cover of episode Blue Wall Former Governors on the Battle Lines and Their Fears of Election Certification Chaos

Blue Wall Former Governors on the Battle Lines and Their Fears of Election Certification Chaos

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Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri

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Jim Blanchard
Tom Corbett
Tom Corbett: 就选举认证问题,Corbett州长强调了2022年选举计票改革法案的重要性,该法案明确规定州长认证选举结果是例行公务,不容更改。他认为州长无权随意拒绝认证选举结果,任何试图这么做的行为都将面临法律挑战。他还分享了他对宾夕法尼亚州选举结果的预测,以及他将关注的关键县份,并分析了提前投票的意义。此外,他还谈到了宾夕法尼亚州选民的构成,以及他认为可能影响选举结果的因素,例如非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔美国人和女性选民的投票率。最后,他还谈到了特朗普在宾夕法尼亚州的竞选活动,以及他认为哈里斯竞选团队拥有更好的地面组织。 Jim Blanchard: 就选举认证问题,Blanchard州长表达了他对一些州长可能屈服于特朗普压力而延误选举结果的担忧,但他同时强调州长认证选举结果是强制性的,而非自由裁量权,可以通过法律途径强制执行。他还分析了2020年大选以及密歇根州的选举情况,指出没有证据表明存在大规模舞弊行为,并且选举否认者在密歇根州的失败证明了否认选举结果的后果。此外,他还分享了他对密歇根州选举结果的预测,以及他将关注的关键县份,并分析了提前投票的意义和女性选民的重要性。最后,他还谈到了哈里斯的竞选策略以及他认为她的一些弱点,例如她与拜登的关系以及她过去的一些言论。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did former governors Tom Corbett and Jim Blanchard issue a joint letter urging current governors to certify election results by the December 11th deadline?

They aimed to prevent any attempts to override election results, similar to the pressure applied in 2020, and to educate both governors and the public about the mandatory nature of certification under the Election Count Reform Act of 2022.

What are the key counties in Pennsylvania that Governor Tom Corbett will be monitoring on election night?

He will be looking at Philadelphia County, Allegheny County, and about six other counties to gauge the election results.

How does Governor Jim Blanchard assess the early voting figures in Michigan?

He notes that early voting figures suggest a high level of interest and participation, with more women and older voters casting their ballots early.

What is Governor Tom Corbett's view on whether Kamala Harris can match President Obama's support among rural and urban voters in Pennsylvania?

He believes Harris will face difficulties due to her association with the prior administration and her record, which may not resonate as well with certain segments of the electorate.

What concerns do the former governors have about the potential for election certification chaos in 2024?

They are concerned about the possibility of governors in non-battleground states delaying the certification process under pressure or for political gain, which could disrupt the timely tabulation of the Electoral College results.

How does Governor Jim Blanchard view the role of women voters in Michigan's election outcome?

He believes women voters, particularly those who support Harris decisively and vote in higher percentages than men, will be a critical factor in determining the election outcome.

What is Governor Tom Corbett's assessment of the ground game for the Harris campaign in Pennsylvania?

He observes a stronger ground game for the Harris campaign, particularly in terms of yard signs and local engagement, compared to the Trump campaign in 2016.

What does Governor Jim Blanchard think about the Republican Party's structure in Michigan?

He notes that the Republican Party in Michigan has struggled to recover from the losses incurred by running election deniers, resulting in a weakened organizational structure compared to the Democrats.

What is Governor Tom Corbett's prediction for the margin of victory in Pennsylvania's election?

He hopes the winning candidate will secure at least a 40,000 to 50,000 vote margin, though he acknowledges the race may be close.

How do the former governors plan to ensure a smooth election certification process in 2024?

They intend to use their legal powers and continue their bipartisan efforts to educate governors and the public about the mandatory nature of certification, ensuring a timely and orderly process.

Former governors Tom Corbett and Jim Blanchard discuss their joint efforts to ensure election results are certified by the deadline, emphasizing the importance of preventing any attempts to override the results.
  • Governors must certify election results by December 11th.
  • The Election Count Reform Act of 2022 clarifies that certification is a ministerial duty.
  • Public awareness is crucial to prevent governors from altering election results.

Shownotes Transcript

Tara is joined by former governors Tom Corbett (R-Pennsylvania) and Jim Blanchard (D-Michigan) to discuss the state of the election in their respective swing states as we inch closer to November 5th. They shine a light on the governors’ individual and bipartisan efforts to protect election integrity, share which local counties will be the most pivotal, and examine Kamala Harris’s last-minute campaign efforts.

For more of Tara’s reporting, please sign up for her newsletter, 'The Best and the Brightest,' at and use the discount code TARA20.

Host: Tara Palmeri

Guests: Tom Corbett and Jim Blanchard

Producer: Chris Sutton

Production Supervision: Conor Nevins

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