cover of episode How Trump Turned MAGA into the Most Diverse Political Movement | Guests: Dr. Phil & Sen. Ted Cruz | 11/5/24

How Trump Turned MAGA into the Most Diverse Political Movement | Guests: Dr. Phil & Sen. Ted Cruz | 11/5/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Bridget Phetasy
Glenn Beck
Phil McGraw
Ted Cruz
Glenn Beck: 本次大选,特朗普吸引了广泛的选民群体,包括阿米什人、正统犹太教徒和嬉皮士,这表明他的MAGA运动具有极大的多样性。这种多样性是美国重新团结的希望。民调显示,93%的极端正统派犹太选民将投票给特朗普。阿米什人支持特朗普是因为他们关注经济,认为过去四年经济状况恶化。特朗普的竞选广告也反映了这种多样性,不再仅仅是“让美国再次伟大”,而是强调重建国家。左派不信任美国人民,而右派则信任美国人民,这是两派之间的一个根本区别。美国人民最终会纠正错误,这次选举可能是纠正错误的机会。早期投票数据显示,亚利桑那州、佐治亚州、密歇根州、北卡罗来纳州等州的城市地区投票率下降,而农村地区投票率上升,这可能对共和党有利。经济、犯罪、边境问题以及选民对民主党“纳粹”、“种族主义”和“性别歧视”指控的厌倦,都对民主党不利。演讲者预测特朗普将赢得压倒性胜利,这将是阻止长期暴力的最佳途径。 Stu: 演讲者对特朗普的胜选预测缺乏信心,尽管早期投票数据显示共和党可能占据优势,但演讲者认为将今年的早期投票数据与疫情期间的数据进行比较可能会产生误导。民主党候选人的支持率可能更多地源于反特朗普情绪,而非对候选人本身的热情。演讲者最终预测特朗普将获得291张选举人票,但对结果缺乏信心。 Bridget Phetasy: 演讲者讲述了自己从加州自由派转变为德克萨斯州支持特朗普的母亲的经历,这反映了民主党激进的议程导致她离开民主党。演讲者认为,COVID-19疫情期间的政府过度干预以及随后的社会动荡加剧了她的不满。针对儿童的变性议题也是她改变政治立场的关键因素。看到人们支持恐怖分子而非被绑架儿童,演讲者意识到左翼意识形态的破坏性。演讲者在2022年低估了堕胎问题对中期选举的影响。演讲者认为,无论今晚选举结果如何,都发生了一次重大的政治重组,这种势头不会消失。即使在德克萨斯州,不投票也是一种选择,但演讲者认为应该明确表达对左翼的反对。名人的支持能够给予犹豫不决的选民投票的理由。 Ted Cruz: 德克萨斯州的选举非常胶着,呼吁选民投票。舒默和索罗斯投入了超过1亿美元试图击败克鲁兹。如果民主党赢得参议院多数席位,这将阻碍特朗普总统的政策目标的实现。在俄亥俄州和亚利桑那州等州,一些选民表示他们将投票给特朗普和民主党参议员候选人,演讲者认为这样做是不明智的。特朗普打破了民主党,导致温和派民主党人消失。共和党参议院需要与特朗普团结一致,才能扭转局面。麦康奈尔没有为克鲁兹的竞选提供资金支持,尽管舒默和索罗斯投入了巨资。共和党领导层不希望参议院出现强硬的保守派。 Dr. Phil: 演讲者认为,多种因素导致了儿童和青少年的心理健康问题,包括家长和教师的教育方式。人们应该认识到,他们受到了来自双方的心理战的影响,不应该过度担忧选举结果。世界不会因为选举结果而立即崩溃,人们不必过度焦虑。人们应该专注于信仰、家庭和自由,而不是政府。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why has Trump managed to attract such a diverse coalition of voters, including the Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies?

Trump's campaign has resonated with diverse groups by promoting a positive vision of rebuilding America, emphasizing economic stability, and appealing to shared concerns about the direction of the country. His message of unity and opposition to radical agendas has created a broad appeal.

How has the early voting data in swing states indicated the potential outcome of the election?

Early voting data shows a significant decrease in urban and female turnout compared to 2020, while rural turnout has increased. This suggests a potential advantage for Trump if Republicans dominate Election Day voting, as they typically do.

What role did the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns play in shaping political views for some individuals?

The pandemic and lockdowns exposed many to government overreach and made them feel powerless. This experience, coupled with economic downturns and social unrest, radicalized some individuals who saw the need for a change in leadership and policies.

Why is Pennsylvania considered a critical state in determining the election outcome?

Pennsylvania is a tipping-point state where the 2020 election was decided by a narrow margin. Its large Amish population and significant number of truckers make it a crucial battleground. The state's outcome could signal a broader trend in the election.

How do endorsements from figures like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan influence voter behavior?

Endorsements from influential figures like Musk and Rogan provide permission for voters, especially those on the fence, to support Trump. These endorsements validate the candidate's vision and give hesitant voters the confidence to align with a broader movement.

What are the potential long-term implications of the 2024 election on the media landscape?

If Trump wins despite extensive media attacks, it could undermine the credibility of mainstream media. Conversely, a Harris win could embolden media outlets to continue their aggressive tactics, potentially leading to further polarization.

Why is it important for individuals to focus on faith and self-governance regardless of the election outcome?

Focusing on faith and self-governance helps individuals maintain resilience and perspective. It emphasizes personal responsibility and community engagement, which are crucial for navigating challenges and ensuring a positive future, regardless of political outcomes.

The chapter discusses how Trump has managed to bring together diverse groups like the Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies under the MAGA movement, creating a unique and unprecedented political coalition.
  • Trump's campaign has created the most diverse coalition in recent political history.
  • The Amish, Orthodox Jews, and hippies are all voting for Trump, showing a wide range of support.
  • This diversity is seen as a seed for bringing people back together in America.

Shownotes Transcript

Trump has managed to convince the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, and the hippies to come together and vote for him. Has there ever been a presidential candidate with this much crossover appeal? Glenn and Stu look at some of the numbers from the early voting in the swing states as Glenn breaks down what these numbers mean. This race remains extremely close despite Kamala Harris' aggressive and expensive campaign. Glenn and Stu discuss the signs to watch out for that could decide the election early on. The Spectator contributing editor and columnist Bridget Phetasy joins to discuss how the Democrats' radical agenda turned her from a California suburban liberal to a Texas mother voting for Trump. Glenn reads a passage from Jeremiah that has some modern election applications. Glenn takes calls from voters nationwide to get a sense of what's to come. Sen. Ted Cruz joins to give one final push to voters to ensure that Texas stays red. Host of "Dr. Phil Primetime" Dr. Phil joins to discuss why Americans must be prepared for any election outcome. 

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