cover of episode 785. Andy & DJ CTI: Top Agents Were Kept In The Dark About Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Visa Over Alleged Debit Card Monopoly & Diddy's Lawyer Explains Baby Oil Bottles

785. Andy & DJ CTI: Top Agents Were Kept In The Dark About Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Visa Over Alleged Debit Card Monopoly & Diddy's Lawyer Explains Baby Oil Bottles

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andy Frisella和DJ Cruz讨论了匹兹堡一所学校对未成年学生进行政治灌输的事件,批评学校利用职权操纵学生政治观点,认为学校应该专注于教育而非政治宣传。他们还对事件中校方人员的言论表示谴责,认为其言论具有煽动性和歧视性。 针对特朗普的暗杀未遂事件,Andy Frisella和DJ Cruz对特勤局的安全漏洞表示担忧,并推测可能存在内部人员故意纵容威胁的可能性。他们认为,相关人员未被追究责任,这令人费解,并暗示可能存在更深层次的阴谋。他们还讨论了拜登政府对Visa的垄断诉讼以及佩洛西丈夫的股票交易行为,认为这可能涉及内幕交易,并批评权力阶层利用信息优势牟利。最后,他们讨论了Diddy被捕涉嫌性交易和敲诈勒索的事件,对Diddy律师的解释表示质疑,并认为案件背后可能存在更深层次的隐情,甚至可能牵涉到更大的权力网络。

Deep Dive

A mother confronts a school official for allegedly registering her 17-year-old daughter to vote as a Democrat without consent. The incident sparks a discussion about political indoctrination in schools and the role of parents in their children's political education.
  • A Pittsburgh mother accuses school staff of registering her underage daughter to vote and influencing her political views.
  • The mother questions the school's authority to register her daughter without parental consent.
  • The incident fuels a broader discussion about political bias and indoctrination in the education system.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss top agents in Pittsburgh being kept in the dark on credible threats ahead of the Butler rally, the DOJ suing Visa over alleged debit card monopoly, and Diddy's lawyer explaining why his client had so many bottles of baby oil.