cover of episode “Pfizer KNEW They’d Be KILLING BABIES!” BOMBSHELL Docs Expose Vax, Big Pharma, FDA & Govt - SF482

“Pfizer KNEW They’d Be KILLING BABIES!” BOMBSHELL Docs Expose Vax, Big Pharma, FDA & Govt - SF482

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

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Naomi Wolf
Russell Brand
Naomi Wolf: 本书《辉瑞文件》揭露了辉瑞公司在新冠疫苗推广过程中犯下的反人类罪行,包括在疫苗推广到公众之前,辉瑞公司就知道疫苗会杀死婴儿并严重损害女性和男性的生育能力。辉瑞公司隐瞒了疫苗的无效性和严重副作用,导致了强制接种、失业、家庭破裂等一系列负面后果。此外,辉瑞公司还对人类生殖系统,特别是女性生殖系统进行了全面攻击。针对辉瑞公司及其合谋者的行为,应该进行类似纽伦堡审判的调查和问责。由于揭露了辉瑞疫苗的危害,辉瑞公司的收入已经下降,并且面临着法律诉讼。比尔·盖茨因其在新冠疫苗推广中的作用,正在面临来自荷兰和英国的法律诉讼。美国爱达荷州的一些县已经开始撤回新冠疫苗。针对辉瑞公司、白宫和CDC的诉讼正在进行中,并且已经有一些人获得了赔偿。正义的实现需要时间,但最终会到来。少数记者和医生对疫苗的真相进行报道,导致了辉瑞公司受到的压力和公众的觉醒。新冠疫苗事件并非个别公司的问题,而是FDA、CDC、福奇医生和沃伦斯基医生等多个主要机构的领导层共同犯下的巨大罪行。人们正在通过行动来表达对疫苗的不信任,并寻求替代的医疗保健方式。传统媒体正在衰落,而独立媒体正在兴起,因为人们不再信任传统媒体。为了解决当前的问题,需要打破现有的框架,而不是在框架内运作。即使面对巨大的挑战,人们也不应该放弃追求正义和真理。人们不应该期望候选人在竞选期间就能解决所有问题,而应该在候选人当选后继续施加压力。特朗普总统在任期间,美国实现了和平,特别是中东地区的和平。现代民族国家是组织人类社会最有效和最公正的方式。当人们了解民主的运作方式并积极参与其中时,民主制度就能发挥最佳作用。人们应该了解民主制度的运作方式,并积极参与其中。精神层面的问题在于,人们往往会以某种精神答案为借口来迫使他人服从。现在,人们生活在同一个星球上,但却生活在不同的现实中,这导致了道德和价值观的冲突。新冠疫苗导致了人们思维方式的改变,并加剧了社会的分裂。现在,世界上存在着大量的犯罪和邪恶行为,这表明人类社会面临着巨大的挑战。辉瑞公司故意攻击人类的生育能力,特别是女性和婴儿。辉瑞公司知道疫苗会造成婴儿死亡,但仍然继续推广疫苗。人类社会曾经面临过类似的挑战,但最终都幸存了下来。人类社会正在面临着来自反人类势力的挑战。现在,许多人参与了犯罪活动,这与以往不同。现在,大量的犯罪分子和恶魔正在合作,这表明人类社会面临着巨大的挑战。现在,一些古老的邪恶势力似乎正在回归,这与人类社会的道德和价值观相冲突。人类社会曾经拥有一个保护网,但现在这个保护网已经破裂,导致邪恶势力得以滋生。上帝可能会暂时放弃人类,让邪恶势力肆虐,以此来考验人类。“多个维度”指的是人们的意识形态和道德观念的分裂,而不是字面意义上的多个维度。 Russell Brand: 这场革命指的是精神层面的变革,而不是政治层面的革命。这场运动的目标应该是最大限度地实施圣经中体现的精神原则,促进正在发生的这场精神革命。英国的言论自由已经受到严重限制,媒体和出版业都受到压制。美国的地方政府正在变得越来越强大,这为改革提供了机会。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Pfizer release 450,000 documents under court order?

Pfizer was forced by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri.

Why did the FDA want to keep the Pfizer documents concealed?

The FDA asked the court to keep these documents concealed for 75 years.

What did Pfizer know about the COVID-19 vaccine's efficacy a month after rollout?

Pfizer knew that the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID.

What did Pfizer know about the distribution of vaccine materials in the human body?

Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials biodistribute throughout the human body, accumulating in organs like the brain, adrenals, spleen, and liver.

What serious adverse events did Pfizer know about related to their COVID-19 vaccine?

Pfizer knew about tens of thousands of blood clots, neurological damage, heart damage, liver damage, and kidney damage.

What was the centerpiece of the Pfizer papers according to Naomi Wolf?

The centerpiece was a 360-degree attack on human reproduction, especially on women.

How did Naomi Wolf's team uncover the information in the Pfizer papers?

Her team of 3,250 doctors and scientists volunteered to read through the technical documents and write reports in plain English.

What did Pfizer know about the impact of their vaccine on pregnant women and babies?

Pfizer knew that the vaccine caused babies to die in utero due to maternal exposure and damaged placentas.

Why does Naomi Wolf believe that the current reality is different from pre-2020 reality?

She believes that a sacred security net protecting humanity was broken, allowing dark forces to influence human behavior and institutions.

What does Naomi Wolf suggest as a solution to the current crisis?

She suggests re-educating people about their democratic institutions and reclaiming the knowledge of how these systems work.

Naomi Wolf discusses her book 'The Pfizer Papers,' revealing Pfizer's knowledge of adverse effects and deaths caused by their COVID-19 vaccine, challenging the narrative that the vaccine was safe and effective.
  • Pfizer knew the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID.
  • Pfizer knew about vaccine failure and efficacy issues a month after rollout.
  • The third most common side effect was COVID itself.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello there, you awakening wonders. Thanks for joining me today for Stay Free with Russell Brand. It's a brilliant and spectacular show with the impressive Naomi Wolf talking primarily about her book, The Pfizer Papers, Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity. She's edited together and curated a bunch of essays that ultimately...

start by telling you the degree of corruption that's taken place during the pandemic period, but end with, certainly our conversation did, the idea that the power behind that is not beyond imagination, because it is imaginable, but it's certainly beyond rational discourse, and I think you'll really enjoy this conversation. Also, you should become an Awake and Wonder, then you can join me

me every week for a Christian conversation talking about the spiritual dimension of the global revolution that I believe needs to take place and the only way that it could take place without falling into some sort of statist or corporatist tyranny. That's why I've become Christian and if you want to be part of that conversation become an awakened wonder you'll love it and even if you're not a Christian, even if you're a Muslim or a Jew or an atheist these conversations are designed to

I suppose, make you consider reality from a different perspective. But maybe more conversations of that. I don't know. Anyway, let's get into our conversation with Naomi Wolf. And please know that her book, The Pfizer Papers, Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity, what a title, is available now. And there's a link in the description to it. Naomi, thanks so much for joining us for Stay Free with Russell Brand today. Thanks so much for having me, Russell Brand.

