Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even
Greg answers questions about whether God’s moral perfection is a communicable property we will have
Greg talks to Tim Barnett about the release of his new book, The Deconstruction of Christianity, the
Greg talks to Alan Shlemon about what one should say to a wife whose husband has decided to live as
Greg responds to a question about whether you should tell your children your spouse has left Christi
Greg discusses Alistair Begg’s advice about attending the wedding of a transgender person, then he a
In this compilation of calls from an atheist, Greg answers questions about the nature of objective m
Greg talks about the soul, then he answers questions about why God made it so hard for humans to kno
Greg discusses the Pope’s statement on how Roman Catholic priests can give blessings to same-sex cou
Greg responds to a video by Dan McClellan that claims the Bible has no authority, then he answers qu
Greg explains the biblical understanding of spiritual warfare, then he talks to callers about concer
Greg talks about how to think about apparent contradictions in the Gospels, describes some relevant
Greg reflects on the words in Christmas carols, talks about the promise in Romans 8:28 that “God cau
Greg reads a Christmas poem, then he answers questions about being required to ask patients for thei
Greg gives a series of questions you can ask when someone accuses God of genocide, then he answers q
Greg encourages Christians not to be discouraged when people don’t respond to their arguments, then
Greg responds to questions about why Christians recommend Dennis Prager when he teaches things antit
Greg answers questions about whether Jesus is dependent on the Father, whether he should be quoting
Greg talks about the difference between positive rights and negative rights, then he answers questio
Greg talks to Jason Jimenez, author of Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him
Greg responds to the claim that intelligent design is pseudoscience, then he answers questions about