cover of episode 785. Andy & DJ CTI: Top Agents Were Kept In The Dark About Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Visa Over Alleged Debit Card Monopoly & Diddy's Lawyer Explains Baby Oil Bottles

785. Andy & DJ CTI: Top Agents Were Kept In The Dark About Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Visa Over Alleged Debit Card Monopoly & Diddy's Lawyer Explains Baby Oil Bottles

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andy Frisella和DJ Cruz讨论了匹兹堡一所学校对未成年学生进行政治灌输的事件,批评学校利用职权操纵学生政治观点,认为学校应该专注于教育而非政治宣传。他们还对事件中校方人员的言论表示谴责,认为其言论具有煽动性和歧视性。 针对特朗普的暗杀未遂事件,Andy Frisella和DJ Cruz对特勤局的安全漏洞表示担忧,并推测可能存在内部人员故意纵容威胁的可能性。他们认为,相关人员未被追究责任,这令人费解,并暗示可能存在更深层次的阴谋。他们还讨论了拜登政府对Visa的垄断诉讼以及佩洛西丈夫的股票交易行为,认为这可能涉及内幕交易,并批评权力阶层利用信息优势牟利。最后,他们讨论了Diddy被捕涉嫌性交易和敲诈勒索的事件,对Diddy律师的解释表示质疑,并认为案件背后可能存在更深层次的隐情,甚至可能牵涉到更大的权力网络。

Deep Dive

A mother confronts a school official for allegedly registering her 17-year-old daughter to vote as a Democrat without consent. The incident sparks a discussion about political indoctrination in schools and the role of parents in their children's political education.
  • A Pittsburgh mother accuses school staff of registering her underage daughter to vote and influencing her political views.
  • The mother questions the school's authority to register her daughter without parental consent.
  • The incident fuels a broader discussion about political bias and indoctrination in the education system.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, guys? It's Andy Frisella, and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome to motherfucking reality, guys, today.

We have Andy and DJ Cruz, the motherfucking internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. It stands for Cruz the internet. We're going to put topics of the day up on the screen. We're going to speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we're going to talk about how we, the people got to solve these problems going on in the world. Other times throughout the week, we're going to have Q and AF. That's where you submit questions and we bring you the answers. Now the questions can be about anything. It can be about business success,

Entrepreneurship, personal development, what's going on in the world. We'll pick some from all those categories. You can submit your question a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email these questions in to askandy at

Also, if you go on YouTube in the comment section of the Q and a half episodes and drop your question in the comments, we'll pick some from there as well. Sometimes we're going to have real talk, real talk, just five to 20 minutes. And me giving you some real talk could be about what's going on in the world. Most of the time it's about personal development.

Then we have 75 Hard Versus. That's where people who have completed the 75 Hard Program come in and talk about how their life was before, how their life is now, and how they used the 75 Hard Program to realign themselves mentally. If you're unfamiliar with 75 Hard, it is the initial phase of the Live Hard Program, which is the world's most famous in history mental realignment, mental toughness program. You can get that program for free at episode 208.

on the audio feed. There's also a book available on my website, called The Book on Mental Toughness, which outlines the entire Live Hard program, plus a whole bunch of chapters on mental toughness, why it's important, how to utilize it in your life, along with some case studies on some very famous people that talks about how they've used mental toughness to become the very famous people that you recognize. Now,

One thing about this show that's different than all the other shows of this size. We're one of the biggest shows in the world and we don't run ads. Now, we don't run ads because I don't want to answer to people telling me what I can and can't say. All right. So in exchange for that, I have a little deal that I make with you guys. We're constantly dealing with censorship. We're constantly dealing with shadow bans. We're constantly dealing with traffic throttling. And I need your help to get the show out.

All right, so because I'm not going to run your ears off with a whole bunch of ads, I ask very simply that if you listen to the show, you help us grow it. All right, so if the show makes you think, if it makes you laugh, if it's a good perspective, do us a favor and share the show. Don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right, what's up? What's going on, man? Nothing. What are you doing? Nothing. The show is for educational purposes only. That's right. Okay.

Is that the disclaimer? I think so. Yeah. I've been seeing everybody else do it, so shit, it might help. What do you mean? Like, they put that in the disclaimer, like in the descriptions and shit, so it doesn't Yeah, my views are views, are my own views, and nobody else's views. Yep.

Share those views that are also nobody else's that's right, and I approve this message. Yeah, all right That's that fair. I think so. What's going on man? Nothing dude, dude There is a lot happening today. We got a lot to cover Cool not to get into so let's just do it I wanted to bring in this first man because this video I personally well before we get into it. Uh-huh all right I just want to say You guys are still blasting me about how to support. Okay? You're asking how to support? I

How do you support the show? All right. The show is very simple to support. Share the show. All right. And when you go to your little convenience store, your grocery store, whatever it is in your neighborhood, pick up one of these drinks. All right. Or a hundred of them. Yeah. Or one of these drinks. Yeah. Or one of those drinks. One of these ones. The best damn energy drink in history of earth.

All right, so buy that. Get yourself a protein bar, some meat sticks. Gas station, we'll call it even, all right? All right. Let's get into it, man. I wanted to bring this up. This video, this clip's actually going mega viral right now.

And it's fucking awesome. And not awesome for the reason I think most people look at it. But let's check it out. Outraged Trump supporting mom confronts and blast school for forcing 17 year old to register to vote Democrat without her consent. Claiming Trump win would doom black people. This is crazy.

This is crazy, but I love this video. I absolutely love it. So let's dive into this a little bit. A mother in Pittsburgh is furious after her 17 year old daughter was pulled out of class and told to register to vote without her consent to make matters worse. The school's staff allegedly pushed a blatant political agenda, suggesting that, quote, if Donald Trump was elected, black people would be doomed.

In a now viral TikTok video, Kay Montana shared the distressing experience her daughter Nyla went through, claiming, quote, Pittsburgh public schools not only registered her to vote without her permission, but was also subjected to political indoctrination. Quote, my 17-year-old daughter was pulled out of class,

and told she needed to register to vote. Not only was she told how to register, she was told who she should vote for, Kay said in her viral video. Now the clips is like six, almost seven minutes long, so we won't watch the whole thing. So let's check this clip out. - 'Cause I'm pissed right now. - Okay, what's going on? - So yesterday you pulled my daughter out of class and you told her that it was mandatory for her to vote.

No, I didn't say it was mandatory. So that's what she told me. These are her words that she said it was mandatory that she votes. No, ma'am. But go ahead. Finish telling me. Okay. And that you projected your fears and insecurities on her, telling her if Donald Trump was elected, black people would be doomed. Oh, no, ma'am. No, ma'am. So let me say this.

I am a minority inspector. Okay. For 10-16. And you know, as a minority inspector, you never, ever, ever discuss politics or your beliefs or anything like that. So can we call my daughter down here? Because at this point, you're making it like she's a complete liar. My daughter has never...

told me someone said anything such to her like this. No, ma'am. So this is what happened. I did call her down to register to vote because we're registering all the 18-year-olds to vote. She's not 18. She's 17. Yeah, but she turns 18 before the election. Yeah, but I could have took my daughter to register her to vote. I did not ask for y'all to register my daughter to vote. I have not even spoke to her about the election yet.