We've already spoken several times and we've even discussed the subject that we're here to discuss in greater depth today. The levels of potential corruption, hypocrisy and deception that have taken place in particular during the pandemic period and yet more particular still when it comes to the administering and near mandating and actual mandate and in certain instances of

various mRNA vaccines, as they are still to a degree known, but in particular Pfizer's product. What is it that is so significant about the contents of your new book, the Pfizer papers, Pfizer's crimes against humanity? What is it that you want people to be apprised of that's going to change their perspective? Because look, I live in this space and you know what I think that we face at the moment, almost a degree of pandemic fatigue. People are like,

Oh yeah, well they didn't clinically trial for transmission. Now it seems there were some adverse events and when we spoke last time, I know that part of your personal, let's call it cancellation, was because of your published work when it came to the impact of those medicines or products on female reproductivity and menstrual cycles and stuff and that that was kept quiet.

How are these arguments being significantly, excuse me, and indefatigably advanced by your recent works? And what is it that's going to impact Pfizer and the way that governments behave in future when it comes to medications? Yeah, that's a fair question because I have been talking about these papers for two years now. And you and I actually spoke...

about kind of headlines from this document that were in a previous book of mine, Facing the Beast. So it's fair to say what is the earth-shaking news that is in the Pfizer papers. And I can answer that. This project...

started when Pfizer was forced by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri to release 450,000 documents under court order. And the FDA asked the court to keep these documents concealed for 75 years. Now we know why. So I did...

tell you all the last time I was speaking with you that the headlines we uncovered, my team of 3,250 doctors and scientists who volunteered to read through these massive, very technical documents and write what are now 109 reports in plain English about what's in them,

is that what we would see is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history. And that's what this book, The Pfizer Papers, brings to readers. The difference is that these are the actual reports, Russell. These are not my interpretation, a third-party interpretation.

These are the actual documents that Pfizer tried and the FDA tried to conceal as broken open by this team of volunteer doctors and scientists. And so in this book, you'll see that Pfizer knew that the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID. In fact, a month after rollout, they concluded that there was vaccine failure and failure of efficacy in their words. In fact, the third most common side effect is COVID. So, again,

That should blow your mind because it means that every single thing that followed November 2020, whether it was the mandates, the lost jobs, the split families, the divorces, the kids locked in their homes, the two-tier society that was rapidly put in place, the Jim Crow type society, all of that was based on a lie.

Another thing you're going to see is that they knew that 1,225 people died in just three months, which is the period the Pfizer documents cover. They knew that although...

We were being told that the vaccine materials stayed in the injection site. Pfizer knew that they biodistribute throughout the human body. As Dr. Robert Chandler, one of our experts, put it, it's like a shotgun blast to the body and that they accumulate in the brain, the adrenals, the spleen, the liver. They cross the blood-brain barrier. And if you're a woman, they accumulate in your ovaries.

Pfizer knew that even though we were told by the CDC and by the NHS in Britain and by all the public health authorities that maybe you'll have fever, maybe you'll have chills, Pfizer knew that there were almost 43,000 people in these three months who had serious adverse events. And

There's over 100,000 of those adverse events. And they're not fever and chills and pain at the injection site. They're

tens of thousands of blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blood damage of all kinds. There's tens of thousands of neurological damage examples like strokes and epilepsies and convulsions and dementias and Alzheimer's, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Bell's palsy, tremors. How many people do you... Like,

I literally, everywhere I go, I see the Pfizer tremor or the Moderna tremor. And now we know what's causing that because the lipid nanoparticles degrade the myelin sheath of the nerves. Pfizer knew that in these documents are thousands and thousands of forms of heart damage, myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia. They knew that there was liver damage and kidney damage.

And that in many cases, this happened within 48 hours of the injection. In our stroke report and our liver report, half of the adverse events took place within 48 hours of the injection, including cancer.

including deaths. They knew that they were hiring 2,400 full-time staffers just to manage the flood of paperwork documenting adverse events just right as the injection rolled out in the population. But I could go on and on about what they knew about the damage and deaths they were causing, but really the centerpiece, Mr. Brand, of these documents, you would expect that

Since COVID is a respiratory illness, that the centerpiece of the research would be respiratory, right? Lungs, mucous membranes, oxygen levels. That's not in there for the most part. What is the centerpiece of the Pfizer papers is a 360-degree attack on human reproduction, and especially on women, as you forecast. That's so...

they're so obsessive about that. That's so much the feature of these studies that there's no way to conclude that, um,

It's not a bug. It's a feature, right? There's no way not to conclude that. And so I can start telling you about the rest of the reproductive damage if you like, or I can pause and let you think about what I'm sharing with you. Given like that, your answer to the first question becomes so broad and diffuse. It does amount to what I've always feared.

that to undertake the reckoning that's required in order to truly understand what happened during the pandemic period, you almost have to dismantle such significant institutions of power that it amounts to a kind of revolution. Now, given the

Trump was running America at the advent of the pandemic and Biden by its conclusion. How do we ensure that the type of justice that is meted and the type of changes that are required are ever meted?

are able to be undertaken? Because I'm assuming Pfizer are still pretty powerful, the NIH, the CDC are still pretty powerful. How is this information, just on the basis of your first answer, and we'll get into your findings in more depth, but

Aren't the findings in themselves so significant that to fully act upon them would mean, oh, well, we're going to have to get rid of the FDA. We're going to have to get rid of the NIH. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party appear somehow to have both been manipulated by financial interests, probably because of the degree of donations and the various ways that lobbyists can impact.

individual politicians and political parties as a whole. The media have been co-opted for reasons that have been explored previously because of the way that, you know, Pfizer advertised. So isn't like, how do you proceed from here without like sort of, you know, a sort of revolution, Naomi? Right. Well, you're kind of a downer.

I'm just kidding. Well, respectfully, I really disagree with the premise of your question. I understand it can seem super overwhelming. And certainly, when you read the Pfizer papers and you see that it's not just one rogue company, which I kept hoping, right? I kept hoping it's just greed. We've seen this before. You know, the jungle up in Sinclair. It's just

you know, a runaway corporation. No, the FDA colluded, the CDC colluded, Dr. Fauci colluded, Dr. Walensky colluded. You know, there's 15 White House staffers that we FOIA'd emails from who were covering up with Dr. Walensky, Dr. Fauci, you know, with a template going up to POTUS,

a meeting to conceal damage to minors' hearts from the mRNA injection in April of 2021. So you're right that it is a massive, massive crime committed by, you know, the heads of many of our major institutions. What do you do? But respectfully,

We know what to do. First of all, it's not the first time there's been a genocide in human history. We had Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II, and it's a very similar kind. I'm Jewish. I lost eight great-uncles and aunts to the Holocaust. I don't say this lightly, but...

