This question is really a topic that makes me feel a little bit sad. I don't even want to say it. I don't even want to say it. People will constantly raise their expectations. And in the process, you will be more and more greedy. The first one is to say, Mom, what do you think? I like him. You look at it and forget it. When it's all difficult, it's a little bit of a straight line. You feel very sweet.
How do you know this is your favorite theme?
玩杀最喜欢。 也基于之前的流量嘛,在大家可能对于这个话题感兴趣的原因,一方面对我们经历了什么感兴趣,更可能是因为大家通过这些问题也可以回顾自己的 2024 年经历了什么。 刚好呢,我们在讨论说今年的选题怎么做的时候,Coco 说其实去年的选题的框架很好。
We actually used a blogger on the Internet called Steph Uncle. He has a year-end question list with a total of 40 questions. We talked about these 40 questions twice last year. It's a long night tonight. I don't know if we can finish it in one episode, but let's talk about it first. Let's not talk too much and directly get into the topic. Okay. First of all, let me ask you, if you use one word to describe what you feel, what kind of feeling do you feel? This year? Yes.
原来有一天我们在群里讨论过这个嘛 就用一个词形容今年应该是什么 Coco 有一个四个字的词 我的是尘埃落定 我有吗 你好像是有我也不记得 真潦草
我现在想的是告别吧,我再去查查我当时说的是什么。 我的叫一事无成,我其实上次在直播的时候跟 Mia 也聊过这个问题,我觉得我总结了一下也并没有那么的一事无成,但不知道为什么就这个感觉是的确在此刻就很强烈,所以呢我在做这 40 题的准备的时候,
I think this review is very necessary because I was very depressed with the hat of the "one thing is impossible" 10 days before December. I did these 40 questions and found that I actually didn't "one thing is impossible" There are still many good experiences or some moments So this is what I want to tell you We can start from these 40 questions. Welcome every listener to listen to our program Think about the answer to each question You can share it with us in the comment area if you have any interesting questions.
来咯,第一题,今年你做了哪些之前没做过的事情? 你们俩谁先来? 应该你先来,先继续讲讲你为什么觉得自己一事无成,明明做了很多事 我不知道啊,就是这个结果非常的明确,就是在我头上一直悬着四个字,一事无成,一事无成 我也想知道是为什么,但我现在还没有答案 所以我就想先回顾完,我们看看到底这一年做了什么 那你今年做了哪些从未做过的事?
Actually, there are quite a lot. First, I actually released my own product brand this year. I used to be a CMO for other brands for many years, but it's a relatively mature brand. I also started from scratch and established a brand and worked as a brand staff. But that's not my own brand.
I also helped others to establish a brand. But this is the first time I released a brand that has my own mark. It was released in January this year. Later, a revolution happened again. So this is something that I have never done before. And then because of this, I also did some attempts. For example, I started live streaming this year. I think this actually broke my psychological barrier. After selling out, you will find that
I realized that it was actually quite fun. It wasn't as scary as people thought. It didn't cause me any problems that I thought I would have. I also updated videos for a while. Although I didn't update as actively as I wanted for some reasons, I think it's all about breaking through your comfort zone.
I also did the long-distance running this year. I did it before, but I didn't do it without pain. It's quite different. In addition, in terms of exercise and experience, I also took my child to ride a ice rink this year. Then I climbed the Suma platform with my child. Then we went to learn how to ride a horse together.
Then I started learning to climb more systematically. And I also took a photo of Hanfu. This is something I haven't done before. That's all I can think of for now. But so you look back, you still went out of some comfort zone and did some things you didn't do before. What about you two? I just added a sentence to your business. I really feel that the more I get involved, the more I love your products as it grows. Sister, I'm wearing your socks.
Oh, really? I really am. We are wearing the same clothes. Which one are you wearing? This is not the one from Yunshan. This is the one from Xima.
西班牙山南路那款,然后我穿的是高原杜鹃那款。 哦,谢谢,好开心。 谢谢你送我们的袜子。 对,我刚去查了一下,说我的那个年度主题是最近的 Alexander Wong 的新的 campaign 叫 Dare to Wong,勇敢的成为王,张小蕊是我的姓嘛,然后我们很辽阔的一个主题。 那说说我今年没干过的事咯,我写的都是在想说我这是一个爱工作的人吧,就是我列的千样条都跟我的工作有关,
第一个我觉得我之前没有做过的事情是说,我用数字内容换新了一个品牌,六个月拿到了关键数据行业第一,这个从来没有过,这个我觉得还是非常值得骄傲的。 然后第二个是我经历了原来我职场清单上一个特别重要的项目叫做新开店。
That has always been on my list, because although I joined it very late, I actually learned a lot. It's amazing to see a big shop like this from the site to 72 pyeong. And then in my life, I ran 20 kilometers and 25 kilometers in the wild. And this summer, swimming in the water of nature. It's not your first time swimming in the wild. You've been swimming in Tibet.
冰壶 你们说的对 冰壶 在北京的自然水域 对 你是跟东勇大爷一起吗 夏勇大爷一起 还有 VV 大姐 那你游的时候 大爷们是什么表情 跟你互动了吗 就都特别自然 因为大家都是像蒋子一样 不动不动 你看咱们都不问他 好业第一的事了 对 并不关注 没关系
没肉料,没肉料。 然后今年生活中会开始尝试非常高密度的每天拍那个 OTD。 现在是今年挺大的一个改变,然后今年其实跑步跑的密度还是挺高的。 除了受伤的那一段时间,差不多每周能平均到三次吧。 以及我今年试了骑车上下班,以前都还没赶过。 主要是以前没人送你小步。 以及以前没怎么骑,骑死了。 对,所以今年就是工作上,生活上还是有很多新的第一次挺开心的。
嗯! 因为呢? 我今年的关键词就是尘埃落定, 因为我在第一次试过 20 年后, 第一次去尝试旅居海外的生活, 那也是人生的第一次去尝试海外派驻的工作经历吧, 这个对我来说是今年最重要的一件事情, 因为这个也跟我自己需要去做的一个非常重大的人生决定一直非常的相关, 而这个决定困扰了我,
三到五年的时间,那通过在斐济的将近三个月的经历,我现在非常的清晰,就是海外的旅居生活和长住生活并不适合我,这个不是我真正想要的,它也不能 define 我自己,给我自己定义的就是人生真正的成功和快乐,尽管它可以带来一个更闪亮的 title,可以带来
冒似别人非常羡慕和追求的一些工作经历吧,但是又回到了就说对我来说什么才是最重要的和我自己希望我的人生是我可以就是 on my own terms 去决定我未来的选择。
So this time, "Cherry Blossom" finally reached the clarity. I am now very determined to make my choice. So this year is a very important year for me. I'm really happy for you. I think "Cherry Blossom" is a really good word. And I think it's really great to reach that clarity.
耳清目明的。 对,因为这事儿确实困扰了我好几年,然后我一直非常犹豫来回地摇摆,然后终于现在对此非常非常坚定了,也非常的清晰,所以到达这个地方其实并不容易。 我也在这个过程中,其实这个心路历程也都跟大家分享过吧。
So I just want to say that I am in a very good place now. Because I did get a very clear answer on this matter. And this answer is based on my own personal experience. So we also talked about it in a blog. That is to say, the major decision in life is not better than doing it after thinking about it.
嗯,真好。 那你今年有尝试哪些新的事情? 今年,
玩得多了,第一次参加了世界级的翻船赛, 第一次参加翻船赛, 不过好像翻船赛都是世界级的, 就跟翻船赛也跟大家专门聊过, 就是他其实是很神奇的, 你有机会跟什么世界冠军, 什么全运会冠军,奥林匹克冠军, 同台竞技,尽管自己是一个小白, 觉得还挺好玩的, 还有就是人生第一次看到了火火山, 站在那个火山口, 去跟火山就靠那么近, 就是那也是一个特别神奇的人生体验吧。
嗯,真好。 薇薇刚才说说我想起每年我会去雍和宫烧香,然后雍和宫有个大编写的叫心灵妙声,就是你心里非常沉静的时候,美好的时候。 我是这么解读这件事情,所以每次看到那四个字我都会觉得很好,就很像你刚才说的,当你更清晰地看到自己的事情,你觉得那个是非常通透,非常爽的感觉。
我也记得就是说 我们今年年初的时候聊过一期 就是如果向宇宙发一个大愿 就我们还讲过就是说 现在年轻人特别流行去烧香拜佛 然后约会宫都被踩踏过了门槛 然后你就说 就是说现在其实很多人的愿望 是被调剂了 就是说只愿要谨慎 因为要不然
也许你可能没许好,就是这个愿望虽然貌似实现了,但它不是一个你想象的那种实现,就是被调剂了。 当然我觉得特别搞笑,就是愿望还有被调剂怎么一说。 所以那一期其实我们就聊了,就我自己就是说如何向宇宙发一个大愿,就是说如果愿望其实不能轻易许,但是当时我就是想寻找一个大愿。
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然后就是找到自己后半生想做的事情 和让自己人生的这个非常对我来说 非常重大的决定变得清晰 我也到达了那个地方 渡过了这条河吧 真羡慕 Kona 我为了这期专门翻了自己
New Year's Resolution. I basically make a wish every day. It's a logic called being healthy, being free, having courage, having love and tenderness, and then tear it apart at every point. And then today is very unfortunate. Because I've been immersed in work, so the completion rate is only 60%. It's very bad in my year.
60% is very bad.
咋呢? What about you? 我年初的約定,因為我每一年在年末的時候都會寫那一年的總結和下一年的計劃。 那我 2024 年的主題詞叫做, 情根與獨低頭建造。 所以在這兒呢,我覺得我也真的是一個頭尾不一的人。
Because I think the 8 words are quite in line with the promise this year. It's just a little too early to study in the rain. So it's just an old rain. What is rain? When it rains, you go to work. When it rains, you study at home. You are a little more free. So I really studied a lot this year. And then I had a lot of interactions with my children. But there is not so much time to work.
And it's indeed a low-budget construction. But I think I'm telling you here. One of my favorite social media content I've seen recently is a post a while ago. There is a French woman who divorced and is about to retire. She came from France to China. Because when she was traveling in Yunnan, she found this place, Benzilan. She felt so beautiful. So she rented an old house in Benzilan. This house, she said, was built entirely from local soil.
He was an architect, so he wanted to build his own life here. He wanted to transform it into a homestay. Then gradually the homestay was presented in his own way. This woman has been here for about ten years. Then drive a very old car. He said, "Look, my car is very old. My clothes are simple. But my room is very beautiful. I don't need to make a lot of money. But the people who came here felt good.
But the most touching part of the video is when she said, "I don't have to worry because I like this place." She remodeled every room by herself. She only remodeled one room in a year. She said she didn't have to worry. She spent five years to remodel the whole 300-room house. So I want to say that my promise at the beginning of the year is to build with love and with love. I originally said that I would do everything firmly, but I didn't worry. I didn't make myself anxious.
I think I actually achieved it. But at the end of the year, I was not so calm. Because I was still a little greedy. A little greedy. Greedy. So I think I still kept my promise here. But I think I should return to my original intention more. I think you guys in the general election
都不高度评价自己,这是不对的,应该先肯定自己在这一年之中的经历的种种。 我觉得应该是这样的,但是我想真诚地对待我自己,就是我真诚地就是会这样评价我自己。 嗯,所以... 还是我对自己好,我老夸自己,随便干点什么都觉得自己特棒。 嗯,嗯。 可是也许你俩这个进步比较宽了。
也不一定,我觉得这就是今天的意义,就是我们讲着讲着后面有很多夸自己的事情。 我就是老想听你俩夸自己,可是你们经常还是在回顾的时候对自己提出更高的要求。 明明我上来夸了自己,然后你们俩就忽略了都不夸自己。
The industry is the best. We don't understand the industry. Why are you so good at this industry? It's not necessary. But it's true that the time is so short. On all social media platforms, fans increase, and consumer interaction are all industry-based. How did you do it? Is it because you used a set of new methods that you have never used before?
这就是付费内容了。 因为拆起来就有点特别特别复杂了, 我就不拆了, 但其实我觉得我也很幸运啊, 有很好的团队, 很好的老板给到支持, 然后我的确没有用常规的方法去解这个题,
因为我觉得用常规的方法去做这件事情我觉得实现不了的。 所以的确我们的投资也非常有限的, 但是我觉得那个是一段, 其实我现在回来都有一种觉得像奇幻之旅, 就是我和团队经常打的头破血, 就经常会吵, 是因为大家一直回到本质就是什么是消费者喜欢的,
所以做得非常扎实。 气节上就拆起来有点复杂, 就不展开这个部分。 但是这个是今年特别骄傲的事情。 嗯,特别棒。 好,我们来到下一题。 下面这两题其实都有关生死的。 我们先说第三题。 你身边有人生孩子吗? 没有。 我有,我以前带的团队的小姑娘, 就她们在我眼中都是小姑娘, 然后就中间见到她, 说就带着肚子捧着花来见我, 然后接着就指导妈妈了。 我觉得也挺奇妙的, 因为带着团队的小孩,
You think it's a little girl. I have two friends who are not very familiar with each other, but they are all good friends. One is a friend of a blogger who is a mutual friend. I like him very much. He is actually a teacher who teaches Japanese called Leaf. The other one is my good friend Neihe. Why do I remember him so much? Because I think they have been communicating with me a lot since they were pregnant. I am very happy that my experience of being pregnant and having a child actually has some gradual significance for them.
然后后来他们生了之后也很开心,我也很高兴他们,因为有些人不想生孩子,有些人想生孩子,而我很高兴他们俩作为想生孩子的人当中生了孩子之后的体验是好的,那这样的话就相当于没有失望嘛,我觉得还是挺为他们高兴的。 那下一题是身边有人去世了吗? 对,我肯定是有啊,因为我们也谢谢你们跟我路了那七八百里开嘛。
也谢谢听众嘛,我觉得很多听众都送来了很多的温暖,也有很多的安慰。 对,甚至后来就是有相识的朋友专门留言谢谢我的分享,然后我也很谢谢大家。 今天是第 36 天,对。
对,这个也是可能也是我和薇薇我们感受到最强烈的一个身边的人的去世。 除此之外呢,我身边还有两个吧,让我印象很深刻的,一个是我婆婆的她的表妹夫,虽然是表妹夫,但是婆婆跟他们的关系很深,然后当她去世之后,因为我没有见过那个去世的人,她是因为意外,但是对婆婆的冲击很大。
As a 70-year-old, he didn't say anything, but he didn't eat for a few days. So I think the death of a person may have a lot of impact on the living. And then there's another person who is my classmate in high school.
What's the difference between now and when you first had the surgery? I was still seeing my psychiatrist. I said that feeling was more like... I think my father's thoughts were more like the underground. Under the sun, I think I'm fine. But I almost never get a good night's sleep. But I'm lucky that I feel more and more...
I was so lucky to have the things he left me. I was always confused about what was the last thing I saw my dad. The first time I met my dad was when he hugged me in the wind. I said I went to see my father-in-law. Later, many of my friends told me that they also experienced their parents leaving. But some people may never dream of their parents again.
But I miss him so much. I want to know the answer. He gave me. And then I almost every week will have a dream about my dad. The most recent dream is that my dad came back to my mom to date. When I was young, I was so happy. And then I dreamed of the big doll. He hugged me and said in a big wind that he went to see Lu Xun. The doll has been laughing at me.
I was thinking that I was also a lucky person. I missed him so much. He kept telling me in the dream that he was fine.
然后我在这周日的时候跟一个好朋友去跑步,我还有一个看见是说,我今天 44 岁,然后遭遇了这个事情,我以为我是很少数的,但是如果看我们三个人,你们俩都在我前面经历了失去双亲之情,而且我觉得我遇到了很多很好的朋友们,大家都经历过了。
Yes, and then they would tell me Coco, you are very lucky For example, I lost my father when I was 26 I lost my father when I was 27 I only know that maybe everyone didn't have this experience before Everyone has never started this communication But I will find that I have a lot of friends around me We seem to live a normal life They live much stronger than we do And the good friend who ran with me on Sunday is also the mother who lost this year Then the two of us ran He told me Coco, I'll tell you a way
you can face the loss better, just think about what he left you. I think this is also a good suggestion from my friend. So I think it may not be able to enter a normal state very quickly, but I know I'm getting better and better.
I remember last year, because I was going to record this podcast today, I woke up at noon and said... That's not what I wanted to say. I listened to the podcast we recorded last year, and there was a place that made me very sad. Because there was a question, what was the best meal you had last year? And you said it was my dad's.
Because when I wrote this question, I actually read the last year's note. And I remember the most delicious meal I wrote was my dad's special home-cooked meal. For example, onion and lamb, minced meat and tofu. And I said that meal was so delicious that I wrote it in my diary. After the blog post, my dad saw it. My dad also gave me a thumbs up and said, "Oh, you remembered the meal I made. Dad is so happy." Yes, I saw it myself. Thank you, baby.
然后出行几乎都是工作。 成都。
I remember you went to many places just for the night race. I booked six races and canceled four. I ran one night race in Beijing. If I say it's a pity this year, I think I've been working all this year. I've been around the sea. So I feel a little bit of a drought in my life. It's very dry. You guys come.
我的太长了,你先说吧。 气人。 对,我就是因为语读的部分也比较丰盛,我就看了这个,列了我这个单子之后,我发现经验也没白过,就主要是我告诉大家一个好办法,就如果你实在跟我一样想不起来你今天干了啥,你就去翻你的照片,你就会发现,你发现了很多。 我进去看了一下行李总行。
Oh, that's more direct. I went to Malaysia for the first time, and then went to Sabah, and then went to a very interesting island called Kaya Island, which I recommend to everyone. It's really primitive. If you want to see a big animal and live on the mountain, I think Kaya is really good. Then I went to Wuzhen and Shaoxing alone. That time I actually went on a business trip to Zhuji and Haining, but I went to Wuzhen and Shaoxing by the way, and I had a lot of fun. Then I went to Hubei Shui Zhen, I don't know.
北京京郊的都算上了, 古北水镇啊,燕七湖啊, 都是跟家里的旅行, 然后我还带家人去了杭州, 去了南京,去了黄山, 然后黄山附近有几个村子, 特别好推荐给大家, 有一个叫西西南, 有一个叫碧山, 是我今年最喜欢的两个村庄, 其中最喜欢的就是那个碧山村, 然后也去了红村, 红村完全不推荐,零推荐, 然后后来还回了天水, 然后天水,如果大家要去的话, 一定要六月到七月去, 一会儿我会给大家推荐天水什么好吃, 天水麻辣炒,
麻辣烫真的不算数。 比麻辣烫好吃的东西太多了,一会儿讲讲。 然后去了青海,青海的雨晨也特别美。 然后去了泰国,泰国去了清迈,去了利贝。 我觉得利贝是一个性价比特别好的岛, 因为你住在岛上你不用跳岛,周围的海水真的是非常非常好。 然后基建作为还这么好的一个地方,算不错的。 然后价格又比马尔代夫要便宜很多。 然后还去了成都,然后最近还去了潭浙寺也算上了一个。
I counted everything around me to get the KPI. Yeah, I counted everything from the photos. Now let's welcome Lisa.
看到火山喷发的样子是在瓦努瓦图,在汤家看到了大鲸鱼,这个也是大家非常熟悉的嘛,汤家是一个关键的。 并不是很熟悉,就是你去的这些地方对我们来说,我觉得都还挺陌生的,所以我就特别期待你回来跟我们讲的那些。
Because the tiger shark is too big. And then it has big white eyes. It's so cute.
I just went to a few cities in Malaysia for a food tour. We went to eat in different ways. I went with a friend who is a good eater. We went to the North China Sea to ski and eat. I just went to Singapore for a meeting. I went to Chiang Mai for the first time in a foreign country. I'm tired.
太痛苦了,没苦硬吃,我再也不越野跑了,但是不知道明年会不会又变惯,但是真的这次中暑了,然后特别难受。 唯一的开心就是没有最后一个回到终点,可能后边还有五个人吧。 然后那个还有去了,秋天的时候去了日本看了上高地和松本,去了红叶寄,去山里面,看了红叶就特别特别美。
So this year, from overseas travel, it's already a long list. I don't even want to say it's too long. Really, your life has always been on the road. Yes, I've been to different places, to more than ten cities. I have a very deep impression. We just came back recently, went to Anyue to see the stone cave.
An Yue is a very magical place Although it is not a cultural heritage of the world It has many very, very wonderful Buddha statues And they are all very hidden You have to drive very far to the mountain village In a small temple, look at the door It's the process of searching for treasures The Buddha statue itself is very beautiful But you can find it very well So I highly recommend everyone to go to An Yue to find the stone kong one by one
And we also went to Wuyishan to run in the night. We also ate a lot of local dishes. Wuyishan is so delicious. I'm so jealous that my face is so stiff. Yes, the public is so angry. Because she has been working so hard. Actually, we had promised to go together. But because she wanted to work, we didn't go together. In Malaysia, I said it's okay. I can stay in the group. I want to be ahead of the crowd. Wuyishan, I said I want to go out.
I don't want to watch it. Actually, we went to Sanya this year. We celebrated New Year there. And that time, actually, we also talked about this when we recorded the show. Actually, I was very happy. It's the New Year in Sanya. And then the rest is not to say. Anyway, there are many, many. I went to Taizhou and ran around. I also ate a lot of delicious things. Taizhou is this year. Yes, so this year is indeed. I always thought I worked very hard this year. Oh my god. You see me go away.
说点严肃的话题 那这一题我首先想问你 明年你有什么想获得今年没有的东西 因为我都不知道你今年还有没有获得的东西吗 非常拉扯的说在玩这件事上没有 我其实明年想认真的 你们不要打我 我明年真的很想认真的工作和学习
然后我很想学习商业知识, 也很想学习很多比如说出海, 如何去做中国企业的出海, 然后去学怎么去做线上的一些投放, 去学一些财务的知识, 包括最近跟关桃学了, 怎么去看个人的资产负债表, 和公司的资产负债表, 学习了很多商业上的东西, 那在商业上我的确是一个小学生, 那我就觉得这是一个宝藏, 在我这个门外汉看来, 就是觉得特别的有意思,
就是每天都在跟着你们去学习不同的东西。 嗯,真好。 Coco 呢? 我明年想获得今年没有的教和生活的链接。 其实从我上一题干瘪的答案你们就知道, 我觉得今年我离生活太远。 我觉得事业上我极高强度的投入也获得了。 很好的正反馈。 对,但是我觉得作为我自己来说, 我知道我灵魂不满足,
I even created a record that I spent all the money in my medical account in the past few years. You know how many diseases I have. This year's Fanta is not covered. So I hope that next year will be a little healthier. And I want a brand balance point. Because everyone knows that the investment in the early stages of the brand is very large. We just calculated it two days ago.
The refund is actually a little more than I thought, but because the early investment is really big, so it's still in a loss state so far. I hope to reach the balance point of profit and loss next year and according to our business model, once I reach the balance point of profit and loss, I will basically be
能比较健康的慢慢扩张了,对对对。 所以这是明年想要的东西。 那接下来这一题啊,叫今年哪个日子或哪些日子会铭记在你的记忆中,为什么? 我在斐济度过的那两个月会非常深刻的铭记在我的记忆中。 然后还有我们一起去跟 Coco 的爸爸告别的那一天。
I want to add something, I remember a moment when I was in the plane, I was very tired and wanted to go home. I went to a big studio when I got home, and I lay on the grass and looked at the stars. I was so comfortable in the soft night of the plane, although it was winter, it was warm in the winter in the south.
然后就躺在那个草地上,有一刻跟星星离得特别近,那个是我在那儿非常疲惫和焦虑的两个月的一个非常宁静的时刻吧。 现在想起来,可能那些上班的场景都忘了,就记得那个时刻。
I am very happy to have you as a friend, because I feel that she has helped you to determine some things to a great extent. And I think this experience is quite unique. Yes, when I look back, this is also a truth of life. Because I think I still have a lot of very glorious things in the sense of the world in Fiji,
比如说跟南太小国的总理什么部长们总是在开会啊,就是有很多什么比如说旁边你在游泳池旁边谈笑风生, 旁边就是什么澳大利亚总理什么的,就是虽然是那样一个浮华的,但是现在就回想起来就这些东西算什么,就对我来说一点意义都没有。
I wrote a lot of such moments in this question, but in summary, I suddenly understood that the theme for me in 2024 may be the first year of my entrepreneurship, but my theme may still be family. It's all about family. For example, on the day of our wedding night, we were on the beach in Shaba, and the whole family looked up at the fireworks. Then on May 1st, our family is me.
先生和小杨。 因为我们很少三个人出行, 一般都是带着阿姨, 对,老人。 但只有我们三个人一起去 京郊的酒店住了两天, 又比如说, 回到天水跟我的老朋友们, 带着小杨一起在 山谷的小溪里面玩水, 哎呀,那天他,
I was so happy that day. I remember it was golden. I must take you to the summer play in the sky. I was so happy. There is a strange magic. I was so happy. Suddenly I saw you wearing a diaper. I was a baby.
然后包括我生日过完之后有一天, 韦总突然带了全家说, 我一定要让你们去看看下雨之后的故宫, 然后也特别美。 然后还有一天我们在青海, 然后找到了一个悬崖上的没有游客的, 就在悬崖上的一个寺庙,
I didn't know that the sea view was so beautiful there. There were only two llamas playing basketball and chatting. When we put the helicopter on, they came to watch the helicopter with us. There were many more. We went to Thailand to play with elephants. It was the first time for Xiao Yang to go to McDonald's to be an intern.
第一次上台跳舞,这么小就大不去咯,对,第一次去上自然科学课,也有一些我自己的,比如说我在绍兴发现了一间特别喜欢的书店,然后买到了今年特别喜欢的书,我觉得今年好像跟 coco 的相反,就是我觉得我今年跟生活里的痕迹。
但是你看我事业上我就觉得没有那么的满意嘛 所以就大家我觉得真的是此起彼伏的这样的一个状态 然后每个人可能 对 所以我觉得我还挺感谢静妍 因为我不确定这样的 我觉得在我过去的人生当中 就是完全以家庭为主题的年份其实并不多 可能最近一两年两三年是 但也许等接下来我更忙了 想要上幼儿园了这个事情就会有
I lost my balance. But anyway, these are the days I remember this year. I also want to add something. You two just said it inspired me. My main focus this year is work. And then there are some things related to work. Actually, I think this year is a moment that makes me very happy in terms of work. I really like a designer named Rick Owens. His first time in China, the first stop was the event I went to. And then that afternoon was a very low-key event.
I also liked this designer for many years. I also wore one that day. I just know it's a embroidery. It's very special. But when the whole work is done, I also held the book and asked Drake to sign it for me. Because I think this is my favorite designer. He said, "Wow, you wear this dress." He said this dress was designed by my mother. He hugged me.
Then there was another moment. You said that you wanted to do something you thought was right in a certain project. Then my boss asked me, "Are you sure you want to do it?" I said, "I'm very sure." He said, "If we don't get a reply, do you want to do it?" I said, "Yes." He said, "If we are open to this kind of thing, do you want to do it?" I said, "I want to do it too."
Actually, not only I didn't do well in this year's work, but there were many times when I really tested what I believed and what I didn't believe. And I think those times, no one even knew. And then after two weeks, my boss told me, have you ever thought about it? Two weeks ago, we were facing a special, some kind of workplace life and death, but we were more on the side of what we believed.
Actually, that moment was a moment of the dark. It has given me a lot of strength this year. I just realized why we like this program the most. You look back and you will feel that there is a more important mark on your heart. Maybe it's your persistence or something that's very important to you. Then the next question is what is your biggest achievement this year?
Minimal something prototype? V is what?
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艰难,然后也不知道怎么办。 结果经过了今年,我觉得我不但跑通了, 而且就这个 MVP 赚起来, 就是我们目前的数据, 尽管就整个的 size 还没有特别大, 但是呢,我们现在的好评率和复购率 是远远远远高于市场平均水平高非常非常多。 所以我觉得我还是很开心很开心。 那这个事情,我觉得我的问题在于,
一点一点就变贪心了。 就想着,哎,今年怎么还没有这个, 跑得很快。 明明我年初的... 我知道,跑得很好了。 袜子卖了多少双? 具体,商业设计。 我也想着,我们上一期节目带了多少双? 显得好像是一个神奇的事。 对,也没有多少。 目前还是一个很小的生意,但是...
因为我年初对自己的要求就是你跑通就行, 现在就跑挺好。 大家觉得买这个袜子它真的好舒服。 是吧,就是目前确实都是好评如潮, 大家觉得确实很好,然后我也会继续努力。 但我觉得对我来说最难的就是, 我觉得我很多时候的困难是行,
比如说你会觉得这个困难,哇,太大了,供应链啊,我一没资源,二没方法论,三没经验,怎么去做呢? 当你跑下去的时候,你也发现,如果你在这个事情上,我觉得我还是够努力的,包括我之前也跟你们说过,我有开车,那时候去经营去念。 我要去勇闯一个 VAS 大展会。
嗯,当然有一些只是前期的沟通, 剂样,至少到剂样环节, 但是到真正打样环节的, 所以我说我前期投入的钱多嘛, 就是因为我一直想找在这个类目里面, 我能找到的最好的工厂, 然后所以就前期后期的沟通, 我在这儿想跟大家说, 如果你跟我是一种人的话, 你容易把困难想得特别大的话, 那你不如我们就多向前两位学习, 向薇薇和 Code 学习, 就你还是先去卖出去, 你干了之后,
结果就发现这事儿没有想象中那么难, 其实可以到达的, 这是我想,我觉得最大的一个成就。 对,因为所有的事情不管多难, 都是要先迈出那一步。 对对对。 其实可能有的时候你走到那一步, 就能看清下一步在哪里, 然后你不迈出那一步的时候, 永远都看不到前路, 是永远都不会清晰的。 所以这也是我今年特别大的一个成就, 就是我觉得如果我想看清远方的路, 我就要去迈出那一步。
所以你的答案就是今年做的这个决定对吗? 对,就是看清了,其实是这样的,我也没看清我真正想去到哪里,但我看清了我不想去哪儿。
I think this is a great achievement. I thought, "Do I want to go there?" I have to take a look first. The result of the eye-opening is that this is not the direction I want to go. In fact, when that door is closed, there will naturally be a window open. So I'm also trying to try something I never thought about before this year. I will have some opportunities and life opportunities to try a new career.
还有一点就是我看得特别清晰的就是我不想再去做, 留在我 20 年非常熟悉的舒适区里面再去重复我的工作上的这些东西了。 就哪怕你给我更好的收入,更高的职位和一个更大的舞台, 就是我已经这个工作不能带给我任何人生的真正的成长了。
I want to do something new in my life, even if it's from the perspective of enriching my life experience. And I'm not afraid of the result at all. Even if I fail, it doesn't matter. Then I will try bravely. But there is another one. Of course, I also have a relatively safe feeling because of the hot and cold.
So last time when we talked to Meiji, he also said that it's easier for entrepreneurs with financial security to succeed, because it's not easy to make some changes in some anxiety and fear. Then I just think that my future road is very wide, because wherever I go is a new road.
我也没有那么担心后顾之忧。 因为我已经在我前期的这个事业的赛道上积累了这么多年, 就它会非常幸运地给了我一个相对安全的这个脱底的选择。 那在这个出发点,我再出发, 我走到哪都是人生非常神奇的体验和经历, 都是我每天都在学习就够了。 我自己对这个状态特别特别的满意。 所以也是很感恩吧,就觉得自己是一个非常幸运的人。
It's really a year of love. What about Coco? I think I divided into two. The first is on the way to being a mother. I think this year is when I started to learn to accept my daughter wholeheartedly.