And I am not a Harris supporter. I am a Trump supporter. Yes, ma'am. So for you to tell her anything and it's like now you're saying she's lying. So now I want her to come down here. Listen, I'm not saying your daughter's lying. What I'm saying is, is that I did call her into my office. I did raise to her to vote.

We did have a conversation about it. She did ask me about Trump. She did ask me about Harris. So we started a conversation about, you know, what's going on. I wasn't projecting. Two seconds ago, she said, as a minority inspector, we're not allowed to ever, ever, ever, ever talk about our beliefs in politics. Am I the only one that heard that? I heard that. Okay. Continue.

- She also don't want to call her daughter down. - No, 'cause she's totally lying. - She knows she's lying, bro. - She's caught. - Yeah. - I wasn't projecting anything on her. I was just talking about things that are going on in the world. - Yeah, did you tell her about the border being unsecure? Did you tell her about all the illegal criminals that's in this country right now? - So we did have a conversation about the border and we did talk about the border policies and all of that. We did have a conversation about everything.

So let me just say this. I apologize to you for offending you because that was not my intentions. I was not trying to project any of my political beliefs on your daughter or anything like that. That's why I don't know why the conversation was head. What consent forms did I sign saying I was okay with my daughter being registered to vote in school? She's still 17 years old. So what consent forms were signed?

for that none because because there really isn't any you know we we just raised their students to vote here at every high school they're raising students but she's still not 18 she have until the 21st of october i believe to register and her birthday is on the 5th right so we are permitted to raise their all students whose birthday is but that happens by the 5th because that's the date of the election

completely fucking lying and the mom even submitted uh some screenshots of the text messages going back and forth with her daughter nyla um where her daughter sent her uh saying quote they made me register to vote today i didn't want it but they forced me i said i'll do it another time but then she told me i had no choice which i think is a lie i'm not even 18 yet uh to which the mom replied who made you and what party did you choose it was

It was a she and Democrat. Quote, did they tell you to pick that? And who was the lady? I forgot her name. I found out tomorrow. And yeah, basically, she kept saying how it'll be bad if I pick Trump because of what he was doing to the Mexicans and stuff. I wasn't really paying her no mind. Where was this lady at your school? Where? Yes, my school. She pulled me out of class to register. I asked to do it another time. And she said I really couldn't.

Yeah, and they go on and says The mom says quote I'm pissed She had no right to fill your head up with lies and choose what party you were registering for I am your mother and I will talk to you about what you won't even be 18 until the fifth and

She yeah, she was definitely telling me all this bad stuff about Trump saying us blacks are doomed and going to be done if they let Trump back in. And I'm like, ma'am, please. And I know that that's what I said. She said I had no choice but to do it at the time to which the mom finally replied. I'm calling up there tomorrow. This is total disrespect. If we vote Kamala, we are doomed. She really tried to fill your head with lies.

I fucking love this. Yeah. I love it. It's weird that any...

School administrator would do that, right? Like, I mean, they've only been indoctrinating kids since they were three, telling white kids that they're evil for being white, telling black kids they have no chance because they're black and the systematic racism. And then you have a white principal or whatever this lady is telling a black minority inspector who's a white minority inspector who's telling a black family that if you don't vote for

for Kamala, you're doomed. What does that sound like to you? It sounds kind of racist. Just a little bit. You can't think for yourself, so you better listen to me because I know. Dude, and it's crazy because I remember in middle school,

They had this thing every year during the elections and shit. It was like kids vote or whatever. They did mock elections. They showed you how to vote and set up fake ballots and shit like that. I remember that. But even I remember even then. So it's just like the regular election with fake ballots and shit. Exactly. Yeah, right. But even then, our teachers were like, yeah, man, you guys should vote Democrat. It was always indoctrinated. Yeah, of course. You know what I'm saying? But you're making this 17-year-old go through some legal shit that you have no right to do.

You know, at the end of the day, like, that's the parent's choice, man. And I applaud this mother. I think she's fucking awesome. Oh, yeah. Dude, she's killing it. Way, way more of that. And I feel like this is actually, like, happening a lot more than people are aware of. If you watch the whole clip at the end, she's like, I'm calling the news. Yeah. And she's like, okay.

Like, dude, it's fucked up, man. This is happening every day. This is happening in every school. This has been happening in every school since these kids were old enough to comprehend and understand and communicate. They've been told and not just black kids, white kids, too. They've been told you vote Democrat. If you vote anything but Democrat, you're a racist.

Okay. And that's what they tell these kids. They tell the white kids that they tell the black kids, if you don't vote Democrat, you're trading your own race in. Right. And, you know, they, we, we have grown adults, literally social pressuring little kids to feel a certain way about life. Um, that is based on the adult's perspective and not based on the children's, uh, own thoughts or critical thinking or perspective, uh, or the family's perspective. And this is what's been going on for years. Mm-hmm.

So, I mean, it's not surprising to me. I'm glad she got this on camera. But, guys, this happens every day. And you know that it's happening at your kid's school, too. It happened to you guys if you look back and remember how they do this. The schools today are not about education. They are not about teaching how to think. Are there good teachers? Sure.

But those good teachers are few and far between compared to the people who think that being a teacher makes you an activist for a certain political cause or party. And we're supposed to teach our kids how to do math, how to operate in life, how to be able to run finances, which we don't teach very, very much at all. Read, write, basic shit. Yeah, how to function as a high-performing,

Person in society and we don't do that. We teach them how to be robots. We teach them how to be dependent We teach them not how to think but what to think and you know This is why when Trump says the Department of Education needs to be reworked and disbanded and rebuilt. I agree with him I'm gonna see if I can sign up for to be a Majority inspector

Yeah, and I'm gonna go to these schools and tell little white kids that they gotta vote for Trump where they're doomed Look at her Billy. Yeah It's just it's insane it's insane that these people Think that they have more say over people's children than the people have themselves We see this happening with the gender ideology. We see this happening with politics. We see this happening with all sorts of social initiatives

And it's not okay. No.

All right. It's not okay. It's not okay for grown adults to manipulate little children into being what they want them to be. This is why people get so pissed off about all this shit that's going on with the gender ideology and the books that are being removed. You know, I see a lot of leftists complaining or saying the right wing is just like Hitler. They're removing books. Do you know what books they're removing? Which ones are they doing it? Yeah. They're removing the books that are legitimately racist.

way out of line for any small child to be reading or have read to them these are books about sexual situations and look man kids aren't supposed to be groomed in that manner they're not supposed to be taught these things when they're little kids and these people are forcing these adult issues on these little kids and essentially um

Not just indoctrinating them, but stealing their childhood. The innocence of being a child, man. When I was a kid, I'd ride my bike. I'm outside playing G.I. Joe and fucking baseball and shit. I'm not worried about sexuality and gender shit. Now we have these grown teachers who are clearly mentally ill, pushing their own...

their ideology, their social ideology, their gender ideology onto little bitty children, little bitty kids. That's not appropriate. Well, see, the difference is, and I'm sure, Andy, when you were a little kid, you were running around, you may have found and stumbled upon a Playboy magazine or something.

That's at home though. And like you were able to, you know what I'm saying? Your dad caught you, mom caught you. Like you were able to handle that there. That's a family issue. You wasn't being given fucking these fucking magazines and shit in school by a fucking teacher. Yeah. That's a difference. Or little animated Playboys, which is what the fuck these books are. Which is what they are. Yeah. And they are animated because they have illustrations of this shit. Yeah.

