In Slow Burn’s 10th season, host Josh Levin takes you back to a crucial inflection point in American
You may never have thought very hard about scratch-off tickets, but that’s part of their power. They
When we recently got a couple of listener emails asking about the swing revival of the late 1990s, h
The storage container is a stealthy star of the modern home. It’s something we use to organize more
People often say that money can't buy you happiness. Sometimes, if you ask them to tell you more abo
It’s our annual mailbag episode! We get a lot of wonderful reader emails suggesting topics for the s
While the Slow Burn team is hard at work on our next season, we are excited to share the first episo
The mullet, the love-to-hate-it hairstyle, is as associated with the 1980’s as Ronald Reagan, junk b
In 1980, a variety show debuted on NBC called Pink Lady and Jeff. Its stars were a pair of Japanese
The fear that the Earth could be destroyed by a killer asteroid is an anxiety that pops up all the t
There is a prominent bird in the 2000 film Charlie’s Angels that makes absolutely no sense. This so-
Whatever happened to selling out? The defining concern of Generation X has become a relic from anoth
(While we work on the next season of Slow Burn we're showcasing new episodes from Slate's narrative
The 2004 presidential race would be the first fully Fox News election—a contest that was framed by F
As Fox News gathered strength, progressive activists turned to comedian Al Franken and fledgling onl
After 9/11, the Fox News Channel rallied a huge portion of the country around the Bush administratio
For a decade and a half, CNN was peerless and ambitious, and it understood its place in the world. A
Before he ran Fox News, Roger Ailes launched a very different kind of channel. America’s Talking was
When the Fox News Channel launched in 1996, critics called it disorganized, incompetent, and laughab
Adults have a long history of trying to find morals and lessons in children’s literature. But what h