嗯。 然后我放弃了很多比较和期待,然后全心的爱他。 别人问我说不要怎么样,都说好极了。 是真心的觉得他是那么好的一个小孩,他是那么好的一个礼物。 所以这年我因此拥有了很多的甜蜜,我觉得特别好。
I want to go to the movies with my mom.
So sad. 真大丑皮。 So sad. 我觉得这个是,就是做母亲路上其实挺开心的,因为我觉得这个视角让我特别的轻松和幸福。 就是我觉得他们已经是这么好的小孩了,做我的小孩,然后觉得特别好,然后 Belle 也越来越好,特别好。
Then we two are very similar. Now it's more like a partner. For example, on Saturday morning, he asked me very seriously. I said, "Mom, I want to ask you two questions." I said, "Okay, you say." The first one is to say, "Mom, what do you think? Do you think I like girls?" Then he said, "The second question is, Mom, you're really not happy with so much money."
Because young children will consider their favorite person's gender identity. Yes, and he also asked me, for example, I am very close to my girlfriend. Spend a lot of time together, is this love? I said this must not be love. I said, are you guys very comfortable together? But do you have that kind of feeling that this person's hair is all golden, your heart is jumping? I said that is love. Do you want to feel it again? This is very good, we are very good. Then I think in terms of career, my feeling is that there is a sense of accomplishment. It means that I feel that I am working hard.
也交付了我相信的东西,但同时我觉得更重要的是我们要忘记自我是什么,我相信的是什么,我觉得这个很棒。 也为你高兴,那聊完成功,我觉得这个出题说得挺好,你今年最大的失败是什么? 我今年最大的失败跟柴的那个身体上的难过有很大的相关性,就我觉得我今年最大的失败是没有管理好健康。
也生病挺多的,然后先是把腰给拉伤了。 其实我也跟心理咨询师讨论过, 很多人以为腰伤是一个纯生理的现象, 但实际上很多时候是因为我们把自己拉到了自己的极限。
心理上的极限,就会表现在腰伤上。 所以其实在国外有很多,国内可能也有吧,就是有很多相关的著作吧,比如说 Healing Back Pain,还有很多其他一些书籍都在讲这个腰伤跟心理学上的一个非常强关联的部分。 我觉得这个也是,就 literally 就是 I broke my back。
I literally broke my back.
I was so shocked to see that. I was like, why is this person so bad at talking? Anyway, that's another topic. But I saw that many people have back pain and back injury. In fact, it is often because of psychological reasons. No matter what reason, work or other stress, it pushes us to the limit. And then the back injury is really, really uncomfortable. Because it is a physical and mental problem. Because it is right in the middle of your body.
动不了,干什么都干不了,然后坐立不安,站着也难受,坐着也难受,真的是一个非常,对我来说非常痛苦的经历,而且那个时候我还要飞什么时,正好等下我要飞 12 次,在 10 天里飞 12 次,真的是非常 suffer,然后今年也有一些别的身体上的病痛什么的。
所以我觉得今年确实是一个应该更好的去管理健康的这一年, 确实做的对自己的身体的关照不够。 我没有想到你的答案是这个, 因为我今年确实病得特别多, 但我其实没觉得我在这事上失败了, 是因为我可努力了, 我在自己管理健康的事情上很努力, 但我最后身体就是不好, 所以我就把它赖给了太岁, 就是我觉得不是我的问题。
It's her failure. My back injury was a fall. It just slipped all of a sudden. I had no choice. Then I got some strange diseases. They are not related to each other. But my biggest failure this year, I thought about it, I really can't think of it. I said I didn't make any mistakes this year. But if you talk from a financial point of view, I didn't make any money this year.
I think this is a huge failure. The reason is that I actually have another business, which is a marketing business. This year is too light. Last year, I think this year will have one because we are a kind of another business is a gold-plated outdoor vertical marketing team. I want to only work with one customer a year. I'm going to work with this customer.
Last year, our clients promised us that they would work with us for 3-5 years. But they were cut off from all budgets because of the financial adjustment. And this year, our client was cut off.
But when it fell, I was already too late. I had already passed the window period to pitch other customers. And I didn't really put much effort into this. So actually last year, although I didn't make much money, I made money last year. And this year, I really didn't make money. The whole market is not that good.
这个大环境,是能赖到大环境一部分吗? 也不能,就是因为我战略上不保险嘛,就其实你怎么能把,人家也没有给你签合同的承诺,你怎么把宝就压在了这一个身上呢? 就因为,就把鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里了,在这个业务板块上。
Yes, in fact, they signed every year from January to February of the second year. We ran through all the processes in advance. But when I didn't get the contract in February, I realized, think about how late I was. I realized that this year this thing is not working. And then at this time, because we are cooperating with the New Year's Eve project, and then when we go to talk to other clients, we have already passed that window period.
I didn't put much effort into it. So from this point of view, I think it's a failure. It's my problem. I think it's not the biggest failure. Because I think every step I take is very sincere and serious. So I can't talk much. But this year, I feel like I've experienced a very deep loss and farewell.
So there are many regrets. I can only tell myself that these regrets are also learned and experienced. But it can't be considered a failure. Yes, it can be labeled as the biggest failure. What difficulties have you encountered this year? Coco opened her list seriously.
I think this is a challenge for me to grow up. And the other difficulty is that I have to suffer a lot of losses. This is very difficult for me. I lost a lot of things that I treasure in many ways. I think this year is a very bad year for me.
Yes, it is. Weiwei mentioned that she was a bit strict with Coco last year. I thought about it seriously. I've been in charge of pain and separation for the past two years. I'm really in charge of pain and separation in our family. Don't say anything about it next year. It's best to keep it a secret.
I wrote this question this year, "It seems that entrepreneurship is difficult, but when I think about it, it's really hard. It's really hard to get enough funds. Then the supply chain finally found one. Everyone knows that we use the supply chain of food and drink products. Then people are already very good. They said that the broken song let you go. Today, when I communicated with them, I said, "Sister, you know that your order volume is so small. We have already cooperated fully, but our delivery period may be four months." I said, "Four months?
以及呼吁大家轻易不要创业了,在这样的年景下,让你走出去。 我其实真的今年特别容易快乐,就是因为太难了,然后但凡有一点点好的反馈, 就是有一天我们没有做任何推销的情况下,没有做任何流量投放的促销的情况下, 也有成交,也就两单成交,然后我好开心,我说,
今天啥也没做也有成交啊 然后就是 但是后来这种时刻就越来越多了 因为有很多那个复购的嘛 但我就想说 可能也好吧 就当你放眼望去 全是困难的时候 稍微有一点正反困 你就觉得很甜 但是在大家环境相对来说 非常艰难的一年 还能够再坚持去创业 坚持去创造自己的品牌 我觉得本身就非常的勇敢
And don't ask for too much. Because entrepreneurship has a path. It's normal for you to build a good company and brand for 7 to 10 years. This is a normal cycle. You have to give yourself enough time to build it. I think it's especially difficult for many people. Some people lost their jobs.
还欠了很多债,在这样的情况下已经算是能够打平。 我觉得是很棒的一件事情,应该对自己也多鼓励。 好的,我一定。 那下一题,你今年是否生过病受过伤?
Because I said it before, I'll do it first. I had a fracture in my waist at the beginning of the year. Then I had a very serious stomach disease. So I did this gastrointestinal gastrointestinal. But the good thing is that I didn't have a big problem. But when I did it, I found that there was a growth in the intestines. Fortunately, it's not big. The doctor cut it for me on the spot.
Is it easier for mothers to have babies?
Yes, but I had a long-term condition before, but it's getting worse now. I had a good one and a bad one in the middle, and it was very uncomfortable. Then after the long-term gastrointestinal disease, I started to have constipation. I checked it later, and I really didn't have constipation in my first half of life. But it is true that after a long period of pain, this problem is particularly common. So everyone must be careful to choose. Then I got two new crowns.
嗯,但还好都没有大病,我觉得我已经很幸运了,就是难受。 所以每当我中间不生病的那些日子,我就觉得哇,自己好开心。 可能至少有一半的日子都在生病。 我今年也是这样的,我觉得我几乎没有一天说我起来哪都不疼了。 就是我要不然就腰疼,要不然就肩疼,要不然就 whatever。 就是你看我这次越来越跑还肌带过敏,还浑身都是起到就像湿疹一样,就特别痒。 反正就每一天...
