cover of episode “Pfizer KNEW They’d Be KILLING BABIES!” BOMBSHELL Docs Expose Vax, Big Pharma, FDA & Govt - SF482

“Pfizer KNEW They’d Be KILLING BABIES!” BOMBSHELL Docs Expose Vax, Big Pharma, FDA & Govt - SF482

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

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Naomi Wolf
Russell Brand
Naomi Wolf: 本书《辉瑞文件》揭露了辉瑞公司在新冠疫苗推广过程中犯下的反人类罪行,包括在疫苗推广到公众之前,辉瑞公司就知道疫苗会杀死婴儿并严重损害女性和男性的生育能力。辉瑞公司隐瞒了疫苗的无效性和严重副作用,导致了强制接种、失业、家庭破裂等一系列负面后果。此外,辉瑞公司还对人类生殖系统,特别是女性生殖系统进行了全面攻击。针对辉瑞公司及其合谋者的行为,应该进行类似纽伦堡审判的调查和问责。由于揭露了辉瑞疫苗的危害,辉瑞公司的收入已经下降,并且面临着法律诉讼。比尔·盖茨因其在新冠疫苗推广中的作用,正在面临来自荷兰和英国的法律诉讼。美国爱达荷州的一些县已经开始撤回新冠疫苗。针对辉瑞公司、白宫和CDC的诉讼正在进行中,并且已经有一些人获得了赔偿。正义的实现需要时间,但最终会到来。少数记者和医生对疫苗的真相进行报道,导致了辉瑞公司受到的压力和公众的觉醒。新冠疫苗事件并非个别公司的问题,而是FDA、CDC、福奇医生和沃伦斯基医生等多个主要机构的领导层共同犯下的巨大罪行。人们正在通过行动来表达对疫苗的不信任,并寻求替代的医疗保健方式。传统媒体正在衰落,而独立媒体正在兴起,因为人们不再信任传统媒体。为了解决当前的问题,需要打破现有的框架,而不是在框架内运作。即使面对巨大的挑战,人们也不应该放弃追求正义和真理。人们不应该期望候选人在竞选期间就能解决所有问题,而应该在候选人当选后继续施加压力。特朗普总统在任期间,美国实现了和平,特别是中东地区的和平。现代民族国家是组织人类社会最有效和最公正的方式。当人们了解民主的运作方式并积极参与其中时,民主制度就能发挥最佳作用。人们应该了解民主制度的运作方式,并积极参与其中。精神层面的问题在于,人们往往会以某种精神答案为借口来迫使他人服从。现在,人们生活在同一个星球上,但却生活在不同的现实中,这导致了道德和价值观的冲突。新冠疫苗导致了人们思维方式的改变,并加剧了社会的分裂。现在,世界上存在着大量的犯罪和邪恶行为,这表明人类社会面临着巨大的挑战。辉瑞公司故意攻击人类的生育能力,特别是女性和婴儿。辉瑞公司知道疫苗会造成婴儿死亡,但仍然继续推广疫苗。人类社会曾经面临过类似的挑战,但最终都幸存了下来。人类社会正在面临着来自反人类势力的挑战。现在,许多人参与了犯罪活动,这与以往不同。现在,大量的犯罪分子和恶魔正在合作,这表明人类社会面临着巨大的挑战。现在,一些古老的邪恶势力似乎正在回归,这与人类社会的道德和价值观相冲突。人类社会曾经拥有一个保护网,但现在这个保护网已经破裂,导致邪恶势力得以滋生。上帝可能会暂时放弃人类,让邪恶势力肆虐,以此来考验人类。“多个维度”指的是人们的意识形态和道德观念的分裂,而不是字面意义上的多个维度。 Russell Brand: 这场革命指的是精神层面的变革,而不是政治层面的革命。这场运动的目标应该是最大限度地实施圣经中体现的精神原则,促进正在发生的这场精神革命。英国的言论自由已经受到严重限制,媒体和出版业都受到压制。美国的地方政府正在变得越来越强大,这为改革提供了机会。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Pfizer release 450,000 documents under court order?

Pfizer was forced by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri.

Why did the FDA want to keep the Pfizer documents concealed?

The FDA asked the court to keep these documents concealed for 75 years.

What did Pfizer know about the COVID-19 vaccine's efficacy a month after rollout?

Pfizer knew that the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID.

What did Pfizer know about the distribution of vaccine materials in the human body?

Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials biodistribute throughout the human body, accumulating in organs like the brain, adrenals, spleen, and liver.

What serious adverse events did Pfizer know about related to their COVID-19 vaccine?

Pfizer knew about tens of thousands of blood clots, neurological damage, heart damage, liver damage, and kidney damage.

What was the centerpiece of the Pfizer papers according to Naomi Wolf?

The centerpiece was a 360-degree attack on human reproduction, especially on women.

How did Naomi Wolf's team uncover the information in the Pfizer papers?

Her team of 3,250 doctors and scientists volunteered to read through the technical documents and write reports in plain English.

What did Pfizer know about the impact of their vaccine on pregnant women and babies?

Pfizer knew that the vaccine caused babies to die in utero due to maternal exposure and damaged placentas.

Why does Naomi Wolf believe that the current reality is different from pre-2020 reality?

She believes that a sacred security net protecting humanity was broken, allowing dark forces to influence human behavior and institutions.

What does Naomi Wolf suggest as a solution to the current crisis?

She suggests re-educating people about their democratic institutions and reclaiming the knowledge of how these systems work.

Naomi Wolf discusses her book 'The Pfizer Papers,' revealing Pfizer's knowledge of adverse effects and deaths caused by their COVID-19 vaccine, challenging the narrative that the vaccine was safe and effective.
  • Pfizer knew the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID.
  • Pfizer knew about vaccine failure and efficacy issues a month after rollout.
  • The third most common side effect was COVID itself.

Shownotes Transcript

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In today’s show I talk to the brilliant author Naomi Wolf about her new book ‘ The Pfizer Papers’ in which she reveals the catalogue of ways in which Pfizer pulled off crimes against humanity in its rollout of its Covid vaccine. Including how, by the time it was rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction.


Get Naomi's book here: