens of millions of dollars, over $100 million total on me. McConnell would not spend a penny. He did the exact same thing in 2018. 2018, my last reelect was at the time the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history. I was outspent 3 to 1. I ended up barely winning. I won by less than three points, 2.6%.

Again, Mitch spent zero. Now, the whole time, Glenn, he would pull me aside every week and he'd be like, Ted, if you need me, I'm going to be there. And after a while, I just got tired of him lying to me. It's like, no, you're not. So why are you lying to me and saying that? And the only way I've survived

is millions of patriots in Texas and across the country who go to and who make contributions. And so, you know, I'm getting contributions of 10, 25, 50 bucks from people all across the country at And that fills the gap where Republican leadership should be, but they don't want strong conservatives in the Senate. They want people who will follow orders and

and sit down and shut up. And that's not something I'm interested in doing. We can't lose you, Ted. We cannot lose you. If you're in Texas, do it. He says, if you haven't gone out and vote, what the hell are you waiting for? Go out and vote. Sarah, go out and vote.

And tell Sarah to vote. I'm going to stay out of that one. And I'm not entirely a fool. And if you if you have voted, get somebody else to go to the polls. This is close. We cannot lose Texas. We can't. Can you imagine Texas being represented by a Democrat and Cornyn? Oh,

Texas, what the hell is wrong with you if that's even a possibility? What's wrong with you? All right. We're not going to let it happen. Good. Thank you very much, Ted. I appreciate it. Thank you, guys. Appreciate you. God bless. We'll talk to you tomorrow, hopefully, and celebrate with you. All right. I mean, they are dumping money into this. Oh, my gosh. Well, I was watching the game with my son last night.

That's shocking. You were watching the game. I didn't even watch it. This is what is going on in our country right now. That's how upside down we are. That's how upside down we are. Anyway, my gosh. It was like I didn't know if I was watching Colin Allred commercial or show or

With highlights from a game or if I was watching a game. I mean, he's basically paying for every every primetime broadcast in the state right now. Yeah. Colin Allred is the guy. And every single ad is the same thing. You know, he played football.

Do you know Colin Allred played football? He played football. Hey, do you know he played football? Look, I really like football. I really like it. It's one of my favorite things in the world. It does not mean I'm going to vote for a senator because he played football. That is a stupid thing. But did you know he played football? I do. You know, I remember back in, I think it was 2016, watching Ted Cruz, pretty good foosball player. Not a great reason to vote for him, though. You should vote for him because of his policies.

It's just absolutely insane where we are. Yeah, you didn't tell me about the foosball. I would have gotten more people out to play. He played against your son. You don't remember this? We were back behind one of his speeches. Oh, that's right. And it was Ted Cruz versus Rafe.

Playing foosball. I'll never forget that. It was a really cool moment. But look, the bottom line is Ted Cruz is not only a good senator for Texas, he's a good senator for the country. And he helps push policies in the right direction. There's not a lot of people in Washington who do it. And Ted does it routinely. There's no reason, Texas. What the hell is wrong with you?

The hell is wrong with you? I don't know that berating Texas is necessarily the answer here. Sometimes, Texas, you need a little hard love. You're doing the Barack Obama approach? Yes. Yes. You're just yelling at black men? What, you just don't like strong men? Is that what it is? All right.

Okay. Stu, you have done your Pulsecast. Yeah. And spent a lot of time. I have. A lot of time. Dozens and dozens of hours building it and updating it. If I may just tell the audience what you've come up with is...

It's a coin toss. You actually will be surprised to hear, Glenn, it is worse than a coin toss. It is worse. The final update of the Pulse cast has Donald Trump, I kid you not...

I can't even tell you how many numbers go into this thing. How many calculations? A 50.24% chance to win the election. You're dead to me. It's not me. I'm just putting the data in. It's you. No, it's not me. But you actually... But they say a coin toss is a 50.5% chance. So it's actually less sure than a coin toss. So, you know, here's the thing. Uh...

