Sex and Other Human Activities

Each week, Marcus Parks and Jackie Zebrowski explore the worlds of screwin' and bad brain business a


Total: 180

On the second of two episodes this week, Jackie and Marcus talk the anxiety of meeting new people an

Episode 120: A New Rug


Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie's liberating weekend photo shoot and answer letters from a guy l

Jackie and Marcus talk about a new way of dealing with paranoia and answer a particularly rough ques

Jackie and Marcus talk about sizes of love and answer questions from a dude wanting to know how to b

Episode 117: Rock Snake


Jackie and Marcus talk about mental phantom limbs and answer questions from a person who's got it al

Episode 116: Rat Maze


Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie being confused for a domestic violence victim and answer emails

Episode 115: Nance


Jackie tells of a magical medicolegal death investigator that she met upstate and we answer a letter

Episode 114: Capability


Jackie and Marcus talk about how to get over feeling guilty about things that haven't even happened

Jackie and Marcus talk about suicide and answer letters from a girl trying to escape a sociopath.

Episode 112: Bush


Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie's murder dream and answer letters from a guy looking for the bes

Jackie and Marcus talk about adjusting to single life and answer letters from a guy looking to keep

Jackie and Marcus both return from wonderful vacations and answer questions from a couple dudes with

Episode 109: Lung Users


Jackie and Marcus talk about summer stress and answer letters from a dude wondering what he should d

Episode 108: American


Marcus and Jackie talk about being American and answer questions from a guy looking to accept his ow

Marcus and Jackie go through the ups and downs of child psychology and answer a question from a guy

Episode 106: Defension


Jackie and Marcus talk about a new way to look at life and answer questions from one gal looking to

Episode 105: Dad Catch


Jackie and Marcus talk about how to talk about work with your significant other and answer questions

Episode 104: Biejos


Jackie and Marcus get letters from two encouraging gals who've sought help and another from a girl w

Jackie briefly loses it over a piece of fan fiction and the two answer letters from a woman looking

Episode 102: Crash


Jackie talks about a recent near-death experience and the two answer a letter concerning something t