Bro, listen, 10 years ago, these people would be put in jail for child pornography. And it's insane. I don't see the difference, man. I don't either. I don't see the difference. And I think people are getting pissed. And it's not just a certain group of people that are getting pissed. These teachers are way out over their skis. They're out of fucking control. Like I said, are there great teachers? Sure. But there is a big group of teachers who are way out of control with what they believe about

about the children and the responsibility of what they're teaching to the children and

When we look at these teachers, we have to realize that these teachers are communist. They are communist teachers. Communist ideology has infiltrated our schools to the point where a whole bunch of programs are now considered normal in our schools, which are highly abnormal. All right. Yeah, it's crazy, man. Yeah, it's fucking nuts, dude. Shout out to this mom. And they need to change that fucking position. Minority inspector. Yeah.

You're inspecting minorities. That sounds racist as fuck. Bro, come on, dude. She takes it as a fucking badge of honor. I'm the minority inspector. No, the term minority slash majority is just a divisive term anyway. We should be referring to each other as Americans. We are Americans. It doesn't matter if there's this many white people or this many black people or this many Asian people. Who gives a fuck?

You're fucking American, dude. That's the whole point. You know? It's crazy. Guys, jump on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, man, let's get to our headlines. Got a lot of shit out here today, man. Really? I got a lot. Let's dive into it. Headline number one. Guys, remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to You can find them linked there. Headline number one.

Top secret service agent in Pittsburgh says he was kept in dark on credible threat ahead of Butler rally. There is a, still a lot of fucking updates coming out of this. And I think it's important to cover it because it's,

I mean, it just kind of solidifies our thoughts and theories. Yeah. And it's being memory hold by most of the news. Most of the news. Most of the news. So the Secret Service special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office was not informed of credible threats. The former President Trump ahead of his July 13th outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and detailed in handwritten notes that.

They didn't learn about the threats until after the assassination attempt when they saw it on television. In a preliminary report on the July 13th assassination attempt on Trump released on Wednesday by the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, top senators listed several key failures of the Secret Service. Quote, Why am I hearing that there were threats to the site on TV?

The special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh office wrote in a handwritten note after the attempt, quote, How can the special agent in charge of our field office not know about any threats? And why did they feel that only one part of special operations divisions was sufficient to cover it instead of the entire package? The note continued. Now, what is he talking about?

Well, he's talking about this. The fact that this headline reads lead secret service agent and Trump's Butler rally knew of credible intelligence of threat, but didn't raise alarm. The lead agent at the rally knew there was a credible threat on Trump's life that day and said nothing about it.

Said nothing about it. Not only did he not inform the special agent in charge, he didn't informed the other key position decision makers in the details. And they're not releasing this person's name. This guy who knew the credible information, they're not releasing his name, not saying anything about it. And to my knowledge, at the time of this recording, he has not been fired or any disciplinary action.

Right. And in fact, they're all just jumbling around responsibility. It's pretty interesting. Despite the damning findings, the lead agent and 11 other members of the Secret Service interviewed by investigators refused to accept responsibility for any of the numerous security failures identified in the report.

Now on to the second attempted assassination. There's new updates in that. Judge Eileen Cannon to preside over trial of Ryan Roth and attempted assassination of Trump case. So the same judge who threw out the bullshit case with the

Classified docs and all of that stuff in Florida. Yeah, she's overseeing this trial. Florida Judge Eileen Cannon, a Trump appointee who presided over the Biden-Harris DOJ's prosecution of Donald Trump in the classified documents case, will preside over the trial of Ryan Roth, who is now charged with attempted assassination. So previously there was just two charges. They've now added on the attempted assassination charge.

which is great to hear. So that's another update and other news going on with our leaders of the world. Do you see Biden go on The View? No, but before we get into this, I got to say something about this. So the special agent in charge was not informed by the lead agent on site that there was a credible threat. Right. All right. Now, we've been talking about this since, obviously, it happened over and over and over again.

Now, we've both agreed and a lot of other people agree with us that someone had to have allowed this to happen both times, both at Butler and at Trump International.

So it's interesting to me that this person has not been named, has not been disciplined, and to our knowledge, has not been removed from any sort of duties. Why, if we were connecting the dots and speculating on why that would be, what would the only logical conclusion be that they didn't remove this person, haven't named this person, and haven't taken any disciplinary action?

This person because they want third time to be the charm. They are allowing it to happen This is the gatekeeper and this is speculation But by all accounts and the evidence has shown from what I see This is their person who's allowing this to happen multiple times and they don't want to get the person out there the name out there the the whatever and

So that's just my take on what it looks like. What's it look like to you? I mean, that's exactly what it looks like to me any like I mean we have events all the time I run your security

This would be the exact equivalent to one of our guys on our team knowing something's about to happen, either seeing a guy on the roof or knowing that, you know, there's a potential for some type of action. Knowing that and keeping his fucking mouth shut. Not saying shit to you. Not to say anything to me. And I have the power to either change shit, let you know, hey, we're canceling, we're going to move, we're going to do something, and not telling me fucking anything. I'm going to beat that guy's ass. Yeah. Well, first. At least. Yeah. Right. But like.

There's no way he's staying on. There's no fucking way. Yeah. You're a threat. You are a threat. See something, you say something. That's our fucking rule. Well, right. Like I have a hard time. You think that's not their rule too? Bro, I have a hard time believing that this isn't like at this point, we know it's intentional. And I say that like, and listen, we get, we know great guys in the secret service. I know great fucking agents, great guys.

This is nothing against them, right? Because they're great guys. But there is a fucking problem. There's a mole or a leak or a traitor there. Period. And those good guys, those that I know or don't know, you guys need to be speaking up, man, and pushing this shit out. Because until, like, bro, it's going to cause so much more damage than I think people are even aware of. Yeah. And God forbid, you know, like, a third time is a fucking charm.

It won't be good for this country, bro. It won't be good. Nothing good is going to come out of it. Nothing's going to come out. And so that's interesting. But like even with that, though, we talk all the time, like how these people on the left, they push this shit. Right. Like it's like they want this to happen. Of course they do. Of course they do. And they have no problem going on TV, on Twitter, on going in these interviews and continuing to push this shit, continue to push it. And that's exactly what happened today. Right.

By the alleged sitting president, Biden went on The View, man. He went on The View with Whoopi and, you know, all of those other brunchers. And he was asked a couple of softball questions. You know, they tried to cover the, you know, him being forced out of the of the election. The question was asked by Alyssa Faris. She said, quote, Did you feel that your hand was forced? And what is your relationship with Speaker Pelosi now?

because they were talking about how Speaker Pelosi allegedly had some involvement in Biden stepping aside. He said, quote, My relationship is fine. Look, I I'd never fully believe the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance to my running again. I didn't sense that Biden finally said, quote, And although the polling they said Biden polling was different. The fact of the matter is my polling was about where, you know, about.

always within range of beating this guy. The president added, there were some folks who would like to see me step aside so they had a chance to move on. I get that. That's just human nature. But that wasn't the reason that I stepped down. I stepped down because I started thinking about, you know, it's hard to think of. I know you're only 30, but it's hard to think of. It's hard for me to even say how old I am. It's like, holy God, that can't be right.