You did make a prediction. I did. I did a show last night on Studios America where we do every, we do this every single election the night, the day before the election. I'll take everything out of the toss up columns and push them in one direction or the other. Even if I'm not sure, I'll take my best guess and,

And, you know, in 2020, we got the count exactly right, 306 to 232. This time I have much, much less confidence in the results. We got to the seven swing states. There's a couple that I kind of feel relatively, I mean, relatively, I at least have a vibe on, like Arizona, for example. I think Donald Trump is ahead in Arizona. I think he'll win Arizona. I wound up getting to 291 electoral votes for Donald Trump.

The swing states went, if I'm remembering right, I had Donald Trump winning Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona. I had Harris winning Nevada, which I went back and forth on about five times. I also, I had Trump winning Wisconsin, which I went back and forth on about five times. I had Harris winning Michigan, and I had Trump winning Pennsylvania.

That gets you to 291. And honestly, like at the end of the day, Wisconsin, not all that important because and Nevada, I guess not all that important in this particular thing because you'd still be above 270. Pennsylvania, obviously the big ticket there. So I did my electoral college. I have Trump.

Pretty close to you. 671. Electoral votes. Electoral votes. Wow. Yeah. That's more because there's only 538 available. It's weird. I know, but that's, I'm sticking. I think I'd be more confident in 648 for Harris because they'd find a way to just add some to the table. Anyway, tonight, our presidential election coverage on Blaze TV, front row seats for every single crucial moment. It is not just the presidency. It's the presidential election.

It is the House and the Senate. It is abortion in seven different states. It'll be interesting to see this. This was funded mainly by George Soros and foreign money, foreign money. Foreign money cannot be involved in federal elections, but apparently foreign money is fine in state elections. I don't know why, but they put that on the ballot in swing states so it would get people out, they hoped,

That would be for Harris. So it'll be interesting to see how that it does that affect things. Did that work at all? We'll have all of that. And our coverage is going to be different. It's real. It's raw.

We're not selling a narrative. We are not going to be first to call things. We want to be accurate, not first. And it is the most ambitious night of broadcast we've ever done. Megan Kelly, Dave Rubin, Liz Wheeler, Ali Bestucky, Steve Dace, Stu will be there. I'm going to be hosting this.

Hopefully we'll have Mark Levin late. I know he's doing his show, so he'll probably be on late. But First Town updates all across the country. We're at all of the different, dare I call them, parties where the victory parties are going to be, hopefully.

We'll be celebrating together tonight, and we're going to keep going until we have an answer or until they say it, you know, 945. Well, we're going to call it a night. You know, we're kind of sleepy. slash Glenn. Sign up right now. Our biggest offer ever. $47 off your subscription. We know times are tight. slash Glenn. We begin tonight at 6 p.m. Eastern. I believe, is it 6 o'clock or 7 o'clock that Indiana and Kentucky close? They're the first to close, I think. They're part of Indiana and Kentucky close at 6, but the whole state is at 7. Okay. So you don't want to miss it tonight. slash Glenn.

So what are you doing today to reach out to your community and help people? Let me tell you a little bit about Aaron. He partners with an organization that provides on-the-job skills to people entering the workforce. Another organization that helps homeless people with basic needs to get back on their feet.

He even personally donates to that one, putting his money where his mouth is. On top of that, he and his family are very active in their church. He helps out with greeting and being an usher, scripture reading and retreats and everything else.

On top of all of that, he still has time to be one of the top selling real estate agents in his region. These are all reasons why I'm glad that my company, Real Estate Agents I Trust, partners with Aaron. We look for people like him. We want to work with the best of the best, but we also want to work with the best character, right?

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Okay. Okay. Alrighty then. I actually have a really good feeling about tonight. And, you know, our phone calls today are making me feel even more optimistic. Cindy in Oregon, what is your experience today with the election?

