The day's tech news, every day at 5pm. From, Silicon Valley's most-read news source. 15
A new Facebook scandal—but this time it’s different, Slack is preparing for an IPO, an exciting new
Facebook said it doesn’t market certain data; surprise, surprise, researchers prove they do, Amazon
More fallout from the Instagram departures and some pretty dirty laundry aired from inside Facebook,
Instagram’s founders turn in their two weeks notice, Samsung accuses Apple of stealing, lots of chan
Office 2019 is here, SiriusXM acquires Pandora, the Chrome browser login controversy, more missed re
More fallout from that monster Alexa event yesterday, Facebook is gonna take another swing at Portal
Amazon announced Alexa for friggin everything, AmazonGos might soon be friggin everywhere, a life in
Amazon’s ad business is already huge, there’s a new retro Playstation console, Evernote is in our pr
A reported criminal investigation around Elon Musk’s tweets, Twitter brings back the chronological f
Another Billionaire bails out a major media brand, social network Path is no more, Amazon employees
Literally, what the f*** is up with Tesla? With the Rob Maurer of the Tesla Daily podcast. Subscribe
More signs of drama inside Google, how Apple cleared the new Apple Watches through the FDA, how the
The fallout from the Apple event, Google kills another beloved product, the Nintendo Switch online s
What else? The iPhone event. Also, the EU strikes again, the T-Mobile/Sprint merger is on “pause” an
ICOs now officially securities, some steps backward in the self-driving car space, parsing the Zucke
Some juicy new Apple rumors for Wednesday, the end of the Jack Ma era is nigh upon us, there were so
Tim Armstrong might be on his way out of Oath, Alex Jones is permanently off of Twitter, a Cambridge
The 2014 Sony hacker gets charged, Lyft beats Uber to the scooter punch, why Roblox is the biggest t
Tech CEOs hauled before Congress again, Theranos is no more, Google mulls big changes to URL’s and m
Amazon hits a trillion, the EU is giving Netflix quotas, gaming out various Apple rumors ahead of ne