The day's tech news, every day at 5pm. From, Silicon Valley's most-read news source. 15
How those iPhone leaks happened (maybe), the scooter permits happened and some big names got snubbed
An Apple acquisition suggests they’re serious about AR, Uber is serious about escooters, Google lets
A bunch of new laptops from Dell, Amazon might jump into the free tv game, Google updates Wear OS, a
President Trump accuses Google of rigged search results, Instagram updates its identity systems, Yah
The three new iPhones Mark Gurman says are coming our way, Warren Buffet invests in an Indian tech c
Tech’s version of the five families met today to get on the same page over election security, 23andM
Australia bans Chinese telecoms equipment, Microsoft might offer an Xbox subscription that includes
The fake Russians are back and they’ve brought some fake Iranians with them, Verizon throttles firef
Microsoft uncovers more Russian political hacking, a possible MacBook Air successor, Netflix “tests”
Fitbit doubles down on fitness trackers, new EU regulations might be coming for web platforms, Karma
A Google smart speaker with a screen, the crypto mining fad is fading, Silicon Valley has lost a pie
Amazon might buy a chain of movie theaters, why the Saudis invest the way they do, Twitter pisses ev
Today, Twitter takes action on Alex Jones, a new Intel chip vulnerability, Alexa and Cortana play ni
NVIDIA announces its next generation GPUs, Apple wants developers to get SaaS-y, what if we just reb
Is Google tracking you even when you tell it not to? Big executive departure at Netflix, Elon expoun
Is Apple’s secret car project back on? Is Elon Musk in trouble with the SEC? How many people use App
The new Galaxy Note 9 is unveiled, New York City caps ride hailing companies, Discord kneecaps Steam
We can actually, finally find out what Magic Leap does, Snap reports earnings, Slack gets ready for
Voting via app will be tested during the midterms, Old Bitcoin Money and New Bitcoin money are in a
Nearly every major tech platform bans Alex Jones to one degree or another, does Facebook really want