Well, I've born and raised here, and I have never seen it as red in Eugene as it has been. My close circle of friends has been a handful of us, and now there's only a handful on the other side. Really? I don't know. We're mail-in voting, so you never know. Yeah, yeah. But you've never seen it like this, and how do you know that people have changed? They're actually opening and talking about it?

Yep, people are talking about it. It used to sort of, you know, everything was sort of on the down low. I'm seeing it now in comment threads when like our local news station will post something on Facebook. Wow. Comments are overwhelmingly negative.

conservative to the red side, not the blue. So I don't know. I've just never, I don't know if people have had it with Portland. Um, but yeah, it would be about time, you know, before they call out the national, Ooh, they already called out the national guard for today in, uh, in Portland. Uh, I mean, man, Oregon used to be a really great place, always a little bit odd, but, uh, really great state and parts of it still are, but they've just destroyed Portland. Um,

Thank you so much for your phone call. Let me go to Brent. How are things in North Carolina? Did you vote today?

I did. I got to the polls about 6:15 this morning. Our polling booths opened at 6:30 and there were about 30 people in line in front of me waiting for the doors to open. I got in, voted, and walked back out about 6:35 and there were at least 100 people standing in line waiting to get in. And how did you feel about

the number of people that were there, what direction you felt they were going, or did you talk to anybody? I talked to just about everybody in the line. I have an Army sticker on my car and an American flag on my sweatshirt. Okay, so you would know. And it's Trump people or mixed? Mixed.

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Everybody is everything's going to be fine just right out the next few months. Right. Well, it would be nice if if we could believe that. I think whoever wins, it's going to be tough. We have to turn this corner and, you know, there won't be any corners if we don't change our leadership. But, you know, Donald Trump's going to have a hard time. Most of the stuff that Biden and Harris did kick in.

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Dr. Phil next.

Hello and welcome to the program. If you just started listening today, I want you to know I'm very optimistic. I feel good about it. You know, I have historic reasons why I feel good about it, but you never know. It's all going to be who turns out today and hopefully things go well. But no matter what happens, and I know this because I know God, even if things turn out horribly tonight, it's going to work out to be for our good.

For instance, let me just say this. You remember how we felt in 2020 when Trump lost? Look how awake people are four years later. Now, maybe we just haven't hit rock bottom yet, but another four years of this, we will. We will. And it's going to put us right where God wants us. So have faith in that. Have faith in God, not in man.

And I'm strangely optimistic and I am strangely not worried about any kind of problems in the country, at least right away.

Things get dicey the farther we get away from today and the closer we get to January 20th, depending on what happens tonight. I wanted to get Dr. Phil on. He is the founder of Merritt Street Media, the host of Dr. Phil Primetime. And I wanted to talk to you, Dr. Phil, about this.

I read a story yesterday in California. Some schools are taking the day off tomorrow in case it goes badly for Kamala Harris, which is nuts. My kids aren't even that stressed out about it. And they live with me. You know, I'm still concerned.

about how we're preparing this generation. I mean, are we going to bring in a box of puppies for those that don't like the way an election goes? Life doesn't bring you a box of puppies when you don't get things your way. And we need to prepare this younger generation to deal with bad news. I'm so against that. I'm so against...

trigger warnings and that sort of thing. There's a whole body of literature that says not only do they don't work, they're counterproductive, that instead you should be teaching people to cope, not run from and hide. So taking the day off, get over yourselves. You know,

go to school, learn what you need to do and move on. Dr. Phil, I have to, years ago there was a talk show host that wrote a book about liberalism being a mental disease. And I didn't like that at the time.

But now I really do think that we have introduced mental illness and shaped it and created it and encouraged mental illness unlike any civilization I've ever seen. Would you agree with that?