So he's blaming it on, you know, it's just his age and he had to step around for somebody younger. But we all know that's not true. He showed himself. He couldn't fucking put a sentence together during the presidential debate with Donald Trump. That's really what it was. But then it got to this threat part. Watch this clip. Then he just wouldn't go. He was like a bug. He just kept being there. He was like a bug right there. So you felt.

Whoopi Goldberg is calling Donald Trump a bug and saying he's like a little fly buzzing around. Donald Trump's I mean, Joe Biden slapped his hand on the fucking table as if he's like squashing the bug. They have no problem doing the show. But if you do it, you go on a list. Be a problem. That's right. Be a fucking problem. That wasn't just Biden. Even his own commerce secretary calls on Democrat supporters to deal with Trump. Quote, let's extinguish him for good.

You know, I remember that bloodbath comment that Trump made about the economy and how they took that and fucking ran with it. But you literally have people saying...

Oh, it's going to get worse. Let's extinguish them for good. It's going to get worse. These people are desperate. They know there's no accountability for them. They don't get punished. They don't get drugged through the media. Nothing happens to them when they say anything. Anybody who's on the other side says two fucking things and you're on some sort of watch list and you're all over the fucking news and blah, blah, blah. But these people get total immunity to hate with impunity at whatever they decide they want to hate.

You know, and dude, that's wrong. And the people should stand up against that. And the next time you guys see someone who is on the middle to the right side getting destroyed, you should all stand up and speak up for them. Let's check this out.

He says is the opposite. It's just another lie. Like, how did we get here? Let's extinguish him for good. We have an answer. We have a remarkably talented candidate who is sincere, who's pragmatic, who's open. Let's just get it done. Who?

What candidate is she watching? These people are total liars, dude. They're complete liars. You have Kamala Harris, who was just endorsed by Dick Cheney, the biggest warmonger that's ever existed in the United States. She was also endorsed by every Hollywood actor with the exact same line of endorsement. She was endorsed by...

The IRS, you know, and I don't know about you, but, you know, when the IRS came out and endorsed her, that pretty much got me, dude. Like, I'm definitely switching my vote. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to vote for her. Like, we got all these people. We got this diddy shit, and people keep saying, oh, this diddy shit's a distraction. No, dude, it's all intertwined. It's all intertwined to their sphere of influence.

Okay? We got all these things happening at once, and they're all related. They're not unrelated. And, you know, fuck, dude. You know, people...

They're delusional. Bro, if you need any more reason, you know, this also comes out today. Walls blasted for huddling with George Soros' son at New York City luxury apartment. Billionaire nepo baby. Yeah, so Tim Walls, vice presidential candidate, was blasted on social media this week for visiting the upscale Manhattan apartment of Alex Soros, the son of billionaire liberal mega donor George Soros. He even posted it on Twitter.

Alex Soros dig saying, quote, honor to host governor at Tim Walls at my home in New York City, with a few various pictures of them being there, to which he was destroyed in the comments. Both of them saying that, like this one person said, if this doesn't convince you to vote for Trump, I don't know what else will. Another person wrote with respect, probably not helpful for you to to put yourself in the story like this. Yeah.

How many tampons did Tim Walls offer you, Alex Soros? And more importantly, how many did you use? I think it's also to the stamp of approval. You guys own him now. And you guys can go find out who you guys are on your own. You got Zelensky campaigning for these people. You got the IRS backing them. You got fucking...

Alex Soros and George Soros backing him. You got the view. Whoopi Goldberg. Yeah. That stops it for me. Like, dude, the more people that endorse her, the more it's like it's pushing people towards Trump. It's all the wrong people. Like, bro, Dick Cheney is going to get your fucking kids killed, bro. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, man. Yeah.

I think people, I think most people understand what's going on. I think even people who are Democrat understand what's going on. Guys, do you understand what's going on? Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's go to Cruz. Who is that woman? Why is she standing in front of Israel flags like that? That's the lady who said, let's extinguish Trump. Is she a dual citizen? Do we know? Like half of our government? Wouldn't be surprised. Yeah.

Educational purposes only. Yeah. Guys, let's throw down the comments. What you guys think? With that being said, let's go cruise some of these comments. This first comment comes from Welding Lord. It says, if you want to know what Andy will be like on cocaine, see Macho Man Randy Savage. Oh, yeah! Yeah!

Ric Flair. I can see it. Yeah. I can see it. I don't know. I can see it. Do the shirt rip. Huh? Right now? Yeah. Yeah, you want me to? Yeah. Do that. Dollar. Bro, I'm saying. Go viral. 20 bucks, 20 bucks. Anything for the gram, man. That's right. All right. Yeah, thanks, Welding Lord. This next comment comes from William Cole 6338.

I have dyslexia. William Coles, 63, 48. He says, quote, what would I do if a man wanted to hang out with my daughter? I'd buy the cheapest wood chipper I could find so it stalls out halfway through. No, man, you got to get one of them old wood chippers, you know, the kind you turn. Hand cranks? Yeah, that's right. I don't even know if they make them, but we can make them. We're going to make our own thing. A hand cranked wood chipper. I like it. Yeah. I like it. I just wouldn't want like the...

That way you really got to be committed. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's like you got to put a little muscle behind like how hard like I mean like two people Okay, it's like a two-man like those old two-man sauce. Yeah, you know, I think two people committed it shows unity builds camaraderie You know I'm saying we're committed we start to hear the crunchies You know, but you got to keep going You got to get through the hard part. Yeah, I like it. Will you yeah, all right last comment

It comes from at Dimitri Prongo.

48 90 he says uh don't fuck us up andy and tell us this bullshit about my favorite vegetable the onion well bro you got a lot of hate on the onion really yeah well people say you know that's nobody likes to be made a fool of you know when they fall for jokes it feels stupid y'all fell for a joke and i'm sure you feel stupid about so you do like onions no i didn't fall for the joke you all fell for the joke including all the people who are mad all you motherfuckers that are mad

Go eat an onion and realize that you were the joke. Nobody eats a fucking onion out of the ground. Yeah, nobody does that. Hold on. We cook the shit. Listen, dude. Okay, so the first time ever you pull this thing out of the ground and you're like, you take a bite of it. Nobody does that. Back in the day, you think they knew to cook this shit that grew in the ground? Yeah. No, they didn't. They cooked carrots. It was a joke. You can eat carrots raw.

Yeah, but you can cook them too. They make snooze and shit. Listen, it was a joke. That's my official stance, and y'all fell for it. So be mad at yourselves. A mushroom and Swiss burger with fucking grilled onions on there? Bro. Bro, we're talking umami. Listen, man, you shouldn't have. Listen, it's okay to be wrong.

It's okay to be wrong. All you got to do is say, hey, I was wrong. You know what I'm saying? I understand. We get made fun of and we fall for jokes and shit. French onion soup. That's not even real food. What do you mean? It's a soup. For peasants.

It fell for the joke. That is actually true. Okay. That's true of the recipe. That's true. Onion rings? You don't fuck with onion rings, bro? That's different. Oh, no. Hold on. That's different. No. That's different. How the fuck is that different? Because it's mostly fried breading. A blooming onion? You have a blooming onion? I don't eat that one. The only onion rings I'll eat are from Culver's because there's no onions in them. It's just fucking the fried part.

