Star Wars, Disney, Marvel fans, this is the podcast for you! Husband and wife team Richard and Sarah
What is the Genie from Aladdin doing in a Classic Marvel Star Wars comic? And why is it purple? Who
Soundtrack lovers, this episode is for you!! Mike Matessino, film historian & soundtrack producer/mi
YouTube version: Law Professor B.J. Priester (FanGirl Blog) joins us t
It’s our annual year-end wrap-up spectacular!! We take a look back at 2023 - the highs and lows, wha
How much do you know about Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”? On this episode we share the novela
Join Sarah, Courtney, and Kelly as they take you on our weekend at Disneyland. We went to Disneyland
“Mickey’s Christmas Tales” is a NEW series of stop-motion animated shorts on Disney+. We are going t
It’s Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics LIVE from Long Beach ComicCon! Richard and Sarah did a panel br
Time to break down Disney’s NEW animated film, celebrating 100 years of Animation - WISH! We also wi
THE MARVELS is here, and we share our review and breakdown of the film with Skrull actor Paul Warren
Who animated the iconic BOBA FETT in THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL? John Celestri! John joins us in
We break down the FINAL issue of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Marvel comics adaptation - BETRAYAL AT BESP
Trick or Treat Skywalkers! It’s our favorite time of year, and in this episode we learn all about wh
Watch the video version of the show: We celebrate the 100th anniversar
Join Sarah, Courtney, and Kelly as they take through their experience at Disney's Halloween Event -
We break down the fifth issue of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Marvel comics adaptation - BETRAYAL AT BESP
The finale of AHSOKA and Dick van Dyke at Disneyland - need we say more?? We have reached that momen
10 YEARS OF PODCASTING!! This is our 10th Anniversary show!! In this super-sized episode, Richard an
What security measures does the Walt Disney Company have in place to keep guests safe? How many secu
STAR WARS: AHSOKA is on fire, so this week we will dissect 2 episodes - Chapter Four: Fallen Jedi an