Well, I think there are so many things that contribute to what you're describing because, as I say, we have to learn. You have concierge parents. You have woke parents. You have woke teachers unions that are running an agenda that's not in the best interest of the kids. And it does promote...

to prepare these kids for the real world. And we're seeing the highest levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness among children that we have seen since they started keeping records. So things clearly are not being done well. And by the way, as

education isn't working well either. So the people in charge of all of that don't get it. They're not doing the right things to prepare these children mentally, emotionally, educational attainment wise. And that worries me because these are smart kids. This is a smart generation genetically, but they're certainly not prepared, I think, to deal with things in the real world. And when you talk to

employers, they just cringe when they have to hire somebody from the millennial or Gen X because they say that they're just, I know they're going to be a problem. They don't have a work ethic. They don't have thick skin. They don't have a coping skill set that they need. So I think we are promoting an unhealthy mindset and an unhealthy lifestyle. So I just have to ask you to side sidebar here for a second. Is Oprah pissed at you?

If you're talking about the fact that we see things politically differently, look, she has the right to see things the way that she sees them. I have the right to see them the way I see them. And you know what? I think we are the perfect example of how we need to understand that people are not their beliefs. She can see things the way she does. I see them the way I do.

And we get along great. That's great. We don't always talk about politics. I have total respect for her. She and I haven't had a crossword in 30 years. Okay, so I don't want to...

I'm concerned about both sides that neither side is going to accept. One side has been prone to violence and one side has just been demonized forever. Both sides believe one has been told it's the end of the republic. The others believe it is the end of the republic.

So if our side loses tonight, which I'm not expecting, but it could happen, if we lose tonight, you're going to have a lot of people that think, okay, what do we do now? I mean, the Constitution is going to be dead soon because it is hanging by a thread. What advice do you have on dealing with the feeling of anger? It's been stolen or whatever. Whatever comes our way in the next few days or weeks.

I'm so glad you're asking that. And over the next four hours, I'm going to explain to you what we need to do. Actually, it's not going to take that long, although it could. Look, here's the thing. Let's just be, you know, you and I talk to each other straight, which is why I love talking to you. It's...

Both sides have had a PSYOPs program going for months now. And it's part of advertising. I mean, every major advertiser has...

psychological brainwashing going on. And I don't think it's always nefarious, but look, we study what people need to hear, want to hear. And so there's been brainwashing going on. And we've been...

Programmed to believe all the hype and doomsaying, the end of democracy, Hitler, fascism, Marxism, revenge, lawfare, riots coming, all of that stuff. So, of course, everybody is thinking, oh, my God, whichever side wins, it's going to be

absolute chaos out there. And you know, maybe there will be some of that. I don't know, but look, neither candidate is as good or bad as we're being told. Neither one is as perfect as their side is saying, and neither one is as bad as the other side is saying. People may be saying, Oh, now wait a minute. Hold on. Let's talk about the bad side. But seriously, we,

Every both sides catch the other candidate in as unflattering a photo as they can get. They they use poor lighting to show them looking dark and evil and sinister. Come on. Both sides do it and they have for ever. This isn't this. This didn't come up this election cycle. So naturally.

We've got a population here that's been targeted by professionals. These are people that really know how to do this. And so I

I think people need to acknowledge if they're feeling fear and anxiety and realize that they've been targeted by psychological warfare from both sides and know that, hey, I come by this honestly. I've been targeted by professionals. I've been set up to believe all these bad things and realize

So step one in handling this is to acknowledge that, hey, I've been targeted, and so I've got an expectation here that things are going to fall apart. And they're not going to wake up. Let me tell you what's going to happen. When you wake up tomorrow, whoever wins or loses, you know what's going to happen?

You're gonna put on the same clothes you usually wear. You're gonna get the same transportation you usually use. You're gonna go to the same job you've had, and you're gonna proceed the way you've always proceeded. You're not gonna wake up tomorrow and the entire world is on fire and America has collapsed in Oklahoma and everything is flowing into some hole. That's not going to happen. If this goes badly, it's going to weaken this nation

Over the next four years. It's not going to all collapse tomorrow. There's not going to be some cataclysmic Event where everything comes crashing down tomorrow, so we don't need to be anxious about that That's not what happened last time. It's not what's going to happen this time So we've got to be realistic about this importance of faith in this in times like this

I think, you know, you've heard me say before, the focus on faith, family, and freedom is everything. And we've got to realize that this is not up to our government. We need to focus on self-governance and God. Those are the things that are going to get us through this.