I can't help it you guys are low IQ and you fell for the joke. You're grifting, man. No, I'm not.

I see past the bullshit. Guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans. Keep liking. Keep commenting. Yeah, keep them onions out of your mouth. And keep the onions out your mouth. Yeah. And then your soups. Guys, let's keep this cruise moving. We got headline number two. This is a great story. I like to be. If onions are so good, how come nothing is flavored like onions? Onion rings? No. Why don't they make drinks flavored like onions? Why don't they make fucking popsicles like onions?

They don't make onion shit. They don't make carrot popsicles either. They make Funyuns, which, who eats Funyuns? Okay, that makes sense. Guilty as charged. That makes fucking sense. Bro, Funyuns are delicious. Do you think anything's not delicious? All right, touche. Touche. All right. I'm a fat kid, bro. I am fat at heart, and there are still things I won't eat. There's things I won't eat. Like what? So... Yeah, that's what I thought. Um...

I don't. All right. Let's go on to the headline number two, bro. We'll save you some embarrassment. This is a great story to talk about. This is a great headline. Great topic right here. Headline number two. Stay with me, guys. Headline number two reads, Biden-Harris DOJ sues Visa over alleged debit card monopoly. Okay. Interesting, right? Let's dive into this a little bit. A little financial news for you guys. The Department of Justice

Announced Tuesday that it has filed a lawsuit against Visa, alleging that the company holds an illegal monopoly over the U.S. debit card market, Fox Business reported. The DOJ alleged that more than 60 percent of debit card transactions are processed by Visa, which charges over seven billion dollars in fees for processing transactions.

The DOJ also claimed Visa was able to monopolize these transactions by illegally tamping down the competition. The DOJ pointed to how Visa insists upon exclusive arrangements with merchants and banks while it, quote, insulates itself from competition and smothers smaller, lower-priced competitors, quote,

We allege that visa has unlawfully amassed the power to extract fees that far exceed what it could charge in a competitive market. Attorney general Merrick Garland said in a statement, quote, merchants and banks pass along these costs to consumers, either by raising prices or reducing quality or service. As a result, visas unlawful conduct affects not just the price of one thing, but the price of nearly everything. Uh,

The DOJ's lawsuit alleged that Visa, quote, induces would-be competitors to become partners instead of entering the market as competitors by offering generous monetary incentives and threatening putative additional fees. Instead, the company engages in a, quote, deliberate and reinforcing course of conduct to cut off competition and prevent rivals from gaining the scale, share, and data necessary to compete for customers. Now, you have that. Okay.

Cool. Now do social media companies. Cool. Yeah. All right. But like DJ, like how is this news? What's the news here? All right. Well, it's juicy. Read this. I bet. Go ahead. I was going to guess. I bet it has something to do with them not getting their cut of some sort. Okay. Maybe I'm wrong. Probably not though. Read this headline. Nancy Pelosi's husband dumps over 500 K in Visa stock weeks before DOJ's antitrust lawsuit. Hmm.

That sounds like a little bit of insider trading to me. It's almost like he knew it was coming. Almost. She's the best stock picker in the world. I thought it was still fucked up in the hammer stuff. Dude, they steal your money. Then they invest their money. Then they know the details of when the things are going to happen, so they never lose with your money. But you don't want privy to any of that information. Nope.

We know how to invest your money better than you, clearly. Bro, these people, man. Dignity. So Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, dumped over $500,000 worth of Visa stock just weeks before the Department of Justice slapped the financial giant with an antitrust lawsuit, according to the New York Post. The timing couldn't be more suspect. Visa, one of the most dominant players in the debit card market, is now facing charges of monopolizing the industry.

We just covered that. But if you go to Twitter...

Did you know Nancy Pelosi has a stock tracker? Like there is a group of guys. It's fucking amazing. Yeah, it's amazing. And they posted this today. It says the DOJ plans to open up a lawsuit against Visa saying they illegally monopolize the U.S. debit card market. Paul Pelosi sold one million dollars, not even just five. It was one million dollars of Visa just two months ago. It's wild. Now they reached out to Nancy Pelosi's office. What do you think she said?

Something stupid. Nancy Pelosi's office, of course, was quick to deny any wrongdoing. Her spokesperson claimed that Pelosi has no involvement in any stock transactions. Quote, Speaker Pelosi does not own any stocks and she has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions. Congresswoman's spokesperson told the Post. But that's not the only time. Like, I mean, this is.

I mean, maybe this was just a coincidence. We know this is BS. We know this is insider trading. Look, if it doesn't matter if they lie, why wouldn't they lie?

If it doesn't matter if they lie, why? Like we all say, oh man, it's crazy. They're lying. Well, if there's no repercussions and no accountability, what difference does it make if they lie or not? No shit. They're lying. We all know they're lying. Everybody in the world knows they're lying, but nobody's doing anything about it. Right. So they continue to do it. If you could steal...

hundreds of millions of dollars and just say, eh, I didn't do it. And you knew you were going to get away with it. She didn't do it. Yeah. She didn't do it then. She said she didn't do it, so she didn't do it. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. How does anybody think any different? Bro. How does anybody think any different?

Like, what do we do? Use your logic mind. Bro, just the simple fact that their returns and their dividends and shit, like their fucking, their return on investment. When you look at the numbers, they are almost quadruple that of a normal stock portfolio. You can't achieve that without knowing what the fuck is happening. Yeah. And nobody's doing anything.

Like he did it just in fucking December. Would you stop if nobody did anything to stop you? You're making all this money? Don't fix if it ain't broken. Yeah. What are they saying? But yet, they over-regulate and over-tax every legitimate business in the country. $600 if you send somebody on Venmo or Cash. That's right. They're tracking your transfers on PayPal over $600. But these people can lose trillions of dollars off the balance sheet for the Pentagon. They can...

you know, trade any stocks they want, make as much money as they want. Every single time they get called out, all they do is say this shit. Oh, Speaker Pelosi denies any wrongdoing. And that's that. So until there's accountability and until there's enough people that are pissed off,

Nothing's gonna happen bro. He just did this shit in December - I Didn't do it for 30 40 years dude. Yeah 20,000 shares of Google a month before the DOJ filed their antitrust lawsuit against Google in 2022 he exercised 1 million there was somewhere around 1 to 5 million dollars again with Google the alphabet on call options and

That same year he also sold all of his Nvidia stock one day before Congress was set to vote on a bill that would boost domestic production and cancel those kind like there's plenty of evidence there's no I didn't know that Nvidia was canceling their fuck you know I'm saying like I didn't know that we didn't know that but these people sit on these fucking committees they know this stuff my here's my suggestion to fix this I say we get all of these fucking people anybody that has any stocks they sit on any of these committees and they have those stocks in those committees that oversee that shit and

Take all of that fucking money. Let's, what do they say? Divide the wealth. What do they say? Right? Yeah. Let's do that then. Because these motherfuckers are wealthy. The redistribution of wealth. Let's start with them. Let's do it. And then on top of it, you know, when we look at these things and we consider what's actually happening, did you see the video that I posted on my Instagram of that family in Ohio who was very poor and

And they were talking about how the migrants had $30,000 on their EBT card. I saw that. Yeah. It's wild. Everybody should be paying attention to what's happening here. It's wild, bro. It's wild. But yeah, no, no. And then on top of that, yeah, let's hammer Trump. You know what I'm saying? He's going back to court right now for that civil fraud case they have where he's almost at half a billion dollars. Let's definitely beat up on him. But nothing with Pelosi or anything. That's fine.