然后确实这个身体上的难受 让对我的心理的改变挺大的
For example, I already feel that I have to respect my body. And next year I will be very cautious in sports. I won't be like before, just for fun. Or for example, running around. Or it's a very strong requirement for the body. I will try to be brave. I really think about it. Do I want to do this? I actually had various small diseases this year. The more serious one is high blood pressure. I really can't.
醒得动了,恶心到就像喷泉一样喷射的吐,我实在没有办法走了,然后我当时还惦记着我要去开会,开会要迟到。 天哪,你真的是工作狂。 对,后来我就是,我只能让我先生来接我,然后我真的走不了,没有办法下床的那种。 不过说实话,我觉得我自己可能,因为我每年都会晕倒或者什么,
But I'm generally a very modest person. Yes, I'm not particularly good. You are indeed very modest in this regard. Next question, a happy one. What is the best thing you bought this year? I'll start with you. I have three. I think you were good last year, and it became a...
讨卖混专场。 对,今年也有三个特别厉害的东西, 第一个叫做网易严选的办公椅, 因为我现在是在家工作嘛, 后来我就发现其实一把好的椅子很重要, 我以前用的是那种美式家具里面的木头椅,
But then I found that it was really hard to do it for a long time. Then my colleague recommended one for me. Do you know how cheap it is? He said, which model do you buy? It's a one-legged one. And now it's down again. Now it's less than 1000 yuan. I bought it for 1200 yuan. Then it can rotate. Then you can lie flat. Then you can put two feet on top. Then put the computer on top. I want to tell you that it greatly improved my work efficiency. It's because I like it very much. When the sun shines in front of my desk, I sit on it.
I feel like I'm a great creator. It really makes you feel comfortable. And your waist is also very comfortable. I think it's really good to improve such a big quality of life for 1000 yuan. The second one is what you are seeing now. The thing behind my phone is called the point phone case. This phone case is really amazing. Of course, it is not cheap as a phone case.
但是它其实这个设计是一个专利, 它可以...
It can rotate in many directions. You can put it anywhere you want. I tried to record a video this year. Sometimes I hang it on the rear mirror when I'm in the car. It can record. This strength is very good. This is the first place to buy the phone case of the branch. The third one I must recommend to everyone is called the sanitary pad. Because I'm not feeling well this year, I went to the endocrine department. 90% of modern people lack sanitary pads. Because of our light.
Yes, so what causes you to lack of vitamin D? Lack of weight, lack of sleep, bad mood, and many other problems. Then I checked, I really lack vitamin D. Since I have supplemented vitamin D, I sleep very well every night and feel very good.
And if you don't fill it up for a while, the difference will be huge. And I broke my waist at the beginning of the year because of the lid. Because the big problem I found out this year may have caused me to have no way to go directly to the lid. But I think the vitamin D actually helps you to absorb the lid better. So I really recommend everyone to buy vitamin D. These are the three big products I recommend this year.
你可以讲,可以讲,可以讲。 对,我觉得今年当然这也有情感的带路嘛,因为毕竟是柴的作品,但是真心非常想夸奖这个袜子,另外柴自己做了一个她的另外一个户外电台里面,就是你做了一期非常非常好的节目,就是讲这个美丽奴羊毛嘛,
也是你割袜子的材料。 我才第一次知道原来 关于美丽奴羊毛 有这么多的知识点, 然后美丽奴羊毛是这么好的东西, 因为我们都很喜欢户外运动嘛, 无论是越野呀,什么去徒步呀, 有这样的一双袜子和 未来你要做的那个衣服, 我觉得都非常重要。 然后过两天我要去
Hangzhou stationery I was thinking what to wear I must wear a dress of beautiful wool wool and then go to the stationery shop so that it can resist the cold winter in the south So I'm looking forward to the product of the wood to be released soon You just heard that Max Mara's factory told me to wait for four months So I guess I can only go up in the summer Will it make a quilt? We have a short-sleeved version It's horizontal wool The wool wool will keep the horizontal temperature So it's good for summer wear
嗯,没关系,反正就是美丽奴羊毛和柴的袜子都是很好,今年我能够体验到的非常好的东西。 嗯,谢谢,真好,我想了想,我说的这个付费的部分,其实真正发生是在 2025 年,我其实安排了迎接我 45 岁的一镜一动两场私宴,那这两场私宴,薇薇就参加动了那一场。 我要求都参加,被拒绝了。
才参加我敬的那一场, 因为我很少为我的收视这么大费周遭, 但是我觉得今年动的那场就更形式感一些, 我要求大家穿,
我也觉得很安静。 是没地儿了。 对,没地儿了。 然后那个,对,因为涉及到一些预定金什么的嘛, 我就把它当作说这是我今年最好的, 因为我真的想跟我的朋友们说谢谢你们。 真好。 也是你给自己的一个很重要的礼物吧。 是。 我想坦白,就是我俩在讨论给你买什么时候的礼物, 然后柴说欠都消费降级了, 我们还是一切总减吧。
I'm so disappointed! Coco is so serious about preparing her birthday. This is very important to her. So we can't let it go. I told her, "Do you realize that Coco's birthday is the first one among the three of us?" "So we start with Coco, and then we'll start with the next one." "Every year's birthday, everyone's consumption is decreasing." That's great. I'm glad you confirmed that you don't agree with me.
Very good. But actually we... A very simple but not profitable idea. Because it's even more serious. Weiwei has already bought her gift. So she has been holding the gift for a year. She enjoyed it after her birthday. And the gift is a... I and Weiwei opened the air ticket. We said we would go to Neimeng together. But it's not there yet. And then I told Weiwei. You can transfer my gift to my bank account.
I thought Coco would beat us up, so I was determined to oppose it. I understand her better. You can also look forward to what Coco will give us. If you have any suggestions, please leave a message in the comments section. I suspect someone will say buy three pairs of raincoats.
那也是挺好的 我可以给你们发优惠券 好 下个问题很有趣 叫谁的行为值得表扬 我自己 写的是自己 对 我写的是亮亮的照顾 确实 那非常值得 我们每次来都觉得 亮亮的行为实在太值得表扬了 可可写的是什么 我有三组人 第一组是女儿吧 我觉得我从她身上 今年其实学到了很多 就是特别坚持她自己
He had a lot of serious conversations with me this year. For example, he said, "Please don't work with my art teacher to change my painting." Because he had a very broad speech, we tried to persuade him to be very serious and tell me that I can't do that. And he said very seriously that I really can't play the piano. I promise you that there are three things that are very important to me this year. I will do these three things very well. But can you change it and say that I don't play the piano?
那我真的觉得就是因为他有一个特别大的这个 talent, 那你其实因为一个孩子时间是有限的, 就是你应该让他去做他开心的事情。 是,但是就... 所以你终于同意了。 对。 哇,好替他开心啊。 对,而且我在 Belle 身上还是觉得学到很多的, 就是她很坚持。 而且她很知道自己要什么, 她也知道什么对她好, 所以我觉得她真的长大了, 特别的开心她的成长。
第二个我要感谢的跟亮亮很像就感谢一颗松先生吧 我觉得他就是我隐形的安全嘛 就是他一直托住我嘛
And the third thank you is my girlfriend. I feel very happy to have you. This question is worth praising. It's praise. It's praise. It's praise. It's praise. It's because for me, you take care of me. Especially when I was weak, I didn't even know how to ask for help. You also helped me. That's great.
他的答案是,也是孩子小羊。 我是说他的行为为什么值得表扬呢? 他有两个行为让我觉得我也要向他学习。 一个是他的爱,就有一天我试图跟他讲明白说什么是外婆, 我说你为什么没有外婆,我说我的妈妈去世了。 他马上说,我来当你的妈妈。 从那以后他就经常说,今天...
