Star Wars, Disney, Marvel fans, this is the podcast for you! Husband and wife team Richard and Sarah
Universal Monster Movies still permeate our pop culture zeitgeist nearly 100 years after their creat
Are you ready for a Super-Sized 50th COLLECTORS ISSUE with ALL of your favorite Star Wars characters
Witches have flown to the pinnacle of the pop culture zeitgeist, and we are here for it!! It’s the s
Hey Hey, it’s The Monkee Men! We are thrilled to speak with Ron McNeil who created this Monkees trib
The first Disney+ MCU spinoff - AGATHA ALL ALONG - is here! Richard and Sarah share a comprehensive
This episode is dedicated to James Earl Jones - the man behind the booming voice of Darth Vader, a l
It’s FREAKY FRIDAY 1977 vs. FREAKY FRIDAY 2003!! Seeing Jodie Foster & Lindsay Lohan introduce Jamie
We celebrate the 10th anniversary of the novel, Star Wars: A New Dawn, by John Jackson Miller! Publi
Do you recall Prince Denid from THE LAST JEDI? Do you remember Luke’s red-bladed lightsaber, or his
This D23: Ultimate Fan Event 2024 celebrated The Sherman Brothers in a big way. They have contribute
Welcome to Part 2 of our D23 discussion! After attending the entire weekend and all the big Disney S
Is your head still swimming from all the D23 2024 news?? We will happily break it all down for you i
LFG with Deadpool & Wolverine!! In this episode, we discuss the film that broke all R-rated box offi
Our ACOLYTE breakdown continues! THE ACOLYTE marks the 5th live-action Disney+ Star Wars series. We’
Creature performer & actor Dee Tails (Rogue One, Solo, The Force Awakens) joins us to talk about his
Craig Miller is back to tell us about his new book, More Movie Memories. Craig worked in publicity a
Celebrate Indiana Jones’ 125th birthday with an Indiana Jones location tour! Justin Smith (Downtown
Imagine an alternate universe where another set of podcasters were also breaking down classic comics
John Goodson, ILM model maker & digital artist, has worked on everything from Star Trek: First Conta
John Goodson, ILM model maker & digital artist, has worked on everything from the Star Wars Special