Yeah, guys, these people should, man, everybody knows what's going on. I've been talking about it for four years. These people need to be held accountable.

Legitimately, they laugh in our fucking faces dude. They laugh in our fucking faces About how much money they steal from us what they do with it. We're just dumb little plebes They got all these working-class people barely being able to survive while they're building yachts and disassembling bridges To move the yachts through like all of these people. It's wrong. It's just wrong, dude

It's criminal and it's wrong. What's happening? And they think it's okay, dude. And then they tell these people, the working class people, that people like me who create the jobs and employ people and sponsor, you know, all the little league games and the teams and do all the shit in the community that we're the devil. We're the bad guy. We're the reason that the working class can't get ahead. And these people are fucking legit just stealing the money, just stealing the money.

And then investing it, going into office, word nothing, coming out worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And people are still, they believe anything these people say. It's absurd. It's absurd. Yeah. Guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. That being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three.

Gotta get back to Diddy, man. Diddy, Diddy, Diddy. Diddy? Diddy, Diddy. Diddy did it. Yeah. Diddy did it, man. Headline number three. Let's dive into this. We got a couple of interesting things happening here. First things up, Diddy's lawyer, he has a bizarre explanation for why he had so many bottles of baby oil. Yeah, because they're all filled with drugs. Oh, man. Yeah, but Sean. Could be GHB, could be liquid cocaine, could be all kinds of shit.

You know what I'm saying? It's true. Sean Diddy Combs' lawyer claims the rapper was found with so many bottles of baby oil in his home because the star likes to buy in bulk like any other American.

That's the best they got bro this guy's probably like the most expensive lawyer in the world This is like they're sitting in the back room be like fuck. I'm gonna tell them just what are we gonna fucking Costco, bro? I like Costco's pizza man What can I say man it's a bargain

You show me a picture of Diddy in Costco with a fucking pizza and some samples next to the old lady at the thing and a carton of lube and we can have a discussion. But that picture does not exist because it's a lie. No. Mark and Felilio.

was responding to claims by federal agents that they confiscated 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant from Combs' home in Miami and Los Angeles as part of a raid linked to a probe into his alleged sex trafficking empire. Quote, I don't think it was 1,000. I think it was a lot. I mean... So it was more than 1,000. This is the lawyer speaking, bro. Yeah. I don't think it was 1,000. I think it was a lot. I mean, there is a Costco right down the street. Yeah.

I think Americans buy in bulk, as we know. Oh, man. I'd be getting my money back, bro. Dude. He continues saying, quote, and you know, these are consensual adults doing what consensual adults do, you know? We can't get so puritanical in this country to think that somehow sex is a bad thing, because if it was, there would be no more people. In other news... This is the best. Bro. His...

a gazillion dollar an hour attorney can come up with. Listen, so you're going to jail for about, you're going to jail. You're going to jail for about ever. Not a thousand years. I don't think it's that much, but like 900. You know what I'm saying? We like to give it to you in bulk. Americans go to jail, right? You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, what the fuck, man? Fire this guy. He ain't it, man. Oh my God. The evidence must be super bad. Like it must be way worse than what we think. Well, it is. If that's the shit that he's coming out with,

He knows they got him. Listen. And feds don't typically go into a case unless there's a high chance of conviction. 1,000%, man. And by high chance, I mean like 99%. Yeah. That doesn't include the fake convictions where when people don't cooperate, they put child pornography on their computer, which happens. Yeah. Those are 100%. Yeah, they get 100% conviction on that. Did you notice how the...

It's always that way. You know, the people who, there's a lot here. Anyway, continue. In other news, did you see Sean Diddy Combs was moved into the same jail housing unit as Sam Bankman Freed? You think they're going to do business together? A little Shawshank Redemption. Yeah. Yeah.

Sean Diddy Combs, who was arrested last week on allegations of sex trafficking and racketeering, is being housed in the same living space of a federal detention center in Brooklyn as disgraced former crypto exec Sam Bankman Freed. Three sources familiar with the matter tell NBC New York. Combs and SBF, as Freed is currently commonly known, are both being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

Now, the sources describe the unit as a barrack style area currently housing about 18 to 20 inmates. These inmates range from high profile defendants like combs to cooperators, inmates who may require special protection. The area is separate from the overall general population unit, but is commonly shared living space. Sources tell NBC New York now.

While they're getting their Shawshank Redemption on, there was a very interesting interview that came out yesterday, actually. Suge Knight starts to talk. Have you seen this? No. This shit is wild. Okay, so Suge Knight...

calls out Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, and more rappers for staying silent amid Sean Diddy Combs' sex trafficking arrest. So Suge Knight, who managed Tupac when the late MC was in a rap war with the Notorious B.I.G. and Sean Diddy Combs, is speaking out on the farmers' legal issues and slamming those who are mum. Let's just watch the clip. Check this out. Okay, look at it like this.

I look at real playing itself. Ain't no whistleblower. Facts is there. But right now, I don't care if it's T.I., I don't care if it's Rick Ross, I don't care if it's Jay, I don't care if it's Snoop, I don't care if it's Game, I don't care if it's Dre. Nobody's stepping up on the fact that

You know what's going on. Nobody's defending him. You're right. You're right. Nobody is defending him, but that's why I was interested in hearing your perspective. Okay. Okay, but you have a guy named Cubby. He used to work for Interscope. This guy's job was to bring underage girls and girls to have sex with employees and other artists to the point where his friend got caught up with the same thing, how they read it,

Puppy house is six. They raided his friend house. You have 60 seconds remaining. He never was on. Sure. Can you say something? Can you say something? Look at the whole situation because you only got. I mean, everything I'm saying is positive. And I'll have to call right back. All right. Sure. You call back. Do you think like that? Do you think that we can do so? Do you think Diddy knows enough that?

It's a very delicate balance that maybe investigators will want to know these other names and greatly reduce his exposure to criminality to time versus what people would do to keep him quiet. Number one, I've been known him a long time and we was friends. We're not enemies, but we were friends. He's not a dummy.

So he's smart enough to work his magic. On top of that, this man right here, he's been involved with the FBI for most of his career. He got powerful people. One of his partners who started his company with drug money, President Obama, got him out of prison. So it's not like she don't have no moves.

I don't think nobody should discount him out. I don't think he's going to lay down and just crawl in the corner and die. He's probably going through a lot of shit right now because he's probably going through a lot of redraws for the drugs. But the industry got him on drugs. One of the worst mistakes I could have made for protecting my artist is doing a deal at Interscope. When my artist used to pull up in valet, the Murdoch building, they'd get out, they'd smell like weeds.

When they made it to any office, it would smell like weed. Those guys, for my artists, they'd induce cocaine to my artists. So what they got on cocaine, what they got on drugs, what they got on alcohol, and that's when the weird stuff happened. And I think that's what took Buffy down that lane. You got to remember, Clyde Davis, Russell Simmons, Anja Arreo. You got to believe it. Alcohol, drugs,

He compromised his manhood. Because he was taught that. He got ushered as a kid. Now, with that, there's also been a bunch of pictures that have been getting released recently.