It's up to us to determine what happens over the next four years, not who's president. And we've got to keep our focus on faith. And for the first time in this country's history, church membership has dropped below 50%. And that bothers me that people are turning away from the disinformation.

That doesn't mean just because you're not a member of a church that you don't have a spiritual life. Right. It's not a good sign. Right. And we need to focus on faith and know that

God blesses America. And I think that we're going to get through this, and we just need to have our faith at the forefront of the narrative, the forefront of our internal dialogue, and focus on that, that we're going to get through this, whichever way it goes. Dr. Phil?

Thank you so much. Thanks for checking in with us. And we may need your voice even more in coming days. I hope not. But one side will. One side definitely will. Thanks, Dr. Phil. I think so. We'll talk to you soon. We appreciate it, man. All right. Let me tell you about Patriot Mobile. One of the things I love best about Patriot Mobile is they let you know right up front who they are. If you're with Verizon, you might be unaware that they donate a lot of money to Planned Parenthood.

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So, Donald Trump just voted. Who did he vote for?

I'm not sure. I'm not sure. He went libertarian. He said he felt very confident, went in with a lead. He said there's not going to be any violence. And he said that he has no regrets. He left it all on the field. And he did. Literally part of his ear is left in a field in Butler County. Yeah. No, but I mean, it's weird. This guy, we watched him change. He became presidential, I think, in the last...

Eight months. Look, this is the best campaign he's ever run. I think his 2016 campaign was at best uneven.

He did have a stretch right before the election that I think won him the election, where he ran a really good campaign. 2020, I honestly thought he ran a pretty poor campaign, frankly. 2024, I think he's run a really solid campaign. And by the way, look at all the data shows he's in a much better position than he was in 2016 or 2020. Yeah. If you also look at it, I think it's because...

He's not the only one out there fighting. He's got people like Elon Musk and RFK who traditionally would have been on his side. You know what I mean? Before he ran, you know, Oprah loved him. You should run for president. You know, Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, we love you. And I think that took him so by surprise that

And I think it pissed him off a little bit. Now, I think he's got the self-confidence that I don't need to do all that. I don't need to do that. These guys are with me. I'm on the right side here. You're on the wrong side of history. I think he feels that, and I think the...

you know, getting shot and almost dying kind of changes. And he has faced an unprecedented barrage of attacks, not only by actual bullets, but also by the media and by lawfare. There's no one. I don't, I honestly believe there is no one in the history of the world that has gone under the kind of extensive global investigation and attacks that

more than he has. Can you think of anybody? Well, I mean, yeah, there's some figures from history, but you're going back a ways. Yeah. We're talking about modern presidents, certainly, I would put that, or modern leaders. Modern candidates or modern leaders. I mean, you can say that about Stalin or, you know... Oh, you can say, you know, you're talking about persecution. I'd go to Jesus, probably, who has certainly faced a decent amount of it. Yeah. But like, you know, I get your point. It is well taken. And I think like,

I think what we will see tested today is, is it possible for a...

candidate who has gone through all of that to win I don't think it's implausible that it's just not a realistic possibility for someone who's been attacked that much for that long by the media it may be not possible for him to survive that's why I say campaign if he does survive the media is over because it shows everything into it yeah they they they left it all on the field and

I'm going to do a live Q&A on YouTube. slash Studos America today. We've got a new state of the race coming today. All the election coverage tonight. So much for you. So much information. Six hours and four minutes away from our broadcast. So we will see you there.

See you then. slash Glenn. You get 47 bucks off your subscription to Blaze TV. If you complain about the media, this is a great way to try to stop what they do. Leave it all on the field. Leave it all on the field. Go out and vote. The Glenn Beck Program.