For the first time ever, full Snapped episodes are now a podcast. Subscribe to this true crime podca
When a devout single mother vanishes from her home, investigators fear she's been abducted by a grou
When a young woman is found mysteriously gunned down off a remote highway, Michigan detectives look
We are bringing you a special bonus episode featuring a case from Oxygen's hit series, “Killer Coupl
A family man is gunned down on the side of the road in a small town in Texas, and detectives unearth
The case of a beloved Kenosha social worker's murder resurfaces nearly a decade after leads run dry
When a father in Spokane, Wash., is found shot to death in his vehicle, detectives work for years to
We are bringing you a special bonus episode featuring a case from Oxygen's hit series, “Buried in th
Police unearth evidence that leads them to the ruthless killer of a well-known mechanic, who is foun
Devoted to raising her daughter's child, a loving grandmother is found executed in her own home; pol
When men who helped a "damsel in distress" turn up dead, authorities investigate.Season 22 Episode 0
When a successful Texas lawyer and his wife are executed while sleeping in their bed, Houston police
Detectives track down leads from rival biker clubs and scorned lovers to uncover the truth when a be
Investigators must determine if they are looking for professional killer, or if they are being told
When a prominent Santa Rosa, California, couple is found gunned down at the offices of one of the wo
The horrific murder of a young mother on Halloween night sends California investigators on the hunt
A beloved pediatric doctor is beaten and drowned in his own home; when detectives surveil a suspect,
A picture-perfect Navy family is shattered when the father is found shot to death after returning ho