If you guys are watching on YouTube, if you guys are on audio, come check it out. A bunch of pictures have been released since all of this is coming out now, pictures with him with very notable figures. I mean, bro, I don't really put too much stock into pictures. Like, look, dude, this dude was one of the most mega famous people on the planet, so he takes pictures with everybody. So let's at least be...

For sure. Okay. Just like Donald Trump's got pictures with Epstein when he was at the fucking club before Trump told on him and got him kicked out of the club. Right. All right. Like we got to be, you know, unless the pictures are showing criminal activity, which a lot of them probably do because we haven't seen a lot of them.

you know, we gotta be real about it. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, but still, that looks like a fucking party. No, it does. The only problem is, like, I mean, who are, how old were these girls? Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Because, and like, allegedly, um,

They've recovered thousands of videos. Yeah, no, hey, I'm not standing up for them. I'm just saying, like, I don't like... Show me the pudding. That's all I'm saying. I don't like that. I don't like that shit, bro. I've had that shit happen to me before. I don't like that shit. We got to look at the real shit, okay? And I don't care if I fucking hate someone or love someone. Like, let's see the real shit, bro. Let's know what's really going on. I'm really tired in America of...

All this hush-hush, top secret, you public can't know what's going on type of shit. And then we're just supposed to trust these people, like in the last story, who steal hundreds of millions of dollars from the American people. And the media who clearly weaponizes against people they don't like.

And we're supposed to just take their word for it. Now, do I believe that Sam Bankman Freed is who the fuck they said he is? Yeah, I do. I also believe that Sam Bankman Freed was a young man who was manipulated by

into running a money laundering scheme for these very same people who are now prosecuting him. So do I think Puffy is a bad dude? Yeah, I think Puffy's probably a pretty bad dude. I think when you really dig into it, it makes a lot of sense to me that he had both Tupac and Biggie killed. That's my opinion because it made his career. When you look at Biggie's first album after he died, what was it called? It was called Life After Death.

It was one of his biggest albums, and I think his biggest album. It was a two-disc set. I know young people don't know about discs. It's a disc. Yeah, but it was a... Am I right or wrong? It had Mo Money, More Problems on it, which was the hottest song for three years in a fucking row. Every single... Like, why? And by the way, there's a whole bunch of songs on there with Diddy. So...

What benefits did he more does it benefit did he more for notorious big to continue being a legend or does it benefit did he more to remove him from the equation and make a martyr out of him and then build his own career so when I look at all these things this dude has motive to do all of these things and I think at some point in time. This is my opinion I think at some point in time he got caught doing some badass shit some bat maybe those two things and

And they said, hey, that's OK. You're going to work for us now. And this is how we're going to do this. And we're going to invite these people to these parties and we're going to get them on tape or on video. And we're going to, you know, tell them to say these things and do these things when we need them to. Otherwise, they continue to be rich and famous and powerful. But when we need you to make a statement about COVID or we need you to make a statement about politics or we need you to make a statement about Ukraine or Black Lives Matter, you're going to fucking say it.

or else we're going to do this. And that's what I think is going on here. And when you think about, like, I was talking to one of my really good friends, um,

No, actually I was talking to my dad. My dad was like, how do they get all these people to say all the same thing? And I was explaining him like these little operations and he's like, you really think that's what's going on? Absolutely. Yeah, that's what's going on. That's why they won't tell you who the Epstein guest list is. That's why they're not telling you who's implicated in this. You know why? Because the people that are busting these people are the people that are on these videos and lists. And they need the operation to keep going. Yeah.

That's right. You know, like, that's always my question. It's like, you know, like, did it get... Bro, any of these people, bro, any of these people who died mysteriously, okay, Isaac Cappy, Aaron Carter, all these celebrities, Corey Haim, like, all of these guys who have been kicked out of Hollywood, Mel Gibson, they're all saying the same shit, and they're all blackballed from Hollywood. Why is that? If it was total BS...

Then why are the people talking about this all of a sudden being killed in mysterious circumstances? Why are the people who bring this to the light all of a sudden being blackballed out of ever being in a movie or ever being in Hollywood or ever getting a record deal ever again? Why? Okay. Like that's real things that are happening. And,

You know, I think at this point in time, there's a big, I don't know if it's the majority, but there's a lot of people that understand that we do live in a matrix that is controlled by very powerful people. All of the information that we get from the,

mainstream media at a national level, all of the information that we get from major mainstream celebrities, all of that shit is propaganda, all of it. And people are figuring that out. And it got so bad that it was built into our movies and it's built into, you know, every television show and all this ideology. And that's when people started rejecting Hollywood and they, the, the movies, you know, started to be empty and, you know, people don't watch these things and like all these flops where they remake these, these,

movies into these, you know, woke representations that, you know, are supposed to be inclusive. People are rejecting it. And so what that tells me is that people are getting very wise to all the pieces coming together. And, you know, I think there's plenty more people like this. We just don't know who they are yet. And that's my thing. Like, I've always wondered, you know, like this shit comes out and like, you

This shit has been going on for decades. That's a fact. This Diddy empire, the allegations against him, these are things that have been happening for decades. Yeah. Okay. Almost 30 years with him. So why now? That's always been my question. And I feel like there's only two reasons of why this shit gets popped now and why he's getting these charges now.

I think the first option is that, you know, hey, they just felt like he's ran his course. They've done, you know, they're kind of just done with him. They don't really, they can't really squeeze like all the juices out. They squazzed the orange, if that's a word, right?

I think there's a second option, too. They squuzz? They squoze. They squoze the orange? They squeezed all the juice out the orange. There you go. They squazzed it. They squazzed it, man. They did it. But I feel like there is a second option, too, though. And this might be just the moral high ground I try to take. But, I mean, what if...

It came for the next push that they needed to do, and he just wasn't with it. Like, you know, he finally met his final straw. He had a glimpse of moral, you know, enlightenment. And he was like, I'm not doing it. And then now, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's like when they're, when they. It could be something else, bro. It could be, it could be the victims are starting to come out of the woodwork and they're not able to be ignored because there's too many of them. It could be a lot of different things. We don't know because we don't get told the truth. Yeah.

You know, and I understand due process. I understand. But like, you know, where's that due process like for the American people with the Epstein shit? Right. You know what I mean? Right. Where's that? And it's going to be the same here. Well.

I know this. These guys about to go have a fucking ditty party. Yeah. Well, I mean, like there's probably worse places he could be that he would be less happy. I mean, he's around a bunch of dudes and apparently that's what he's into. Even R. Kelly's having concerts in prison right now. Really? Yeah.

You say what you want about R. Kelly. His music is all right. He's got some good music. Shawshank Redemption, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. I do want to know what people think. What do you guys think?

I mean, to me, I see it very clear, but maybe I'm not seeing it right. Yeah. Let us know, man. Let us know, guys. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. So we're bringing a headline in. We talk about it. You'll get one of those two options. This one's a doozy. Our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads.

Inside disastrous Bridgerton Ball where guests were met with sad salads and dollar store decorations after forking out $2,000 for Regal Night Out. So there's a TV show. It's a Netflix series called Bridgerton. I'm not sure if you're familiar with it. It's not bad, actually. I watch it all the time. It sounds bad. No, it's not bad. It has a great storyline. They fucked up on season two, but like first season was pretty decent. What?