我给你留了两块苹果 我是你的妈妈 然后哇 就是每次做这种鞋子的时候 对对对 但我觉得这个东西是孩子们天生的 我就发现人其实与生俱来 你是带有爱的 那这件事情又让我反省了一下 我觉得我是不是其实可以找回自己的一些爱 另外一个就是他比我自律 他天蝎座真的好可怕
她在口头禅是,你一句话都没有说,我就自己关上了电视,比如说要看动画片之类的,那我就觉得这个值得表扬。 小杨的自我表扬行为非常值得表扬。
对的对的对的。 那谁的行为令你感到震惊呢? 我自己是说说这一年对我来说, 我是觉得说这一年是我的人生观察实验。 我觉得好多样本让我特别震惊于大家价值观的多样性。 而且我觉得很多道理我一直懂得, 但是自己亲眼所见还是非常震惊的。 我觉得是丑陋的底线。 我可能就是...
Because when I was exploring a new direction and doing something new, something happened in the middle. Sometimes, no matter if it's choosing a partner or seeing some behaviors on the way to work, sometimes I think I'm not serious, I think I can't understand. Sometimes some people's behavior and decisions
她对大家都没有好处,对自己也没有好处,那为什么会这么做呢? 我在试图理解这个背后的动机,可能在于怎么去... 因为 Coco 老说,咱仨里情商对别人的同理心这个方面不是特别强的, 就是我在理解别人的动机这件事情上确实有点 struggle, 所以确实也有一些事情让我觉得有点震惊, 主要是因为我不理解背后的 motivation。
I have no answer for this question. I realized that I was too narrow this year. I have few people to talk to. I can't be serious. I hope I can go out more in 2025. I can communicate with people. I really want to know the next question. Where did you spend most of your money? I guess it's traveling. It must be. I always travel. You guessed it right. I'm not surprised. You guessed it right. Buy clothes. Yes.
And you need to be professional in this field. And you need to be OOTD. Yes, but I won't buy clothes by OOTD. I have two kids, they are very cute, but they always quarrel. We have a group, I said we can make a rule. If you two quarrel, one person will give me 100 yuan. If I want to buy something, I will give you 100 yuan. We have a contract.
I've been doing this for a month because of the love of the group. That's my longest year. I bought a pair of shoes because of the Rick Owen event. I gave them 100 yuan each. You can give us a change. I think this is a good idea. I gave up on this. I think everyone has their own way of going out.
但是我想问你有消费降级吗? 因为我是有的,就像我这么没有规划,比如说那天我们跟关小聊了人生的资产负债表的时候,我们也讲了很多关于这个财务管理的问题,我也按下决心要在今年年底之前梳理一下我今年钱到底花哪了,
I think my income is not reduced, but I am also consciously doing some consumer-oriented efforts. But there is another one that is particularly ironic. I almost spent 4800 yuan to learn a broken glass. I think I have to go to broken glass. Did I offer you that you can help me with the price?
Everyone was shocked by my behavior. They said you actually spent 4,800 yuan to throw things away. Why don't I help you throw things away? Yes, I think so. I didn't lower the quality score. But I lowered the frequency score. I still dropped it. And today, because of various reasons, I can't travel. This part is actually a lot of money. Yes, our takeout also from today I control the budget to less than 200 yuan.
你想想多奢侈吧,三个人吃两百块,这都值得称为节俭了,真的太奢侈了。 那我们也挺能吃的,我想说。 那食量确实也挺大的。
我自己的钱主要花去了创业和看病。 当然这两个数量级差得很远, 但我只是心理感受上觉得, 创业肯定是我花很多钱, 你们也知道我平时过得非常的朴素, 就是什么都不花。 然后另外的钱,就是以家庭为单位的钱, 我说我们家的钱都花在哪了? 我们家也很朴素, 就是吃算用度都非常的, 我觉得比较简朴吧。 但是我们在三个事情方面还是花比较大块的钱, 因为是旅行,就前面讲的去的比较多地方。
Second, the housing improvement. We rented a big house, but we still have a lot of money to pay for it. Even if it's a big house, it's still very simple. But we hope it's spacious. Third, the energy exchange. I still think that the money from my aunt is too worth it. Because if there is a good aunt, I can save a lot of time to do my own things.
我们家花钱的原则基本上都还是比较,性价比比较高,但这个性价比更多的是基于自己的价值观和安排。 嗯,嗯。 然后,十六题,我可以喜欢这道题了,什么事让你感到超级超级超级兴奋? 原题是用了三个超级是不是? 对,薇薇你快点超级超级超级兴奋的薇薇说说。
Kona. This is a very special me. First, it's the growth of my team. I rarely feel excited about the growth of my team. But this year's team made me feel that way. Because they are almost the smallest and most intelligent team I have ever met. But I do think that when we are in the fifth or sixth month, I think when I am in a huge depression, they can often suggest a lot of things that I think I can't do. Because I think to some extent, I have become
I'm not on the front line, but they give me a lot of surprises and comforts. I think this is actually a very successful feeling. And it's something I don't have in the workplace. It's just a team that keeps growing and giving you surprises.
And then, Belle, last weekend I went to her bookshelf early in the morning and I found that she made a very thick book and then she used the way I read to stick different circles and summarized various things, especially beautiful little notes. And then I thought, "Hey, this doll, you don't even know when she grew up." I don't think that's the kind of excitement that's like blood running through your veins, but I think it's a huge happiness.
And of course Rick Owens was super excited that night. All kinds of passionate boys, hugs, and everyone felt like they were in the same channel. That night's vibe made me excited for a long time. You really love your job. Yes, I feel a little bored to say it myself, but I really love it. I'm happy for you. What I think of is work. Don't say who. Even I think of work.
I thought the world was connected. They all expressed great kindness. I think Dada is the best plate we sell. I feel so happy. And she is a traditional dancer. I hope everyone will be bold. So I am very happy. Then there was another time I received an interview from a new independent magazine called Synergy. The interview also made me very happy. She asked me why I wanted to be a female foreign brand.
But it was actually someone else who said, "I think this person is you." He didn't write the name, but some strangers thought he meant me. Then the stranger sent it to my friend, and my friend sent it to me. I felt like I was seen. At the end of September, we won the 2024 Fashion Summit of the Chinese Fashion Forum as a brand that was just half a year old.
所以对于我自己来讲,我觉得我的那些兴奋点基本上就来自于两个,就是阶段性的成就被看见,以及突破。 就这个突破,我觉得突破对于每个人来说是不一样的,尽管别人会觉得,你不是还有一个视频吗? 但对我来说就是我很兴奋,就是我突破了。 所以你今天有这么多的突破和阶段性的成果和成就,为什么还觉得是你给自己的关键词是一事无成呢?
当然你也没有那么高,也没有实现。 另外一个点就是我比较容易陷入到冬季抑郁, 就我一接上那个十一月份吧, 我整个人的气场就掉下去了。 所以也许你十月份问我的感受, 我都不可能是一事无成, 但是到十一十二月就得阶段性了。 有可能就当时在思考这件事的时候, 那个时刻。 就它也是一种气氛, 就这个气氛就觉得, 最近怎么好像没有什么,对,
尤其是到年底了我会盘财务嘛,就像我说去年还有钱赚,今年没钱赚的时候你就会觉得无意思无事。 可能我的潜意识,我老追问你这个问题是因为我总觉得这是女性的一个特别大的特质,就是说老是鞭策自己,就是我们其实已经有的时候做得非常好了,可是总是会对自己的要求更高。
倒也不是,毕竟我在做一个商业项目,最后还是看钱的嘛 那从钱上 那商业是需要时间去积累的嘛 对对对 品牌也是需要时间去沉淀的 而且你没有拿投资,你都是靠自己一点一点的去建造的 我觉得就后面也没有什么巨大资本帮你去 drive 就是其实已经很好了,应该多鼓励自己吧 好的,收到 然后哪首歌会让你永远的想起这一年 AI 给 SO 做的歌儿
Wow, I told you I was in all kinds of replies, all kinds of good reviews. Yes, but I always ask what the PNV show is. I don't want to see it. It's a PNV show created by us.
