Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even
Greg gives his thoughts on the good and bad of The Chosen, then he talks to callers about whether He
Greg answers questions about how the Holy Spirit communicates with believers, giving prophetic word
Greg explains why the Apocrypha isn’t part of the canon, then he talks to callers about what to say
Greg answers questions about interpreting Scripture symbolically, distinguishing between the Lord’s
Greg talks about a case in the Netherlands where a 28-year-old woman who doesn’t want to live is pla
Greg talks about the current trend of people realizing their values can’t be sustained by an atheist
Greg reflects on the unique nature of a total eclipse and his experience seeing one yesterday, then
Greg discusses what the Bible says about penal substitutionary atonement, then he answers questions
Greg talks about how Dawkins’s objections to Islam don’t make sense within his own worldview, then h
Greg talks about how religious accommodations are possible when it comes to DEI trainings, then he a
Greg recounts a conversation he had with a Catholic campus ministry director on a plane, then he ans
Greg answers questions about whether one must believe in eternal generation to be saved, why the que
Greg reflects on the sudden finality of death and what that means for how we should live, then he an
Greg discusses the Pope’s statement about hoping Hell is empty, then he talks to callers about how t
Greg explains why not attending a same-sex wedding is not just a matter of conscience, answers chall
Greg talks about people misusing the idea of “separation of church and state” to punish ideological
Greg answers Open Mic questions about whether embryonic human beings are unsaved, innocent, or saved
Greg answers a question about critical theory and relativism, comments on the idea of oppression by
Greg talks about how today’s parenting is hurting kids, then he answers questions from callers about
Greg talks to J.P. Moreland, author of The Substance of Consciousness, about the significance of the