cover of episode Enjoying The Process | Guided Sleep Hypnosis For Insomnia

Enjoying The Process | Guided Sleep Hypnosis For Insomnia

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Sleep Magic: Meditation, Hypnosis & Sleepy Stories

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jessica Porter
Jessica Porter: 本期节目的主题是享受生命中的过程。生活中许多事情,例如成长、人际关系、转变和实现梦想,都是一个过程。我们对这些过程的控制力有限,应该接受并享受它们,而不是与之抗争。即使是强壮的运动员也必须顺应身体恢复的过程。 Jessica Porter: 呼吸是一个过程,我们应该放松并顺其自然。成长、出生、学习都是一个过程,我们应该接受并享受这个过程。身体的自我修复是一个持续的过程,放松身心可以促进愈合。地球和太阳的运行都是过程,我们应该顺应自然规律。 Jessica Porter: 工作、学习都是一个过程,我们应该享受这个过程。人际关系是一个发展过程,我们应该接受并享受这个过程。面对挑战也是一个过程,我们应该放松并接受这个过程。我们应该放松身心,享受生活中的各种过程,包括睡眠的过程。

Deep Dive

The host introduces the concept of life as a process, emphasizing the importance of embracing change rather than resisting it. She highlights how even seemingly controllable aspects of life, like personal growth and relationships, are subject to their own timelines and rhythms.
  • Life is a process of continuous change and development.
  • We have limited control over the timing and speed of life's processes.
  • Acceptance and enjoyment of the process are key to a fulfilling life.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi everyone, I'm Jessica Porter and welcome back to Sleep Magic, a podcast where I help you find the magic of your own mind, helping you to sleep better and live better. Thank you everyone for being here tonight.

So I've been checking reviews lately on Audible and Didi from Cyprus says she listens with her husband and she can't wait to turn off the regular TV to watch what she calls imagination TV here at Sleep Magic. I love that. Imagination TV. That is a great insight into the power and magic of your own mind. I love that.

Someone named Brittany Leona is also using sleep magic for her insomnia and PTSD. She has experienced a lot of loss in a very short period of time lately, and now she's feeling calmer and is able to sleep. So I'm grateful for that. Thank you for letting us know.

Someone who goes by Amazon customer, I think that's all of us, says that they're glad they judged this book by its cover because they were drawn to Sleep Magic for its cover art. Well, thank you. I'm sure our designers appreciate that. And in fact, our cover art has been nominated for best podcast artwork by the Independent Podcast Awards. So I will keep you posted on whether we win that.

Amazon customer also says they're not only sleeping better, but their mind is calmer during the day as well. Yay, I love to hear that. Thanks to everyone for listening, your reviews, your episode ideas. You can get even more sleep magic, an ad-free experience, and 50% more content by becoming a subscriber. Doesn't cost much, and you will help us continue to deliver this content far and wide. So thank you.

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Tonight, enjoying the process.

So I've been consuming just about every documentary Netflix is capable of creating, which is, as you probably know, a lot. And somewhere down the documentary rabbit hole, I started watching one about wide receivers in the NFL. Don't get me started. I don't understand American football. I don't watch it.

But I do think that every human being, if you just scratch the surface of them, is basically compelling. So, I'm watching this show about football, and one of the guys gets injured. Big surprise. And when he's discussing his healing, he says these simple words. It's a process. Now, I've heard those words a thousand times. We all have.

In fact, I've probably said those words hundreds of times. And yet, as they fell out of the mouth of a very buff, very strong and disciplined wide receiver, they hit me differently. Like, yeah, even this 250-pound wall of muscle has to surrender to the process. Even he who speeds down the field in front of thousands of people can't speed up nature.

And then I began to think of all the things in our lives that are not things or ideas or points in time, but actual processes, our growth, our relationships, transitions, realizing our dreams, all of them happening on different levels at different times at different speeds. And the amount of control I have over any of them at any point, not much.

except to accept the process, to be in it, not fight it. Allow it. So tonight we let ourselves be in the process of our lives and enjoy it. So get yourself into a safe and comfortable position and let's begin. Allow your eyes to close easily and gently and just bring your awareness to your breath. You don't need to do anything fancy with your breath. Just bring your awareness to it.

Your awareness which has been outside of you all day. Doing things. Learning things. Making things happen. Just slowly and gently coming back to your breath. Coming home to your body. Good. Your experience here at Sleep Magic is a process. If you've been listening for a while, just the sound of my voice and these first few prompts are taking you to a place where

you may have never known you were capable of getting to before. Or your body instantly begins to let go. Chemicals in your brain helping you relax. And now that's all becoming really normal for you. As you allow yourself to be, just be in this process. As you go deeper and deeper. And you bring your awareness now up into your eyelids.

And imagine that your eyelids are feeling heavy, sleepy, tired. You know that lovely sort of soreness you get in your eyelids when you're up late reading a book? Let that be there in your eyelids. Heavy. And now I'd like you to accept the suggestion that this heaviness, this tiredness in your eyelids is so complete that your eyes simply will not open. And you're imagining this.

imagining that your eyes cannot open. Of course, you know logically that they can't, but I want you to imagine that they can't. And now I'm going to ask you to test your eyelids to make sure they won't open by wiggling your eyebrows, by giving your eyebrows a little tug while your eyes remain closed. Do that now. Good. You can stop testing now. Well done. Oh, so this lovely heaviness around your eyes...

Let's imagine it moving down now into your cheeks. Let's allow this heavy, warm feeling to move down so that your jaw begins to relax. The flesh of your cheek softening, relaxing. And now let's imagine that heaviness around your eyes moving up into your forehead, taking over your whole forehead.