而且我们其实 AI 给我们搞了好几首,都是不同的,实在 AI 太强大了,就是你可以跟他说我要抒情的,我要 rap 风格的,然后我要什么古典风格的,就是他都给你,还给你写个歌词,就是一分钟都不到,就几秒钟就搞定了,真的是,科技改变,对,太厉害了,
你俩的答案都是这个吗? 不是,我的是那个 Memories,就是爸爸那期的那个结尾,片尾曲。 因为那个,我其实是一个听词的人啊,就是那个歌词其实大概说的是说,让我们一起举杯庆祝,说庆祝在此刻的你和我希望你在这里,你却不在的那个人。
然后说让我们一起庆祝我们共同走过的岁月, 以及让我们一起举杯去庆祝今日我们在此, 但也庆祝那一条长路上我们走丢的你, 就大概还是因为这个吧, 那首歌本身很好听。
我的是派派斯拉勒拜 就是小猪佩奇的那个 对 睡前的安眠曲 晚安曲 对 就是想听很多次嘛 你就会想起 对 所以可能确实都是每个人的缩影 那下一题好玩了 和去年这首比 你是感到更快乐还是更悲伤 更胖了还是更瘦了 更富了还是更穷了 更快乐 更胖 更富
哦,真羡慕! 除了更胖,我可是帮我羡慕! 我去年最牛逼,去年是更快乐,更瘦,更富。 哦,太羡慕了。 那今年呢? 今年叫做经历了更复杂的悲伤,更厚重的快乐。 胖了,钱差不多。
我的是差不多可能更快了一点点 就今年我觉得家庭这部分还是很快乐 更瘦了 挺开心 对 但其实总共瘦了八斤多 但是从今年的峰值 从去年比的话 我还对比了一下 是瘦了六斤多 然后更富了还是更穷了 我还有认真去看 因为我都有记录的嘛 我跟去年相比 现金其实是更穷了一点 但是几乎只比穷了 6%
我觉得 6%还是可以接受的。 那你们都算的好精准啊,我都不知道怎么算出来。 但是我还有了品牌资产和库里的很多的货,如果加上这些的话,我可能是…… 太高购了。
肚子饿了。 对对对,肯定是更富了。 我觉得那个就是补充一点就是我今年不怎么有身材焦虑了, 就是我的身材焦虑好了很多, 其实你们也知道我以前是非常自律的, 然后我的无论是健身还有就是, 运食, 对,都非常注意, 但是我今年就特别白烂,特别馋, 还是老想吃好的, 总之就是我已经没那么在乎我是不是发胖了, 只要我觉得健康更重要, 还有就是我可能进入到了一个,
年龄就是我的外貌焦慮少了很多。 我覺得無論我再多努力, 我也是這個年齡了。
I'm not that old anymore. I don't feel like I can live with myself anymore. So I don't care about my weight. And I don't wash my hair often. Because washing my hair is a waste of time. Of course, it's important to meet someone who is good-looking. But I don't wear makeup on ordinary days. It's normal. It's very comfortable.
It's a good change for you. I feel comfortable. I don't have to be selfish. I don't have to be so strict with my appearance. Still, you are my secret weapon. I really like the time when I hugged Weiwei's real age. I gave her a head in the last episode. Really, you are very rare among the peers. Yes, I might not go to the industry next year. Because it's too much. But if I go to the industry next year,
I'm going to the age group of 50 to 55 years old. I think I'm very unlucky because I'm the oldest in the age group of 45 to 49 years old. You know, the weightlifting is very high for the body. So actually, the gap between one year and one year is very big. So I'm very unlucky. And then I think I won't run next year. Is it a pity? Because I can go to the age group of 55 years old. Yes, I can go to the age group of 45 years old next year. I also remember that.
我跟你说,有一个赛道特别适合你,你现在去小红书开一号,标题前面写上 50 岁,我是这样的,你绝对大火。
Really? Yes, really. I'll be in my 50s tomorrow. I'm not 50 yet. I have to wait a few more months. I'll get my body temperature checked first. People say they are 50 when they are 43. That can't be true. You can be 50 when you are 40. Of course. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the box of 55 years old. I'll roll that 55-year-old. I wish you both success. I'll roll the 49-year-old. Okay.
What do you want to do more? Fruit juice I don't think I will go back if I order it But I have a lot of come and go in my heart I hope this will be less consumed
I hope to make my life more extended. This extension is actually a bit like, for example, the so-called extension is that I am from a very extroverted state from the beginning, especially when I do all the things, I gradually enter a very introverted state. All my choices are actually introverted choices.
比如说我放弃了海外派驻这件事, 因为海外派驻其实带给我的 是很多外区的成就感, 那这个东西就是在我的生命的成长里面 渐渐的更清晰了, 而我以后再做的选择, 更多的是内区的, 就是我真的自己想去做的, 我自己的成就感,
我自己很想希望我能够自己对于这个世界的感受和对于别人的理解和感受更有延展性 还有就是说一些松弛感吧 有哪些东西是我需要在乎的 哪些东西是我在此刻的这个生命阶段并没有那么在乎的 包括身材焦虑 这些减少这些都是一种延展性 所以我现在就希望自己能够作为一个生命的个体更有延展性
嗯,其实也没什么值得夸奖的,只是一个生命的阶段吧。 就我觉得如果你真的不去看的话,你自己是永远不能获得真正的成长的。 就是从一个生命个体的丰富性和它的那种更深的那种爱和你能获得的这个世界的爱和那种很深的感受上, 一个生活在那样照子里的人,他的感受永远是单一的。
破除掉一些之前的保护,然后之前的滤镜,然后我觉得有这个觉察已经很不容易了,希望你能看到那个更广阔的世界。 就是破除了一些之前的执着嘛,就是其实生命的延长性就是在一个不断去打破自己的过程,就是还差得远呢,这条路还很长。
But in general, I think this is a very profound experience. I can't use the word "repeat" but I only started to feel it at my age. This is a very profound life experience. That's great. I hope I can do more. I don't know how to describe it in one word. I want to call it self-management. It must be wrong. Self-cultivation or self-degradation. I describe what state it is. I also gradually realized that this is not an excessive self-degradation. Because Weiwei always wants to protect me, wants me to encourage myself.
I am not. I think I am a person with a very strong habit. But when I was young, I was able to have good grades. I think it's thanks to my father. What kind of person is my father? When do I feel that my life is better? You have to go out. For example, I am not as self-sufficient as Coco. My father often throws me out into the wild. Then I go back and I am full of energy. I can actually achieve a lot of things.
学业上的精进啊,各方面的创意等等。 但是如果没有人把我扔出去的话,我就会不断的萎缩,不断的萎缩。 但我需要,就现在爸爸已经老了,他没有办法把我滴溜出去了。 但我今年就尝试过,比如说我十天里面可能有两天把自己滴溜出去,我就觉得自己真的又支棱起来了,又特别好。 但另外八天其实就是萎缩掉的。
因为爱人就是没那么喜欢出去搜索。 对,也不光是搜索的,就是哪怕你说你出去跑跑步啊什么的,其实精神就好起来了,我就觉得 QQ 很厉害。 你好像不需要用劲儿你就可以出去跑,我不行的,我每天要做强烈的自我鼓励。 对,但我觉得这个东西是你做得越多其实越容易的,所以我是想做这个事情。
I sleep less at night because it's hard to fall asleep. I sleep late and the next day I have to do a few S's. It's a vicious cycle. I always want to do some management on sleeping better. But I haven't found a particularly good way. How can I get out of this vicious circle of sleep? I haven't found it yet. If I find it, I will share it with everyone. I'm self-consuming. In fact, it's related to my third question.
Three bold women, soul seekers that don't. Through waves of sound they dive within. Slightly open with a journey. With truth and candor as their guiding. In the podcast realm they bear all in sight.
Listening to tales, emotions uncurled with width and courage, they shape their world. First the climb, through couriers they tread. Now a talk, the second people able to dread. Unraveling life's meaning, they dare.
In the whispers of the heart they share In life's quiet corners, beauty's found Slightly open, where courage knows no bounds The vast podcast scene, finding thoughts, finding home Slightly open, breath with stuff Freedom's found in the hearts of those who dare
Like when we're so strong