Robservations is the new podcast by Comic Book Legend Rob Liefeld which exists to explore and celebr
Robservations welcomes a card carrying member of Generation Z as we get a Zoomer perspective on Star
Our Holiday Drop! It’s 1988, it’s the Holiday season and I’m desperately chasing payments for two is
The big Heritage Art Auction happened and the host of Robservations talks about all the great pieces
We say goodbye to the 2024 season and reveal the last 3 big moves in our Big 5 countdown! Is are ind
The Big 5 Moves continues! Spider Man! Todd McFarlane! G.I. Joe breaks records and more!
As the comics industry looks to produce more hits, Rob looks at The Big 5 Moves! Titles, teams and t
Absolute Batman rides in to the rescue for DC and the comics industry. Plus - The New Model, Last Bl
Batman, Wolverine, Spider Man and the Teenage Mutant. Ninja Turtles share a familiar connective tiss
We look at the unpublished alternate Secret Wars 2 #1? Just exactly how does that happen? Also, asse
Fast Fridays is a snack size serving of Robservations, offering a snap shot of what’s coming in comi
Rob discusses the recent Heritage art auction, the big pieces and big prices at the final hammer! Pl
The moment the X-Men became dangerous and thrilled a new generation. Plus - A New Visionary is domin
The story of the real life “Deadpool” Killer is discussed.
Of Dooms & Dazzlers! Buyer Beware! Rob draws on his 40 year career experience as he practices ca
With Batman on everyone’s mind, Rob examines the un-produced Batman film that took the Dark Knight i
Let Them Fight! With some of comic books greatest action masterpieces being repackaged and reissued,
Unrealized directions and storylines for X-Men & X-Force are discussed! Wolverine! Cable! Magik!
DC has a new initiative and Absolute Batman has people talking! Will going All In on a bold new dire
The King Of Comics won’t back down in a controversial interview that set the EIC of Marvel off on a
Rob discusses The Challenge! ‘Nuff said!