We've been here before, not at this scale, right? Just because of the numbers of people who received this injection. But it's not the first time, you know, even in Nazi Germany, doctors and the medical professions were deputized to lead the advance to engage in evil science and to create a two-tier society and to disappear people and euthanize people. So we had the Nuremberg trials and we hanged people, you know, we found them guilty of

I mean, we had due process of law, and they were found guilty. And then the Geneva Conventions were established after the Nuremberg trials to make that impossible to happen ever again. Well, it's happened in a whole new way. But we've done so much to hold these people accountable already.

For instance, Pfizer, I mean, you know, hedge fund managers are using our book to short Pfizer. You know, Pfizer's revenues are down to 2016 levels. The giant bubble of the lies and the, you know, government checks is

crap, largely because of the work that we did in this book. So we've brought them to heal already. They've lost billions of dollars in toxic profits because we exposed that their product was neither safe nor effective, and that they knew that all along, that they were injuring people and killing people. Bill Gates, I don't know where you are right now physically, but

But if you're in Europe, people are starting to be brought to trial there. Bill Gates, who was one of the leaders, the lead figures behind this global rollout, country after country, right? And who invested in these vaccines and who bribed the media in Britain. He bribed the BBC in, you know, he bribed the Guardian. He bribed NPR. He bribed, you know, every major news outlet, every major medical, sorry, every major legacy news outlet.

with millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to quote, overcome vaccine hesitancy. Well, the Netherlands has a new government. They're a conservative government, but they are bringing him to trial. They've subpoenaed him for criminal activity in relation to pushing the COVID vaccine. And he's going to be held accountable in Britain. That's just the beginning. In Idaho, just this past week, Mr. Brandt

a number of counties called to withdraw the COVID vaccine from circulation. We've got two lawsuits against Pfizer and the White House and the CDC. Many people are suing, oh, there was a giant settlement in San Francisco this past week, millions of dollars to BART employees, which is their public transport system, who were mandated and lost their jobs because they didn't want to get the COVID vaccine. So, you know, as Dr. King says,

Dr. Martin Luther King says the arc of the universe, the arc of justice bends slowly. I'm not getting the exact quote right, but basically justice takes a while, but you get there. The arc of the universe bends toward justice, bends slowly, but it bends toward justice. That's it. And we're seeing that, but also like, why are we seeing it? Because

Hundreds of dissidents did not comply. You did not comply. You kept reporting this. I did not comply. I kept reporting this. We're two of maybe six journalists who kept reporting on this. Mark Stein did.

You know, I was in Britain at the Royal Courts of Justice with him as your Ofcom, your country's Ofcom, you know, tried to destroy his career, destroyed my career in Britain, you know, for the crime of reporting accurately on this injection. But because a handful of journalists and a handful of dissident doctors have not complied, this book is out now. It's climbing the bestseller lists. Pfizer's scared. And

And, you know, the next the next depending on what happens in nine days or whenever the U.S. election is, we could see systemic accountability. I mean, RFK Jr. is leading the transition, Mr. Brand. I mean, how much more like this is pretty impressive for a handful of riffraff like us.

Yeah, you're right. Those things are all pretty, they're all pretty, they're all exciting. As I was listening to you inventory that, I was like, yeah, that is good that that's happening. But I was also thinking,

I was also thinking about Albert Baller in the early parts of the pandemic, CEO of Pfizer, doing softball interviews on MSNBC or whatever, round table near fellatio sessions where he was able to sort of talk about moonshots and people were sort of drooling and doe-eyed over his corporate achievements. And I was listening to at the beginning of your answer, you talked about the Nuremberg trials and subsequent hang-ins and just

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And I was feeling that the way that power, you know, the yes over millennia and maybe epochs too broad to measure the tendency might be towards justice. Certainly my prayer is that it is.

I feel that where we still are is in a cycle of management because even as we were outlining the breadth of corruption, the FDA, the NIH, the CDC, the WHO, Pfizer, et al., and the various bureaucrats within various corporate or state positions across that bizarre pantheon and held aloft by those set of titans decorated by their logos, we didn't touch upon corruption.

the censorship that was happening online. And then when you start, you know, so Facebook, of course, you know, it's now well understood the degree to which they were involved in repressing information. And because of Musk's acquisition of Twitter, we now know what was going on there as well. And

Even someone like you, as a former advisor of the Clinton government, it's astonishing for me, a denizen of this realm that I am, to hear a credible, respected journalist with pedigree use words like genocide and to recall the Holocaust. And believe me, in this space,

being Jewish, I'm going to protect you from bringing up the Holocaust and comparing it to or even inferring that this could be regarded as a global genocide. But when I look at some of the figures here, including sort of Edward Dowd's information on the increase in disability and the increase in excess deaths, which is something we've been covering,

and the birth rate decline, which could be up to 20% since 2021, and that's using government information. And the degree to which I know the British government and others went to murder

obfuscate findings, including curtailing their own inquiry, shows me that whilst that arc might be bending towards justice, even looking back to the sort of events of the Second World War and the potential serpentine slithering movement of power into new institutions subsequent to that event, I just, I wonder whether

how this may yet play out. Because, Edright, you mentioned there's an election right now underway in your country, and neither candidate is saying...

They're talking about the pandemic. Bobby is. Robert Kennedy is the reason that I like Trump as a personality. He makes me laugh. I think he's funny and crazy. And I think he's a bull in the China shop. And I'm well over what I would have said about Trump in 2016. Oh, he's racist. He said those things about Mexicans. There's so much that's gone on. There's been so much revealed. So much chaos. But

Still, for me, I feel like, you know, Trump's a sort of an old school, sort of brilliantly individualistic tycoon who thinks in terms of free markets and capitalism and whatever, what his virtues are and flaws are. I don't hear him say stuff like,

we are going to dismantle not only these bureaucratic and governmental institutions, but we are also going to oppose these global corporatist interests. Pfizer better be running scared. Raytheon, you better be running scared. BlackRock, Vanguard, we are coming.

Like, I'm not hearing that. And there's a reason, surely, that we're not hearing that. I don't know how to unpack it. I don't know how these things work. Who am I? But what I want to say is to you, Naomi, because I take your point, it's amazing that someone like Bobby Kennedy, who wrote the book The Real Anthony Fauci, a great precursor to your own book, The Pfizer Papers, Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity, which none of us would know about if Pfizer had their way because those files were the documentation document

the FDA permitted the judge to withhold the release of Pfizer documents for 75 years. So I'm fascinated about what kind of information you've got access to and how you've got access to it. There's a lot to be heartened by. But like a lot of people know me, probably what I experienced during the pandemic was a revelation, a kind of global Damascene moment where we're like, oh,

Yeah, I knew it, man. I knew it because I was paying attention to the assassination of JFK. I was paying attention to the way like, you know, I'm a ad busters generation. When people would talk up, ad busters was all about like, hey, did you know that GM Motors knew that their cars were killing people and they suppressed the information because they knew it'd be easier to, you know, like I,

I'm the other great Naomi in your field, Naomi Klein, and like, you know, all of them books about the quangos and takeovers in Latin America and coups and all that. So I'm a person like you from another part of the culture and another part of the counterculture somewhat, not to your degree, of course, equipped with understanding. And again, not to your degree, equipped with some experience on how these things mutate and mold. But,

What I want and what I suppose I'm getting at is even though now this is so demonstrably true, like we're not going to say, are we going to see Anthony Fauci in jail? Are we going to see Pfizer dismantled? And are we going to see the FDA disbanded? Because that's what your research tells us should happen.

