For the first time ever, full Snapped episodes are now a podcast. Subscribe to this true crime podca
After the body of a teen is found at a local party spot, theories surrounding her death spread. With
When a beloved woman in North Carolina is found stabbed to death in her own home, investigators unco
A generous couple opens their home to help others, but a deadly home invasion raises questions about
When a young father goes missing, authorities suspect his illegal activities, but a revelation about
The investigation of a young gamer’s murder begins with his mother’s heartbreaking 911 call but when
When a beloved plastic surgeon and his office manager are gunned down at work, detectives chase down
We are bringing you a special bonus episode featuring a case from Oxygen's hit series, “Killer Coupl
An Ohio town is shocked and horrified when a small business owner is killed. The benevolent owner of
An elderly woman's dismembered body is found along a rural road in Missouri, sending detectives in s
As investigators search for the vicious killer of a Navy yeoman in Kitsap, Washington, they come acr
We are bringing you a special bonus episode featuring a case from Oxygen's hit series, “Buried in th
By the end of season 33, Snapped will have produced more than 646 episodes!To commemorate
After a Georgia father is discovered bludgeoned by a hammer in his own bedroom, it takes years for d
When the bodies of two grandparents are tragically found left for dead, investigators toil to determ
To solve the sudden and violent murder of a retired landscape architect, investigators weed through
The brutal murder of an Arabi, Louisiana man force authorities to examine every possible lead as the
The search for a missing boater on Lake Coeur d'Alene turns sinister after a local newspaper uncover
After a well-known saddle maker passes away from an apparent heart attack, police find reason to que
After a beloved father vanishes, his family and the police work tirelessly for four years to find hi