Ride the Lightning: The Tesla Unofficial Podcast is the world's longest-running weekly Tesla show, m
Both the Foundation Series Cybertruck and the reservation list are no longer a thing as Tesla has ma
Tesla unveiled its long-awaited Robotaxi, aka the Cybercab. But that wasn’t all! I was lucky enough
The moment so many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived: general production of the Cybert
The Model Y is already the best-selling new car in the world, but it’s now also on the verge of beco
Cybertruck sales keep climbing, Tesla’s planning on building a giant bear statue in front of its eng
Robotaxi patents get revealed and rumors heat up as the unveiling of Tesla’s Cybercab is now less th
New data shows that Tesla’s brand loyalty remains stronger than that of any other automaker in the i
Two Tesla owners who are taking their Cybertrucks to the literal top of the world join me to discuss
Tesla leads the way as EV sales outpace the rest of the automotive market for the month of June, the
Consumer Reports offers new data that shows just how affordable Teslas are to own through the first
Tesla’s beautiful Quicksilver paint is now available on the Model 3 in North America, Tesla experime
Spy pictures of what is undoubtedly the new Model Y pop up online and reveal a slick new bit of styl
Tesla held its quarterly shareholder meeting, and as always I’ve got a recap, highlights, and analys
The Cybertruck has achieved a prestigious sales milestone, the online Tesla shop adds a couple of fu
The first heavily camouflaged Model Y refresh test mule has seemingly been spotted, the $35,000 Mode
Tesla posts its vehicle production and delivery numbers for the just-completed second quarter, and t
As Tesla CEO Elon Musk promised, FSD transfer has returned, and it’s back sooner than expected. Plus
The new Model 3 Long Range now qualifies for the $7500 point-of-sale federal EV tax credit, the high
Tesla held its 2024 annual shareholder meeting and we got some big news out of it, including when we
A whole slew of great new software updates are coming your way soon, the Tesla mod experts at Unplug