I mean, it certainly does. It's certainly a documentation of a crime scene. Again, look, your analysis is spot on, right? There is a global cabal, right? We saw that. I wrote a book about it called The Bodies of Others. They did work in lockstep. The corporatists are working lockstep with governments that are working lockstep with transnational NGOs. All of that is correct. Your analysis is correct. But

But the conclusion that you reach, again, I'm going to challenge because it's not that, you know, David has overcome Goliath yet. It's that, A, I am going to say, like we've talked about this a little bit before, I don't think this is just a political moment or a material moment or a historical moment.

I think it's a spiritual test. I really do. So there are so many examples in history and in scripture of people being completely outmanned, out-womaned, outclassed, up against horrors unimaginable, but they had, you know, truth on their side or justice on their side or righteousness on their side, and they prevailed. You know, the winds shifted. So I'm not saying we're going to get there, right? But I am saying...

Like there's this beautiful parable in Jewish rabbinical lore that you're not expected to complete the work, but neither are you permitted to abstain from it. So we could just throw up our hands and say, what's the point? They're never going to send Albert Borla to prison, but that's going to guarantee that they're never going to send Albert Borla to prison. The other couple of things I want to say to you

are there's a difference between campaigning and governing. And right now, no candidate can say, I'm going to go after Pfizer, right? I mean, you know, no candidate can say, I'm going to go after, effectively, big agriculture or, you know, big media. They have to get elected. And people should just, like, grow up and put on their big boy and girl pants and

you know, help the candidate they want to win get elected and then they can lobby them, right? People really want it to be Christmas and Hanukkah from a candidate while a campaign is underway. And I've advised two presidential campaigns and that's not how you get things done. The other thing is,

One of the candidates is saying, I'm going to dismantle giant bad actors. And I'm amazed to say this as a lifelong Democrat in the past, but it's President Trump. When he says peace, he's saying, I'm going to go after Halliburton. I'm going to go after Raytheon. That's what he's saying. That's why they keep shooting at him, right? That's why they're trying to take him out because he wants peace. And when he was last president, believe it or not, we had peace.

especially peace in the Middle East. And he doesn't really get credit for that. But that is a threat to some of the biggest interests on the planet. Even RFK Jr. right now can't say, I'm going to push to reverse the PrEP Act. They have to get elected first. And then I'm also going to say, you know, people want their candidates or their

presidents and certainly their prime ministers to be magical authoritarian figures who just wave a magic wand and all their wish list gets actualized. That's not how it works. Even after, you know, your candidate is elected or your party is elected, you have to be active. You have to push if you're going to get justice. And I guess the last thing I would say is people are really

voting with their bodies, Mr. Brand. Right now, single digits of people have elected to get the booster in the United States. If that, people aren't buying it anymore. And not only that, but parents as a whole are

rethinking the whole 72 injections of their child vaccine schedule. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but it turns out the FDA did nothing, nothing to protect us. Our book, The Pfizer Papers, reveals this. And not only that, people across Europe and North America are raising huge questions about whether they're being lied to or if they can trust public health authorities. And allopathic

medicine. So they're looking into herbal remedies. They're looking into taking care of their own health. They're looking into supplements. They're creating alternative institutions where they can help each other and find alternative information. Look at our own

platforms. Legacy media is dying and independent media is booming because people know they can't trust legacy media. Legacy media said it was safe and effective, right? They know that was a lie. They know that the New York Times and The Guardian took the money and lied to them. So you could say, what's the point? Or you could say, this is a really exciting time. Dead institutions that should die are dying and new institutions and communities are rising up that are better.

It's weird, isn't it? And by the way, my message is not what's the point. That's not my message. My message is the scale of the task is so enormous that we have to break the frame in order to address it, not operate within the framework. And as soon as you say that, you're talking about revolution rather than reform.

I need to ask you what you mean by that, because that sounds super Marxist. Like why you need you need revolution in consciousness, but I don't know that we can't reform institutions today.

I don't feel that the only type of revolution, even social and political, is Marxist. I'm certainly not a Marxist because I'm against above all else, Naomi. And I'll tell you now that I'm extraordinarily flattered that I am now the subject of the interview, but simultaneously nervous as to...

how quickly I might unravel. But when I'm talking about revolution, I'm not suggesting that we should centralize state power and replace God with the state. I'm suggesting we should replace the state with God.

And that we should, when coming up with political, systemic and institutional systems, ensure that our references have some kind of veracity. And that has to be either.

evolutionary or spiritual. While I believe in a loving creator God, I feel that the long legacy of human history contains indicators of how we might organise our societies in the same way as we now appreciate that our long history as hunter-gatherers

has suggestions embedded in it as to how we should eat there it's pretty clear that there are reasons we shouldn't eat seed oils and sugars probably because we didn't evolve in harmony with those type of foods i would say then that when we're looking at our primate

genealogical neighbors, we might say, well, what is the ideal limit for a human society and a human hierarchy? And when I start to, and this is why I say revolution rather than reform,

I don't see anything there that says, do you know what we should have? A centralized government, whether it's free market oriented or state bureaucratic, that's in charge of the lives of either 330 million or 77 million in my country or whatever it is in Finland or Senegal. I feel that we should, in the same way that plainly technology can now accommodate a bunch of

of dislocated taxi drivers having a centralised system, we should be deploying that technology to create absolute democracy. And likely within that, there would be opt-outs and assemblies and municipality. And what would happen, I know this from my own participation in assemblies and at least somewhat

anarchist organisations, and I mean anarchist in the positive sense of the word, that the order was derived from a consensus of the governed rather than top-down, is that these things take a

Everything slows down because everyone in the organisation or everyone in the community, if they want it, has a right to talk about how we would spend the budget, what we're going to spend on the water systems and what we're going to spend. And a lot of people actually can't be bothered, particularly when we've been coached into this.

slothful nihilism by a few generations of easy commodity, and now it's reached a degree that I believe to be Luciferian in the form of these little black mirrors of endless solipsism and potential limitless masturbation. I think with these things on the scene, indeed, a spiritual revolution is precisely what's required. But I actually...