It's a good show. Let us know down in the comments. Y'all fuck with Bridgerton or not. You know what I'm saying? It's a good show. Motherfucker, you eat onions. Yeah. Your taste is questionable. It's a show that- Anybody who eats onions, their taste in anything else is highly questionable.

Okay, I don't smell like fuck good fuck out of your age or two in that like What's that about so it's it's like it's set like an action commando movie action come in No, no, it's like a it's like a crime thriller. No, it's like a horror movie There's I mean this okay, so it's not for you. It's like thriller in there. There's some suspense in there really yep Okay, what what do they wear in this movie? Is this like a?

It's like, you know, like a period piece. It's a period piece where they wear like, you know, big ball gowns and shit. That's what I thought. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, do you do your little twinkle toes dances and shit when you're watching this? You dance around like when they dance, do you dance? Actually, though, at my wedding, the violinist, the song she played, we're all from the Bridgerton. Oh, really? It's a good show.

It's a good show. Anyways, besides the point, um, love it or hate it. Uh, go to Detroit. These, uh, party, uh, producers, producer promoters. Um, they, uh, pitched this, uh, Bridgerton themed party. And, um,

Let's just dive into this. So it was billed as a chance to step into the enchanting world of the Regency era. But Detroit's disastrous Bridgerton-themed ball is going down in history for all the wrong reasons.

Fans who shelled out up to $2,000 for the evening of sophistication were left stunned when they were greeted by dollar store decorations, disposable plates, and a lone violinist instead of a grand orchestra. You know what they walked in saying? Where's the onions? Gullible people, man. Hey, I'd be pissed, honestly. Oh, man.

The only other entertainment was a scantily clad pole dancer who revealed she was hired just three hours before the event. I got some things I could say, but I better not say them. I got some things I could say. It gets way worse. Okay. It gets way worse.

The ball was such a failure that at least one reveler has reported the organizers to police and has plans for a class action lawsuit. While the venue told they would never work with them again. Ashlyn Cook claims she has more than 50 fellow angry guests, including two with injuries, who are looking to sue organizers Uncle and Me.

Quote, nothing in your ticket you actually got, Cook explained. Because of how poorly executed it was, it seems like a scam. I feel ripped off and cheated. They need to be held accountable. She added that previous events run by organizers Uncle and Me had allegedly gone wrong, leading her to believe it was not just an innocent mistake.

Quote, it's sad. It needs to not happen again. This was supposed to be my birthday gift. I'm a mom of two. I care for my disabled veteran husband. This was supposed to be a fun night out. We had such promise, but it turned into anything but what we paid for. Now, one TikTok influencer had this to say.

Wouldn't even call it a ball, wouldn't even call it an event, wouldn't even call it an experience. It was terrible. It was terrible. First and foremost, let's talk about pricing. First and foremost, $150 bare minimum per person. And it's a spectrum. People pay more than $150 for their VIP tickets, for their experiences, for their carriage rides, for their photo ops, but at bare minimum, $150 per person. So when we walk in, the least that y'all could do is check a ticket to make sure that everyone paid. For people who did pay,

We would like to know that it's an experience that we paid for. I could have not paid and walked right in. That's number one. Number two, pre-event. You all postponed the event.

For September 22nd, the original date for the event was August 25th. Y'all let us know about the postponement August 22nd. But on the same day, sent us an email that said, can't wait to see you all. Upcoming event details, August 25th, began time at 6 p.m. So we were kind of confused to receive that email and then a postponement the same day. So yeah, that's to say. Now let's look at some of the pictures, okay? This is what Bridgerton looks like. Okay, very elegant, elegant.

Very inspired, very demure. Okay. And this is what they got. Hold on. Before we get... Go back. What? You watch this shit. I watch it. I'm not... Listen, I'm confident, bro. Clearly. It's a great show. You must be very confident. It's a great show. Okay. Shonda Rhimes, I believe, is the producer of Grey's Anatomy. Watch that too. That looks...

Fucking it's horrible. Listen, bro. It's not that bad. It's listen. I thought the same right Alex was watching this shit I'm like, I'm not fucking watching that, you know, you sit on the couch like I go back to the first episode. I got ketchup All right, now you got to a point I listen, okay, we're being transparent and honest I started watching the shit without Alex and she got pissed It is what it is, all right I'm proud but this is what this is I would have expected this

And I would have been pissed if I got this. It ain't a real flower in that motherfucker. I want real flowers. All right. Now, one of the lady. That looks like we put on the worst possible wedding reception in the back room of the building. The back room looks better than this. Yeah. That looks like that little room we got over there where we store all the shit. Listen, we could do this.

I would love to. Yeah. Well, you got to take the blame whenever it gets pissed off. No, it's going to be, it's going to be fucking. Okay. We got, I got, bro, I got the suit. We got the suits. We wear the suits. That's different. That's a different suit. Can't talk about that. Same time period. No. So this is one of those are blood and guts. Yeah. Revolutionary outfits.

These are, I wear lipstick, but I'm a dude outfits. Okay. All right. Do you put the makeup on like these guys? Come on, man. Yeah. All right. That's too far. I bet you do. Too far. You wear one of those masks with like the long ass bird beak. I would wear the mask. Yeah. All right. Now this is one of the queen, this is the queen in Bridgerton. You know, very elegant, very demure again. Quit saying that word. This is what they got. This is what they got. Yo.

Now, this is where it gets real fucked up, okay? This lady right here, who's supposed to be Queen Charlotte, right? We see, so that's Queen Charlotte. This is Queen Charlotte. Very respectable. This is what they got. And apparently, this lady right here. Which one? Queen Charlotte. The Queen Charlotte. She was pushing her business card around and telling people to follow her on Instagram. Yeah.

Looks like Miss Cleo. For fortunes. And one person said the queen greeted them by saying, what up, doe? And there's the pole dancer. So now... Classy. Listen.

You know imagine listen under promise over deliver. No imagine being someone that goes to something like this for fucking fun I would no you wouldn't I swear to God I would I'd go right now. All right, who else can produce the show? You just said you would no I would go to an actual like a elevated one yep, I'll be sure you got this shit, bro

you got no i'm saying you got the show you got to show we can do the show right yeah all right you're fired hey man listen yeah i am who i am all right very clearly no do the like we could no from a business perspective right like you you know you put the promise out there you have to deliver the you know so like maybe like some uncle and me business advice for the close your business

It ain't for you, bro. It ain't for you. Listen, there's got to be some real consumer liability here too, bro. You guys fell for this shit. Like you. It's Detroit. Like, come on. Detroit's no different than St. Louis. Detroit's St. Louis. Right. Yeah. But I mean, I'd host this shit in like North Carolina or something. All right, man. Well, good luck with that. Savannah, Georgia. You know what I'm saying? Like Savannah, Georgia, like some beautiful architecture and stuff.

Listen, man, you go do you, you're going to have a lot of free time. Yeah. Go do your thing. It's all good, man. Yeah. It's all good. Just don't invite me because I ain't coming. All right.

Well, guys, let me know if you guys want the invites, apparently. Guys, Andy, that's all I got, man. All right. Don't be a hoe. Share the show, though.