The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou


Total: 930

Tuhin Srivastava, (Co-Founder/CEO of @basetenco) talks about enabling Data Scientists to build bette

Digital transformation has seen a number of success stories, but it’s not always clear that it follo

Shahar Yakov (@shahar_yakov, Product Manager @GranulateLtd, an Intel company) talks about the differ

In technology we do a lot of hero worshiping, especially the disruptors. What happens when their moa

Istio Ambient Mesh


Louis Ryan (@louiscryan, Principal Engineer @Google) + Christian Posta (@christianposta, Field CTO @

The Labor Day Show


Each year we celebrate labor with a day of no labor. Throughout our careers, labor means different t

Real-Time Data Cloud


Tim Wagner (@timallenwagner, Co-Founder/CEO of @VendiaHQ) talks about accelerating multi-cloud appli

Can you justify what you spend on software? On DevOps activities? Like actually put a number on it,

AJ Stuyvenberg (@astuyve, Engineer Lead @DatadogHQ) talks about the 2022 State of Serverless Report

Queryable Data Encryption


Kenneth White (@kennwhite, Security Principal @MongoDB) talks about the causes of internal breaches,

Zero Config VPNs


Maya Kaczorowski (@MayaKaczorowski, Product @Tailscale) talks about the new world of remote systems

Over the last decade, software ate the world.  So what are the byproducts of all that eating, and is

Follow the Cloud Money


Jordan Novet (@jordannovet, Technology Reporter @CNBC) talks about how to analyze earnings from the

As much as we talk about tech, our industry is people-centric. Knowing how to find a mentor, or even

Niall Dalton (@0x01dea, Co-Founder @seaplane_io) talks about simplifying the deployment of complex a

The DevRel Dilemma


Ever since Developers became the New Kingmakers, DevRel has become a subsection of our industry. But

Managing Microservices


Maxim Fateev (@mfateev, Co-Founder/CEO of @temporalio) talks about building modern applications, ret

Webb Brown (@webb_brown, Co-Founder/CEO @kubecost) talks about the evolution of Kubecost, and better

Ken Ahrens (@kahrens_atl, Co-Founder @Speedscaleai) talks about the challenges of testing applicatio

Brian Gilmore (@BrianMGilmore, Director IoT/Emerging Technology @InfluxDB) talks about Edge and Indu