I believe literally at the core of my personal theology that that is going to happen and I sort of don't really need to do anything except what I feel guided to do. It's going to sort of happen. It's going to unfold. There is going to be a return to glory. But what?

well the reason i mention it always in a political context is you're a person that's come from being a democrat and i'm a person that's been like you know been a champagne socialist and a cocaine communist and all of the various other forms of yeah i believe in fairness and fraternity therefore i think we should take on big business and all that now i believe that social democracy leads to tyranny and globalism because i'm watching it happen and yeah and i'm

So now, I'm not holding back this time. This time I'm not saying, and yeah, maybe it'll happen as a result of nativism. Unless it's a really localised form of nativism. Now I think the ideas that have to be

pushed are not about, you know, whether or not free market capitalism, it's not going to be that for me. Now it's like, we must be that, for those of us that are out there, as you've said, at the vanguard, that's got to be our agenda, our message has got to be, how do you maximally implement the spiritual principles that are evident in Scripture?

and facilitate an already unfolding spiritual revolution? And how do we acknowledge the limitations of the numerous individuals that we've listed as participants in the American political movement that, please God, will prevail at the next election, but will likely find themselves wanting in the same way that previous administrations have

because how are they going to get by? I don't hear anyone saying, we're banning lobbying, we're not going to take donations, we're leaving NATO, we're not going to have nothing to do with WHO, we're dismantling the FBI, because that sounds like revolution, and people immediately say, are you a communist, and get all scared, and I'm not surprised. So, like, how do you... It seems ridiculous, because what am I doing? I'm not trying to spur you on or question you. You've done more work than I've done. You've proved a bunch of stuff that I just...

suspected you've proved it and like now i just wonder how we get it in people's heads and obviously i want to promote your book because one way is they can read the pfizer papers pfizer's crimes against humanity which is already a best-selling book and if you read that you're going to feel like instead of people going you're a conspiracy theorist you'll be i say oh yeah well let me tell you about the attack on the reproductive system that women suffer vaccine related adverse events at a free one

ratio or oh yeah pfizer knew by february 28 2021 just 90 days after the public rollout of their covid vaccine that its injection was linked to myriad adverse events and yet the media continued etc etc i mean so arming people with the facts is so important i'm just saying how do we ensure that people draw the conclusion that ought be drawn from this brilliant work

Yeah. Well, I have an answer, but I'm not sure if we've come to the end of our time. Can I respond? Yeah, yeah, of course. I think it would be a little unchivalrous for me to speak that long to a person as accredited and decorated as you and say, we've run out of time. I want to know everything you think. Thank you. Well, I have to talk about the elephant in the room, which is

I don't know if you're physically in Britain. Do you still live in Britain? No, I'm in the US at the moment. I'm in Florida, actually. The redneck river area, we're calling it. Yes. Well, the reason I mention that, you know, I love Britain. I spent many years there. I was a student there. And what's happened really in the last year at warp speed is that

Britain's institutions that could have led to reform and regeneration have been completely shut down. I mean, there really is no functional freedom of speech anymore in Britain. People are being arrested for thought crimes. In essence, I'm not telling you anything you don't know better than I do. The whole publishing industry is running scared. The media is running scared.

And people are in a bubble. Even algorithms don't let British people read what's happening to the rest of the world. Without our commercial partners, this show simply would have to stop and we cannot permit that. Here's a quick message from one of our partners.

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You know, my publisher in Britain said I had to retroactively censor a book I wrote in 2012. And if I didn't censor it, I would be held in contempt of court in Britain. And I'm not even British. What was that book? And what in particular? Vagina. Right? So rather than go along with censoring a 12-year-old book,

or yeah, 14 year old book, a 12 year old book. Um, I, I withdraw my titles from Britain, but the point is journalists are, are, are being targeted in this way. You know, nonfiction writers are being targeted there. There, there isn't free speech anymore. And your, um, really beautiful electric, you know, system of, of government is, is in effect, uh, uh,

And there's no way to check the vote. And there's no way to lobby. I mean, I've looked into all of this. And you can't even find your laws. Like we look, we have something called Billcam on Daily Cloud, our site where you can look up any state or federal bill and affect it. You can't find British legislation. You can't find British bills.

They say you have to be a lawyer to look at the database. You have to know the statute number, you know, that's hidden away in a roll of dusty archives, you know, somewhere in a library. I mean, they intentionally disempower the British. So Britain really isn't the country that it used to be. It's not the country of Magna Carta. And...

Really, if I were in Britain and really in lots of Europe right now, except for those dissident countries like Hungary and certain parties in Germany and the Netherlands, I would really feel like, what can I do? All I can do is turn to God. Nothing's going to matter. But

you know, in America, thank God, and this is why I'm not agreeing with you that we need a wholesale kind of, you know, re-envisioning, God forbid, an anarchist meeting, even in the best sense. And I know the history of anarchism. I know there were wonderful anarchists in 1910, you know, but those meetings are not the answer, Mr. Brand. They go on forever. You can't make policy. No one ever wins. Everyone's unhappy.

nothing gets done. We actually have really beautiful institutions on a state level and a local level in the United States. And as the federal government has become more and more tyrannical, you are seeing this blooming of local governance, exactly what you want, you know, at the state and municipal level in many, many states. So I'm just like putting that out there because

There are models, right? And even in Britain, I mean, if people re-educated themselves about what is a council, how do you really run for a council? How do you really reform the parliamentary system? How do we really see the vote? How do we see the laws, right? Then you could remake Albion the way we've remade, you know, we're remaking the United States.

But anyway, I'm the one way that I am a globalist is that I believe in freedom for everybody beyond my own evident and deeply entrenched national identity as an Englishman. But I

to your point, albeit a brief one about anarchism, I'm not sort of suggesting dusty old dostoevsky rooms or sort of like the sort of a kind of like sort of fuddy daddy stuff. I'm thinking what I'm actually, if there's a word for it, is a localism. And you're right. Maybe many of the institutions already exist. There are councils, there are boroughs in the same way

that federalism or federalization in your nation ought be creating maximal electoral integrity and freedom. And somehow that appears to be easily overwhelmed. Mostly, it seems to me at least,

by the total management of the information sphere. It's reached an extraordinary degree now, and it's, that kind of void, it almost gets to the point where you feel like you might end up making the same points and reaching the same conclusion on every show that I,

Well, when I watched Trump getting called Hitler because he's holding a rally at Madison Square Gardens and there was a nationalist rally that was supportive of the Nazis there in 1939. When you're... It's madness. And when you're seeing that no one's... What did I hear the other day? Like when I was talking about like the corruption of the legacy media, a friend of mine who I respect and like

So I said, yeah, but it was the Lexi media that exposed pedophilia in the Catholic church. You know, there's been a movie about it, or it was the Lexi media that led to the reopening of the Epstein case. And I feel like in particular with the lab, what's going to happen then in the Epstein case? What did I like? You know, the conclusions, the conclusions I'm drawing from what we've learned about Jeffrey Epstein is not, well, everything seems to be working well and people are being held accountable for,

actually the complete opposite. It appears to reveal that there's a sort of set of relationships and some pretty macabre interests at the very top of society that are bare minimum ensuring that no one is colluding with justice when it comes to explaining exactly what might have been going on and that it's possible to have someone murdered while they're in prison, get all of the security tapes removed and... So...

