Ride the Lightning: The Tesla Unofficial Podcast is the world's longest-running weekly Tesla show, m
On this week’s episode of Ride the Lightning: The Tesla Unofficial Podcast, the Cybertruck gets a ma
Tesla held its quarterly earnings call and we got some major announcements, such as a new low-cost v
New details on the imminent Model 3 Ludicrous are scraped from Tesla’s own website source code, plen
A new report from Reuters says that Tesla has canceled its ultra-high-volume $25,000 car in favor of
Tesla releases its production and delivery numbers for the first quarter of 2024, so were all the de
Tesla rolls out a fleet-wide one-month free FSD Beta trial in an effort to show everyone how good ve
Tesla is now offering a particularly unique limited-edition Loot Box referral prize, Elon Musk drops
Would-be Cybertruck resellers are finding out exactly how serious Tesla is about their no-resale-for
Fresh rumors about the new Model 3 Ludicrous give us its alleged release date as well as its specs!
Elon Musk gives an enthusiastic new progress update on the long-awaited next-gen Tesla Roadster, the
The Cybertruck’s so-called “rust” issue has been explained and solved. Plus: Cybertruck gets more of
I give you my full review of the Cybertruck after living with it for three days. Plus: the last big
Tesla brings back FSD transfer as well as lifetime Supercharging transfer in an effort to drive dema
A Foundation Series Cybertruck owner joins me to discuss his thoughts on the stainless steel beast s
Tesla held its quarterly earnings call for Q4 2023, and as always I’ve got highlight clips from Elon
Cybertruck has a big physical improvement coming soon via an over-the-air software update. Plus: Pan
The new Model 3, formerly codenamed Project Highland, has now officially launched in North America.
Tesla posted its Q4 production and delivery numbers – and thus its overall 2023 figures – and I’ve g
A new year means it’s time for my annual tradition of making a bunch of Tesla predictions for 2024 –
Tesla Design Chief Franz von Holzhausen and Engineering VP Lars Moravy spend an hour sharing insight