The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou
Tuhin Srivastava, (Co-Founder/CEO of @basetenco) talks about enabling Data Scientists to build bette
Digital transformation has seen a number of success stories, but it’s not always clear that it follo
Shahar Yakov (@shahar_yakov, Product Manager @GranulateLtd, an Intel company) talks about the differ
In technology we do a lot of hero worshiping, especially the disruptors. What happens when their moa
Louis Ryan (@louiscryan, Principal Engineer @Google) + Christian Posta (@christianposta, Field CTO @
Each year we celebrate labor with a day of no labor. Throughout our careers, labor means different t
Tim Wagner (@timallenwagner, Co-Founder/CEO of @VendiaHQ) talks about accelerating multi-cloud appli
Can you justify what you spend on software? On DevOps activities? Like actually put a number on it,
AJ Stuyvenberg (@astuyve, Engineer Lead @DatadogHQ) talks about the 2022 State of Serverless Report
Kenneth White (@kennwhite, Security Principal @MongoDB) talks about the causes of internal breaches,
Maya Kaczorowski (@MayaKaczorowski, Product @Tailscale) talks about the new world of remote systems
Over the last decade, software ate the world. So what are the byproducts of all that eating, and is
Jordan Novet (@jordannovet, Technology Reporter @CNBC) talks about how to analyze earnings from the
As much as we talk about tech, our industry is people-centric. Knowing how to find a mentor, or even
Niall Dalton (@0x01dea, Co-Founder @seaplane_io) talks about simplifying the deployment of complex a
Ever since Developers became the New Kingmakers, DevRel has become a subsection of our industry. But
Maxim Fateev (@mfateev, Co-Founder/CEO of @temporalio) talks about building modern applications, ret
Webb Brown (@webb_brown, Co-Founder/CEO @kubecost) talks about the evolution of Kubecost, and better
Ken Ahrens (@kahrens_atl, Co-Founder @Speedscaleai) talks about the challenges of testing applicatio
Brian Gilmore (@BrianMGilmore, Director IoT/Emerging Technology @InfluxDB) talks about Edge and Indu