I suppose what I am wondering about, Naomi, is whether or not the systems that delivered to us this degree of corruption are themselves capable of addressing and even redressing it. And I wonder too, maybe you're right, maybe if there were a kind of revolution at the level of the individual that amounted to a kind of a sort of a ubiquitous...

in a personal awakening where each individual became sort of aware of it. Cause I'd be something like this. This is pretty esoteric. What I don't mean me. I mean, what you're saying is pretty esoteric in terms of, you know, look at the degree of data that's available. Um,

you know, 1,200 and 33 deaths in the first three months of the drug being publicly available. That was, so that information was kept from us. The US, UK and Australian governments all sought to suppress your book and none of those old school Guardian, New York Times, legacy media titles that

right up to Assange, that's when that changed, when it, that changed with Julian Assange, we're sort of like somewhat on the side of good, uh, talking about it and that you yourself were de-platformed in 2021, as I've touched upon, because you talked about his impact on particular, in particular,

on women's health. Like the fact that that kind of information now is widely available, that you're getting people in MAGA hats, driving pickup trucks, like shirtless, aware of this kind of stuff now that people are now not just intuitively rebelling and rejecting the state and its, and its apparatus in, in both media and,

attack and in the judiciary, but they are able now to explain why. And I think that's always been from, in a sense, the success of Joe Rogan onwards, the problem. Oh no, there's a means now that Joe Sixpack can

can have an understanding of politics and therefore corruption that is going to be adverse to our continuing interests. No wonder there's the ongoing demonization of Trump. No wonder there's the ongoing smearing of any outspoken opponent of these sets of regimes. And no wonder, too, that there is this sort of...

amplification of what's been a trend, I suppose, from the 20th century onwards to ensure that we remain deeply individualistic, narcissistic, solipsistic, lost in consumerism and even hedonism. And for me, the key point, which we've only briefly touched upon, so perhaps we can dwell here for a moment,

is the idea that there is no God. And if there is no God, then the state can lay claim to the attributes we might have given God once. Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence. This is what we're beginning to see, again, because of the type of technology that could provide us with the sort of revolution that I'm sort of on the precipice of imagining even. Total de-

Localization, localization wherever possible. Electoral democracy wherever possible. Unity but decentralization when it comes to opposing inverted commas common enemies. But if this revolution were widespread we wouldn't have any. Although I know what utopia means for real now so I'm not naive about it. So I wonder if you could tell us a little more about how what you have learned from this has made you

feel that a spiritual solution is required to the problem that we are circling.

Well, I guess I feel that the revolution you want took place in 1848 in Europe with the kind of invention of the modern secular nation state with representative democracy and equality of citizens, at least male citizens.

Because I've looked and looked and looked, Mr. Brand, at different forms of social organization and government and really, truly, the memory of this has been wiped out in Europe and Britain in one generation, but really there is nothing better than an

than a nation state with clear boundaries and representational government and freedom of the press and human rights. There's nothing better. No one has ever, ever, ever come up with anything better. And when people know how their democracy really is,

works, which in Britain, that memory has been erased, right? People have no idea how it's supposed to work. As I mentioned, they can't even find out what the laws are, right? But when people really know how it works and use it, right, make use of it, there's no better way to organize human society. There's no more just way. That is utopia, right? Nothing's ever going to be perfect, but

This is the best thing humans ever came up with. I think it's Winston Churchill who said, like, democracy is horrible except for everything else. So what I would say to you is you know what to do already. You've had that revolution. Now, that...

Knowledge has been mystified and wiped out and you've been propagandized. So we have too, that, you know, you have to be an expert to understand the laws. So you have to be an expert to understand science. You have to be an expert to understand how parliament works. It's not true, right? A real working democracy is pretty simple.

And so that's what people in Britain, all over Europe, you know, Canada, God knows, Australia, New Zealand, the United States have to go back to. We know what to do. The problem is that they took away that most perfect form of knowledge, which is decentralized, right? When you've got citizens actually engaging in their own representative democracy, their own parliamentary processes, I mean,

You guys used to have every single parliamentary debate, right?

you know, available, written up. You know, everyone could read it. Everyone could know what was being debated. The bills used to be published in your newspapers in the 19th century. They stopped doing that in Britain, right? They don't want you to know what the bills are anymore in Britain. You have no idea. And same in the United States. They tried to obscure it from us. But we, you know, we're hanging on very tenaciously. So,

That is your utopia, I would say. And it really isn't that hard to get back to. It's quite easy. And there are really interesting people in Europe, like Christine Anderson and MEP, who are bringing back parliamentary processes and putting them in the hands of Europeans. You know, there are some people in Britain who are trying to do it.

But very few, it's kind of far gone in Britain. But again, it's just up to the people to say, "Hey, wait a minute, we have a representative democracy. We have the Magna Carta. We have a Charter of Rights in Canada." You know, and know what it is and fight for it. So, it's always got to be 1776 in effect or, you know, whatever the date is of your liberatory documents.

Did I want to say something else? Okay, so spiritually, I don't think the answers are spiritual. I think the questions are spiritual. And the reason I say that is that history is full of horrible things that are done whenever one group or one individual thinks he or she has a spiritual answer that everyone else then has to comply with. And I say that especially as a Jewish woman, that...

You know, people are always telling Jews that they have the wrong spiritual idea, and so they're going to be gassed or, you know, inquisitioned or exiled or, you know, whatever, because our spiritual ideas are not the same as the dominant ideas. But

I think the question is spiritual because, I mean, this is a whole other conversation, but clearly what's happening isn't just the collapse of some corrupt systems and the regeneration of new systems. What's happening is that we're living in multiple dimensions on one planet. Well, I want to have that conversation. I mean, I've got questions, but like, what do you mean we're living in multi-dimensions on one planet?

Well, it seems, I mean, I've really wrestled with this quite a bit. And of course, I have no smoking gun. But it seems clear that, you know, 20 years ago, we were all sharing a dimension, essentially, except for like psychopaths or people with brain damage. And we were pretty much sharing a reality. But now you can talk to people. I mean, COVID is such a great example. Half of New York is

lives in another reality than the reality I inhabit. And they really are in a fixed belief system that no amount of facts or evidence-- They're under a spell, right? And, you know, our book, The Pfizer Papers, explains

to some degree, the physiology of that because these injections actually cause brain damage and they create more binary thinking, yes, and less impulse control. And that explains why friends of yours can't engage in nuanced conversations anymore, you know, freak out when their beliefs are challenged. That's brain damage from the lipid nanoparticles. But all of that aside,

We're literally, you know, we lived through a time in which half of America was okay or half of Britain or 90% of Britain was okay with shunning and dehumanizing people because of their medical status and euthanizing them in Canada, right? Or Northern Europe. And a handful of people or half the population or a handful of dissidents were not okay with it. And those are two things.

realities. They're no longer the same moral reality, but they're probably not even the same kind of

metaphysical reality. And now all I can conclude, and then there, and you know, as you mentioned, like the highest levels of everything are being revealed as Satan worshiping pedophiles, right? There's no way to say that nicely, right? I thought that only crazy people believe that. I thought it was a lunatic, fringe, insane thing to think. But over and over and over again, you know, you mentioned Epstein, you know, did he like,

The tunnels, like the trafficking, 340,000 kids are missing in America, right? So, and the pedophilia is everywhere. It's everywhere in the culture. And the Satanism is everywhere. I mean, the Olympics, right? The...