A warm relaxing energy spreading, spreading over your forehead into your scalp. Let's imagine that warm relaxing heavy, heavy feeling from your eyes is spreading all the way into your scalp. So your head is feeling very heavy, heavy on the pillow. And now let's imagine that heaviness moving all the way to the back.

of your head. Feel that heaviness falling as you imagine warm waves of relaxation lapping up against the beat of your mind. Just allow those warm waves of relaxation to lap up against the beat of your mind as all mental tension disappears. Let's imagine that warm

sleepy heaviness moving down into your shoulders now. Your shoulders softening and relaxing and letting go. Sort of melting. And as the warm heaviness moves down into your arms, notice that your arms are feeling heavy. It's so nice to let them be heavy. It's the end of the day and you're allowed to let go.

As the heaviness moves all the way down into your hands, the palms of your hands are feeling warm to open. Maybe they even tingle a little. As the heaviness moves all the way down into your fingers, every single finger feeling heavy. As you allow this process of relaxation to happen in you and around you and through you, and you may be aware of sounds

going on in your environment and that's okay because from now on these sounds will take you deeper and deeper into relaxation as you go deeper than you've been for a very very long time so bring your awareness now to any sound that may be going on around you and just let them take you deeper the sound of my voice is also taking you deeper

and deeper and soon the sound of my voice will seem far away and that's okay because you're releasing into your own process. As you imagine this warm sleepy relaxation moving into your torso just allowing your torso to feel heavy on the bed and deep inside of you everything is softening

releasing the tension of the day, letting go as the warm heaviness, that sleepiness that started around your eyes, moving down now into your legs. And your legs are feeling so heavy, heavy. And it's moving down now into your feet, down into the soles of your feet. And the soles of your feet feel warm and open.

Maybe they're even tingling a little. As the heaviness moves all the way down into your toes, every toe feeling heavy, heavy and relaxed. So let's bring your awareness now back to your breath. Your breathing is a process and you allow it and relax into it. Even if you hold your breath for a moment, the process soon takes over.

and makes you let go. So we relax tonight into the process of breathing and you surrender to this process all day, every day. Surrendering to this process so unconsciously it's almost as if the air is breathing you, life is breathing you, and what your breath is doing inside of you is also

A process. Nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases are coming into your body. Into your blood. And into your cells. And your cells are releasing carbon dioxide. And this continual exchange of gases. This dance with the atmosphere. Is a process. Repeating itself again and again. And you relax into it.

trusting it, enjoying it as you go deeper and deeper. Breathing is not a state or a goal or an event. It's a process and you are allowing for it, relaxing into it. Your body has its own wisdom and you relax into its wisdom. Your growth is a process. You've gone from being a two-cell organism to four-cell

60, 32, 64, expanding in a womb. And your development was a process to which you surrendered and your mother surrendered, connecting with you. Your birth was a process. And since you were born, you've learned to speak, to walk, to feed yourself. None of it happened in a day. None of it happened in a single moment.

None of it was declared by a thought or a conversation. You have been riding the rhythms and waves of life every day of your life in the process of life as you allow yourself to go deeper and deeper in this process of relaxation. Healing is a process. Your body has healed itself many, many times and it's repairing itself

Right now, it's healing itself on every single level all the time. There's nothing to think, nothing to do. And the more you relax and allow, the more healing takes place. You are riding the rhythms and wave of healing as you let go, taking yourself deeper and deeper. You are on this earth.

And the Earth is in its process, continually creating itself. Its molten core continually erupting and creating new land as it continually orbits the Sun. You are riding the rhythms and waves of the Earth as you go deeper and deeper. Even the Sun is in its process.

moving through solar cycles every 11 years, flipping its magnetic poles back and forth. We are all riding the rhythms and waves of the sun. As you go deeper and deeper, you relax into these larger processes moving through you and around you. And even in your daily existence, your life

is a process. Imagine what you do for work or what you're learning in school. This is a skill or an action or an idea that you've practiced for a while. There was a time before you did it, a time when you began doing it, and a time when you developed confidence in it. Perhaps you're even developing mastery. You are in a process with it.

Imagine seeing yourself doing your job or your schoolwork and notice what you are bringing to the process, how you are participating. And now imagine relaxing into the process, allowing it, enjoying it. Good. Imagine an important relationship in your life. Notice where it began and how it has developed over time.

It's been a process. This relationship is not an idea or a point in time or something to be controlled. It's a natural developing experience with a life of its own created for you and your evolution and the evolution of the other person in it. Notice how you're showing up in this relationship, what you're bringing to it. And now relax.

And imagine seeing this relationship from a wider, seeing how it began, where it is now, and where it may be going. And as you relax, you simply experience it as it is, as a process. Notice how you behave when you're relaxed. Good. Imagine a challenge you're experiencing in your life lately, whether it's with a person, a thing, or yourself.

What is challenging you lately? Notice how you're handling this challenge. And now, as you pull away from the challenge like a camera and see it from a wider angle, you see that you are in a process with this challenge. Notice what you're bringing to it. And now relax, going deeper and deeper, allowing yourself to simply be in it, to relax into it.

and allow it to be a process. Notice how the experience changes when you see that it's part of a larger process and you allow yourself to relax into it, allowing yourself to learn and grow and adapt over time. I relax and enjoy the rhythms of life. I relax and enjoy the rhythms of life. I relax

and enjoy the rhythm of life. And you are in the process of relaxation right now. Allowing, unwinding, sliding into the process of sleep as you drift and float and dream.