
Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, th


Total: 520

What liberalism liberates you from. Liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism, all the same, d

Ever heard people say that people and monkeys share 98% of the same DNA? Here is the correct respons

Definition of Happy Warrior. Surprising prediction of who will not be on the ballot in the United St

Happy Warriors know that the more that things change, the more we must depend on those things that n

Why don’t you get a regular “Mental” like you go to get an annual “Physical”? The secret of achievin

Could Germany have repelled the D Day invasion landings in Normandy? Lessons for us today from how G

This show is not for tennis balls floating down the gutter of life! This show is for Happy Warriors

Divorce is everyone’s business. If your neighbors divorce, it is sad for them and their family but i

In the same way that the belief system of superstitious people steers them toward holding false idea

Ep 196 | Choosing a Wife


Why is this about choosing a WIFE and not about choosing a SPOUSE? Is your rabbi a ‘sexist’? Is choo

Shocking but important question to ask: Does mental health covering areas of anxiety, depression, ge

Why so many girl babies were aborted (and still are). The value of building a family. Sons carry on

Mass hysteria is a real thing. Large numbers of people, maybe an entire society swept away by an emo

“You can never be too rich or too thin” claimed U.S. fashion magazine “Harper’s Bazaar” in 1963. The

All Happy Warriors know when they are mistakenly BEHAVING on emotions and feelings. In this show we

Tension between erotic pleasure and reproduction in marital intimacy. If it is only about erotic ple

The astonishing events that occurred when the communist Sandanistas put 500 deaf Nicaraguan children

Your rabbi knows as much about cooking as a clown knows of neurosurgery. But this week he prepared s

Who are our friends? Here’s a bigger question: What is a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Is there such a

The difference between conceiving a baby and having a son or daughter. Respect for parents: Primitiv