You know, the Manchester Bull, I mean, it's just absolutely everywhere. The kind of Ba'al worship, Satanism, you know, you don't have to be crazy to notice it. So I guess what I concluded is, and I've been around wealthy, elite, influential people my whole adult life, just as a weird fact of my biography.

They don't do things for no reason. They don't waste resources. They don't waste time. So if they're worshiping Satan, right, or engaging in weird culty behavior, it's because it's effective. So as a result, I came to believe in God much more literally in the last few years than I did before and in prayer because this negativity must be aimed at something. You know, what we haven't gotten a chance to talk about, but I'll just throw it out there,

is that, you know, the centerpiece of the Pfizer papers is an intentional attack on human sexuality and especially on women and babies. They killed the babies and they knew it. They poisoned the breast milk and they knew it. They damaged the placentas and they knew it. They lowered the sperm count and they knew it. They killed, they, they,

They have a chart of the babies they're injuring. They have a chart of the women's menstrual cycles that they're disrupting. They concluded that babies were dying in utero due to maternal exposure to the vaccine. And this is the document that went to Dr. Walensky. And then she gave a press conference saying, you've got to, you know, get a

a vaccine, a COVID vaccine before, during, or after your pregnancy. So this is satanic, right? This is satanic on a massive level. And you look at Borla and you look at, you know, the fact that they knew they were doing this, which if you read the Pfizer papers, you cannot conclude otherwise, and this 13 to 20% drop in live births. So I guess what I'm trying to say is,

They tried to kill us. You know, they tried to wipe us out. They tried to sterilize us. And this has happened before. You know, there's been a flood. There's been an exile to Babylon. You know, this is not the first time humanity was faced with

someone, you know, an existential battle between light and darkness, or God kind of saying, you know what, I'm done, right? That's happened before. So I guess my point is, they didn't kill us. You know, we are injured, a lot of people died, there's gonna be horrible struggles with fertility, but we survived and the truth came out. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that's the spiritual question. Now we have to face the fact that we're living on a planet with a

Reptili, I don't mean they're reptiles, but they're like, they're not human. They're anti-human in their orientation the way Nazis were, right? We're living on that planet. Well, that's a different dimension. We're living on a planet with people who don't mind euthanizing the elderly. They're living in a different dimension than we are. You know, we're no longer sharing a reality. And that's where we're at. That's what we have to face. Yeah.

It's pretty amazing. Again, like at the beginning of our conversation, we talked about how, as can be evidenced in your book about the Pfizer papers, the Pfizer papers, Pfizer's crimes against humanity, that primarily you are an empiricist working with demonstrable facts and rendering them into narratives that are

attractive and accessible. But while talking about that, we end up almost by default and necessarily talking about

Satanism, occultism, the centerpiece being anti-life, some sort of dreadful inverted La Pieta that is both anti-woman-mother and broken man and infant. All of it is all sort of under human attack. But if man is made in God's image, you can't attack our kind without attacking God. And in fact, that appears to be the primary motivation, the more

that you talk about it. And yet that...

That's difficult for a number of reasons. One, because part of secularism, indeed the secularism you, a moment ago, Naomi, endorsed as the only route out of this, a kind of form of nationalism that was representative. You said it had within it this sort of the seeds, or not even seeds, the kind of format for the freedom we're looking for. And I, that's a part of why the secularism itself concerns me. And secondarily, I,

Although it might not necessarily be an essential aspect of secularism, although it doesn't secularism mean the separation above all else I mean, I've got quite a few other things to say about this. Well, I would also say All right. Here you go. You're the guest to go on. No, I'm so sorry but let me just jump in because I think that that that's a misunderstanding that one bit of what I was saying like our system so beautiful

There isn't, there's a separation of church and state, right? We don't have an established religion in the United States. We have freedom of religion. We have freedom of conscience. So this nation state, this republic that I'm describing, this city on a hill, it doesn't have to be secular. It's just you're free to believe in whatever you want to believe in. And paradoxically, America is one of the most religious countries because there isn't a state religion. You're free to believe as you wish.

Absolutely. Okay. I appreciate that point. Thank you. Thanks for the clarification. Because the other part of what I'm saying is that when, not so much me, because I think people have always thought I was a bit mad, but when someone like you starts saying stuff that Alex Jones was saying 20, 30 years ago, and David Icke was saying, and these are still people that are pariahs whose names aren't mentioned in polite society, it's

When we find ourselves saying it feels like there's some like weird occult is satanic component to this. And even if you can't sort of produce videotapes of people worshipping Moloch or whatever, it's certainly, as you said, at the center of the Pfizer documents and agenda, you might say, appears to be something anti-human. Is it like...

they can't, can they? They can't, when I say they, like the Walensky's et al, they can't be like looking at that, going, right, well, it kills babies. Yes, it's toxic in milk. Okay, we're still going to mandate it. But they did. Yes. They did. So that's probably... They did exactly that. I know, I know. So perhaps that's another aspect of what you're calling a kind of interdimensionality because there's a couple of ways of looking at that interdimensionality. One is

the oft-cited information silos that would necessarily emerge in a more pronounced way in a social media world, but existed anyway, I suppose, in a regular media world. Some people are watching the BBC, some people are reading the Guardian, some people are reading the Financial Times, and probably all of those organisations have just, in various ways, capitulated to globalism and are desperately straining and stretching to

have some credibility. That's why I think they try to get the low-hanging fruits available around identity politics and miss the mark so dreadfully of superficial diversity, absolute homogeneity beneath that. But

I'm trying to say here. Oh, so perhaps beyond the sort of silo ideas, we have different intravenous tubes of information. It's like a different dimension in the mind also. Am I going to start calling you Ms. Wolf? Is that what I'm going to call you in response to Mr. Brown? Because like, how can Walensky, how can she do that?

How are all of these projects unfolding? The attacks on you, me, what's going on? Do the people that are doing it know? Do the people at the Times or the various broadcast networks or whoever's been involved in your cancellation or people at Logically AI or those organisations, they feel like, you know, in a kind of do the Russians love their children too way, feel like they're being

doing what's right they must do walensky must feel like it fauci must bill gates must soros must they must all of them baller surely surely they're not hoods blood i mean although you do mention the 340 000 missing children so i mean i don't know man

Well, like this is the most important question we can possibly ask right now. How are they doing that? How did Dr. Walensky receive the eight-page pregnancy and lactation report that we reveal in the Pfizer paper's book that shows that children are dying in utero due to maternal exposure to the vaccine and then go into a White House press conference and tell pregnant women in America that they're dying?

that they need to get vaccinated. And then, by the way, three days after we published that report, she resigned. So I guess what I'm trying to say is there used to be

murderers, right? There used to be sadists, there used to be sociopaths, but they were the exception to the human project and they were weird and marginal and they were recognized as criminals. And the goal of all of humanity, at least in the West, right, or at least in kind of the advanced societies, everyone understood, oh, in a hospital you try to save lives, you don't try to kill people. Oh, you don't kill the baby, you try to keep the baby alive.

You know, you don't euthanize the elder and try to keep the elder alive. You try to keep people from being sick. You try to make them healthy if you're a healer. You don't try to prolong their illness or poison them. All of that has changed. And that's why I'm saying we're living in a reality that isn't the same reality that it was in 2018, 2019, up to 2020. I mean, I remember...

March 8th, I think, I was sitting in London, 2020, and I felt like this giant looming presence about to descend on the world. I'd never felt anything like it before, this dark presence. And so, you know,

Mr. Brand or Russell, whatever you want me to call you. The fact is now, and the Pricer Papers reveals this, it's not just this murderer over there, this crazy sadist over there. It's networks and networks of criminals and monsters who all are working together as if it's all perfectly normal and positive, right? And

That's other that's wholly other so you can like we're at the end of what language can manage, right? We don't have the language for this except to say maybe Satan really is real. Maybe people can really lose their souls Maybe they really do get signed up for another team, which is the anti-human team. They might not even realize it, right? I'm kind of getting a chill while I'm saying that and that's why I keep thinking about these

pre-Satanic dark forces, like Malach and Baal and Asherah. There's an essay I wrote called Have the Ancient Gods Returned? And there's a really interesting book by Rabbi slash Pastor Jonathan Cahn called The Return of the Gods, which posits that these, you know, these pre-Satanic kind of, that the dark forces that the Israelites struggled against are back.

And that kind of makes sense to me because we did have this reprieve for 4,000 years, right, with the Judeo-Christian project. Well, you know, we kind of abandoned the Judeo-Christian project and covenant. And why would the entities with which

Job fought and Abraham fought and Moses fought and David fought, you know, these ballistic temptations, these Malachi, you know, anti-child, anti-family, just pure sadism forces, right? Which is different from Satan. Why wouldn't they come back? And I'm not being literal. I'm just saying, I feel a darkness on the planet that didn't used to exist. And it's luring people.

you know, to collude with it and they think it's normal. Well, that's what people used to do when they threw their children into the fiery pit in front of the idol of Moloch. They thought that was normal and good and they were getting power from it. And that is a reality that humans have lived with. So I think something broke at about 2020 that was a kind of sacred security net almost that we had had

protect us in effect for about 4,000 years. And it broke because of our own carelessness and, you know, sloth and moral turpitude. And in the breaking of that, you know, these dark forces have stepped onto our planet, maybe from somewhere else, who knows how they got here. But, you know, God doesn't have to be consistent. God could totally say, you know, you've had the human reality for 4,000 years, you had families, you had closeness, you had love.

well, you took it for granted.

So, you know, I'm turning my back for a while and there's plenty of demons from other dimensions that are going to walk around looking like they're people at the World Economic Forum, you know, and you'll see what that's like to totally turn away from God and all the things I gave you. Pretty cool. Certainly the rhetoric and even the discourse on both sides, even from people who would

blush and maybe even balk at the thought of participating in such a metaphysical dialogue it's taken on those kind of inflections and that kind of cadence e.g. hysteria extremeness

When I consider what little I know and am learning yet about Scripture, as well as your excellent and enjoyable references, and I want to read that essay about pre-Satanic forces and Baal worship and an interesting etymological finding perhaps around ballistic. I wonder if that's part of the continuum. We made it up. It's a good one. It's good. It's good.

It's not as if Christian theology isn't full of in Ephesians through Paul, in Revelations through John and through our Lord and Saviour Himself.

Lucifer's in charge down here. This has been took over by Satan. So like, as you chart this territory, it's well, yeah, this is not entirely unexpected. We might be describing the, the bureaucracies and the politics and the practices and management or mismanagement of that. But it's certainly spiritual, perhaps above all else, uh,

in its nature, and it's difficult to deny. And so your point about dimensions isn't a point about taxonomies. It's not lateral, it's hierarchical realities. And I think you are correct. Part of what I find challenging, Naomi, about progressivism

And I don't mean cultural progressivism so much as the idea that we are on an upward teleological trajectory as a species,

is that we discard, as it falls away, like whenever an object is launched into orbit, the encumbrances of who we really are. That it isn't a million years ago that people tossed infants into a pit and engaged in ground sacrifice.

Suddenly not if you're in the Clinton family, it could have been this morning. I mean, it's interesting to recognize that level of negligence and the potential that actually what we're dealing with is certainly difficult as you used to use a phrase or an idea at least that you used. It's at the limits of what we can achieve through ordinary semantics and through this material and rational language.

Right. And may I jump in there for a minute? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I just want to clarify. I'm not being literal. That's what I mean when I say we've come to the limits of language. When I say there are multiple dimensions and beings, it seems, from different realities, right? Morally, inhabiting the planet all at once.

I don't mean it literally, except insofar as consciousness is reality, right? I mean, I think quantum physics has established that. So that's really what I'm saying. Like, you know, we build a reality with our consciousness. Well, we used to kind of share a moral consciousness, and now that's been completely fragmented, and we're bumping up against moral consciousnesses that, you know, seem to have crawled right out of circles of Dante's Inferno. Yeah.

That's what I mean. Yeah, it makes sense, particularly when you take this route. Well, Naomi, thank you so much for an incredible conversation. I remember the last conversation we had was, at least seemed to me to be pretty profound, but subsequent to the writing and publishing of your new book that you've edited, the Pfizer papers, Pfizer's crimes against humanity, it seems that oddly, given the premeditated

practical nature of that endeavor the revelations seem to be spiritual but i suppose spirituality at essence would be practical really because you know we've got to live here for a while so naomi thank you thank you very much for that that was an amazing conversation i really appreciate your time and also your patience thank you so much i really loved it and take care i appreciate your audience as well

That's all we've got time for today. Join us tomorrow where I'll be joined by Dana White. Who do you want to hear from on the eve of the general election more than Dana White, one of Trump's closest supporters and a man that was simply from his imagination was able to concoct a sort of real life worldwide wrestling federation. I mean, in it,

amazing to think that without Dana White do you have Joe Rogan. If you watch that Vince McMahon documentary, so imagine that. But the violence is of course real. I'm talking about the UFC, but I'm talking about what it maybe indicates about Dana White as a man and what it indicates about our culture. We'll be talking about that as well as the election tomorrow with Dana White. See you then, not for more of the same, but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free.